I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 217 Offering this monk’s head

Chapter 217 Offering this monk’s head
Across the Juheng Mountains, farther north in the Western Region, a snowstorm that seemed to cover the entire world had just ended, and the cold north wind was still whipping the snow-white land mercilessly.

After it snowed, the sky looked particularly clear, as if all the impurity in the world had really been washed away.

The sky is full of stars, like pearls inlaid on the blue and nearly black sky, like distant gods overlooking the snow-white world.

The snow-capped mountains and icy peaks in the distance stood under the desolate night sky, emitting a different kind of strange light under the starlight.

The gorgeous aurora lingered in the sky, forming shapes like strange horns one after another.

In a vast secret realm of the grasslands of the Western Region, the deserters surrounded Wildfire, their tribal leader, and a group of traitors who had been captured.

Tonight, they will put the traitors on trial to deter all those who attempt to betray the Deserter tribe.

In the square in the middle of the endless pile of tents, a high platform made entirely of obsidian has been erected.

There is an obsidian statue on the high platform. The statue has a ferocious face, and a single horn on its forehead towers into the sky, as if it is still extracting blue from the sky.

Five desert priests knelt in front of the statue and prayed silently.

A plume of black smoke fell on the defending deserter. All his energy was drained from him, and he turned into a charred corpse and fell to the ground.

However, from time to time, someone will still glance at a figure below the high platform and in front of the front row table.

The more he does this, the more deliberate and eye-catching he becomes.

There is nothing difficult to understand.

The horn is the symbol of the barren people and their pride.

In this tribe of barbarians, everyone is born with a single horn, which differs only in color, shape, and size.

"This is a big burden. I must have enough income. After the defeat, we lost too much, including the pasture given by the ancestor god..."

For them, betrayal is betrayal, regardless of the severity.

The crowd immediately shouted: "No! No! No!"

Today, they are not only slaves of the Heihan tribe, but also cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time.

Huang Ren, who was still defending just now, immediately turned pale and bloodless.

The deserted man spoke very anxiously, and the tone in his words was not very clear.

As the Heihan tribe grew, they also lost almost everything.

The roaring sound was like a sharp arrow, passing through the originally high atmosphere.

Most of the desolate people who were escorted onto the stage had ashen faces and remained silent. There were only a few who showed no anger on their faces but did not speak.

The priest snorted coldly, and then said: "In front of the ancestor gods, confess everything you know. If the clansmen choose to forgive your crimes, maybe your souls will still have a chance to pass the test of the Horn of the Sky. , arrive at the eternal paradise.”

"Then, let's make a decision! After his death, is his soul qualified to pass through the Corner of the Sky?" the priest asked loudly to the crowd.

One of them immediately said loudly: "I am Atel from the Najiang tribe. I once participated in the battle of Adan City with the devil army. The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights. Our Najiang tribe suffered heavy casualties. I My father, brothers, and uncles all died in that war, and our tribe also lost almost all its adult males. I was captured by the devil army. In order to survive, I chose to become a spy of the devil army and report to them. Report the movements of our deserted people.”

The priest had already waved the staff in his hand and struck it heavily on the obsidian ground.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, although the imprisoned Huangman seemed to be defending himself.

The detainees kneeling on the high platform all showed a look of joy on their faces.

Surrounding the high platform, the Huang people who were originally from small tribes all lowered their heads when they heard this.

After the priests finished praying, they stood up silently.

No one will cover up.

Their hearts were filled with recognition of the compatriot's roar on the high platform.

"Shut up, you have insulted the glory of the ancestor gods and brought shame to your ancestors in the eternal paradise behind the corner of the sky."

The sounds were so connected that the one-horned statue on the high platform made of obsidian seemed to be buzzing and trembling.

However, at this moment, no one was moved by his words.

"They did not abide by the agreement under the golden tent, and took away our last grain of barley, leaving us to fend for ourselves in the ice and snow, and letting our infant children die of cold and hunger."

The statue behind him is obviously brighter.

"I just want to survive and take care of my wife, my children, my mother, my uncles, my brothers' families."

"However, I swear to the ancestral gods that I was just deceiving those members of the Devil Army and never gave them any key information."

It's like God is angry.

However, the meaning is quite clear.

A dark priest wearing a black robe, with a single horn on his head showing a spiral pattern, stretched out his hands and said: "Sinners who have betrayed the ancestor god, stand in front of the statue of the ancestor god, do you understand your sins?"

The audience was completely silent, and the air was very solemn.

Mu Kun, the leader of the Heihan tribe, pushed a bunch of desolate people whose hands and feet were bound with chains onto a high platform made of obsidian.

But even so, everyone still knows that he is indeed different.

This man only had a navy blue hairband tied on his forehead, which seemed to cover his forehead to hide his difference.

