My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 51 The strengthened Woma leader

Chapter 51 The strengthened Woma leader

Entering the first floor of the Woma Temple, everyone started to fly randomly, and only heard the sound of "咻咻".

Wang Ping'an randomly flew to the entrance of the second floor several times. He didn't wait for them. After going down, he flew to the third floor.

Here, there are already many people with knight prefixes waiting here.

"Brother Taoist, I finally joined the guild today."

"It's rare to see a Taoist brother play with us. Everyone warmly welcomes him."

Listening to their conversation, Wang Ping'an made a clasped fist gesture: "Thank you brothers, you are so enthusiastic. I will participate in more activities in the future."

After all, everyone was not very familiar with Wang Pingan, so they stopped paying attention to him after a while.

Wang Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone was no longer paying attention to him. Mainly because they were not familiar with each other, and awkward conversations were really difficult.

After a while, Brother Xiaosha and the others also flew here: "How is it inside?"

Knight Sky Knight stood up and said: "Brother Fengliu and the others are still down there. They are all our people, and no one from other guilds is here."

"Let's go then, go down first." Brother Xiaosha waved to Wang Ping'an: "Taoist, you will follow me later, and we will go down to explode the mines later. We will level up very quickly."

"Okay." Wang Ping'an nodded: "Don't worry, I will go wherever you go."

Entering the third floor, Wang Ping'an saw that the small room was full of monsters, and the death coffin was nothing compared to it. There was no space at all, and they were all occupied by monsters.

"The Taoist priests first use collective invisibility and magic defense, and then target the dark warriors one by one. The warriors pay attention to the dung bugs close by, and the mages use group attacks."

As soon as Wang Ping'an came in, he heard the knight Sky Knight shouting.

When everyone came down, they all overlapped. He also cast a collective invisibility spell, and then cast the ghost shield and holy armor spells one after another.

After using the skills, Wang Ping'an selected a dark warrior and stuck an amulet on it.

Now after double the experience time, everyone's level has been improved, and there are also mines, a big killer. I only saw the third level landing here, and the monsters fell down in circles, with no chance to fight back.

As the monster died, the people at the landing point were squeezed out one by one, and Wang Ping'an was also squeezed out.

He is not afraid. Now the dark warriors have been killed by Taoist priests, and the nearby monsters have been cleared away by mages. There is no danger at all.

"The team moves forward, and the warriors in front attract the monsters. The Taoist priests pay attention to the refreshed dark warriors, and pay attention to the blood volume of the warriors in front."

Then, he saw a person walking towards the big room from where he landed. Wang Ping'an also cheered up, and wherever he saw a refreshed dark warrior, he put up an amulet.

After almost a soul fire talisman, it will die under the fire of everyone.

The mage followed the Taoist priest, and as soon as the monsters approached the warrior, they were all killed by the explosive flames.

Although there are indeed many monsters here and they refresh very quickly, they were still pushed into the large room in the middle.

There are more than a dozen teams of people in the big room who are upgrading. They are all wizards and Taoists with a few knight prefixes, and one or two prefixes of princess or noble.

His name seems very out of place here.

"Taoist, let's go to the back, there's room there." Brother Xiaosha called Wang Ping'an together and walked towards the back of the room.

Along with him were three mages who had learned magic shield, and two Taoist priests.

Including the two of them, the team only has seven people.

Arriving at the predetermined location, Brother Xiaosha said: "Let's upgrade here first, and then we'll fight again after the leader clears it. The upgrade here is quick."

Hearing him say the word "Gaga", Wang Pingan was not used to it. It felt very inconsistent for a well-known rich second generation to use such repeated words. Wang Ping'an saw that the two Taoist priests had gone out to lure the monsters and said, "I will also lure the monsters."

Just as he was about to leave after saying that, he was stopped by Brother Xiaosha: "No, let them lure the monsters. Just pay attention to the remote monsters spawning nearby."

After a while, the two Taoist priests led a large wave of monsters and approached a few people, and the mines never stopped at the mage's side.

Three people exploded mines, but the monster was completely unable to attack and kept falling back.

The two passed by the mage. When the large group of monsters approached the mage, the two of them became invisible. All these monsters stayed around the three mages and were affected by the mines.

The remote monster was left behind on the road and did not follow.

When this wave of monsters were killed by landmines, Brother Xiaosha asked: "Is it very fast?"

Wang Ping'an looked at his experience. Although there were seven people sharing experience, he still shared 10,000 experience this time: "It's really fast."

Although it is really fast, it is a pity that these gold coins are not mined by him. I will definitely not be able to withdraw much money tomorrow. I am grateful to have ten or twenty thousand.

Wang Ping'an paid attention to the nearby long-range monsters and protected the three mages from time to time. Unfortunately, he did not use the group healing technique and could only add blood one by one at a time.

"Everyone, hurry up and gather in the middle. The leader is here." After only two waves of monsters were defeated, someone shouted on the guild channel.

Brother Xiaosha heard that he had beaten the BOSS and said quickly: "Quick, quick, let's go get the BOSS experience."

Wang Ping'an was also a little speechless. He even ran to grab experience from a guild.

But he also followed, wanting to see if the Woma leader of the Marfa world had changed.

Arriving at the altar in the middle, I saw countless thunder and lightning spells and countless fire talismans hitting the leader of Woma.

Wang Ping'an looked at the leader's blood volume. In just this moment, the leader's blood volume dropped by half.

The Woma leader of the Marfa world has really strengthened his strength. He can still persist for so long despite so many attacks.

If it's a PC game and there are so many people attacking it, it won't be able to stay for a second and will just lie down.

"Everyone, please pay attention. It's about to fly. Everyone, hurry up and find it, otherwise your health will be full again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the leader of Woma had disappeared.

"Everyone, especially the Taoist priests, move quickly."

Wang Ping'an also chose a direction and gathered the number of people. With so many people, he should be able to find them quickly.

"Everyone, hurry up and come to the small room at the back. The leader is flying here."

Sure enough, just as he thought, the leader was found soon.

By the time Wang Ping'an ran over, the leader's blood volume was almost full.

The main Taoist priest's poison time has passed before it has a chance to recover its blood.

Although it is a BOSS and has certain resistance to poison, its recovery is very slow. As long as there is enough time, the Taoist priest will definitely wear it to death.

"Please, don't fly too far this time."

I heard many people nearby saying this, is it possible that the leader of Woma will definitely be able to fly when he reaches this level of health?
There is only a chance of flying in the terminal game, and the map in the terminal game is small and can be found in a while. Even without the poison of the Taoist priest, a mage can kill him.

But the leader of Woma here, not only has a high blood volume, but also recovers blood very quickly, and there is nothing he can do if there are few people.

(End of this chapter)

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