Chapter 95 A love rival appears! (Seeking for further reading)

After breakfast, Ye Haotian dragged Zhang Wei to the meeting point of the freshman summer camp.

"I am the leader of the third group, you can be my deputy leader!" Ye Haotian said cheerfully.

"Inappropriate!" Zhang Wei shook his head decisively.

Based on Zhang Wei's understanding of Tsingta University, this deputy team leader is most likely a coolie who is being waved around and ordered around by the team leader, and he won't do it!
"Senior Ye, I can do it!" Lu Yunxiang, who was behind him, immediately recommended himself. He probably thought that the deputy team leader was an official and could act cool.

"Xiao Lu, you are in the second group. You are not in the same group as me. The leader of the second group is Senior Brother Wei. How about I tell him and ask him to give you the position of deputy leader?"

"Okay, okay!" The pretender nodded immediately.

"Senior Brother Wei happens to be over there, let's go over there!" Ye Haotian pointed to a man wearing black-rimmed glasses in front of him, and then walked over.

"Senior Brother Wei, his name is Lu Yunxiang, he was formed by you guys! Give him the title of deputy leader!"

As he spoke, Ye Haotian leaned over and lowered his voice in Senior Brother Wei's ear and continued: "This kid loves to show off. When the time comes, you can use him hard without giving me face!"

"Pushy? That's a good thing! I need this kind of coolie the most here!"

Senior Brother Wei nodded and continued: "By the way, Teacher Wang, who was leading the team just now, notified me that there was a personnel change and asked a girl from my group to go to your group."

"Girl?" Ye Haotian's heart suddenly tightened: "Could this girl be called Xiong Xinxin?"

"You know her? No wonder she was transferred to your group!" Senior Brother Wei said.

The next second, Ye Haotian had a sad look on his face.

Zhang Wei, who was next to him, was slightly startled. He had known Ye Haotian for a year. Ye Haotian always had the image of a sunny and cheerful boy. Even if he encountered difficulties, he always had a very positive attitude. The only time I saw Ye Haotian feeling sad was when he was expelled from Qingdao University and Ye Haotian shouted to give gifts.

Now that he heard the name Xiong Xinxin, a sad look appeared on Ye Haotian's face. This was because the sun was rising in the west!
There is a big melon!
Zhang Wei's heart for gossip started burning again, and he said, "Senior Brother Wei, you guys chat first while I go to the small supermarket."

"It's almost time to gather and set off, and you're just thinking about going shopping? Why didn't you prepare it in advance yesterday?"

"While I still have time, I'm going to buy melon seeds and plum potato chips, and prepare to become a melon-eater!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

At this moment, a clear female voice in the distance sounded: "Brother Tian, ​​I'm here!"

Looking along the sound, I saw a young girl waving to Ye Haotian.

The girl has long black hair that flows like a waterfall. It shines with an alluring luster in the sun, but the ends of the hair are slightly curled. It must have been specially permed.

Her face is very delicate, her skin is as white as snow, and her facial features seem to have been carefully carved. The eyebrows are as slender and curved as crescent moons, and the eyes are like gems, shining with light. The bridge of his nose is high, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and there is half a dimple on one side of his face when he smiles.

If you look carefully, you can see that she is wearing light makeup, and it is a very careful light makeup. The whole face gives people an eccentric beauty.

She was wearing a light blue dress, the hem of which swayed gently with her steps, like a blooming flower.

At this time, she was facing Ye Haotian, waving her slender arms, and then ran over in a bounding manner.

Seeing this beautiful woman, the bitterness on Ye Haotian's face deepened.

"Brother Tian! Are you surprised to see me? I have also been admitted to Tsinghua University!" The woman stepped forward and hugged Ye Haotian's arm, looking coquettish.

Ye Haotian shook his hand symbolically, but did not shake it off. He had no choice but to reply: "When I talked to my mother on the phone before, she told me that you also got admitted to Tsinghua University."

"Oh, I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but it turns out our mother has already told you! Did our mother ask you to take care of me?" the girl then asked.

"My mother said that." The helplessness on Ye Haotian's face has turned into one of despair.

"I knew that my mother was the best to me! She has wanted me to be her daughter-in-law since I was a child!"

Ye Haotian said quickly: "Xinxin, don't talk nonsense! My mother was saying polite words at the time, you can't be rude!"

Zhang Wei, who was next to him, had already put on the expression of a melon-eating crowd: "Brother Haotian? Is this young lady your child bride?"

"Don't talk nonsense! This girl hasn't had her eighteenth birthday yet, she's still underage!"

As Ye Haotian spoke, he found that the girl beside him was nodding wildly, as if to say, yes, I am Ye Haotian's child bride!
Ye Haotian sighed helplessly and introduced: "Xinxin, let me introduce you. He is Zhang Wei, and that is Lu Yunxiang, who is also a freshman. They are both my roommates and will also participate in the summer camp!"

"Roommate! Then thank you for taking care of my brother Tian!" Xiong Xinxin didn't take exception at all.

"Her name is Xiong Xinxin, and she was admitted to Tsinghua University this year. I was the one who grew up!" Ye Haotian continues to be hopeless.

"We are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, loving husband and wife!" Xiong Xinxin added with a shy look on her face.

"Just say you two are a couple!" Zhang Wei said, looking Xiong Xinxin up and down, focusing on his legs.

