Chapter 75 Uncle, you have to stand up!

Hearing that Zhang Wei was a repeat student, the bald and bespectacled man instantly became excited.

"Young man, it seems that you are not doing well in your studies. You didn't go to college last year and you just repeated your studies this year, right? Haohao, we can't be like this big brother!
We must study hard and try to pass the college entrance examination in the first try! Don’t imitate this big brother and suffer the sin of repeating your studies! "

"Does this mean I'm a bad example?" Zhang Wei snorted coldly, and a ray of anger aroused in his heart. It seems that he must give this old man some color!

So Zhang Wei immediately said: "Uncle, you guessed wrong again. I was admitted to college last year. I felt dissatisfied after half a year, so I dropped out and came back to take the exam again."

"You went to a junior college last year? Are you going to take the bachelor's degree this year? That's why you are re-enrolling this year?" The uncle continued to use his reasoning skills and did not forget to mention Zhang Wei.

"What a coincidence, don't you think? I was admitted to the undergraduate program last year."

"Are you not satisfied with being able to get into undergraduate school? Do you want to repeat the studies? Are you planning to pass the 985 exam?" The uncle already felt that Zhang Wei was bragging.

"What a coincidence, don't you think? I got 985 in the exam last year!"

Being slapped by Zhang Wei, the uncle felt that he had lost face and felt very unhappy. He snorted coldly: "You want to come back to repeat 985? Could it be that you still want to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University!"

"What a coincidence, don't you think? I was admitted to Tsinghua University last year!" Zhang Wei looked at the uncle with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, the uncle suddenly became angry. He slammed the table and stood up.

"Boy, I'm so old and I'm chatting with you. Are you teasing me on purpose? Didn't your parents teach you what it means to respect the elderly and love the young? Didn't they teach you what honesty is?"

Previously, Zhang Wei said that he got 985 in the exam last year. The uncle already suspected that Zhang Wei was lying. Now that even Qingda University has moved out, the uncle immediately believed that Zhang Wei was making excuses!
I really got into Tsinghua University and had to repeat the exam!
If you lie and deliberately argue with me, then I am justified. Why don't you stand on the moral high ground and get angry!
The young woman next to me started to advise: "Young man, it's just a joke, don't go too far and make the man angry again!"

"Yes, young man, this old man is decades older than you after all. It's a bit disrespectful for you to tease others like this. Please apologize to the old man quickly! Let the old man calm down." Someone nearby advised him. road.

Seeing that there were people around him siding with him, the uncle's expression became arrogant. He raised his face and looked at Zhang Wei sideways with an arrogant expression, which was completely possessed by the 19-year-old Zhao Wenzhuo.

"Uncle, I am also chatting with you. Why are you blowing my beard and staring at me? Why do you think I am making fun of you? Oh, I understand. You must think that it is very difficult to pass the Qingdao major. You think I Is he lying to you?"

Zhang Wei calmly took out his Tsinghua University student ID card from his pocket and slapped it directly on the small table in front of him.

"Isn't it just Qingdao University? Why is it so difficult to take the exam? This is my student ID card from when I was at Tsinghua University. If you don't believe me, you can take a look!"

The uncle was suddenly startled, and then looked at the Qing Dynasty student ID card on the table.

"Is this really a student ID card from Tsingta University? The key point is that we haven't seen it before, so we don't know if it's true or not!"

Hearing that a student from Tsinghua University was sitting here, people immediately gathered around him, and the wind direction completely changed.

"The Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsing University is really Tsinghua University!"

“It turns out that the student ID card of Qingdao University looks like this! This is really the first time I’ve seen it!”

"It's awesome to be admitted to Tsinghua University. I must be at least among the top ten in the city!"

"Xiao Ming, look at this brother. He was admitted to Tsinghua University. You must study hard with your brother and you will also be admitted to Tsinghua University in the future!"

"Young man, can you let my daughter touch this student ID card of yours? She will be entering junior high school next year. I want her to imbibe your spirit as a top student so that she can get good grades in the exam."

Education in the four provinces of Shanhe was very demanding. At that time, students had to take exams to advance from primary school to junior high school. If they had good grades, they would be eligible to choose a better high school, or enter an experimental class or something.

A student from Qingdao University appeared in the carriage, and everyone's attention was attracted. The parents looked envious. As for why Qingdao University wanted to come back to repeat their studies, they were ignored by everyone.

What everyone is concerned about is the Tsinghua University student ID card, not whether you will repeat your studies.

The young woman's eyes when she looked at Zhang Wei changed instantly. The admiration and honor in her eyes were a bit scary!
The person who had asked Zhang Wei to apologize before was now standing next to Zhang Wei with his daughter, extremely pious, wishing that Zhang Wei could quickly pass on some learning experience.

