My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 40 Reasons for the delay in double experience

Chapter 40 Reasons for the delay in double experience
Online game.

Looking at the monsters in his sight, Wang Pingan began to clean up the monsters.

Thinking of training the baby again later, I felt helpless. , it won’t work if you don’t practice, the upgrade speed will be much slower.

After clearing a clearing, Wang Ping'an summoned the mutated skeleton.

"How come the number of people online hasn't exceeded 50 million yet? It's been how many days."

He was very surprised. Marfa World broke 20 million in two days, why did it take so long to reach 50 million? He couldn't wait to double the experience.

Leveling up now is really slow and very tiring.

"How many levels are Brother Xiaosha and the others?"

Thinking of this, he sent him a private message: Brother Xiaosha, what level are you at now? This leveling is really too slow.

After a while, a private message from Brother Xiaosha came over: I just upgraded to level 26. I heard that the number of people online will exceed million in a few days. At that time, a long-term double experience will be opened. Then the upgrade will be faster. .

Seeing the letter written by Brother Xiaosha, Wang Ping'an didn't expect that he guessed correctly. Double experience was not opened at 30 million, but he thought it would definitely be opened at 50 million.

But considering that it would take so many days to reach 50 million people online in Marfa World, it would be difficult to make a big breakthrough in the number of people online in the future.

In other words, this double experience should be the last one. I decided to seize this opportunity and completely surpass the first echelon level.

Little Taoist priest with dog: Hey... I don’t know how many days it will take. I really want to come as soon as possible.

Brother Xiaosa: Those manufacturers of gaming helmets and gaming compartments are just junk snacks. With such a big gap in helmets and gaming compartments, we are just starting to prepare additional production lines. The leaders of the equipment manufacturers are full of shit. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. I've been dawdling for so many days, delaying the opening of double experience in the game.


Wang Ping'an really didn't expect this to be the reason. The slap in the face came so fast like a tornado. He asked why so few people played the first virtual game.

Unexpectedly, it was insufficient helmet production capacity that restricted the number of game players: "Game companies also did not prepare more helmets and game warehouses in advance."

In fact, the game company was also wronged. They actually did not expect that this game would become popular. A game from seventy years ago, a game that has been eliminated from the market, did not expect that it would become so popular after being made into a virtual game.

Mainly now that artificial intelligence has just appeared, they can only apply for second-level sub-permissions, and they can't even make slightly more complex virtual games.

Then someone thought of this relatively simple game seventy years ago. At that time, they thought of using this game to warm up the game and hype up the concept of virtual games.

But they never expected that an old-fashioned game that only involves fighting and killing, without any plot, and extremely slow to upgrade would become a hit upon release.

So much so that game helmets and game warehouses have been sold out of stock, and equipment manufacturers are working overtime to meet the huge gap, which has led to the current official website being filled with curse words.

Little Taoist with Dog: Indeed, such a big business opportunity has been delayed for so many days, and the vision is indeed not very good.

Brother Xiaosha: Who says it’s not the case... Taoist priest, what level are you at?

Little Taoist priest with dog: I'm much lower than you. I'm still at level 23 now, and I'll be at level 24 soon.

Brother Xiaosha: Then you are not slow! You are only online for a few hours every day, which is already very fast... But to be fast, you still need a mage. Several mages in my studio are about to reach level 28.

Wang Ping'an also knows that mage upgrades quickly, but who told him to become a Taoist priest as soon as he came in?

The little Taoist priest with the dog: Brother Xiaosha, let’s not talk about it for now. I’m going to work hard to upgrade, but I’ve been left behind so many levels by you.

He just feels speechless now. This is very similar to the current hunger marketing. Many brands of mobile phones are sold out as soon as they are released, and then they slowly wait for production capacity to increase, or they go to scalpers to buy them at high prices. Especially for a fruit phone, scalpers can sometimes increase the original price by several thousand yuan.

It's just that future gaming helmets will engage in hunger marketing like this, so he can only say "convinced".

Now that it was confirmed that double experience would be available in a few days, his motivation to upgrade immediately increased.

We are now only two levels short of reaching level 26. Try to reach it before the experience is doubled, so that you can improve the upgrade efficiency when the experience is doubled, and you can level up faster.

Just after he defeated a few monsters, he saw an envelope coming out of the void and entering his body: "Who is this sending me a private message?"

Du Ba Tianxia: Taoist, will you go down to the Stone Tomb Array with us? Too many people came to the Death Coffin today, and the monsters can’t be cleared. A few of us are going to occupy a room in the Stone Tomb Array. Do you want to come with us? Together?

After reading the news, he knew that this should be after the dragon dragon god was exposed last night. Some people wanted to go there to upgrade because of its fast monster spawning and the lack of remote monsters.

As long as you don't run into the Dragon God's attack range, it is indeed a good place to form a team and upgrade.

Unlike the Woma Temple, which has long-range attack monsters like the Dark Warrior, there are monsters like the Mace Moth and the White Boar on the seventh floor of the stone tomb that can paralyze people and attack extremely tall monsters.

In addition to refreshing an evil pincer, there are no other special monsters that can threaten the characters in the Death Coffin.

But now that there are more people, it’s hard to tell whether the monsters in Death Coffin are enough. Everyone wants to level up quickly, and they rush there in a swarm. It’s not even as good as a normal map.

Just like Du Ba Tianxia and the others, they are already moving to another place. Obviously there are too many people there, otherwise they wouldn't think of going to the Stone Tomb Array.

The Stone Tomb Formation also has annoying paralyzing monsters like the Wedge Moth.

Once paralyzed, the character cannot take any action for a few seconds and can only be beaten passively.

There are no annoying monsters here in his Demon Sealing Path, and it is impossible to go down to the Stone Tomb Formation with them.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "You go ahead, I won't go. I'm fine here."

It took a while for Du Ba Tianxia to send a private message: "Okay then! Let's go down first and see if we can share a room."

Several Taoist priests have to occupy a room. It is actually quite easy to occupy a room, but the efficiency may not be very high.

With so many wedge moth attacks, the baby is either paralyzed or on the way to paralysis. Only when the efficiency is high can there be ghosts.

But they have no choice. They are not family members and if they want to occupy a better place, they will face the risk of being robbed at any time.

After ending the private message with Du Ba Tianxia, ​​he made sure that no one would disturb him from killing monsters.

But he was happy too early. At about two o'clock, Brother Xiaosha sent a showy private message: Taoist priest, I have good news for you. The people below me also got a Tianzun Taoist robe...

Wang Ping'an didn't expect that he had just obtained the first level 40 piece of clothing. It wasn't the first explosion, but the explosion rate was so low. Only one piece of clothing was released after three bosses in two days.

According to the six-hour refresh rate, there will be twelve BOSSs out of three in one day. There have been twenty-four BOSSs in two days, and only one BOSS has been shipped.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: Congratulations, boss! Congratulations, boss! Finally shipped.


After Wang Pingan's private message was sent, Brother Xiaosha replied with one word.

(End of this chapter)

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