"We only choose to cooperate with the devil army in order to survive. Even if the soul can never rest in peace and always wanders in the cracks under the corner of the sky, I will not regret what I have done."

At this moment, another prisoner who was kneeling in front of the statue suddenly shouted: "The Heihan tribe has taken away the pasture where we have lived for generations, taken away our cattle and sheep, killed our brothers and sisters, and also robbed Gone are our children and our wives.”

"Haya! Go! Kill him and take out his heart with your own hands. Only his blood can wash away the filth on your body." The priest called out the name of a female deserter.

And the Huangren prisoner who was still blaming angrily just now was even more excited now.

He watched a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old slave girl walk under the high platform, and threw a dagger at the slave girl's feet.

With her hands trembling slightly, she picked up the dagger on the ground and walked up the steps step by step.

"Haya, the tribe is watching you! Let us witness your determination. If you prove yourself, you will no longer be a slave." The priest said.

The wandering eyes of the young slave girl Haya began to become firm.

Under the stage, there was suddenly silence and the air was dead.

Many people originally thought that this was just a public trial for traitors.

But now it seems that this is also a threat to those who dare to resist.

If anyone dares to resist the rule of the Black Han tribe, their fate will be the same.

His chest was cut open by his own son or daughter.

Some of the leaders of the Huangren who knew the inside story took another look at the only Ganren sitting in a high position.

This vicious deterrence mobilization was proposed by him.

The Heihan tribe wanted to break through the Baiyuguan and used troops to attack Daqian, heading south.

We must first integrate internally and suppress all objections.

The barbaric people are barbaric and fear power rather than virtue. Such methods are cruel, but they must be effective.

The girl held a dagger, walked to her father and cried, "Father! I want to live like a human being, can you help me?"

The man who was full of anger before suddenly curled up.

He let out a sad laugh, then nodded, with tears in his eyes.

Under the gaze of everyone, the girl stood up quickly, wiped away her tears, and the dagger sparkled in the night sky.


It was accompanied by the sound of an iron tool breaking open a human body.

Bright red blood, mixed with internal organs, fell out.

After the death of a deserted person, their bodies will immediately dissipate in a short period of time, as if their souls have followed them and returned to the paradise of the ancestor gods.

But the bodies of the desolate people who died on the obsidian will not disappear, and their souls will not be at peace.

On the tip of the dagger, there is a bloody heart pierced!
The shrill cries echoed throughout the high platform.

At this moment, people's hearts were feeling cold, and all the barren people from small tribes lowered their heads, no longer daring to look at the stage.

The few tribal leaders who could compete with the Heihan tribe also had solemn expressions on their faces.

If the Heihan tribe is really allowed to completely control and integrate those small tribes, then it will be difficult for them to be the opponents of the Heihan tribe.

Cheng Xu in the audience personally directed this human tragedy of a son killing his father, but his expression did not change at all. Instead, he looked deeply into the distance. A strange flush suddenly appeared on his sallow face, and then he coughed. After making two sounds, a pair of fox eyes narrowed.

"Sir! Are you feeling cold?"

"Go and ask for the witch doctor!" Zhamu, the leader of the Black Han tribe, shouted immediately.

Zhamu is nearly three meters tall. The single horn on his forehead is red-gold with mysterious patterns. It is thick and straight. Judging from the length, pattern and color of the horns, he is a great nobleman among the deserters.

And Zhamu's strength is also among the best in the entire Western Region.

Huangren also practices martial arts.

But they are unable to practice any kind of longevity skill. In contrast, Huangren's natural lifespan is relatively long, and their magical powers are not obtained through heaven's gift, but direct plunder.

Any other creature that has mastered magical powers will have their magical powers taken away as long as their horn is pressed against their forehead.

The shortcut method of acquiring magical powers allows the strong among the desolate people to accumulate strength that is unimaginable to ordinary practitioners in a short period of time.

In frontal battles like Shen Xinghai's, he almost completely abandoned the magical assist style of play. It can be said that it was just to target the powerful Huangren.

In terms of the number of magical powers, he will never be able to match Huang Ren.

Shen Xinghai quickened the pace of the battle and used the most intuitive skills, violence, and vitality to carry out rapid and fierce attacks.

Before the opponent can use any magical power, he will be immediately beheaded.

Facing Zhamu's concern, Cheng Xu waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your concern, Khan. This is an old problem of mine. I'll be fine after a while."

Zhamu said: "Sir! You and I have not accomplished our great cause, so please take care of yourself."

"Tonight, you will live in my tent. There are the best furs, the most beautiful beauties, and the best medicines in my tent. You can use them as you like."

Hearing this, Cheng Xu did not refuse, but narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

He seems to enjoy this attention.

