Chapter 257 New News
"Hahaha, good wine. I never thought that Brother Luo would carry such good wine with him when he goes out. He is really a person who knows how to enjoy it!"

Dozens of miles away from Jueqing Valley, on the second floor of an unknown tavern, Yang Guo drank the fine wine Luo Yang brought out in one gulp, his eyes suddenly lit up and he was filled with admiration.

Luo Yang's wine is carefully brewed from grain crops grown in the [Bronze Cemetery], and then buried under the soil of the [Bronze Cemetery] for more than a year. Because of the special nature of the [Bronze Cemetery], this Years of storage is enough to be worth thirty or forty years in the outside world.

Such wine.

Even Luo Yang, who is not a good drinker, was amazed when he drank it for the first time, let alone a semi-good drinker like Yang Guo.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaofeng is not here now.

Otherwise, if he knew that Luo Yang had such good wine, Luo Yang would probably not be able to live happily in the next few years.

"Brother Yang, just like him. Speaking of which, why did Brother Yang appear in Jueqing Valley today? Could it be the same as below."

Friendships between men are often established quickly. After a few bowls of wine, Luo Yang and Yang Guo soon became brothers.

Yang Guo shook his head, with some vicissitudes and sighs in his eyes: "I just traveled here and revisited the old place. It's a pity that after decades, the old scenery remains the same, but the people are no longer the same."

Hearing these three words, Yang Guo subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the little dragon girl next to him: "Brother Luo, what are you doing looking for the jade muscle grass?"

"So that's it. When I saw Brother Yang and Master Jueqing Valley standing together today, I thought they were old friends!"

Yang Guo said: "Long'er and I have been traveling around Kyushu these years. When we passed through the Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty, we unexpectedly saw a large amount of [Jade Muscle Grass] in a certain sect of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that it is because of the power of this sect. The method is special, so the disciples in the sect often take the "Yanzhu Dan" refined from [Jade Muscle Grass] to maintain their appearance."

"Brother Luo, what are you looking for when you come to Jueqing Valley?"

Luo Yang sighed, looked at Lian Xing beside him and said: "To be honest, my wife once suffered from disability due to some accidents. Although her hands and feet have been cured now, there are scars that are difficult to remove, so I just thought Find a [Millennium Jade Muscle Grass] to treat my wife.”

Although this result was different from what they expected when they set out, Lianxing could still afford to wait for a year or two, so the two originally planned to return to Daming after meeting Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu.

But now it turned out to be like this, how could it not make Yang Guo sigh with emotion.

The result was unexpected.

"Jade muscle grass?"

"So that's it. It seems that Brother Luo is also an infatuated person!"

Luo Yang's eyes lit up: "Oh? Brother Yang, please elaborate."

"I wonder what the name of the Tang sect that Brother Yang mentioned is called?"

Although Jueqing Valley was not famous in the world in the past, it was a force that no sect in the Song Dynasty dared to underestimate.

Yang Guo looked for a moment, then continued: "If the [Jade Muscle Grass] in the cold pool cannot meet Brother Luo's requirements, then Brother Luo may have no choice but to go to the Tang Dynasty to try his luck."

At this point, Yang Guo smiled and shook his head.

In fact, when he left Jueqing Valley before, Luo Yang had already told Lian Xing all about the [Jade Muscle Grass] on the carriage, and also told him that he had a way to speed up the ripening of [Jade Muscle Grass], and he just had to wait. Just one or two years.

Seeing this, Luo Yang also smiled.

Now Luo Yang actually got new news about the [Millennium Jade Muscle Grass] from Yang Guo.

Things are unpredictable.

The reason why Yang Guo and Luo Yang laughed was entirely because the Jueqing Valley Master wanted to pull the tiger skin and make a coat.

But at this moment, Luo Yang was heard saying: "I have already obtained the [Jade Muscle Grass] under the Broken Heart Cliff before, but unfortunately, that [Jade Muscle Grass] has not reached the thousand-year age." Medicinal properties.”

Yang Guo paused and said, "Yin Kui Sect."

Both Yang Guo and Luo Yang could see the behavior of the previous ruthless Valley Master, who relied on Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu behind him and wanted to show off his strength.

"Is this so!"

"If Brother Luo can start from now on, maybe he can get a [Thousand-Year Jade Muscle Grass]."

Yang Guo asked Xiao Longnu.

