Chapter 20 Experiment
Awareness returns to the body.

Wang Ping'an immediately picked up his mobile phone. It depends on whether he will eat meat or drink soup in the future.

"Ding ~"


" really doesn't work. It seems that I really have to fight it myself."

Wang Ping'an threw his phone aside. He was in no mood now and stared at the ceiling blankly. He didn't know how he could earn one million gold coins in eight hours.

Unless the game opens up multiple explosion rates, it would be impossible for him to complete it.

However, it is easy to double the experience in the game, but it is too difficult to double the explosion rate.

Wang Ping'an slowly recalled the maps that made money faster, and finally he thought of two maps, one was the legendary Corpse King's Palace, and the other was the Iron-Blooded Demon Palace in the legendary world.

Ten corpse kings will be refreshed in the Corpse King Hall every 40 minutes, and two will be refreshed every ten minutes. If you fight quickly, you can kill at least twelve in an hour.

If you fight there for six or seven hours, you should be able to get 100 million gold coins. Of course, this is a good estimate. If the zombies don't explode, there is nothing you can do and no one can be killed.

In the Iron-Blooded Demon Palace in the legendary world, there is mainly one kind of monster to fight inside, which is the Demon Eye. These monsters are bound to explode. They are at least 8×8 in area. You only need to fight to monsters in a night to hit a hundred. Ten thousand gold coins.

It's just that this kind of monster is very powerful, and it's also a long-range monster, so it's impossible to defeat it in the early stage.

If the Taoist priest learns the magic palace skills, that is, the Netherworld Fire Spell and the Enhanced Skeleton Skill, he can defeat it very quickly.

However, these two skills require very high levels. The Nether Fire Spell requires level 39, and the Enhanced Skeleton Spell requires level 42.

Legend is a very slow game to level up, and I don’t know how long it will take to reach that level.

"It seems that it won't be possible in a short time."

After calculation, Wang Ping'an laughed angrily when he found out that this was the result.

There is a golden mountain in front of me, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t have a hoe to dig it out. Anyone who encounters such a situation will be angry.

"Hey... I still have too little online time. If I had the same time as the players in the game, I would be at level 25 by now."

Wang Ping'an got up and went to eat. He no longer thought about this matter, otherwise he would remain depressed.


Qingtian: Brother Taoist, why didn’t you come to see me yesterday?
At noon, Wang Ping'an saw the message sent by Qingtian and smiled, "What do you mean I didn't come to see you? If you want a gift, just say it clearly, don't keep it secretive."

Ignoring this news, Wang Ping'an is currently in an Internet cafe and wants to try it out in the nostalgic server. He wants to test whether he can get 26 million gold coins in the Palace of the Corpse King within eight hours from going online to going offline at level 100.

He also bought his account in the game. If he was in a hurry, others would ask him for a thousand oceans.

As long as money opens the way, everything can be negotiated. He hired a team of people for two thousand yuan and asked them to guard the entrance of the Corpse King's Palace to prevent others from entering.

He also used a loudspeaker to shout, asking friends from the Corpse King Hall to give up their seats and offer five hundred yuan.

There is nothing we can do in the new area. There must be someone in the Corpse King Hall. There is no one in the Corpse King Hall in the old area, but there are no Taoist priests of more than 20 levels.

When someone testified, two people came over after a while and sent pictures that they were indeed in the Corpse King's Hall just now. Wang Ping'an did not break his promise and directly transferred two hundred and fifty yuan to each person.

During the waiting period, I will train the skeleton to level seven and wait for the corpse king palace to open.

When he did this, people gathered nearby to watch the excitement and wanted to see why he was doing this. Wang Ping'an: Thank you brothers for your help. I just made a bet with someone to see if I can get 26 million gold coins in eight hours with a level 100 Taoist account.

"Then what's your bet? Let you spend it like this."

"That's right! You've spent thousands since you bought the account. It's not worth it even if the bet is small."

Everyone was very curious about the bet Wang Pingan mentioned. What kind of bet could make the Taoist priest in front of them spend so much money.

Wang Ping'an: Let's not talk about the bet. Anyway, winning is a good thing. Thank you again for your help, brothers and sisters.


Although these people booed, they were still willing to cooperate with him. It is hard to see excitement in Legend now. Now that there is such excitement, everyone is willing to cooperate.

Several waves of monk zombies appeared at the coordinate point, but they were not the entrance. Many people nearby flew away, and slowly only a few of his hired brothers were left.

In fact, these big brothers are just helping, not for the money at all. The Chinese people have the heart to watch the excitement.

Plus, it's really strange, so I came over to help with the platform. Otherwise, the people watching on the outside just don't care who you are, and I will beat you if you don't like it.

The monk zombie emerged from the soil again. Wang Ping'an controlled the Taoist number and stood on it. The computer screen went black, and then he came to the Corpse King's Hall.

Wang Ping'an quickly sent out a loudspeaker to thank all the players in the region for their willingness to cooperate with him.

Then he saw ten corpse kings surrounding his mutated skeleton. Wang Ping'an quickly applied a defense to the skeleton, which was the sacred armor technique.

The skeleton is now at level seven, with 480 health points, and is very resistant. Even if eight zombie kings attack at the same time, they will not be able to kill him for a while.

Wang Pingan cast two healing spells on the skeletons, and then poisoned the corpse kings one by one, so that the skeletons could be chopped faster.

After applying the poison, Wang Ping'an would not only add blood to the skeleton, he would also help fight it, killing as fast as he could.

Wang Pingan stayed in the Corpse King's Palace all afternoon. Six and a half hours later, Wang Pingan looked at the 57 gold coins on his body and fell into deep thought.

The main reason is that many zombie kings don't explode at all, and only one or two piles of money can be exploded. The big explosions are all below 6×6, and there are not many coins.

He also had the powerful solar water and advanced skill books he picked up, but these were not even worth half a million gold coins.

"It seems that the Palace of the Corpse King can't get enough one million gold coins in eight hours."

As for why he stopped after six and a half hours, it was because it took time to practice the skeleton, time to wait for the door to open, and some time to exchange for gold bars.

"Try the Iron-Blooded Demon Palace again tomorrow."

After sitting in the Internet cafe for so long, Wang Ping'an was also very tired. He didn't have the energy to sit all day and night. The environment before was still poor. There were no sofas like today. At that time, they were still plastic chairs.

After coming out of the Internet cafe, Wang Ping'an suddenly wanted to eat hot pot. He hadn't eaten hot pot in his hometown for a long time, but now he wanted to eat it.

When I was a delivery boy, if I wanted to eat hot pot, I would go to Malatang and lie to myself, saying that this is hot pot.

Taking out his mobile phone, Wang Ping'an looked up which hot pot restaurant in the Magic City had authentic hot pot. After reading the reviews, he chose a hot pot restaurant called Shu Tianxia.

As for the most famous restaurant, everyone knows that it is not the taste that others are famous for, but the service.

(End of this chapter)

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