I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 227 Yue Po’s Plan

Chapter 227 Yue Po’s Plan
The theory of breaking the moon has been around for a long time, and there are many far-fetched explanations among the people.

In the understanding of practitioners, the so-called broken moon refers to a day in January when the lunar energy is too strong or too weak, so that the spiritual energy tides between heaven and earth are affected.

Generally, practitioners will choose not to make any breakthroughs in their cultivation on this day, so as not to be affected by Qi.

Of course, monks under deification don't actually need to care too much about this.

In terms of heaven and earth, ordinary people are like a drop in the ocean. There are occasional bumps, but in terms of subtleties, they are not much different from ordinary ones.

Spiritual energy is born in heaven and earth, in mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, filling everything and being almost everywhere.

The sun and the moon are the places where the greatest spiritual energy bursts out. Although there is talk of spiritual veins, in fact, 90% of the spiritual energy in the world comes from the sun, moon and stars.

The influence of the Moon Breaking Day is almost invisible to mortals.

However, Baiyuguan's city defense formation consumes massive amounts of spiritual energy day and night, and its sensitivity to changes in spiritual energy is far beyond that of practitioners.

"Do you know which month the moon breaks?" Li Lang asked.

Through the close contact with Li Lang these days, I can say with certainty... Absolutely!

The conflicts and hatred between them are even deeper than those with Daqian.

And if it was a matter of competing for pasture, lakes, or territory, he would never compromise.

Don't look at this Nur Abe, who gave his concubine to Zhamu Khan of the Heihan tribe, and think that he is a weakling who will unconditionally submit to the barren people.

He has a long, slender gray horn with mysterious patterns. Just by looking at this horn, you can tell that he is a deserted man.

Nur Abe's expression did not change, but he returned to the camp alone, lowered the curtain, and then used his magical power to isolate the environment and avoid being eavesdropped by others.

If the princes do not have the desire to unify the world, then the civil servants and military officers under their command will all be alienated from morality, thinking that "this beast is content with pleasure and is not worth planning."

Li Lang, who was sitting on a hunchback, made a mental calculation and glanced at the huge camel team behind him, knowing that it was time to 'disband'.

"I heard the discussion of these barren people, saying that they want to unite with the barbarians first, and then go south together to carve up the Central Plains and rule the world together."

"Our Great Khan has told me that I must tell the Great Khan that the long-awaited opportunity for the Huang and Hu tribes is about to arrive!" said the Huangren priest.

Do the Hu people have any ambition to go south?

In the Western Region, the racial differences are particularly obvious. The barbarians and barbarians never wear the same pants.

Minister Nur'a breathed a long sigh of relief and thought to himself: "I feel uneasy this time. If it's not because of the incident in the Holy City, is there another reason?"

After about two or three hours, the warrior fell from the sky, flipped over and transformed into a human again.

Only huge common interests can bring the two races together for a short period of time.

"Since Abe Khan said so, I will say it directly."

"Great Khan! Master Chu Lun's camel team is heading towards the Holy Mountain. They will all arrive in about ten days of walking." This warrior with the magical power to transform into a falcon reported.

Nur Abe, the leader of the Turan tribe, is looking in the direction of the Gongga Holy Mountain. For some reason, he always feels uneasy.

"Hu people are ambitious, but I'll take their backbones first!" Li Lang thought of this and turned to look at the registered disciple Halibai.

Among the Turan tribe, the banquet held for many days had naturally ended long ago.

After saying this, I heard the Queen's sneer coming from the passage.

He values ​​​​women and pasture more, because for him, beauties are only for pleasure, and pasture is the foundation of the tribe's strength.

He did not ignore this uneasiness. Although he was not a god, he was still a divine figure monk of the Second World, and as the leader of the largest tribe of the Hu people, he was known as the Hu people Khan on the surface, and was connected to the fate of the Hu people. Don’t ignore whims.

The thoughts of ordinary Hu people do not have any reference value, but all the larger tribal leaders are ambitious about going south.

A dark shadow twisted and emerged from the shadow at Nur Abe's feet.

Nur Abe took a closer look at the desolate man's forehead, and then said: "The shadow priest of the Heihan tribe? Why are you here looking for me?"

Although having a direction makes it easier to take precautions, wouldn't it be better if we knew something more specific?
Gu Zhaozhao said: "I haven't heard this, and maybe I haven't confirmed it yet."

Just as he was thinking about it, he noticed something strange behind him. Before he could speak, he heard a voice quietly ringing in his ears.

Just like if there are divided princes in the Central Plains, each of them basically wants to be unified, rather than living in a corner.

