Universe Infinite Canteen.

Chapter 275 Red Little Devil Sashimi

Chapter 275 Red Little Devil Sashimi

"I have no objection," said the wandering warlock. "This thing is of no use to me, but do you really want to do this? Even if it returns to its origin, it is still quite dangerous."

Lao Wang nodded.

So the sorceress didn't say anything else. After all, she was still here, and if anything really happened, she could take action in time.

Then she saw Lao Wang bending down and picking up the little red devil on the ground.

Just as he stretched out his hand, the pool of red paint on the ground suddenly began to flow, and then stretched out many tiny tentacles and wrapped around Lao Wang's palm.

Malu's eyes shone, "Ah, is it alive again?"

"No, it's just an instinctive reaction," the wandering warlock said. "Even in its original state, it still retains its desire to eat. Once it senses a living being nearby, it will entangle itself. If you show negative emotions in your heart at this time, it will take advantage of you."

At this point the sorceress became a little nervous, fearing that the little red devil would regain consciousness. She pulled out a bag of dried sweet potatoes from under her robe and ate while watching.

Lao Wang's expression remained unchanged. He picked up the thing, rinsed it briefly, put it on the chopping board, and said to Malu, "Lend me the chef's knife."

The wandering warlock uttered a sigh, because she noticed that the tentacles of the little red devil that were wrapping around the old king quickly retracted, which meant that it had given up the idea of ​​eating. She couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why is this happening?"

Malu had already guessed the reason and said, "Maybe it's because Lao Wang is a mechanical life form and doesn't have any emotions."

Demonic ingredients have such characteristics that it is no wonder that even chefs from other universes cannot develop them. After all, no matter how strong a person's mind is, it is difficult not to have emotions when seeing a pool of paint from hell wrapping around his hands.

Only a silicon-based life form like Lao Wang can remain absolutely calm from beginning to end. Even the demons from hell have lost interest in him.

In contrast, the millipede just stepped forward and handed over a knife, and the color on the chopping board began to stir again, but the millipede quickly retreated.

Lao Wang's operation continued. He took out several small bottles he carried with him, poured the contents into a bowl, and began grinding them again. He ground them very finely until the pile turned into powder that could not be counted by the naked eye.

Mr. Maotuan and the Valkinas also came over curiously, watching Lao Wang's actions. It was also the first time for them to see a cosmic chef pre-process the ingredients.

Being watched by so many people did not affect Lao Wang's work at all. He sprinkled the ground powder on the pool of red paint, and then began to pat it repeatedly with his palms.

He slaps the food at a very high frequency, dozens of times a second, and with consistent force, a level of fine control that a human chef cannot achieve.

"Is it being... pickled?" Yanwu sniffed, but to his surprise, he didn't smell any spices.

The smell on the wind was more like some kind of shell and bone.

After hammering for a quarter of an hour, Lao Wang stopped what he was doing and picked up the stuff on the chopping board with a pair of chopsticks.

Hold it under the light and look at it carefully.

It was only at this time that Millipede noticed that the seemingly messy pool of paint actually had thickness, but it was very thin, estimated to be less than 1 mm.

After Lao Wang's treatment, it seemed to have changed a bit, from its original red color to darker in some places and lighter in others.

Lao Wang's eyes were like a 3D scanner, taking in the color changes inside the red demon.

However, he was careful this time and scanned it eight times in a row, three times on the front and back, and twice on the sides. Only then did he put the little red devil down again.

Then he grabbed the chef's knife and started cutting. Perhaps because he had done enough homework before, his movements accelerated at this step, the knife light kept flashing, and the tip of the knife flew up and down.

The little red devil below was split into hundreds of small pieces.

Lao Wang also prepared a plate, picked out some small pieces and put them on the plate, and threw the rest directly into the garbage bag.

Obviously the latter ones are useless.

In the end, Lao Wang only cut 5 small pieces of meat from the whole red little devil, each less than 0.5 mm in size and not even as big as the nail of his little finger.

The amazing thing is that the meat is actually transparent, without any red color at all.

The hardware store owner only then realized what Lao Wang was doing in the previous step.

He used the powder to separate the poisonous and non-toxic parts of the little red devil, leaving the edible parts.

After realizing Lao Wang's intention, the shock in Yanwu's eyes increased instead of diminishing.

Only by watching the whole process can you understand how difficult it is to achieve this understated statement.

Because the thickness of the red devil itself is extremely thin, less than 1mm, it is even more difficult to cut it.

What's even more terrible is that its body is not static. Upon closer inspection, it is actually flowing slowly. This means that Lao Wang not only has to find the edible parts among the poisonous parts, but also has to cut them off while they are flowing.

The hardware store owner couldn't help but sigh, this... is this really something a human can make?
After finishing the pre-processing, Lao Wang added, "It's best to eat this meat while it's fresh, as it tastes the best."

After he finished speaking, everyone around him just stared at each other.

Damn, what should I do if I want to eat something?

Malu's heart started pounding as he looked at the transparent slices of meat on the plate. Even he, such a cowardly person, felt the urge to try it after seeing how Lao Wang prepared it, let alone others.

The sorceress had just been muttering about how the experience of the wandering sorcerers over thousands of years had proven that creatures from Hell were absolutely inedible, but now she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

Yanwu was not in a much better condition either. From the expression on his face, it was clear that he had been completely conquered by Lao Wang.

Even if Lao Wang went through the trash can now and picked up something to cook, he would probably want to try it.

Only Chen Zhengyi remained relatively calm, with an expressionless face, but his wildly shaking ears betrayed him.

But now no one is sure whether this thing is really non-toxic.

After all, it is about human life.

Seeing that no one answered, Lao Wang then added chopped green onions, pickled radish and lemon as seasoning, and also prepared wasabi soy sauce and mustard as dipping sauce.

At this point, the [Red Little Devil Sashimi] with a food index of ★★★★★☆ is completely completed.

After a brief silence, a furry figure rushed towards the plate first.

(End of this chapter)

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