My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 36 Enhanced Memory

Chapter 36 Enhanced Memory
Wang Ping'an stood there like a gangster, which reminded him of some of the things he encountered when delivering food in the past. Sometimes it was really speechless.

"Brother, come here and smoke."

At this time, one of the two people standing aside handed him a step, which relieved Wang Pingan's embarrassment. Wang Pingan took the cigarette: "Thank you!"

He also smokes, but only very little, one pack every three or four days, or not.

"Don't be angry. Those two girls are natives. Their eyes are on their foreheads. They look at people through their nostrils." The fuming eldest brother approached Wang Ping'an and whispered, fearing that the two girls would hear what would happen. Yao Mozi.

"Then their necks aren't sore." Then Wang Ping'an waved his hands and said, "It's not that they're angry, they're just a little unresponsive."

Hearing what he said, the two covered their mouths and laughed: "Maybe they are used to it, so they won't be sore."

Another person chatted up: "You didn't know when you first came here. Just don't talk to them in the future. You can only meet them when you are learning to drive. Who knows who when you leave here? Don't take it to heart. Instead, you will make yourself angry."

"Huh?" Wang Ping'an was surprised when he heard his words: "Are you from Tianfu too?"

The word 'inversion' is rarely used in other places, and reverse is generally used.

The man said in surprise: "Fuck, so the three of us are from Tianfu? What a fate! I'm learning to drive and I met two fellow villagers. Hurry up and add us on WeChat."

After hearing what he said, Wang Ping'an took out his mobile phone and added the two's WeChat messages.

"Brother, what are you doing? Why are you so tanned?"

Because they are fellow villagers, the two of them are obviously very close to each other, and they naturally talk a lot more quickly.

"Who wants to get such a tan? You don't do it by delivering food. You are exposed to the wind and sun every day. It's hard not to get tan."

Wang Ping'an looked at the bottom and top of the sleeves. They were completely different colors. The areas that were shielded from the sun were white, but the face, neck and arms were very dark, as if they came from Africa.

"Then I'm pretty much the same as you. I work in sales, and I'm also running around outside all day long."

"Your sales are much better than mine. You're not running around all the time. Otherwise, you wouldn't be tanned. If you're outside all the time, you'd be like me."

"I, the chef, don't need to bask in the sun, but in such hot weather now, standing by the stove every day makes me suffer even more than you do. I sweat every day at work..."

Hearing what he said, the two nodded. The weather is getting hot now, and the chefs are really working hard, especially in small shops without central air conditioning, which is really uncomfortable.

"Jiang Wei, here comes you..."

At this time, the coach called people from a distance.

"You two talk first, and I'll go over first."

"it is good."

From chatting, he knew that the two of them could only come one day a week on the weekends, and not at other times.

Logically speaking, the chef should be busy on weekends and have more leisure time at other times. However, there are no residential areas near his store, which are all office buildings. It is very busy during weekdays, but there are no people around on weekends.

Sales generally have six days off and one day off, and it is difficult to have two days off.

The time for small talk is fast, and Wang Ping'an arrived soon.

He didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that his memory and physical coordination had improved a lot during this period.

The coach only told it once, and he almost remembered it, and he was able to simulate the operation in a good manner.

He didn't know what was going on, he could only blame it on the influence of the game and the code that enlarged his head.

The influence was good, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

At noon, the chef took two people to a small shop and heard that the food was fresh and delicious.

The three of them ordered four dishes and one soup. When the dishes were served, Wang Pingan secretly paid for them.

... When he returned to the hotel in the evening, Wang Ping'an took out the information and looked through it. After reading it a few times, he remembered it almost.

I took a mock test and found that I could get a score of 95 or above every time. This is enough to book an exam.

"I didn't expect that playing games would have such benefits."

He had heard others say that subject one was very difficult, with too many questions, and he failed several times.

Now it seemed to him that it was not as difficult as they said.

Confirming that he could pass every time, Wang Ping'an did not continue to try, but opened Douyin and entered Qingtian's live broadcast room.

Mainly because I was disgusted by those two women today, so I came over to see the beauties.

Here, he can be regarded as the anchor's eldest brother, so naturally he can't sneer at him, and he will coax him with nice words, which will make him feel better after a while.

As soon as he was in a good mood, the number of Dou coins in his account decreased. Looking at the few remaining Dou coins, Wang Pingan gave them all to the anchor in the evening.

Now, he has spent all the 60,000 yuan he recharged. Looking back carefully, he found that all the coins were spent on the anchor Qingtian.

In the past, when watching live broadcasts, he would run around to other live broadcast rooms to grab lucky bags. Now whenever Douyin is on, he usually only stays in this live broadcast room and never goes outside to grab lucky bags.

"Did I fall in love with this anchor?"

But when I thought about it carefully, I found that it was not the case. I could only say that it looked good, so I watched it a hundred million points more.

There must be some good impressions. After all, this anchor is indeed beautiful and has a good figure. As long as he is a normal man, he will definitely like her.

There are now nearly 200 people in the live broadcast room who have the same hobbies as him every day.

It seems that because he gives gifts to the anchor every day, there are more people now than at the beginning.

I haven't seen that the number of WeChat messages she sends every day has increased.

I used to just post one when I was having lunch, but now I post one when I have something to do. I also post one when I meet someone interesting, and I post one when I am in a good or a bad mood.

It's just that he rarely replies when he sees it.

This was also where he confirmed that he didn't like her yet.

He used to like a girl, and he was thinking about others all the time. As soon as his phone rang, he would immediately pick it up to see if she had sent her a message, and he would immediately recover as soon as there was a message.

Now he knows that his original behavior was dog licking.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet - Those who lick dogs will not die well. Looking at him now, you can tell that he is one of the ones who will die.

But now that he thinks about it, he's a little glad that the girl didn't like him. He doesn't want to spend money on her anymore.

Now that you spend money on anchors and are greeted by them every day, the emotional value is much higher than before. (Brothers and friends, don’t be misled!)

Now I don’t have to think of ways to make others happy every day, and I don’t have to be disliked by others when I give gifts. Naturally, my life is much more comfortable than before.

The value of the gift given to the anchor may not be as much as that given to the girl he likes, but the anchor will in turn find ways to make himself happy.

With completely different treatment, he naturally has his own choice, and it will definitely be difficult to like others in the future.

I can only say that at that time, I was young, not sensible, and my eyesight was not very good. As soon as I met people, I was not kind to them.

Moreover, he did not live up to expectations and licked a girl who was not good in all aspects.

That girl is not even as good as the girls in the driving school today. At least the girls in the driving school have local advantages.

Compared with the anchor Qingtian, there is no comparison. Their body and appearance are very different.

(End of this chapter)

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