I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 112 The situation in Beijing is very good

Chapter 112 The situation in Beijing is excellent

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Li Lang raised his eyebrows at senior brothers Xue Qing and Xuemang and showed a proud smile.

It's just that the two of them are obviously not too grateful. They were too deeply poisoned. Now they are squeezed into the fragrant sea of ​​meat. In fact, the situation is not much better than before.

He was still sitting upright, folding the clothes in front of him as high as possible to avoid looking ugly.

Seeing how hard the two of them were holding back, Li Lang knew that it was time to give them a chance to leave and let them detox quickly, so he shouted: "Everyone! Everyone! You are here to praise the young monk. The young monk burst into tears with gratitude, and he happened to be coming to the capital. On the way, I happened to pass by a field of flowers, but I saw that the flowers were withered and the spring was no longer there. I couldn't help but feel sad. I wrote a little poem and sent it to everyone at this time to express my gratitude for your love."

After saying that, Li Lang clasped his hands together and bowed solemnly to the many women in the brothel.

When the girls heard this, they immediately stepped forward and surrounded Li Lang. They all wanted to face Li Lang directly.

Although Li Lang said it was for everyone present.

But who comes first and who comes last, who is the real owner and who is incidental, will have to be argued about later.

Just like the hundreds of flowers vying for spring, thousands of fragrant flowers compete for beauty.

"The flowers in the forest have withered their spring flowers in such a hurry. But the cold rain comes in the morning and the wind comes in the evening." Li Lang took out a folding fan from nowhere, waved it in front of his chest twice, and stretched out his hand to signal that he should let go. The woman standing in front of the window pushed open the windows.

The woman who was named immediately showed an expression of absolute surprise. She got rid of her previous delicate posture like a weak willow supporting the wind, rushed in front of everyone at the speed of a cheetah, and pushed down all the windows on the wall where she was. open.

Then he quickly turned his head and looked at Li Lang expectantly and shyly. His eyes were full of obsession and contained no other impurities.

The heat wave accumulated in the hall instantly poured out of the window.

The accumulated aromatherapy power was also lost along with the heat wave, making it difficult for it to have any effect.

Even just now, there were so many people in the hall, and they were all professional women with long experience and extremely high resistance. They inhaled one by one and I also greatly reduced the concentration of the incense.

If you don't open the window, there won't be any obstruction.

But Li Lang opened the window by name, obviously not just for ventilation.

And hear, plop! Plop!
Someone jumped out of the window and fell into the cool pond outside the water pavilion.

The sound of Xue Qing and Xuemang entering the water did not attract the attention of most women.

Only Jiajia, whose plan was completely ruined, was filled with resentment. She gritted her teeth and stared at Li Lang angrily.

It was an opportunity she finally seized.

Only by making arrangements in advance did Xue Qing and Xuemang fall into the trap, they had to be patient and sit in the waterside pavilion to experience this pink disaster.

It's just that she was too greedy and actually wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to bring Li Lang in.

In the end, both ends were empty, and he was actually kicked several times by several brothel girls just now.

If this was not the capital, and the risk of casual killing in the capital was too high, she would have already taken action and killed the few brothel girls who dared to kick her.

"The tears of rouge, the drunkenness of each other, how long will it last? It is true that in life, there will always be hatred, and the water will flow from east to west." Li Lang pinched Xing Nuer's pointed chin and read out the second half of the word.

Many women in the hall exclaimed in unison.

Li Lang admitted that they were acting, but the feeling... was really good.

Few people can refuse such a group of beautiful female fans who know how to provide emotional value.

Even if these female fans have an impure purpose and want to sleep with their idols.

Xing Nuer's pretty face turned red, as if her face was covered with rouge. She looked at Li Lang from time to time, but then avoided looking away, looking at the girl towards her sweetheart, her shyness was vividly displayed.

All I can say is that every oiran is a good actor.

They never rehearse, they are all live. In the lotus pond, two brothers, Xue Qing and Xuefang, poked their heads out from under the lotus leaves. After several rounds of exercise, most of the toxins in their bodies had been discharged into the pond water. They were diluted by the pond water and no longer affected them. of reason.

"He is so high-profile, isn't he really afraid of being reckoned with?" Xue Qing said worriedly and jealously.

Xuemang: "The reputation of Monk Talang has long been spread throughout Daqian. As long as there is no proof, no one will hold on to it."

This is the advantage of having a lower bottom line at the beginning.

Although Xueqing and Xuefang are famous, their style is too high and too reserved, so much so that they are like two pieces of white paper. Even if they are dyed with a little color, they will be particularly eye-catching.

To put it simply, it is easy to collapse the house.

Li Lang was originally a piece of colorful paper, standing among the ruins.

The risk of house collapse is almost zero for him.

When Xuemang explained this, Xueqing became even more angry.

He felt that Li Lang was living the life he wanted most.

At dawn, the warblers and swallows finally left satisfied.

The two brothers Xue Qing and Xuemang, who had changed their clothes, finally reunited with Li Lang.

"Tell me about it! What's going on now?" Li Lang asked the two of them.

After all, he was new here. Although he helped the two solve a crisis as soon as he arrived, when it came to the actual situation, he had to get specific direction and positioning from the two brothers.

"Explain the details in detail. Every aspect of it is complicated and complicated, and we can't explain it clearly. You will understand it if you experience it more."

"But in summary, there are only two things happening recently."

"The first thing is that King Lincheng is targeting our vanguard. He may be trying to win the position of the crown prince. However, this person is not deep in the city and his methods are quite clumsy. He does not look like a king. He may just be promoted by the royal family. Targeting our pieces requires attention but does not deserve attention.”

"The second thing is that ten days later, the emperor will hold a star-and-moon banquet in the Star-Zhaing Tower. We are all invited. This is also the rare time that the emperor has truly confirmed his relationship with us in public since the disciples of the Xuezi generation came out. There is a connection between them. Although the emperor did not admit many things in the past, he only did not deny them, and the relationship with us was inseparable. Therefore, many monks in Qingyang Temple would encounter unexpected events in the middle of their growth."

"And the second thing also explains why King Lincheng attacked us so aggressively. He started to panic."

Xue Qing explained the complicated situation to Li Lang as simply as possible.

And Li Lang understood it as soon as he heard it.

King Lincheng openly arranged for his adopted daughter to seduce monks Xue Qing and Xuemang. It seemed that he could destroy their golden bodies, but in fact he couldn't withstand the investigation at all.

After finding out, although the two monks were displeased, King Lincheng would definitely suffer.

The only reason why he was so anxious was because things had changed so drastically that he had to be so radical.

"Do you know why? Will this time be special?" Li Lang asked.

Xue Qing shook her head.

Xuemang unexpectedly said: "Because of you!"

"Regardless of ability, character, reputation, just talking about talent, you have already surpassed Patriarch Yunxue."

"Even to the point of being unquestionable."

"This is something that many disciples of the Xue generation have failed to do in the past."

When Li Lang heard this, he immediately smiled: "So, our situation is great!"

(End of this chapter)

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