This is a young man who dares to think and act, and it's time for Li Lang to give him a little push.

This seems to be the ambition and greed engraved in their bones.

When Nur Abe heard this, his eyebrows jumped, and he felt that his whim was in response to this matter.

Many things, once they form historical inertia, are no longer subject to personal will.

But the deserted man smiled and said, "Won't the Great Khan treat me to a bowl of wine first?"

"Come here! Go quickly and find out where Master Chu Lun and his disciples are now!" Leader Abe shouted.

If the leaders of the barbarians and deserters do not have the ambition to go south to plunder, they will certainly not be able to stand in the tribe and will be regarded as having no ambition and being a coward without courage.

Nur Abe said: "If you come here openly, I will definitely welcome you, but you are so sneaky, who knows what your intentions are?"

She does not despise barbarians and barbarians, but does not believe that they will not bite dogs.

Looking at his face again, he has a gloomy appearance and a dark temperament, which makes it difficult for people to like him when he sees him.

"Come out!" Nur Abe said coldly.

There were tribal warriors who transformed into falcons and soared into the sky.

"Do you have a plan?" Nur Abe asked.

The deserter priest said: "When the moon breaks, we will attack Baiyu Pass together. Once the pass is broken, we can drive straight into the Central Plains."

"The fate of the Central Plains has been lost. If there is no White Jade Gate to guard it, after we enter the gate, we will break through the city when we encounter it, and we will break through the barrier when we encounter it."

In the land of Daqian, every pass and city is connected to Daqian's luck and energy. When the luck is strong, a seven-foot low wall can block tens of thousands of soldiers. But if the luck is lost, it will be a huge city. I'm afraid there is a risk of subversion in a moment.

Only Baiyuguan is formed because it draws the energy of three giant spiritual veins from the Western Region. Although it is the territory of Daqian, it actually shares the luck and energy of the Western Region.

Daqian's luck was damaged, but Baiyuguan was least affected.

To enter the Central Plains, you must first break through the Baiyuguan Pass.

Otherwise, even if they bypass Baiyuguan and go straight to the Central Plains first, they will be attacked from behind by the defenders of Baiyuguan, or they will directly break into their lair and lose their way out.

"How many months?" Nur Abe asked.

"February!" the desert priest replied.

"February?" Nur Abe was stunned. February is the time when the dragon ascends. Even if the moon breaks, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth will rise and fly instead of sinking and becoming inert.

"My clan's military advisor has said: The Baiyuguan Formation can be attacked when it is strong but not when it is weak. It is connected to three spiritual veins, and the entangled consumption will be endless. But if it is forced to operate to the maximum, it will lead the flow of Qi veins and pour out the Qi veins. The path is unbearable and will inevitably explode. Such a large formation cannot be broken," said the Huangren Priest.

When Nur Abe heard this, his eyes lit up.

Then he frowned.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that the Hu tribes, including many tribes including the Turan tribe, did not have much food for waging war.

A large amount of property has been taken away by Master Chu Lun and used to build the holy city.

Although there is still no shortage of cattle, sheep, and horses, without property for circulation, even tribal leaders cannot requisition cattle, sheep, and horses from tribal people for war.

"But what's the difficulty?" Priest Huangren asked after seeing the change in expression on Abe's face.

Gathering the barbarians to send troops together was a fatal order from the 'strategist'.

Only when the barbarians and deserters attack Baiyuguan together can the city defense formation of Baiyuguan be opened to the greatest extent.

Similarly, this is also to prevent the barbarians from fighting with Baiyuguan in front, and the barbarians suddenly stabbing them in the back.

After all, if you want to live a good life, you don’t necessarily have to go south. The barbarian people suffered great losses, while the barbarian people prospered greatly, and it is the same.

"There is no difficulty! Please tell your Khan that we, the Hu people, will definitely send troops to Baiyuguan in February." Nur Abe said calmly.

In just a moment, he had already thought of a way.

You can put the matter about the Holy City aside for now.

Master Chu Lun has a large amount of property obtained from various Hu tribes, as well as the treasures of the Youye Dynasty. If he takes them to start a big war, it will be more than enough.

After conquering the Central Plains and plundering the rich lands in the south, wouldn't it be easy to build the holy city?
Thinking of this, Nur Abe felt like it was God's will.

If Master Chu Lun had not gathered the wealth of various tribes through the Holy City, it would not have been so easy for him to mobilize everyone to march south with him.

After all, he alone could not afford so much money to launch a war. If he negotiated with the tribes, there would be a lot of wrangling. In the end, even if he could do it, he would have to give up too many benefits.

