Chapter 243 Wall Street Exclusive Textbook

As White said, after watching "The Big Short", the boss thought that the credit default swap contract worth 100 million was indeed too little.

Things like a real estate crash may not happen once in a lifetime. If you only invest 100 million in this opportunity to make a fortune, it would be a huge loss!
So after the U.S. stock market closed that afternoon, all the fund managers in the company were called to the conference room and each of them was given a copy of "The Big Short".

Fund managers were initially puzzled as to why book exchange meetings were still held in the investment industry these days. Should they write a few thousand-word review after reading the book?

But after reading more than ten chapters of "The Big Short", they were all stunned.

This is not a book exchange meeting, this is a prophecy exchange meeting!

They were all vultures who had been around Wall Street for many years and they quickly figured out the business opportunities.

So, everyone reached a consensus, which was to short real estate.

The best way to short real estate is naturally to go to a legal casino, that is, to find an investment bank and buy a credit default swap contract.

The collateralized debt obligations issued by investment banks, after going through various nesting dolls, have become a huge number that is difficult to estimate. Even the Federal Reserve finds it difficult to grasp the exact information, but the amount is definitely more than 10 trillion US dollars, which is much higher than the value of houses currently being traded in the United States.

With such a huge number, just spending tens of billions to gamble is equivalent to you buying a cheap cup of milk tea with a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan. The impact is negligible.

However, there is no impenetrable wall on Wall Street. After all, the movement of billions of funds cannot be concealed. The operation of this fund company was soon known to its peers. Other investment companies speculated whether they had received any inside information.

Soon, some of its peers learned that the company had bought thirty copies of The Big Short at once.

It is strange in itself that a fund company purchased thirty fantasy novels. Moreover, after purchasing these thirty novels, it immediately made a new investment direction, which will definitely arouse suspicion from those who are curious.

So other investors also bought a copy of "The Big Short" to find out the truth.

The result is predictable. After watching "The Big Short", investors made the same decision, which is to short the US real estate market.

The reputation of "The Big Short" quickly spread on Wall Street. More and more financial practitioners learned about the book and bought it to find out more.


A box truck stopped in front of a building on Wall Street. The driver pushed a cart carrying books as tall as a person into the building, and was stopped by security guards at the door.

In the United States, security measures are very strict where rich people stay, especially in the office buildings on Wall Street, which are full of financial companies with hundreds of millions of dollars turnover every minute, so they have to spend money to hire stronger security. At the very least, if you don’t wear a suit and tie, you will definitely be stopped.

Being stopped by security was normal for the deliveryman. He said, "I'm an Amazon deliveryman, here to deliver goods."

"What's being delivered?" the security guard asked as he scanned the cart with a metal detector.

"They're all books!" the deliveryman began.

"They're all books? So many?" The security guard looked doubtful. He thought to himself, when did these grandchildren upstairs love reading so much?
Something must be wrong, so the security guard said, "I need to check it out!"

"Okay. Take a look!" The deliveryman spread his hands.

The security guard checked carefully and found that the cart was indeed filled with books, with nothing else on it.

But what surprised him was that these books were actually the same one, all "The Big Short".

“I can understand someone buying books, and I can also understand buying many books at one time, but how is it possible that they are all buying the same book?

The only way to order so many copies of the same book at once is to use it as a textbook! But this building is full of financial companies, not educational institutions.”

Thinking of this, the security guard asked doubtfully, "Did you go to the wrong place? There are only financial companies here, not any education and training institutions."

"I don't know which companies are listed here, but the address I received is here. This is the delivery note, look at it if you don't believe me!" The deliveryman handed the delivery note to the security guard.

The security guard took the delivery note and looked at it carefully.

"Fifth floor, Louis Investment, 15 copies of The Big Short. Seventh floor, New York Andre Trust, 25 copies of The Big Short. Eleventh floor, Wilma Fund, 20 copies of The Big Short. Twelfth floor, Queen Financial Investment, 25 copies of The Big Short..."

Looking at the delivery note, the security guard looked confused.

The address is indeed the address here, and the company above is indeed the company here.

Why are all these companies ordering the same book? And they're ordering so many at once, are they trying to get one for everyone?
"What kind of book is this? Why have so many companies ordered it?" the security guard asked subconsciously.