The Hu Tulan tribe held banquets for many days, and word had already spread that Master Chu Lun was going to build a holy city on Gongga Holy Mountain.

Leaders and envoys of Hu tribes, large and small, all wanted to see Master Chu Lun.

Nowadays, many people believe that Master Chu Lun must have mastered the treasures from the past when the Hu people crossed the Youye Kingdom.

It's not just the wealth hidden by Dainichi Temple. There have always been thousands of countries in the Western Regions.

Whether it is a country or a tribe, it is actually just a way of saying translation.

Loulan, for example, is actually a small town in the Western Regions, only about the size of a town in the Central Plains.

It functions as a resting and transit area for caravan hubs.

You can call it a country, a town, or a tribe.

In a true sense, there are not many 'dynasties' that have ruled large tracts of land in the Western Regions.

Among the Hu dynasties, there were only Denglin, which was buried by the yellow sand overnight, and Youye, which was destroyed by the golden tent.

The former princess of Dachu was married to King Youye as a concubine.

And the royal concubine of King You Ye is the princess of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Li Lang didn't say that he had the treasure of the Youye Dynasty, but people's imagination was very strong.

Those with lighter eyelids would only think about how to get this treasure.

As for those who were as ambitious as Nur Abe, the leader of Tulan, they wanted to take away the city that Li Lang was planning to build.

The Youye Dynasty also built a city, but it was destroyed by the war.

Since then, the Hu people have no real strong city that can withstand natural disasters and man-made disasters on the grasslands, Gobi, and deserts.

"No money!"

"This Nur Abe is quite calm and has no idea of ​​investing in the stock yet? Is it possible that he really wants to buy female tickets?"

“Are all investors in this era so unqualified?”

"Then it looks like I have to go out for a walk again." Li Lang was sitting on the hillside, thinking, when a faint fragrance came from behind him.

Amidst the light footsteps, Adalanti walked towards him wearing a white dress and still wearing a red silk scarf.

Only this time, she no longer covered her face, completely exposing her cheeks that seemed naturally tender and affectionate.

Under the moonlight, the beautiful prairie pearl looks like an elf princess walking over in the dark night.

The chiseled face is like the most perfect sculpture between heaven and earth. The black hair under the red silk scarf actually has a dark blue halo if you look closely, which is similar to the color of the night sky. The tall nose bridge is placed on her face. , does not make people feel abrupt at all, but carries an innate sense of pride.

It is this sense of pride that will inspire people's endless desire to conquer.

"She is indeed a beauty!" Li Lang sighed.

Adalanti was not shy at all, but responded naturally: "Thank you!"

Then he stroked the hem of his skirt and sat next to Li Lang.

Li Lang glanced sideways and thought to himself, there was a huge full moon, and it was indeed a prairie woman riding a horse and hunting.

"What is the master looking at?" Adalanti asked, ignoring Li Lang's increasingly frank gaze.

Li Lang said: "Of course it's the brightest pearl on the grassland."

Adalanti was silenced by the nonsense literature. After hesitation, he continued: "Maybe not anymore!"

"If you like me, you can go to my camp tonight."

Li Lang smiled when he heard this: "Your father asked you to entertain me?"

Adalanti said: "Yes! He wants to know everything you hide."

"Then why doesn't he come by himself?" Li Lang asked.

Adalanti looked at Li Lang in astonishment, her expression gradually getting weird.

Li Lang said: "He can ask me directly and I will answer his questions."

Adalanti's cheeks were slightly red, and her expression changed: "I thought you didn't want to say it, Master."

"In order to keep the pearl of the grassland shining brightly, I will tell you everything!"

Facing Li Lang's always indifferent smile, Adalanti's cheeks flew over the red clouds, and then she hurriedly stood up.

"In that case, I'll call my father over."

After saying that, he ran away like a deer in the mountains.

Li Lang looked at her back and shook his head.

Beauty plan!
That’s not how it works!

Not long after, Nur Abe came.

Li Lang chatted with him for a long time on the hillside where there was no third person.

Leader Abe's laughter has never stopped since he started chatting with Li Lang.

It was obviously the 'answer' given by Li Lang that made him very satisfied.

I really thought the beauty trap worked wonders.

The next day, Li Lang's lack of funds was filled again.

Not a single brick or tile of the Holy City of the Sun was seen, and more money was scattered out like running water.

Most of them were used for management and publicity purposes.

It fell into the void, but it was like a huge rock, smashing into the chaotic pond in the Western Region, causing a huge splash.

This further proved the rumor.

As the news spread, not only Hu tribes of various sizes arranged for people to contact Li Lang, hoping to get a piece of the pie.

Even the desert people north of the Juheng Mountains heard the news and began to arrange for people to come and contact them.

Although the treasures of the Yeyou Dynasty theoretically have nothing to do with them.