"Yang did have a bad relationship with the Jueqing Valley Master, but that was already the Jueqing Valley Master who took office. Although the Jueqing Valley Master back then had a flawed character, he was also highly skilled in martial arts and cunning, and could be called a generational figure. But now..."

What the two of them were laughing about was not about the Broken Heart Cliff territory. Although this kind of thing was not right, it was not a big deal in the world. After all, everyone was doing this now.

Yang Guo's words were obviously an unexpected surprise to Luo Yang and Lian Xing.

Now that I hear Luo Yang's words, I can't help but feel the same way and have a good impression.

For ordinary people, this kind of thing is nothing.

Since Lian Xing's limbs can be cured faster, it is naturally worth a special trip to Datang for the two of them.

The story of the Condor Heroes is also widely circulated in Kyushu. In those days, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu went through many hardships in order to achieve righteousness.

"Jade Muscle Grass, I remember there seems to be another one in the Hantan Cave at the bottom of Broken Heart Cliff."

But the majestic Lord of the Valley of Despair also used such "dogleg" methods, which really ruined the reputation of the Valley of Despair.

Xiao Longnu nodded slightly.

It was precisely because of the thoughts of the owner of Jueqing Valley that Yang Guo was willing to cooperate with Luo Yang and choose to leave Jueqing Valley.

To know.

Hearing that Luo Yang was looking for [Jade Muscle Grass] for his wife, Yang Guo's eyes softened instantly. Even the little dragon girl who always had a dull look on the side turned her head slightly and glanced this way.

Luo Yang raised his eyebrows: "The Yin Kui sect, could it be the Yin Kui sect known as the number one demon sect in the Tang Dynasty?"

"Jade muscle grass."

Yang Guo nodded and said: "Yes, I know that Brother Luo is very powerful in martial arts, but the Yin Kui sect is not an ordinary sect. Therefore, if Brother Luo wants to join the Tang Dynasty, please be careful."

Luo Yang smiled and said: "Brother Yang, don't worry, I naturally know this kind of thing."

After a drink.

Luo Yang and Lian Xing parted ways with Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu.

Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu continued their travels in the world, while Luo Yang and Lian Xing planned to move from the Song Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty to see if they could borrow a [Millennium Jade Muscle Grass] from the Yin Kui Sect.

This journey was longer than the distance between the two of them from the Ming Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, but the two of them had a bullock cart specially built by Luo Yang before leaving, so they didn't feel too tired.

However, the two of them had not yet left the Song Dynasty.

An accident happened.

This day.

After more than ten days of traveling, Luo Yang and Lian Xing finally arrived at the northwest border of the Song Dynasty.

In ancient times, due to factors such as transportation and productivity, most border areas were deserted and inaccessible.

But Kyushu was once the land of the Holy Dynasty. Although it later collapsed and was divided into several kingdoms, the connections between the states are still close.

In particular, commercial trade was frequent, so cross-border business transactions often occurred in the border areas. Some people discovered business opportunities and built inns, restaurants and other places nearby to serve these businessmen.

Over time. It has also attracted many people to live in the border area.

Luo Yang came from the Ming Dynasty, and the procedures were complete. Under normal circumstances, as long as there was no conflict between the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, it would be quite convenient for him to travel between the two countries.

For example, when he entered the Song Dynasty before, it went very smoothly.

And generally speaking.

The procedures for him to leave Da Song will only become simpler.

But this time.

Luo Yang and Lian Xing had just arrived at the border, and they had already noticed something was wrong.

Lianxing sat in the car.

Luo Yang was the only one sitting outside the car, pretending to be a coachman and driving the carriage to the city gate. Luo Yang took a look at the "Customs Clearance Document" in his hand to the city gate guard.

As a result, the city gate guard only glanced at Luo Yang's document, and his eyes immediately changed, but he quickly covered it up. He pretended not to care and glanced at Luo Yang's appearance, and then at the cow behind him. Demon King.

Then he said calmly: "There is something wrong with your "Customs Clearance Document", please wait here."


The city gate guard immediately took Luo Yang's "Customs Clearance Document", turned around and ran towards the city wall.

But the moment he turned around.

Luo Yang gently patted his shoulder with a hand. The hand seemed to be powerless, but the city gate guard felt as if there was a mountain pressing on him, making him unable to move even one step. Do it.

