I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 158: Living with a Crazy Fame for 5 Years

Chapter 158: Fifteen years of being notoriously famous

"What does the general mean by this?" Li Lang asked Shen Xinghai.

At the same time, I gave him a look that said I would match the performance.

In Li Lang's speculation, this was still Shen Xinghai's cooperation with the Queen, and it might be part of 'fishing'.

"Hit you!" Shen Xinghai turned a blind eye to Li Lang's eyes. He picked up his halberd and struck at Li Lang with all his strength. His eyes were full of murderous intent, and there was no sign of holding back at all. He was just running for his life. Come.

Li Lang was so excited that he ducked out of the way, breaking into a cold sweat behind his back.

The sharp blade, filled with cold air and the smell of blood, almost swept past his cheek.

If Shen Xinghai had used his magical power at this moment to mobilize a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, Li Lang's head would have been blown off just now.

"This doesn't look like acting!"

"Are you here just to kill me?" Li Lang put away the judgment and luck in his heart and chose to deal with it more cautiously.

"Hahahaha!" Li Lang once again narrowly avoided Shen Xinghai's attack, pulled some distance away, and then laughed loudly.

But in terms of martial arts and close combat, Shen Xinghai's sophistication was not comparable to that of Li Lang.

He didn't even need to deliberately think about it at all.

His moves are simple, direct, and domineering, and each blow carries an unrivaled flavor. For a moment, it is like a cold, solemn, and unified cavalry team, pointing towards Li Lang under the point of his halberd. Attacked violently.

The queen on the city wall was noble and sacred, but she had no intention of making any decisions for him. Instead, she raised her head as if she was still counting the sky lanterns floating in the sky.

Even in Li Lang's sweatshop, the clones practiced non-stop day and night, even with deadly attacks, and they were not practicing fake tricks.

Before Li Lang could change his moves immediately, Shen Xinghai had already stretched out his arms, and the halberd in his hand was cut vertically.

However, while Li Lang was dodging at this moment, he still had the feeling that even if he held up the Divine Map Domain, he might not be able to stop Shen Xinghai's offensive even in the domain.

Faced with this, the average monk may even have most of the courage to resist being taken away in an instant.

No powerful magical means can be used here, so as not to put greater pressure on the not so strong space.

Once hit, it will be immediately beheaded here.

The halberd collided with the Zen staff flying out of Li Lang's sleeve.

Shen Xinghai's combat experience is so rich. Li Lang has only been training for a few years, how can he be able to match him immediately?

The moment Li Lang and Shen Xinghai came into contact, they immediately fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Li Lang was better. After all, he had been mentally prepared in advance.

The Zen staff immediately flew back and fell into Li Lang's palm. Then it kept shaking, and Li Lang himself took several steps back before he stabilized his figure.

However, even though he was tight-lipped, he responded with a very positive attitude.

The dominance and strength in Shen Xinghai's attacks are integrated into every breathing rhythm, and it is completely instinctive.

However, even if this is the case, they are all separated from Li Lang, and they all have the same skills, so the fight is less unexpected and dangerous.

"Today is such a joy. Not only can I express my thoughts in writing and let the people in the whole capital know my thoughts, but I can also fight against a hero like the general. It really makes me feel that I will die without regrets." Li Lang said. , eyes drifting to the city wall.

"Why are you laughing?" Shen Xinghai was finally willing to speak. His tone was cold and indifferent, as if he didn't care about Li Lang's life at all.

Obviously she wanted to watch Li Lang continue to fight with Shen Xinghai.

At this moment, Li Lang suddenly woke up.

He obviously overestimated the Queen's tolerance.

She could allow Li Lang to mess around, but she probably wouldn't allow Li Lang to make another woman's limelight even higher than hers at this moment. "Then you die tonight!" Shen Xinghai kept the word "death" in his words, and his murderous intent was boiling, without any hint of hypocrisy.

Li Lang let go of the nine-ring tin staff, stamped it on the stone slab, then looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back.

Such a gesture of giving up resistance was not enough to make Shen Xinghai give up the attack, but it also allowed him to suspend his offensive.

"A true man, if you die, you will die. You don't care about your own body."

Li Lang said something, and then immediately continued: "However, at this time, I am very popular in poetry, and there is still a peerless poem that I have not blurted out yet. It still lacks some fire. I wonder if the general can wait for me for a while?"

When he said this sentence, Li Lang's voice was deliberately amplified so that more people could hear it.

The conversion is a bit stiff, but it really saves lives.

Many people watching the excitement naturally shouted: "Let him speak! Let him speak!"

The sounds merged into one, and it was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Even if Shen Xinghai doesn't care about the voices of these people and insists on attacking immediately to kill Li Lang, his momentum will be affected by the off-site effects and will no longer be as majestic as before, as if he is carrying thousands of troops. The momentum is average.

The general's momentum was compromised, and it was difficult to use magical powers here. Li Lang could still resist for a few more rounds just by comparing his martial arts skills.

"Writing poetry can't save your life!" Shen Xinghai said with a sneer.

From then on, Kuo appeared in Li Lang's palm, and a trace of sword energy lingered on the tip of the sword.

Li Lang's swordsmanship has never been considered his most outstanding method.

But at this moment, he must try his best to build up his momentum and fighting spirit, otherwise he would not be qualified to fight against Shen Xinghai.

Do you really stand there, holding on to the indestructible King Kong, acting like an iron bastard, and after being beaten up, wait for the Queen to come forward?

Yes, yes!
But tonight he had just pretended to be a big one, and he did it immediately, which was a bit unbearable!

"The plan to join the army in the extreme region is hopeless, and the hatred in the northwest is full of lyrics." Li Lang looked at Shen Xinghai, obviously indicating that this sentence was what he said.

Shen Xinghai was not moved at all, but held his halberd and waited for Li Lang to finish reciting.

As soon as Li Lang finished reading, his halberd would strike again.

"One flute and one sword can bring down a business, and it will take fifteen years to live up to one's reputation." In this sentence, Li Lang was talking about himself.

He is not a madman, but if he is not mad at this moment, how can he have the confidence to fight again?
"Okay! What a crazy word!"

"If you dare to fight against the general, no one among the young people is crazier than you!" Zhang Yuansheng's cheers came from the crowd.

Then more people started to respond.

Monks are not crazy in nature, but nature does not allow them to do what they want.

From then on, the sword energy suddenly increased by three points. For the first time, Li Lang took the lead and attacked Shen Xinghai.

The sword energy is sharp and the killing is decisive, without the hesitation and hesitation just now.

Most things in this world are like this.

Times create heroes, and heroes create times, and they all complement each other. Countless trendsetters who are standing at the forefront of the storm are all temporarily pushed onto the stage.

Before Li Lang, all he showed was his "literary talent", but just having literary talent is definitely not enough in this world.

Now, he just needs a tough battle to build up his 'martial arts' in people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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