Chapter 25 Three Things
"Wei Wuya."

Luo Yang's expression changed slightly. He naturally knew who this person was. In fact, when he saw the corpse just now, he had already made a vague guess in his mind.

When people in the world become famous, most of them will have signs that match them.

For example: martial arts, or weapons.

However, such signs are often not obvious, and most of them can only be recognized by practitioners or insiders with sufficient vision.

This is why people often say that you must have "eyesight" to get involved in the world. If you don't have enough eyesight and rashly mess with someone you shouldn't mess with, your death will be in vain.

But other than that.

There is also a type of people in the world. For various reasons, the "marks" they carry on their bodies will be more obvious. Even if they are not martial arts people, some of them can often be recognized at a glance as long as they have enough experience.

For example: Lian Xing's appearance and hand and foot disabilities, as well as Wei Wu Ya's dwarfism and missing lower legs.

of course.

Wei Wuya is not the only person in this world who suffers from dwarfism, and Wei Wuya is not the only one who has a disability in his lower legs.

But since the person who died this time could attract the attention of both Bai Zhantang, the "Holy Thief", and Lian Xing, the second palace lord of Yihua Palace, it means that this person must be a Jianghu person, and he is also a very famous Jianghu person.

Putting these conditions together, it was not difficult for Luo Yang to guess the identity of the dwarf.

But guessing the identity of "Wei Wuya" was not the key to Luo Yang's change of attitude. The key was that seeing Wei Wuya reminded Luo Yang of the origin of the other deceased in the room.

Said just now.

Most people who are famous in the world have their own "marks", but some of them are not obvious. If you don't have enough eyesight, you may not be able to recognize them at a glance.

Talk about knowledge.

Luo Yang, who possesses "past life memories", may not be considered the best in the world of Kyushu, but he is definitely not bad either.

It can be seen that knowledge belongs to knowledge and eyesight belongs to eyesight. These are two different things.

When he first met the "thief" who broke into the longevity shop, Luo Yang did not recognize his identity because he was "frightened" at the time and acted too quickly, without giving the other person a chance to speak.

Although the other party's dress is a bit strange, it is not surprising that there are countless people in the world who like to wear strange clothes.

The "Green Viper" was a bit rare, but he crushed the snake to death as soon as he took action, so he didn't have time to observe it carefully.

Therefore, although Luo Yang killed the person, up to now, Luo Yang did not even know the identity of the other person.

Originally he didn't care much.

But after meeting "Wei Wuya" today, Luo Yang suddenly thought that among the "Twelve Astrology" where Wei Wuya was located, there seemed to be a snake who used "Jade Phosphorous Snake" as a symbol - the King of Deer Eaters.

Also known as "Jade Snake God".

In fact, Luo Yang really hoped that he had guessed wrong.

Because if the identity of that "thief" is really the "Jade Snake Lord", it means that two "Twelve Stars" have died in Qixia Town.

Is this an accident?

Still a coincidence?

No matter which one it was, Luo Yang felt that things were getting more and more troublesome.

"You guys wait here for a while."

Luo Yang said to Xing Baotou and others behind him.

Judging from the swollen and red body of Wei Wuya after his death, it can be basically concluded that the other party must have been poisoned before his death.

The good news is. Wei Wuya only had two dead rats and seven or eight hardened ant corpses near the corpse, but they were basically invisible beyond a foot.

This shows that the poison on the other party's corpse is very strong, but it will not spread through the air. Poisoning is possible only in close contact.

However, for the sake of safety, Luo Yang still did not let Xing Baotou, Bai Zhantang and others follow him into the room, and he even took out a pair of homemade masks and put them on before stepping into the room.

Two dead bodies.

The body of Lord Jade Snake God has been stripped clean, leaving only a white underpants on his body.

However, Wei Wuya's body was well preserved. Not only was the body not examined, but even the collar was not touched. Obviously, Capt. Xing and the others knew what was going on and did not dare to touch the body easily before Luo Yang arrived.

Luo Yang took out his deerskin gloves and put them on. The gloves were lengthened to cover both of his arms.

After you are ready.

Luo Yang then carefully began to take off Wei Wuya's clothes.

After all the clothes were taken off, Luo Yang's eyes were completely exposed to a horrific corpse with an ugly appearance, short stature, disabled lower limbs, but the whole body was bloated like a ball...
The autopsy took two hours.

First, it is difficult to dispose of corpses caused by poisoning.

The second reason is because Luo Yang conveniently helped and dissected the body of Lord Jade Snake Lord.

The cause of death of Lord Jade Snake is naturally very clear. The Tianling Gai was smashed to pieces by someone's palm. After all, it was Luo Yangdong's hand.

However, in addition to this palm, there is another relatively petite palm mark on the chest of Lord Green Snake. It seems that this palm mark is not as harsh as Luo Yang's strike. In fact, this palm shocked the internal organs of Lord Green Snake with strong force. See It doesn't seem to be very powerful, but in fact it has already seriously injured the Lord Jade Snake.

With such deep internal power, Luo Yang could probably guess who had done it, so it was nothing unusual.

Only one thing.

That is the thigh area of ​​the Lord Jade Snake near the lower body. There are actually two scars similar to "snake bites", and it looks a bit like being bitten by the "Jade Phosphorus Snake" he raised. This is It's really a bit confusing.

As for the cause of Wei Wuya’s death.

It's quite complicated.

From his body, Luo Yang found at least five or six kinds of poisons and drugs.

Among them, the poison is the most powerful and secretive, and it is also the one that really kills him. It is the "strange poison" that makes his whole body swollen like a ball... No, it may be a bit inappropriate to use "poison" to describe it. Too accurate.

To be more precise, it should be regarded as a colorless and odorless "wonderful object" that can easily kill people.

Luo Yang probably had an idea of ​​what this strange object was.


Seventeen injuries, large and small, were also found on Wei Wuya's body, including five serious injuries and twelve minor injuries.

These injuries were not inflicted by the same person.

Therefore, it can be basically judged that the opponent should have been besieged and assassinated before his death, and more than once.

As for Wei Wuya’s relics.

There are not many things he left behind, there are a bunch of scattered things, but among them, there are only three things that are worthy of attention.

They are:
A piece of linen.

A newspaper.

There is also a half-finished "wood carving man" that seems to have been hurriedly carved before death, so that the robe was carved and distorted, and there was nothing above the neck.

(End of this chapter)

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