Just based on the name Xiong Xinxin, his kicking skills should be very good, comparable to Huang Feihong's shadowless kicks!

"Brother Haotian, I can't see that you are still playing tricks on me! Tell me, what is going on with this childhood sweetheart's daughter-in-law?" Zhang Wei said and took out a handful of melon seeds.

"I think she and Senior Ye are old friends!" Lu Yunxiang said, extending his hand to Zhang Wei and sharing half a handful of melon seeds. "No!" Ye Haotian immediately denied it.

Zhang Wei nodded: "I have indeed never heard Brother Haotian mention that he has any old acquaintances."

"Even if we are not old friends, we are still old acquaintances!" Lu Yunxiang continued.

"Is it possible, we are just fellow villagers!"

Ye Haotian went on to explain: "Xiong Xinxin's grandfather was a comrade with my grandfather, and we had a life-long friendship on the battlefield of Changjin Lake. Xiong Xinxin's father and my father also lived in the same compound since childhood, so our family and Xiong Xinxin's family , considered a family friend."

"I understand. Later, both your mother and Xiong Xinxin's mother became pregnant. Then the two families discussed that if they both gave birth to sons, they would be brothers. If they both gave birth to daughters, they would be married to Jinlan. If they were both sons, they would marry Jinlan. , let’s get married on the fingertips! You two are still good friends!”

"Are you talking about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?" Ye Haotian glared at Zhang Wei.

"Then you are Yang Kang! You are both handsome and scumbag!" Zhang Wei then asked: "When did you and Xiong Xinxin get together?"

"We've never been together at all!" Ye Haotian continued: "Xinxin has been pestering me since I was a child. From kindergarten, to elementary school, to middle school, she had to follow me wherever I went. To be honest, the reason why I passed the college entrance exam , part of the reason is to avoid her!"

"You didn't run away from me, the little girl even chased me to Qingdao University!"

"I thought I could avoid her! Although her academic performance was pretty good, she was still far from the standards of Tsinghua University. I thought that she would definitely not be able to get into Tsinghua University. But unexpectedly, something happened. Accident!" Ye Haotian sighed softly.

"Did you make someone's belly bigger?"

"Can we still have a good chat? If you don't want to hear it, I won't talk!"

"No, Brother Haotian, keep talking. We are in the middle of the conversation. We can't imitate the author and act like a dog out of context!"

Ye Haotian continued to explain: "I ignored the matter of students with special talents, but Xiong Xinxin got into Tsinghua University with her special talents!"

"What's your specialty? Art? Music? It can't be sports, right?"

"It's similar to sports, it's martial arts. Wuying-level athletes!"

"Such a harmless little girl? Is she a martial artist?" Zhang Weixin said, she really deserves the name Xiong Xinxin.

"Harmless? Don't be deceived by her appearance! She has a lot of evil intentions, she is probably as good as you!" Ye Haotian said.

"What does it mean to be on par with me? I am a very simple person!" Zhang Wei said.

"Innocent? Damn! You just lied to me about playing "Tail Line"! It made me think that normal games are like that! The day before yesterday, I was chatting with my brothers about games. I said that I was playing "Tail Line" recently, and all the brothers despised me. !”

"Is it just contempt for you? Nothing else?" Zhang Wei then asked.

"What else?" Ye Haotian didn't know why.

"Didn't they ask you for the game installation package?"


One of the most important activities in the Tsinghua University summer camp is patriotism education. This year’s education was held in Xibaipo. We visited the old central site and memorial hall in Xibaipo, and listened to lectures on the three major battles.

Xibaipo is four hours away from the capital. According to the plan, we rush to Xibaipo early in the morning, arrive at noon, and visit and study after lunch.

The visit and study would take an entire afternoon anyway. There was definitely no time to go back to the capital that day, so we went to Shijiazhuang to stay overnight and go back the next morning.

Ye Haotian walked onto the bus and counted the number of people. His group was all here. He made an OK gesture to the leading teacher outside the bus and prepared to find a seat to sit down.

"Brother Tian, ​​sit here with me!" Xiong Xinxin waved to Ye Haotian excitedly.

Ye Haotian looked at Xiong Xinxin with a wry smile, and then slapped Zhang Wei on the shoulder: "Sit inside!"

Zhang Wei looked around and saw that there were only a dozen people sitting on the thirty-seat bus, and there were still many empty seats.

"There's room over there, why are you trying to squeeze in with me?"

"Nonsense, if I didn't squeeze in with you, Xiong Xinxin would definitely sit next to me!" Ye Haotian whispered.

"Your sister Xinxin is a beauty after all! You don't want a beautiful woman by your side! If you have to get together with a big man like me, people will suspect us of being gay!"

"A woman is not as important as a gay friend!" Ye Haotian said what was in his heart.

"Be aware! I believe you are sincere!" Zhang Wei stretched out his thumb, then moved inside, giving up the outside position to Ye Haotian.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Xinxin from behind suddenly pouted.

"This damn Zhang Wei took away my brother Tian!"

A woman's sixth sense tells her that her love rival has appeared!
 This chapter has another 3,000 words. Thank you all book friends for coming to support me during the Chinese New Year! Everyone is also welcome to comment and complain. As long as you don't curse people, I will never delete or ban comments. If you think something is bad, feel free to criticize! Our main message is to accept it humbly and never repent!

(End of this chapter)

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