"I'm just a deliveryman, how would I know so much! But this book is really selling very well on Wall Street recently. After delivering to your building, I still have to deliver to the building next door. The company in that building has also ordered hundreds of copies!" said the deliveryman.

"It's this book too? There are hundreds of copies?" The security guard frowned. "Could it be that this book 'The Big Short' is an exclusive textbook for Wall Street financial companies?"


By late April, "The Big Short" is gradually becoming a standard textbook for financial companies on Wall Street.

However, outside of Wall Street, The Big Short has not attracted much attention. The audience for this type of novel is relatively limited, at least the majority of young people are not interested in the financial operations of Wall Street.

The readers of this kind of books are generally business people or intellectuals. After all, the number of such groups is still limited. Zhang Wei's reputation as the author of "The Thirst Games" does not play a big role among business people and intellectuals, just like many business people will not read the "Harry Potter" series of novels at all.

At this time, Zhang Wei also ushered in an extremely busy day.

April 4 is World Book Day, a holiday established by UNESCO. On this day every year, countries around the world hold various promotional activities.

However, in the first few years of the 21st century, this day was not very well-known in China. China's economy was taking off rapidly at that time, and most Chinese people were busy making money. Except for intellectuals and students, probably few people could spare time to read.

Therefore, World Book Day activities are mainly held on university campuses, because only college students have the time to pay attention to World Book Day. If it is changed to other places, there will definitely be very few people participating in the activities.

For example, when you go to a public library, how many people borrow books from the library in those days! The situation in big cities is better, but the facilities of libraries in many small and medium-sized cities are old and outdated, and the books have not been updated for many years. They are always the same books by Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin, Guo Moruo, and some outdated foreign classics. There is no desire to read at all.

For example, when you go to places like city squares or parks, you will see old men and women taking a walk there. Few of them like to read. To them, the anti-Japanese war dramas and family soap operas broadcast on TV are more familiar than books.

Besides, the elderly are all presbyopic, so it is very hard for them to read! If you send eggs, they may come over to listen to your words, but if you don’t send anything, the elderly will not be interested.

Therefore, World Book Day activities can only be held on university campuses.

On Saturday, Zhang Wei went to Renmin University and Beijing Institute of Technology, and on Sunday he went to his home venue, Tsinghua University. Judging from the results of the activities, Renmin University and Beijing Institute of Technology were both good, while the event site of Tsinghua University seemed a bit deserted.

There are so many celebrities who have come out of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua students are not surprised by famous writers. For Tsinghua students, which of their professors is not a big shot in the industry? Which one does not have some works? Many academicians are stationed in Tsinghua University, and best-selling authors are just so-so. It is estimated that literary masters of the level of Mo Yan and Yu Hua will not cause much trouble in Tsinghua University. On Sunday afternoon, Zhang Wei will go to Peking University to participate in the World Book Day event, but before that, he has to go to help SKY Li Xiaofeng stand up.

After hurriedly eating a few bites of food in the cafeteria, Zhang Wei went straight to Peking University. After all, Tsinghua University and Peking University were next to each other, and the other's campus could be reached across the road.

At the same time, SKY Li Xiaofeng arrived at the event site early and adjusted the equipment with the on-site staff.

The organizer came over and asked anxiously, "Li Xiaofeng, it's almost twelve o'clock, why hasn't Zhang Wei come yet?"

"Don't worry, I'll call and ask right away." Li Xiaofeng immediately dialed Zhang Wei's number and asked when Zhang Wei would arrive. At this time, Zhang Wei had just walked out of the cafeteria.

"Zhang Wei is already on the way and will be at the gate of Peking University in ten minutes." Li Xiaofeng said to the person in charge.

The person in charge looked at his watch and said, "Ten minutes, that's still enough time."

"How about I go to the gate of Peking University to pick him up?" Li Xiaofeng asked.

"You don't need to go. Just be prepared. There are volunteers here at Peking University. I'll find a volunteer to pick up Zhang Wei."

The person in charge said this and walked over to a few volunteers and explained their purpose.

"I'm afraid the guest won't know the way, so I'd like to trouble you to send someone to pick him up."

"I'll go!" said the leader, his name was Liu Zhijie, and he was a cadre of the Peking University Student Union.

Peking University often holds various activities on weekdays, and volunteers are always needed at these times. Liu Zhijie is an active volunteer. In addition, as a student union cadre, he often becomes a leader among the volunteers.

