This mixed martial arts is not serious

Chapter 77 How can the 8 hexagrams in the world be interesting?

Chapter 77 Where is gossip in the world interesting?

"Who is this young hero?"

Following the gazes of the six people, the gazes of Master Miejie and Guo Xiang gradually shifted to Luo Yang.

The first time I saw Luo Yang.

The first impression that came to their minds was youth.

Although some martial arts can restore the appearance, there is still a slight difference between the youthful appearance obtained through the restoration and the real youthfulness. As long as you have enough eyesight, you can basically see the difference at a glance.

Therefore, Guo Xiang and Master Miejie could tell that Luo Yang's face was not acquired through practicing martial arts, or that he was simply young.

It seems that the other party may not even be thirty years old.

The second impression is that this young man has a good skin.


The two of them could no longer see anything special about Luo Yang.

To put it simply, in their eyes, Luo Yang had nothing but youth and handsomeness.

"let me introduce."

Lu Xiaofeng pointed at Luo Yang and said: "This is the divine doctor Luo Yang, who studied under the master Hua Tuo, the master of the Eastern Han Dynasty..."

Before Lu Xiaofeng could finish her words, Luo Yang interrupted quickly: "I only know how to open the brain. As for whether the master who taught me this medical skill is the master of Hua Tuo, it is still open to question."

Luo Yang felt that it was necessary for him to explain, otherwise if this strange misunderstanding deepened, it would really be difficult to explain.

It's just that his explanation can't be said to be useless. It can only be said that Guo Xiang and Master Miejie on the opposite side didn't listen at all.

"It turns out that he is a master disciple of Hua Shengshou. I'm disrespectful."

Hua Tuo's reputation in the Kyushu world was obviously not that high. Just hearing this name, Luo Yang could feel the awe of Guo Xiang and Master Miejie.

Luo Yang: "·······"

"Let's go see the patients first!"

A lie needs countless lies to round it off, but now Luo Yang felt vaguely that his lie seemed to be a bit too much to round off.

Luo Yang is not good at words.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng was mainly responsible for enlivening the atmosphere along the way. While Lu Xiaofeng and Guo Xiang were talking, Luo Yang was openly and honestly sizing up Guo Xiang, a woman who was quite legendary in both her past and present lives.

Guo Xiang is beautiful, there is no doubt about it.

Although she is over seventy years old, time has not taken away much of her grace. On the contrary, the passage of time has given Guo Xiang a somewhat unique charm.

In the words of some LSPs on the Internet in the past life, just looking at Guo Xiang's temperament is enough to get a glimpse of the charm of his mother Huang Rong as a married woman.

of course.

This is not the key.

Compared with the charm of a married woman, Luo Yang was more curious about another thing.

That is the Guo Xiang of this world. Does he have any entanglement with the Wudang Master Zhang?

If only.

If Ximen Chuixue and Guo Xiang really got into a fight later, would Zhang Laodao be so angry that he would slap Ximen Chuixue to death?

Thinking about it this way, this gossip really makes people feel a little itchy.


At this moment, Master Jiejie, who was leading the way, suddenly spoke.

Push the door open.

Inside was an antique room. Lying on the bed was an old man with a skinny face, a sallow face, and a weak breath. He was Dugu Yihe.

"Excuse me, Divine Doctor Luo."

"Master Guo is too polite."

Luo Yang nodded, then walked into the room and came to the hospital bed. He first reached out to feel Dugu Yihe's pulse, and then opened the bandage-wrapped wound on his chest to take a look.

throughout the process.

The others did not dare to say a word, and even their breathing slowed down a lot. I do not know how long it has been.

Luo Yang finally said: "There is still hope, but I need a master to help me."

Hearing Luo Yang say these words, everyone present seemed to be relieved instantly.

Lu Xiaofeng walked quickly to Luo Yang and said quickly: "How much master does Brother Luo need?"

Luo Yang thought for a moment and replied: "It should be at least as high as three or four floors!"

"Then let the poor nun come! Do you think Divine Doctor Luo is qualified with my martial arts?" Guo Xiang stood up and said.

Luo Yang glanced at Guo Xiang and nodded.

"If Master Guo is willing to take action, it will naturally be enough."

In fact, although Dugu Yihe's injuries were dangerous, they were not complicated. Most of his heart veins had been cut off by Ximen Chuixue's sword before.

Logically speaking.

An injury like this should have been fatal.

But at that time, Dugu Yihe happened to use "Qiu Qigong" to reduce his heartbeat and blood flow speed, and fell into suspended animation. This accidental collision just delayed his death.

After that, Guo Xiang used Shaolin's secret [Hundred Days Great Return Pill] to hold Dugu Yihe's last breath away.

Shaolin's [Hundred Days Great Return Pill] is not an ordinary elixir. It uses seven or eight kinds of strange medicines, including thousand-year-old ginseng, blood bodhi seed, Jiuquan jade leaf flower...

In addition, seven or forty-nine kinds of precious medicines were used as supplements, and it took ninety-nine and eighty-one days of refining to get the secret Shaolin elixir.

Even with the Shaolin Temple's foundation, it can only be refined once every twenty years.

A pot of medicine can produce up to nine pills.

Although this medicine cannot bring the dead back to life, it is claimed to be able to prolong the patient's life for at least a hundred days as long as he or she still breathes his last breath.

Hence the name [Hundred Days Great Return Pill].

Luo Yang has never seen the [Hundred Days Great Return Pill] with his own eyes, so he doesn't know whether the reputation of this pill is exaggerated.

But judging from Dugu Yihe's current state, Shaolin Temple's [Hundred Days Great Return Pill] is indeed well-deserved.

To know.

A person who is about to die and a person who is seriously injured have completely different meanings if they both live for a hundred days at the same time.

Because the human body has a self-healing function.

Just like Dugu Yihe now, although his heart had been severed by Ximen Chuixue before, after hanging his life for such a long time, his wounds had actually recovered a lot.

It's just that because there was no external intervention, the wound on the heart vein healed a little crookedly.

The reason why Dugu Yihe didn't wake up now was because the crooked wound blocked the flow of Qi and blood at the heart node. Therefore, if he wanted to cure Dugu Yihe, he only needed to open up this node.

This is why Luo Yang said before that Dugu Yihe's injury was not complicated.

But it’s not complicated.

This does not mean that treatment is not difficult.

Quite the opposite.

Because the heart pulse is the key point of the human body, and although the previous wound was partially healed, it was not completely healed after all, and it was still a weak point.

Key points + weak points.

It can be said that if the treatment process is not careful, Dugu Yihe will die on the spot, and there will not even be time for first aid.

This was also the reason why the famous doctors Lu Xiaofeng invited before did not dare to treat her.

Because to be precise.

It's not that those famous doctors don't have enough medical skills, but they don't have enough skills.

If you want to cure Dugu Yihe, you must have a doctor with both profound medical skills and deep internal strength. He can protect his heart veins with silver needles and then unblock them. This is safe enough.

in other words.

Lu Xiaofeng found the right person when she came to Luo Yang this time.

(End of this chapter)

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