Chapter 54 Conspiracy
"Hey~ Tell me, if Ximen Chuixue and Guo Xiang heroine really fight this time, who will win?"

"Of course it goes without saying that she is the heroine Guo Xiang."

One of the people in the caravan said without hesitation: "I am the founder of the Emei Sect. I founded the Emei Sect twenty years ago. I am blessed with such magical weapons as the Yitian Sword in my hand. I am now only seventy years old." , enough to be on equal footing with the abbot of Shaolin and the master of Wudang. His seniority alone puts Ximen Chuixue on more than one foot."

After hearing this, another person immediately retorted: "Bullshit, seniority has no use. Don't forget, Ximen Chuixue is one of the top ten swordsmen among the young generation in the world today."

Although there is no so-called "official certification", in today's world, the swordsmanship of Ximen Chuixue of Wanmei Villa is indeed recognized as one of the top ten.

This is not the top ten in the Ming Dynasty, but the top ten among all the sword-wielding young people in the entire Kyushu.

Look at the world.

Only Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang from the Qin Dynasty, Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Taibai from the Tang Dynasty, Ye Gucheng, Xie Xiaofeng, Yan Shisan from the Ming Dynasty... very few people can tie with them.

His swordsmanship is superb and his talent is beyond the limits of his age.

Just like Lian Xing.

Although he is only about forty years old now, he is already a top swordsman in the world.

Even many masters of the older generation cannot make a few moves under Ximen Chuixue Sword.

If such a peerless swordsman were to fight with the Emei Sect's Guo Xiang heroine, it would be unclear who would win.

But this is not critical.

The key to what really attracted Huayue Nu to these words was why Ximen Chuixue and Guo Xiang started fighting?
Hua Yuenu glanced at the merchants, and after a moment of doubt, she quickly withdrew her gaze, came to the counter, and said to the tall and thin accountant behind the counter:

"Get me a room."

"Okay! Let's get a room together."

The accountant behind the counter first shouted, and then asked Huayue Nu: "What else would you like to order? Our store has hunted a new deer today..."

"Just some more stir-fried vegetables and a few steamed buns, nothing else is needed." Hua Yuenu interrupted the accountant's sales pitch and said calmly.

"No problem. You guys can go back upstairs and wait. The stir-fried vegetables and steamed buns will be delivered soon."

Huayuenu nodded, and then led several Yihua Palace disciples up to the second floor.

Two quarters of an hour later.

The waiter brought the food over, and Hua Yuenu first tested them one by one with a silver needle, and found no abnormalities. He also took out a mouse that he had caught casually on the roadside and fed it some food.

After a while.

After confirming that the mouse was still fine, the six people began to eat the meals in batches.

"Hurry up and rest for an hour after lunch, then we will set off."


Several Yihua Palace disciples responded and began to eat lunch in silence.

after eating.

The six people were divided into two groups and took turns to rest.

While the other three were resting, Huayuenu pulled out the sword from his waist. While recalling the news he heard from downstairs, he carefully wiped and maintained his sword.

Traveling in the world is not as elegant and beautiful as many people imagine, and most of the time there are only various inconveniences.

The simplest point.

After killing someone with a sword, there will never be a graceful sheathing posture, because after killing someone with an ordinary sword, if you don’t wipe off the blood on the sword before putting it into the scabbard, not only will the blade become rusty, but the blood will also remain in the scabbard. It will also rot and stink.


The way people in the world do drug testing is not just to poke them with a silver needle and be done.

That's seeking death. There aren't too many poisons in this world that a silver needle can't detect.

More often than not, the most common and effective way for Jianghu people to test for drugs is to catch a few small animals such as mice and squirrels while traveling and carry them with them to test the poison.


Thinking about things in her mind, Hua Yuenu opened her mouth and yawned.

Although they set off at midnight last night, the last time they slept was actually the night before yesterday.

After not sleeping for more than a day and a night, plus six consecutive hours of long-distance running, even with Huayue Nu's martial arts skills, it is inevitable that she will have some difficulties...
"Who is this sneaky person? Get out of here."

Suddenly, Hua Yuenu stood up suddenly, holding a long sword, scanning all directions with sharp eyes, and shouted loudly.

And when she shouted, the first person who was alarmed was none other than the other five disciples of Yihua Palace.

The four Yihua Palace disciples were awakened by Huayue Nu. They opened their eyes instantly, pulled out the weapons in their hands, came to Huayue Nu's side, and looked around cautiously.

But the strange thing is that the last Yihua Palace disciple has not opened his eyes yet.

This made Huayue Nu's face look a little ugly.

Another Yihua Palace disciple who was closest to the unconscious disciple, under the cover of others, carefully stepped forward to check.

"Not dead yet, probably just passed out."

These words made Huayue Nu relax a little.

She glanced around cautiously and said, "Be careful, it looks like there are no one coming..."

Before Huayue Nu could say the last word "kind", there was only a muffled sound, and one of the remaining four Yihua Palace disciples fell to the ground.

This made Huayue Nu's face become even more livid.

She had already noticed something unusual when she first started to feel sleepy.

Hua Yue Nu is not an ordinary person. She is the personal maid of Ying Yue, the master of Yi Hua Palace, in Yi Hua Palace.

Because she was deeply trusted by Yao Yue, Hua Yue Nu also got the opportunity to learn one of the unique techniques of Yi Hua Gongzhen Sect, "Yi Hua Jade Palm Technique".

Although her martial arts is not the best in the world, it is still top-notch.

With her skill, let alone a day and a night, even if she stayed up for three days and three nights in a row, she would not feel sleepy at all, let alone yawn for no reason.

It's just that although Huayue Nu was vigilant enough, she still couldn't find out how they got drugged.

"I don't know which friend from the world is in front of me. If there is any misunderstanding, why don't you show up and see me? Even if you die, you should let me wait until death to understand!"

Huayue Nu spoke again. Because she was now disguised as a man, she deliberately imitated her voice and speaking style to the rougher side when speaking.

It's a pity that her words still didn't get an answer.

And just then.

A ray of sunlight passed through the window and shone on a Yihua Palace disciple who was still standing. In an instant, the Yihua Palace disciple felt that the world was spinning in front of him, and he completely lost consciousness in the next second.

"It's sunshine, close the window."

This time, Huayuenu finally discovered something unusual.

When the two remaining Yihua Palace disciples heard this, they immediately ran towards the window. But before they could take action, they heard three "bang bang bang" sounds in succession. The two windows in this room and the room The door was actually knocked open at the same time.

Then, three figures were seen rushing into the room among the sawdust flying in the sky, surrounding Huayue Nu and the remaining two Yihua Palace disciples.

"Hahaha~~ It's amazing, it's really amazing. The conditions for my [Noon Ecstasy Fragrance] to occur are so stringent, yet you were able to detect it so quickly. You are worthy of being a disciple of Yihua Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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