Liu Zhijie also demonstrated extraordinary leadership skills. In addition to coordinating the work, he often led by example and rushed to do the work, winning a good reputation among his classmates.

This time, seeing that the event site was almost ready, Liu Zhijie volunteered to pick up Zhang Wei at the school gate.

"Student Liu, thank you for your help!" the organizer said immediately.

Li Xiaofeng also came over and said, "I have a photo of Zhang Wei on my phone. Wait a moment, I'll find it for you right away."

"No need for photos!" Liu Zhijie waved his hand confidently.

"Do you know Zhang Wei?" Li Xiaofeng asked subconsciously.

"I don't know him!" Liu Zhijie said.

"Have you seen him before?"

"Neither have I seen it!" Liu Zhijie still shook his head.

"Then how do you know which one is Zhang Wei?"

"That's easy. Today is not the campus open day, and not just anyone can enter Peking University. When you came in, didn't we lead the way? I went to the school gate and saw the person stopped by the security guard. He should be the person I want to pick up!" Liu Zhijie said with a show-off look on his face.

"That makes sense! Student Liu is really smart, he is worthy of being a Peking University student!" The person in charge of the organizer quickly flattered.

After showing off his reasoning ability, Liu Zhijie successfully made his presence felt, and then came to the gate of Peking University. He did not go to find the security guard immediately, but found a shade under a tree and waited.

In fact, Liu Zhijie could have told the security guard that a man named Zhang Wei would be coming as a guest at the event, and asked the security guard to let him in.

But he didn't do that. If the security guards had let him go directly, then what would he have to do?

Liu Zhijie wanted to let the security guard stop Zhang Wei, and then he would go to rescue him. Wouldn't that way he could do another favor?
So Liu Zhijie stood under the shade of the tree, looking around, waiting for Zhang Wei to appear.


This was not Zhang Wei’s first visit to Peking University. He had been here several times before with Ye Haotian.

How could Ye Haotian, a person with a deep social addiction, stay in Tsinghua University all the time? On weekends, he often came to Peking University to participate in some social activities of Tsinghua and Peking University, and occasionally he would bring Zhang Wei along.

When they arrived at the gate of Peking University, other Peking University students swiped their student cards to enter, but Zhang Wei directly took out his Tsinghua University student ID and showed it to the guard.

"I'm from Tsinghua University, and I'm here to attend an event." Zhang Wei said.

As soon as the security guard saw my student ID, he let me in without saying a word.

Many universities in Beijing are not open to the public, but Tsinghua University's student ID card is a pass to all universities. Except for disciplined forces such as the National Defense University and the Public Security University, other universities can be entered freely with a Tsinghua University student ID card.

Under the shade of the trees, Liu Zhijie also saw Zhang Wei walk into the school gate, show his student ID to the guard, and then walk straight in.

"He didn't swipe his card, he came in by showing his student ID. He's from Tsinghua University next door." Liu Zhijie was not surprised by this. After all, it was the weekend, and it was normal for students from Peking University and Tsinghua University to move around.

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to ask Li Xiaofeng where the event was held.

But Zhang Wei then remembered that Li Xiaofeng had said that the event was held at noon because there was another lecture in the afternoon. Zhang Wei was almost certain that this event and his lecture would be held in the same venue.

"The event should be held in the auditorium. I remember the auditorium seemed to be in that direction, right?" Zhang Wei thought it would be better to confirm it.

It just so happened that a classmate was standing under the shade of a tree looking around, as if waiting for someone, so Zhang Wei walked over.

"Hello, classmate. Do you know that there is an event held by Lenovo today and the venue is in the auditorium?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Yes, the event will be held in the auditorium!" Liu Zhijie nodded, and then asked, "Classmate, are you from Tsinghua University next door?"

"Yes, I heard that there are a lot of activities at Peking University today, so I came to join in the fun!" Zhang Wei said.

"Do you know how to get to the auditorium? Just follow this road and go straight ahead..." Liu Zhijie enthusiastically showed Zhang Wei the way.

"Thank you!" Zhang Wei thanked him and went straight to the auditorium.

Liu Zhijie looked at Zhang Wei's departing back, then continued to stare at the gate, waiting for the guest to be stopped by the guard so that he could step forward to rescue him.

In his opinion, a world champion in gaming must be a poor student, how could he be a student of Tsinghua University!

(End of this chapter)

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