The bald man with glasses was ignored. He who was standing on the moral high ground just now was instantly slapped mercilessly in the face. At this moment, he stood there awkwardly, having no reason to continue to get angry. He could only sit back to his original position, feeling depressed.

The naughty child looked at the adults around him with confusion. Why did the enthusiastic grandfather who spoke for him just now turn into a coward when he mentioned this Qingdao University?

With his third grade knowledge, even though he didn't know what Qingda University was, he could still feel that the big brother in front of him was very powerful.

Zhang Wei continued to make up for it: "Uncle, you are actually right. I also think that ordinary children should not learn from me. It is not easy to get into Tsinghua University, and you can't get into Tsinghua University if you follow me!" After hearing this, the young woman In short, he glared at the uncle with some dissatisfaction.

what do you mean? If my Haohao is not allowed to study with good students, will my Haohao not deserve to be admitted to Tsinghua University? You bad old man, you have a very bad mind!
As for the phrase "ordinary children", they are consciously ignored by young women. No parent is willing to admit that their children are mediocre. Parents all feel that their children can be successful in the future.

Seeing this scene, the naughty kid shut up knowingly, sat quietly on the chair and stopped making trouble.

However, a naughty kid is a naughty kid after all. He only persisted for more than half an hour, and his true colors were revealed again.

Looking at the naughty child jumping up and down on the seat, Zhang Wei sighed helplessly, then put on a smile and said pleasantly:

"Kid Haohao, have you finished your summer homework?"

Hearing the words "summer homework", the playful mood of the child suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As expected, he is the big brother who can't pick up any pot.

The world is quiet again!


The train is leaving.

The bald man with glasses looked out the window at a mature wheat field, probably feeling a little depressed.

After failing to help the little boy, the old man was too embarrassed to continue talking to the young woman.

"Instant noodles, eight-treasure porridge, ham sausage..." The flight attendant came over pushing a trolley.

"Bring me a newspaper." The uncle took out fifty cents, and the flight attendant handed over a copy of Qilu Evening News.

Today's "Qilu Evening News" is quite thick, mainly because it is willing to print advertisements. Half of the front page is advertising, and the second page is full of advertisements. How can this not be thick?
After getting the newspaper, the bald man with glasses started to comment while reading the news in the newspaper, and he suddenly became confused again!

"Spaceship One successfully launched. Americans are better in aerospace. We just sent people to space last year, and Americans have started to develop private spacecrafts!"

"England 4-2 Croatia and France 3-1 Switzerland in the European Cup. In this case, England and France will qualify together. England will probably play Portugal in the quarter-finals. The host country will be difficult to deal with!"

"The candidates in Qinhai City got perfect marks in the college entrance examination for two consecutive years? How come even the Qilu Evening News made up news! It's just a perfect score in the college entrance examination, but for two consecutive years?
Do you really think that ordinary people are fools? This is the college entrance examination, not Labor Day. Once this year, there will be another one next year! If I really got perfect scores, I would definitely go to Shangqing University and Peking University! How is it possible to come back and take the exam a second time? "

The uncle said, looking at Zhang Wei, and then said: "The one who passed the National Tsinghua University, do you think this is the case?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe some people prefer the tense atmosphere during the college entrance examination and drop out of school to take the college entrance examination!"

"This kid, are you quarreling with me again?" The bald man became anxious again.

Getting a score of 750 for two consecutive years is even more unreliable than dropping out of Tsinghua University and repeating studies. I think I can elaborate a little more.

"Uncle, don't worry. Why don't you take a look first? Are there any photos in this news? If there are photos, doesn't it mean that the person is indeed there!" Zhang Wei pointed at the newspaper.

"There is a picture, it's black and white. Hey, I have presbyopia and I can't see clearly!"

"Uncle, trust your eyes, come on! You can do it! Look carefully. Does the person in the picture look familiar?"

The uncle took off his glasses, took a closer look, and then nodded: "It looks familiar! It seems like I've seen it somewhere before!"

"Then take a look, does this person look like me?"

The uncle took the newspaper and compared it: "It looks like! It really looks like it!"

"Isn't the photo I just took the day before yesterday really similar?" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Is this you? This kid is teasing me on purpose!" The uncle finally realized this.

The uncle had just finished saying that the newspaper was making up news, but the person involved was right across the street!
The passion of holding a newspaper to point out the country and writing passionately was instantly shattered without a trace.

The uncle who had just started to support himself could no longer support himself!
 Thank you for your monthly votes and rewards! We have advanced to the third round, and next week we will have to fight from the third round to the fourth round. Those who can stay in the urban category until the third round are all of good quality, and the competition will become more intense. Then I will have to count on your help to keep pursuing my studies! I will try my best to increase the number of words when I pass the test. Others wrote a chapter with more than 2800 words, and when I passed the test, it was , or . For example, this chapter only has words. I only hope that this little sincerity can impress everyone. !
(End of this chapter)

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