They’re all reborn, what’s wrong with being a little more almighty?

Chapter 3 "Carrying" the College Entrance Examination

Chapter 3 "Carrying" the College Entrance Examination

In order to prevent other students from discovering that he had the real questions for the college entrance examination, Zhang Wei simply pretended to be hungry and went to his class teacher to ask for leave.

The class teacher’s name is Cai Xin. He is not tall and has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He has led several high school graduating classes and has rich experience.

He learned that Zhang Wei had stomach discomfort and directly approved Zhang Wei's request for leave. He then told Zhang Wei to pay attention to his diet and not to fail during the college entrance examination. He even suggested that Zhang Wei always keep Huoxiang Zhengqi water.

There is only one week left before the college entrance examination. At this time, the results have basically been finalized. If you continue to study, you will not improve much. On the contrary, maintaining good physical condition and not falling off on the day of the college entrance examination have become more important.

After getting a day off, Zhang Wei returned home, stayed in his room, and copied all the test questions and answers into his notebook.

In this way, Zhang Wei can recite the answers to the test paper with his notebook. When other students see it, they will not become suspicious because the notebook contains the key questions and error-prone questions that Zhang Wei usually records.

After that, Zhang Wei started to recite the answers to the college entrance examination in his notebook. He started with the easy ones and then the harder ones. He started with Chinese and English, then with the comprehensive science, and finally with mathematics.

While memorizing them by rote, Zhang Wei also planned to review those formulas and theorems again, so as to understand some of the principles of problem solving.

In this way, the morning was busy until the early morning, until two o'clock in the morning, a heavy sleepiness came over, and Zhang Wei decided to go to bed to rest for a while.

However, Zhang Wei found that whether he was telling himself stories or counting sheep, even though he was very sleepy, he could never fall asleep.

"Thirty-six hours of insomnia is indeed true!" Zhang Wei sighed softly and began to calculate silently in his heart:

"When I was doing the trading, it was about six o'clock in the morning, thirty-six hours, which means I won't be able to sleep until after six o'clock tomorrow afternoon!"

Since you can't fall asleep no matter how hard you try, just close your eyes and rest! It can restore some spirit to some extent.

Three hours passed quickly. At five o'clock in the morning, Zhang Wei got up with yawning. After breakfast, he went directly to school.

Taking advantage of his morning reading time, Zhang Wei took out his notebook and began to recite the English test questions. In two hours, he basically memorized all the answers to the entire test paper.

During class during the day, the teacher lectured on topics on the podium, while Zhang Wei reviewed various theorems and formulas below. Regarding Zhang Wei's performance, the teacher didn't care about him. After all, there were only six days left before the college entrance examination. At this time, it didn't matter whether he listened to the class or not.

By the afternoon, Zhang Wei had not slept for more than 30 hours. At this time, he was very tired and sleepy mentally, and could not concentrate. He just felt that his mind was full of mush, and even memorizing answers was a bit difficult. Can't remember.

Finally, he persisted until about six o'clock in the afternoon. When thirty-six hours were up, he was exhausted and fell asleep directly on the desk.

Zhang Wei slept throughout the evening self-study. It was not until the evening self-study ended at 10 o'clock in the evening that Zhang Wei was woken up by his classmates.

"Thirty-six hours without sleep is really hard! I remember when I was in my twenties, I would often stay up all night playing games, and my body could handle it. I am only eighteen now, and I should be the most energetic. Why can't I hold on for so long at such a vigorous age? It seems that the senior year of high school is really exhausting!" Zhang Wei thought to himself.


At noon on the third day after his rebirth, Zhang Wei went to the bookstore and bought a copy of "Han Feizi" with annotations.

Because the topic of the college entrance examination essay is "Emotional Intimacy and Perception of Things", which is a story in "Han Feizi-Speaking of Difficulties".

The story goes that there was a rich man in the Song Dynasty. One day, a heavy rain damaged the wall of his house. His son said that if he didn't repair it, someone would come and steal. At the same time, the neighbor's old man also said the same thing. As expected, someone came to steal things that night. So the rich man thought his son was very smart, but he suspected that the person who stole the things was an old neighbor.

To understand this question, you need to understand the story in "Han Feizi" and understand the content of "Han Feizi". Only by interpreting the topic well can we know how to write the composition.

So Zhang Wei carefully read the entire content of "Han Feizi-Speaking of Difficulties". Han Fei's article mainly introduced how to persuade the monarch to listen to his opinions.

When applied to the story of the rich man in the Song Dynasty, it reminds the world that people's perception and judgment of things will be affected by people they know well, which will lead to bias. People's subjective cognition is often one-sided. Therefore, when judging right and wrong, we must respect observable facts and cannot use subjective assumptions to identify things from the perspective of personal emotions.

If you write this essay in this direction and express this argument, your score will definitely not be too bad.

After understanding the intention of the questioner, Zhang Wei began to carefully read the three cases of perfect essays. They are narrative, argumentative and prose.

"Can I get full marks in the college entrance examination with just these three essays?" Zhang Wei shook his head with dissatisfaction.

In Zhang Wei’s impression, the essays that scored full marks in the college entrance examination were all amazing.

For example, "The Death of Red Rabbit" in 2001, "Standing at the Gate of Huanghuagang Cemetery" in 2009, and "You Decide the Stance of Time Travel" in 2014.

If any grading teacher evaluates these essays, they will give full marks.

The perfect essay case given by the devil can only be regarded as a relatively well-written article, and it did not give him a surprising feeling.

"Could it be that devil who fooled me?" Zhang Wei thought to himself.

"Are you calling me?" The devil's voice sounded from Zhang Wei's mind.

Zhang Wei said directly: "Does the full-mark essay case you gave me really get full marks? I think the writing is very average! It doesn't feel eye-catching at all."

"These three essay cases are indeed not very eye-catching, but if the paper points are not deducted, they can still get full marks." The devil replied.

"The papers are divided! This means that the handwriting must be good!" Zhang Wei suddenly realized.

In the college entrance examination essay scoring system, paper scores are also very important. If you want to avoid being penalized on the paper, in addition to having good handwriting, you must also have the paper neat and clear. Of course, there should be no typos.

Before 2006, the college entrance examination did not have online marking. At that time, candidates still had to look at the original examination papers for marking.

Moreover, the marking time is in the summer. There are many marking teachers in a large classroom and there is no air conditioning. It would be nice to have a fan.

Imagine that on a hot day, so many people are crowded into a room, and they have to complete the grading task within the specified time. The work is very intensive. After several hours of grading, the grading teacher must be dizzy.

At this time, a clean and tidy test paper appears in front of the marking teacher. At least it feels good to the senses, and the score will be subconsciously higher.

If a scrawled essay question is placed in front of the marking teacher, your already bad mood will definitely become even worse. Five points will be deducted first.

The marking teacher will not read this scrawled essay carefully. Even if the essay is well written, it will not get a high score.

Zhang Wei's handwriting is sparse and ordinary, so he doesn't have to count on getting test points. If he writes faster and his handwriting is a little sloppy, he will still be deducted test points.

"There are only four days left before the college entrance examination. It's definitely too late to practice calligraphy now." Zhang Wei sighed helplessly.

At this time, the devil's voice sounded again: "You can come to me! Didn't I say before that with me, you can trade everything, such as hard-pen calligraphy skills!"

 The new pink book has just been uploaded, please collect it!

(End of this chapter)

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