Chapter 59 Nightmare
"I don't know if I can learn both skills at the same time? It shouldn't be possible!"

Wang Ping'an was thinking about this problem, but it was impossible. After all, the wizard skills on both sides had Meteor and Fire Rain, so it would be a repeat.

"It should be that the paths will diverge starting at level 30 or above. Those who have learned the world of legend cannot learn the legend of blood. It should be like this."

He felt that his guess was correct, but in this case, the legendary Taoist priest felt that he was not as good as the legendary world.

After all, the main function of Blood Devouring Technique is actually to restore blood, the damage is not high, and the learning level is ridiculously high, requiring level 47.

In the legendary world, all skills have been learned at level 43. He doesn't know how to balance these in the Marfa world, but it will definitely be balanced.

He only knows that he already has the "Enhanced Skeleton Technique" now. He only needs to wait until level 42 and practice the Enhanced Skeleton Technique to the full level.

Strengthening Skeleton Technique is different from summoning skeletons. He can train the skill to level three at one time when he is at level 42. There is no need to reach a certain level before he can advance to the next level like other skills.

After Wang Ping'an picked up all the other things, he returned to the city directly and did not stay in the Iron-Blooded Demonic City any longer.

The main reason is that his time is almost up, and the Fire Demon Commander cannot be killed. If he stays offline in the Demon City, he will be transported to the underground Demon Realm when he comes online, so it is better to return to the city.

First, he stored the skill book in the warehouse. Wang Ping'an looked at the other equipment that the Shadow Warrior Commander had exploded. Most of them were junk. Only a ruby ​​ring could be seen, with magic power: 0--4.

After selling the equipment, he suddenly had the idea of ​​going back to the Demon Sealing Path to upgrade. After getting this skill book, other skill books were actually of little use.

Even with the Nether Fire Charm, his body couldn't withstand the attack of the Demonic Eye. In fact, it didn't make much difference whether he had it or not. A few hits of the Soul Fire Talisman with full health would be enough.

The divine light and detoxification techniques are even more useless. They are rarely used in PC games. It should be said that they are almost never used.

But the level is important. If you don't reach the level, your skills can only be placed in the warehouse.

"Kill the Fire Demon Commander and the refreshed Shadow Warrior Commander tomorrow and then go back to level up..."

After making the decision, Wang Ping'an no longer hesitated. No matter what happened to the two small bosses tomorrow, he would go back and upgrade first. He didn't expect to go back so soon.

He also told Brother Xiaosha that it would take a few days, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. He got the skill book he wanted in just over an hour.


"Ding ~"


"Hey...there were so many gold coins yesterday? I just killed two monsters..."

He didn't expect that Master Zuma could explode so many gold coins, because the gold coins cannot be exploded by moths, they have to be mined. How could he have time to mine them last night?

The Shadow Warrior Commander actually didn't make much money. Apart from the tens of thousands of gold coins he got from selling equipment, the Zuma leader also made more than 200,000 gold coins.

"It's a pity that it took too long to kill one. Otherwise, I could have killed several bosses to collect the one million gold coins."

He really had the idea to kill the BOSS to collect the one million gold coins, but he gave up the idea when he thought that it took him more than three hours, almost four hours, to defeat the leader of Zuma.

You have to kill four to five bosses to collect one million gold coins. Eight hours is simply not enough.

I can only upgrade honestly and wait to kill the Demonic Eye later.

It was raining heavily outside again today. Wang Ping'an suspected that a typhoon was coming. There were always several typhoons passing through the city in the summer.

It's a pity that there is no tea at home, otherwise it would be a pleasure to make a cup of tea and sit on the balcony to watch the storm outside. Although Wang Ping'an doesn't have tea, he does have a large bottle of 1.55 liters of purified water. He just moved the rocking chair to the balcony yesterday, and now he can sip the purified water and watch the storm outside.

The rainwater gathers on the glass to form a stream of water, which is blown crookedly by the wind, and then turns into raindrops from the edge of the glass and falls on the glass of the next house.

He originally planned to sell battery cars today, but with this weather, it would definitely not be possible.

Although I don’t care about the thousand yuan now, it’s not a problem to keep the battery car there all the time. It will break down in a short time due to exposure to wind and sun, and it can’t be charged here, so I won’t worry about selling it.

Lying on the rocking chair, the sound of wind and rain outside was like a lullaby, and Wang Pingan fell asleep soon.

In the dream, Wang Ping'an was already at Level 42, and was frantically swiping gold bars at Bairi Gate with his gold coins. But for some reason, the gold bars could no longer be exchanged for gold coins, and he could not withdraw cash.

Moreover, the system discovered that he was destroying the balance of the game, confiscated all his gold coins and gold bars, and locked him in a dark prison, preventing him from killing monsters and exploding gold coins.

Wang Pingan woke up with a start. When he woke up, he realized that it was just a dream, but thinking about the scene in the dream, he still has lingering fear.

"Is this what you think about every day and dream about every night?"

"When did the rain stop?" He looked at the time and saw that it was already past six o'clock in the evening: "No wonder I'm so hungry..."

It was already raining when he got up, so of course he didn't have breakfast. He spent his lunch time in his sleep, so of course he didn't eat lunch either, so he must be hungry.

"It seems that I will prepare some food at home in the future."

After putting on his shoes, Wang Ping'an took the elevator and went downstairs to eat outside.


After dinner, Wang Ping'an rubbed his stomach and went to the nearby supermarket. He had eaten a little hastily and didn't eat much, but his stomach hurt a little.

I bought some snacks such as biscuits and nuts in the supermarket for emergencies.

Then I remembered to buy things like washing powder, stored the snacks in the storage box, and went back to buy things like washing powder and clothes drying rack.

Mainly, the clothes he changed out yesterday haven't been washed yet.

In the past, when he was in a hotel, he would just throw it away at the dry cleaners. Now he almost forgot that he was not staying in a hotel. He would have to wash his clothes in the future.

Fortunately, the washing machine at home is integrated with drying and washing, and since it is summer again, I am not worried about not having anything to wear when I go to take the exam tomorrow.

He bought two pairs of clothes some time ago. The previous clothes were too old and yellowed. Although he didn't throw them away, he didn't want to wear them either.

"Looks like I'm going to buy some clothes someday."

Keeping things in mind, Wang Ping'an returned home with the things he bought.

After reading the operating procedures of the washing machine online, I finally washed two sets of clothes.

There were too many buttons on it and he couldn't understand them clearly, and the washing machine didn't work either, so he looked online for how to use it.

Both sets of clothes have been washed, and he is now wearing a pair of beach shorts with nothing underneath. He is the only one in the house anyway, and no one will talk about him.

It's just that he's actually a little unaccustomed to it. It's so cold down there that he always covers it unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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