After that, Luo Yang "gently" exerted his force again, turned the city gate guard over so that he was facing him, and then smiled and said to him: "This military master, if you have any questions, just tell me here! Again Why bother to alert the people above? "You're right!"

While talking.

Luo Yang's hand on the city gate guard's shoulder quietly moved an inch towards his neck.

This slight movement was almost undetectable to outsiders, but as the city gate guard involved, he could clearly feel Luo Yang's "little movement" and his face instantly turned pale.

The city gate guard had no doubt that with the strength displayed by the man in front of him, it would only take an instant for him to break his own neck.

own little life.

tasks above.

The two choices only passed through the mind of the city gate guard for a moment, and he immediately made a decision.

"Hehehehe~~ Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, look at my eyes. There is nothing wrong with the Young Master's customs clearance document. The Young Master can leave the customs now."

The city gate guard's expression changed, and he handed the "Customs Clearance Document" back to Luo Yang with a smile.

The attitude of the city gate guard immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Especially those merchants who have been coming and going here for many years, this is the first time they see the expression of the city gate guard here.

To know.

In the past, in front of them, these city gate guards had a "cheating" attitude!
For a while.

Many people have speculated on Luo Yang's identity, wondering if he is a child of a large family or a high-ranking official.

But there were also a few strong men who noticed Luo Yang's arm on the city gate guard's shoulder, their eyes flashed, and they had some guesses in their minds.

However, neither those who were watching the excitement nor those who had seen through the truth spoke now.

After all, the image of the city gatekeepers here is not good in the hearts of everyone. They are eager to see those "watchdogs" in bad luck!

"I'm sorry to trouble this military master."

Luo Yang took the "customs clearance document," smiled and patted the city gate guard on the shoulder, then turned around and got on the carriage.

When Luo Yang's carriage drove out of the city gate, several guard soldiers from the same team were about to come up and ask their captain what was going on and why he was so polite to Luo Yang just now.

As a result, before they could get closer, the city gate guard suddenly took a deep breath and shouted:
"Come here! Catch the spy. That person just now is an enemy spy. Master Pang has an order. Anyone who catches a spy will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold."

The sudden shouting made everyone near the city gate startled.

But soon.

When they heard clearly what the city gate guard was saying, the faces of the soldiers on the city wall and the travelers and merchants passing by all changed.

next moment.

The entire border gate instantly fell into a state of agitation.

"Chase and never let the spy go."

"Come here, prepare your horse, we must capture that spy."

"Ten thousand taels of gold, is it real or fake?"

People in Jianghu and the army notice completely different things.

The soldiers and guards on the city wall thought of spies and merit, while people in the arena immediately noticed the four characters "golden ten thousand taels".

But no matter which side it is.

After regaining consciousness, they all immediately chased Luo Yang outside the city gate.

However, before these people took action, Luo Yang had already asked the Bull Demon King to speed up the bull. The Bull Demon King was a strange beast. Even though it was pulling an ox cart that was more than twice as heavy as an ordinary carriage, the speed he ran at, It still has to surpass many thousand-mile horses.

A large group of people chased behind him.

But as time passed, everyone suddenly discovered that the distance between the two parties not only did not get closer, but instead became farther and farther.

"How is this going?"

Lianxing could also clearly see the pursuers behind him through the window in the carriage.

As the second master of Yihua Palace, Lianxing was naturally not afraid of being chased by such a small number of people, but she was a little puzzled because she didn't understand why these people were chasing them.

"It's probably because things in the Hermitage Village have been exposed."

Luo Yang, who was driving an ox cart outside the car, roughly guessed the inside story. They didn't stay in the Song Dynasty for a long time on this trip, and they encountered only a few things and people.

Among these things and these people, the only thing Luo Yang could think of that could attract the official power of the Song Dynasty to hunt them down was what he had experienced in the Hermitage Village before.

This is also the reason why Luo Yang decisively controlled the city gate guard immediately after he noticed something unusual about him.

"Whether it is the "Elixir of Immortality" refined by the late emperor, or the "civet cat for prince" incident in the Song Dynasty harem, these are the secrets of the Song Dynasty royal family. Once outsiders know about this matter, they will naturally be silenced by the court."

"Since you know the consequences, why did you tell these things before?" Lian Xing said.

"Some things cannot be hidden. What's more, even if I don't tell them, the people in the Hermitage Village will still be in trouble. Now that the news has been exposed more thoroughly, it might actually help them find a glimmer of hope."

(End of this chapter)

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