But as long as you want to find a reason, there are always many ways.

After the gathered tribal leaders and nobles had almost arrived, Li Lang took out a more detailed detailed composition of the Holy City of the Sun, and at the same time continued to describe to everyone the grand scene of the city after it was established.

"What we have noticed for a long time is only the fortress attributes of White Jade City. What we have not noticed is its commercial nature."

"Actually, the commercial nature of Baiyu City is more important than its fortress nature."

"By replacing the commercial nature of White Jade City, we can fundamentally dismantle their powerful army."

"Without money, they can't afford to maintain so many war horses and soldiers, and they can't issue pensions and rewards. Even if we don't fight, they will internally split and collapse."

"Moreover, we Hu people have natural advantages. It is not difficult for us to accept Daqian. At the same time, our relationship with the Huang people is also friendlier than that of the Qian people."

"Once the Holy City of the Sun replaces the White Jade City and serves as a place for mutual trade between the north and the south, then this city will be based on the Golden Mountain."

"In order to keep it in our hands forever, the towering, tall, easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Holy Mountain of Gongga is the best choice." Li Lang said eloquently, with a small number of words and a large number of Hu people and nobles. Very understandable, but can be understood in context.

With Li Lang's promotion, they naturally began to think about how much benefit they would get from having such a city.

"I have planned thirty-six districts and one hundred and eight main streets for this city, and I plan to subcontract the construction."

"Everyone here can pledge part of it. After the Holy City of the Sun is built, you will take the initiative to obtain the management rights of the part of the area that you pledged to pledge." Li Lang began to cast a net to catch fish.

Many people who originally came here for the treasure gradually began to have a new understanding after a period of "baptism" by Li Lang.

With Abe's cooperation, the atmosphere of discussion and anticipation, it was easy to pull it together.

Coupled with the catalysis of alcohol and beauty, the effect is even better.

Individual sobriety is always easily hijacked by the confusion of the group.

Bailong Temple, Guanyin Temple.

The thousand-year-old bell of the ancient temple.

In the main hall where Yun Xue once meditated, two tall and tall monks were kneeling in front of the Buddha, listening to the decree.

"In the Western Regions, there are evil spirits who use the Buddha's name to preach the Dharma, but are actually enemies of the Buddha."

"Dingbo, Dingjue, if you go, you can contact that Xuelang, and use his name to cleanse the evil spirits in the Western Regions, interfere in the affairs of the Western Regions, and open up a Buddhist land in the Western Regions for our Buddhism." A rich voice echoed in the main hall.

Two tall monks said yes at the same time.

One of the monks asked: "Dare to ask the Patriarch! But only the two of us are going?"

"We will go a hundred thousand miles, and you can stay in various temples along the way, gather like-minded monks, and go to the Western Region together to open up the Buddhist land. There are many temple monks, and no one can hinder you." The voice replied.

When the two monks heard this, their hearts suddenly became calm.

Another monk asked: "To that monk Xuelang, are we enemies or friends?"

"Approachable, usable, and killable!" Three words, each word is more important than the last.

It also represents three meanings and three stages.

"Remember! You are here to conquer the devil."

"Since you are conquering the devil, you must be decisive."

The two monks nodded in unison, and then waited quietly without any further transmission.

The two monks cleared their belongings respectively and then leisurely went down to Wulong Mountain where Bailong Temple is located.

"Senior brother! I heard that the monk Xuelang, although unruly in his conduct, is a virtuous monk. We can just get close to him and use him. Why should we kill him?" The younger Dingjue said to the older man Dingbo asked.

Dingbo asked: "Did he break the precepts?"

Dingjue said: "According to rumors, he has never kept the precepts."

"If a monk does not abide by the Buddhist precepts, he will pollute the Buddha's teachings. Eliminating them is like exterminating demons."

"Junior brother must not be arrogant." Dingbo said.

Dingjue said nothing more, just hurried on with his senior brother, looking at the scenery at the bottom of the mountain, thinking about the land in the Western Regions a hundred thousand miles away, and he felt a little overwhelmed.

Going to the Western Regions to open up a Buddhist land, if successful, the two of them will be the same ancestors, and there is no way they will ever become Buddhas.

"Senior brother! I still don't quite understand. It's easier to understand if you're close to him."

"How do we use him? How do we use him?" After walking for a while, Dingjue asked his senior brother again.

Dingbo explained: "Although he is a monk who has broken the precepts, he is also a monk registered in our Buddhist sect in the Middle Earth. If he is harmed by the enemies of Buddhism in the Western Regions, wouldn't it give us the best opportunity to attack?"

"With his abilities, I expect he will also earn a great reputation in the Western Region. If he can win some more attention and admiration, we will vindicate him and win fans."

(End of this chapter)

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