Chapter 255 Prescription
"Well, theoretically speaking, that's correct."

Compared with "changing souls", "transmitting memories" is obviously more acceptable to everyone.

Because in today's Kyushu, there are already magical secrets such as "mind reading" and "spiritual communication".

In this situation.

Even if there is one more martial arts that can "inculcate memory", it is still understandable.

"Then when will my father wake up?" Ling Chuchu asked.

"It's hard to say. Theoretically speaking, your father's body is only occupied by "Tang Fei's" memory, but in fact, your father is still your father. Maybe one day Boss Ling wakes up and takes over this body. After taking the initiative, your father will probably wake up!"

After thinking about it, Luo Yang finally didn't tell the truth.


The martial art of "Soul Changing Magic" is far more evil than what Luo Yang said just now. The matter of "memory instillation" is not as simple as imagined. When different memories enter the same body, they are not simply divided into several A "personality".

Rather, they are entangled and mixed with each other.

till the end.

As Luo Yang said just now, if you are lucky, if Boss Ling's consciousness can dominate these memories, you may be able to regain a little bit of his former personality.

But once he is unlucky, even if Boss Ling can wake up again in the future, under the impact of the memories of "Tang Fei" and "Zhuo Feng", he will most likely become a crazy lunatic.

Or the memories of the three merge to form a completely new personality.

If Luo Yang guessed correctly.

When the bodies of Zhuo Feng and "Tang Fei's daughter" were buried, one of the three memories briefly woke up and realized the huge drawbacks of the "Soul Changing Magic".

That's why we decided to bury them together in the tomb, in order to prevent this martial arts from reappearing in the world and causing harm to the world.

"As for this secret room, it is not simple. The history of this secret room is much longer than that of Hermitage Village. It must be that the "Chongqing Seven Eagles" chose to live in seclusion here, most likely because of the existence of this secret room."

"The two walls here are engraved with the names of many medicinal materials and rare and exotic animals. If I guessed correctly, this should be part of the "Elixir of Immortality" prescription!"

As soon as Luo Yang finished speaking, he heard an exclamation.


The person who exclaimed was Feng Bo Evil. Although Murong Fu on the side was expressionless, judging from his twinkling eyes, he was probably not as calm in his heart at the moment as he pretended on the surface.


At this moment, Li Si also spoke up.

Luo Yang and Bao Zheng have deduced all the stories to this point, so there is no point in continuing to hide the remaining things.

Li Si continued: "Back then, the late emperor sent a large number of people to search for the prescription for the "Elixir of Immortality", and we were one of them. However, there are only four [Golden Pages of Immortality] recording the prescription for the "Elixir of Immortality" in the world, so how could it be possible? So easy to gather.”

"But then we thought about it. In the past few hundred years, since someone had collected four [Golden Pages of Immortality] that recorded the "Elixir of Immortality", then these people had left "Elixir of Immortality" in the past. There might also be a rubbing of the medicine."

"So after we, the seven brothers, checked a large number of palace books, we finally found a clue."

Speaking of it.

Li Si paused for a moment, then looked at Murong Fu and said: "About a hundred years ago, a hero from the "Yan Kingdom" accidentally obtained two prescriptions for the "Elixir of Immortality". Golden Page], and the name of the heroic hero of the "Yan Kingdom" is - Murong Longcheng."

After hearing the words "Murong Longcheng", Murong Fu, who had been trying to stay calm before, finally changed his expression.

Li Si continued: "Master Murong, this is the purpose of your coming to Hermitage Village!"

Murong Fu was silent for a moment. Finally nodded slightly: "Not bad."

Seeing Murong Fu nodding, Li Si also said calmly: "Speaking of which, these prescriptions belong to your Murong family. Since Master Murong wants them, just go ahead and take them!"

"But there is something I need to remind Mr. Murong. Although most of what "the second" said just now is true, there are some things he did not tell you."

"Back then, the late emperor did indeed refine a batch of "elixirs of immortality" that could significantly delay the aging of life, but over the years, as far as I know, only the late emperor has refined it."

"these years."

"We have indeed devoted ourselves to researching the "elixir of life" for a period of time, but we have never been successful."

"The old people in the village take potions made from the batch of "Elixir of Immortality" we stole from the palace, so they can live long and happy lives."

"And after those "Elixirs of Immortality" are used up, there will no longer be any "Elixir of Immortality" in our Hermitage Village."

Feng BoE asked on behalf of Murong Fu: "What's going on? Could it be that the prescription here is fake?"

Li Si shook his head: "Of course the prescription is true, but the medicinal materials needed to refine the "Elixir of Immortality" are too precious. In the whole world, I am afraid that only the emperors of various countries have the opportunity to collect one or two batches of medicinal materials in their lifetime. "

Hear these words.

Murong Fu subconsciously looked at the walls on both sides.

When he came in before, Murong Fu had already noticed the carvings on the two walls, but his attention was not on them at that time, so he did not look carefully.

But now when Murong Fu carefully studied the inscriptions on the wall, his expression instantly turned gloomy.

Luo Yang on the side shook his head gently. He could probably understand Murong Fu's current mood.

Because long before, when he saw the carvings on these two walls, he had roughly guessed what they were.

All over the world.

Just half the prescription.

It would require five or six thousand-year-old elixirs as the main medicine, dozens of thousand-year-old elixirs as supplements, and hundreds of century-old medicines with properties that are at least a hundred years old as ingredients.

At the same time, the blood, bone powder, internal organs of more than a dozen kinds of rare and exotic animals must be combined as medicinal ingredients.

Such a "luxury" prescription.

Apart from the legendary "Elixir of Immortality", Luo Yang couldn't think of a second possibility.

to be frank.

Even Luo Yang, who owned the [Bronze Cemetery], was not sure of getting these medicinal materials together.

The elixir that lasts for ten thousand years, the miracle medicine that lasts for thousands of years, the treasure that lasts for hundreds of years... these are not hard to say.

The key is the materials on the dozens of rare and exotic animals. Even Luo Yang couldn't think of a way to deal with them.

Let alone Murong Fu.

After searching for treasure for so long, I found out that the so-called "treasure" was nothing but a frivolous thing.

It could be anyone else.

There will be some minor problems with the mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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