"You must also give us a guarantee on this matter."

"No matter whether this battle is successful or not, we want the grassland three thousand miles north of the Juheng Mountains!" Nur Abe took the opportunity to make a request to the deserter priest.

The desolate priest's face changed several times, but he still remembered the military advisor's instructions, so he gritted his teeth and agreed, and signed the contract without any regrets.

The camel bells jingled and jingled, forming a large sound, as if there was a kind of magic power that lulls people into dreams.

Haribai once again dreamed of Adalanti, who was the most beautiful person in his heart and everything he dreamed of.

In the dream, he was riding his favorite bay-red horse, holding the huqin in his arms, and was singing a love song to Adalanti.

My goddess Adaranti.

She became famous across the prairie.

The children laughed when they saw her.

The bad guys will be scared when they see her!
The red scarf is embroidered with Sarilang.

Wave your scarf and sing my Adaranti.

Everyone on the grassland knows her!
Yi La, look at her horse coming!

While singing, Haribai's dream suddenly changed, and he recalled the moment when his body was torn apart by a group of eagles.

Painful memories surged up, and he woke up from his sleep, then quickly wiped the cold sweat from his head.

The wound that had long since healed was now feeling a numbing pain.

Harry sat on the back of the camel and was stunned for a while.

A man who has grown up on a horse will not fall off the horse even if he falls asleep.

Besides, he was riding a camel.

Looking at the huge camel team, and looking at the heavy burdens on the backs of each camel.

Haribai cheered up and rubbed his cheeks vigorously, planning to make a rounds first and then show his face in front of the guru. Maybe he would be appreciated by the guru.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a bag suddenly burst open, and a large amount of gold nuggets, gold utensils, jewelry, jade, tea leaves, and spices slipped out of the bag and scattered all over the floor. , these things sank between the sand and soil in the moonlight, as if they were no different from the sand.

The camel caravan continued to move forward.

No one noticed at all.

Li Lang only has forty-one people under his command. It is not easy for such a small number of people to look after such a huge camel team.

What's more, the long period of enjoyment and peace has long dispelled everyone's wariness.

Many people, like Haribai before, sat on the backs of camels and dozed off.

Jumping off the camel and running to the scattered belongings, Haribai was about to put them back to their original places.

But then he thought, if he wanted to get the girl he loved, he must have enough status.

He would have flocks of cattle and sheep, and many, many horses.

Only in this way, his courtship will not be rejected ruthlessly and indifferently.

This much money and jewelry is enough for him to buy a thousand sheep and a hundred cows.

"Take some! No one will know anyway!"

"What I took away is not even comparable to a stone on Gongga Mountain." Harry was greedy and secretly put some of his belongings into his own package.

Then he quickly returned to his position and continued to sleep.

An uneasy day passed.

Nothing happened!

No one came to count the belongings, and no one noticed that he had hidden a fortune.

The camel's back is still bulging and high.

It was filled with gold, silver, jewelry, and treasures offered by different tribes.

So Haribai continued to steal.

For three days in a row, he became more and more courageous and stole more and more.

But he became increasingly dissatisfied.

After thinking for a long time, he began to put the belongings back in their place.

"With all these belongings, if they are all mine, then Adalanti must also be mine!"

"I will become the richest man on the entire grassland, and I can own the most powerful tribe." Haribai's ambition and greed are spreading and growing crazily like wildfire.

So, Halibai found Adili, who had the best friendship with him among the forty-one people.

He quietly told Adili his plan.

Of course, while telling the plan, Haribai still held the dagger in his hand.

If Adili didn't know what he was doing, he would kill him.

Fortunately, Adili was also greedy. He had already been restless, but no one took the lead.

Soon, they found a third person together.

So there was the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

There are more and more people in the team who plan to seize this shocking wealth.

These forty-one disciples of Li Lang were all accepted casually. Although Li Lang was kind to them all, with so much wealth so close at hand, no matter how great the kindness was, it has now become an eyesore. Trouble.

Three days later, most of the forty-one disciples had been won over by Haribai.

But Master Chu Lun didn't seem to notice.

A strong wind, which is very common in the desert, gave Haribai and others a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

They planned to take action, take away the money, and then change their appearance and live in the Western Region with a new identity...or simply go to the Central Plains.

With great wealth, they can go anywhere.

Even if she is the goddess of her dreams, Haribai feels that it is not a problem as long as she has money.

No matter how bad it is... he can also use his property to hire masters from the Central Plains to come to the Western Regions and bring Adalanti to him after arriving in the Central Plains.

The love of a boy from the Western Regions is so simple and unpretentious.

(End of this chapter)

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