My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 23 The appearance of the senior mage

Chapter 23 The appearance of the senior mage

As soon as Wang Ping'an entered the game, he immediately sent a private message to "Du Ba Tianxia" and asked if they were at the same place.

Du Ba Tianxia: Come quickly, I’m missing you.

Little Taoist priest with dog: I’ll buy the potion and be there soon.

Wang Pingan went to the warehouse to take out the "Group Invisibility Technique" and learn it first, and then replenished the potions and amulets.

"Group invisibility" has the same effect as "invisibility", except that the former can make others invisible, while the latter can only be used by oneself.

After buying the supplies, Wang Ping'an teleported to Centipede Cave.

There was no delay on the way, and he rushed directly to the death coffin. On the way, he saw miracle people chatting on the public screen.

It's just that he is in a hurry to upgrade now and doesn't want to deal with them, so he doesn't make trouble.

Entering the death coffin, five people were killing monsters at the door. The babies of several of them were now at level three, and they had obviously been fighting for a long time.

"Damn, you're finally here, hurry up and join the group."

Wang Ping'an entered the team and put an amulet on a pincer. The newly summoned skeleton immediately walked towards the pincer, hit it with an ax in front of it, and then stood in a daze.

The first-level skeleton is just like this, very dull. It will be better when it is upgraded to the third level.

Du Ba Tianxia: "Why are you online at this time? I didn't see you online during the day."

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "There is no way, I can only go online during this time every day."

Cynical: "If you come later, I will catch up with you... Let's change the direction tonight. I didn't see the BOSS in that direction yesterday. I don't know if there is one here."

Hello everyone."

After determining the direction, everyone began to slowly clear the monsters in that direction.

While they were talking, Wang Ping'an knew that there was another big BOSS in that direction - the Dragon Touching God.

Looking at the density and refresh rate of monsters on the Death Coffin side, it seems likely that no one has come to fight the Dragon Touching God yet.

It's just that it should be difficult for them to kill him. With their current blood volume and defense, as long as they are paralyzed, their blood volume will not be restored even if they take medicine.

The Touching Dragon God is a long-range monster and can also be paralyzed. It is difficult to kill it with poison. This should be the most difficult BOSS for Taoists in the early stage.

The few of them were chatting and fighting monsters, but it didn't seem boring. After a while, they pushed forward a certain distance.

Du Ba Tian Xia: Tomorrow we will draw lots for the genetic injection, have you taken it?
"Not yet? Drawing that one is like winning a lottery. You're not lucky. Have you won?"

Hearing them talking about this, Wang Ping'an quickly swallowed what he said. This should be their reality.

Du Ba Tianxia shook his head: "Neither did I. I've tried it five times and still haven't hit."

Speaking of this, several people felt a little depressed.

"It would be great if you had money. It would be so convenient to buy it would be troublesome if it were free, and the country doesn't ask for more quotas."

"Who says it's not the case! Stop talking about these sad things, go fight monsters and try to make money in this game."

Listening to what they said, there are gene needles in their area, but the number should be relatively rare, and the country still needs to ask for free quotas from other countries or forces. Obviously, the country cannot create them yet.

It's just that he doesn't know if the gene needle they are talking about is the one in their minds. If it is, it will be serious.

Du Ba Tianxia: "By the way, I bought the ruby ​​ring yesterday for 800 Yuanbao. We will share it equally. Each person will get 160 Yuanbao..."

Then he looked at Wang Ping'an: "Brother Taoist priest, you didn't join the group when we hunted the pincers yesterday, so there was no one for you. I'm sorry!"

The little Taoist priest with the dog said: "You should divide it, don't worry about me." Several people divided the ingots between fighting monsters.

Wang Ping'an was very curious about their relationship and asked, "Are you together in reality?"

A few people shook their heads and said, "No, we just met in the game, but we met early, and we formed a team to fight monsters together."

Wang Ping'an had to lament the good luck of several people, as everyone got a skill book.

And their characters are also pretty good. It’s not easy to trust someone you’ve known for a few days in a game.

"Fuck, someone is coming."

Several people looked behind and saw several people coming out of the hole.

Among them is a senior mage, followed by five centipedes, and behind him should be Taoist priests, all holding half moons: "There is someone here!"

As soon as the mage came in, he saw Wang Ping'an and several others, and then saw that all six of them were carrying skeleton babies, so he put away some thoughts in his heart.

If a fight breaks out, I'm afraid I won't be able to get any favors from my side. Apart from myself, the other Taoist priests who are helping the baby increase blood will probably be beaten away.

Several baby centipedes should also be killed. These are babies he has been practicing for a long time. Two of them are already level 4. He would not be willing to die here.

Ashes and Smoke: There are two forks here, how about one team taking one side.

When Wang Ping'an and others saw the senior mage, they felt a little frightened: Okay, let's take the next path.

Hui Fei Yan Mie looked at the map and found that the area above was a little larger. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's keep it to ourselves."

Seeing that there was no fight, several people were relieved. Fighting in the early stage was too late for upgrading and making money.

Then several people saw the Taoist priests running to attract the monsters. The mage placed a fire wall nearby. After the attracted monsters entered the fire wall, he released the five centipedes behind him and allowed them to join the attack.

After being attacked by the wall of fire, the attracted monsters immediately dropped the Taoist priest they were chasing and ran towards the mage, but were immediately intercepted by the centipede.

Several Taoist priests also stopped at this time, and turned around and kept casting healing spells on the mage and his baby centipede. After a while, the monsters at the door were cleared away, much faster than the six of them.

Seeing how efficiently the mage killed monsters, several others couldn't help but look envious.

How many levels must I upgrade after killing like this all night?

In less than ten minutes, the mage led several Taoist priests to clear them up.

Here, the mage did not ask the Taoist priest to lure all the nearby monsters over. Instead, he fought them one by one like Wang Ping'an and the others. Obviously, he did not want to cause misunderstanding.

Hui Fei and Yan Mie: "This is our dividing line. I hope you won't cross the line. I won't go to your side. How about a peaceful upgrade?"

Everyone nodded and agreed with what he said.

Anyway, they had already searched the map above yesterday and did not find the BOSS. If there was a BOSS, it could only be on the map below.

After the two teams separated, the mage was at full fire, and several little Taoist priests kept helping him attract monsters and increase blood. They were very busy. After a while, they moved away from here and could no longer be seen.

"Damn, mage is so fast. If I had known, I would have practiced mage."

Several other people showed contempt: "You are the only one who still wants to practice as a mage. Do you have any money for medicine?"

In just one sentence, the cynicism was silenced and no more words of envy were spoken.

He just came to the game to make money. Of course, he couldn't choose a money-burning mage. At least the Taoist priest really saved money. He had earned almost two thousand in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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