My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 67 The real drug dealer is born

Chapter 67 The real drug dealer is born

"I just said there are rewards. I don't know what they are. Are they available to everyone, or only to those who are officials in the guild?"

"I don't know! Just go and take a look and you'll find out."

"Holy shit, where's the Taoist priest! He won't be offline." Brother Xiaosha saw that Wang Ping'an's profile picture had turned gray and was surprised that he was offline so quickly.

Brother Xiaosha ran to the grocery store at Bairimen and bought a Guild Town Return Scroll and used it directly. The guild town return scroll radiated endless starlight, wrapping Brother Xiaosha in it, and then disappeared in place with a "whoosh" sound. .

When his eyes could see, he had already arrived in Mengchong Province.

Brother Xiaosha opened the map and found that this Shabak was close to Centipede Cave, not the one close to Zuma Temple. The city on the map had a name, and what was shown on the map was [Noble City].

There are four other cities, all named after guilds.

At this time, other people also teleported over and ran towards the palace.

Brother Xiaosha also hurried over to see what rewards there would be.

Entering the city lord's mansion, Brother Xiaosha clicked on the city lord's dialog box. There was only one option on it, "Receive rewards."

He didn't hesitate and clicked on the option directly.

Obtain gold coins +100000
Obtain Yuanbao +10
"No? This reward is too low!" Brother Xiaosha couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at these two rewards. It was so small that it wasn't even enough to fit between his teeth.

If he had known that only these rewards would be available, he would not be so active in the Sand City Battle.

Guild member: "Damn, there are so many rewards."

"Yes, you can come and collect it once a week, then will I pay it out in the future?"

"You are overthinking. Starting from next week, every Saturday will be a day to attack the city. At that time, we will definitely be attacked by others. If we lose, we will not have this benefit. The most we can receive is this week and next week..."

“It’s great to be able to make money while playing games.”

"Then you go back to the original map later. It's not that you have to pay the teleportation fee, but the reward is only so much. I shouldn't have teleported back just now."

"I didn't go to Tucheng. I can go back just by using a city return scroll, and there is no transfer fee."

"Fuck, you still have the bright idea, why didn't I think of it?"

Brother Xiaosha: "..."

It felt like this man's mind was really bright. He didn't think of this method at first: "I'll tell you some good news. The reward is one hundred thousand gold coins and ten gold ingots."

Noble and romantic brother: "Oh no, if you didn't tell me earlier, my trip would have been in vain."


Wang Ping'an's consciousness returned to reality, and he was still lying on the bed.

"I'm home!"

I looked at the time on my phone and it happened to be eight o'clock.

Thinking that he hadn't eaten all day today, Wang Ping'an got up and took out yesterday's leftovers from the refrigerator.

Pour the leftover rice into the rice cooker, add a little water, put the steamer on, and put last night's braised pork on top.

Then cover the lid, and when the rice is hot, the dish is almost ready.

Anyway, he is alone and can do whatever is convenient for him. If he heats the food on the stove, he will have to wash an extra pot later, which will be very troublesome.

Wang Pingan opened the text message at this time to see how many gold coins he had spent last night.


"Sure enough, there aren't many." Just as he had guessed, he spent a lot of time thinking about the battle for hegemony in Sand City at noon, and was a little distracted from fighting monsters.

Moreover, he did not pick up the gold coins that the mythical beasts hit. He would get further and further away from the mythical beasts when fighting monsters, and would not have time to go back and pick up the gold coins. Putting the hot food on the coffee table, Wang Ping'an ate while thinking about being able to enter the game at noon today.

This thing was too special. This was the first time he had entered the game twice in one day. He didn't know if this phenomenon could be controlled.

It would be nice if you could control it.

I couldn't think of a reason, so I could only put this matter aside and wait to see if something like this would happen again.


Twelve o'clock in the evening.

Wang Pingan enters the game.

As soon as he came up, he wanted to see what rewards the members of Sand City had, but the potion on his body happened to be almost gone.

The noon Sand Castle Battle did not consume the player's own potions. During the Sand Castle Battle, ten points of health and magic points were automatically restored every three seconds. The backpack could not be opened at that time.

But when I saw many people on the public screen saying that the rewards were not good, they were only 100,000 gold coins and 10 yuan treasures, I felt very sorry for the rewards of this first event.

Seeing this small reward, he lost interest in an instant. This amount of money was not enough for the transmission fee, and he didn't know what the game company was thinking. It would either not give it to him, or give him more if he wanted to. It was so deductible.

But this is still very friendly to players who upgrade in the league. It is equivalent to an extra 100,000 gold coins per week for medicine, or if it is exchanged for ingots, there are also 100 yuan in gold coins.

Wang Ping'an used a city-return ticket to return to the city. He had just sold his equipment and was preparing to go overload, when he suddenly thought about whether the gold coins of the Sand City members could be cashed out.

If you can withdraw cash, it doesn't matter if you spend some travel expenses.

Thinking of this, he went to the grocery store, bought a guild return ticket, and teleported to Shacheng.

He ran into the city lord's mansion to receive his reward.

After receiving the reward, Wang Ping'an used another city return scroll to return to Tucheng and then teleport to the Demon Sealing Valley.

But he didn't expect that he would return directly to the Demon-Sealing Valley without any teleportation fee. He just used an extra city-return scroll.

After playing the PC game Legend for so many years, Wang Pingan figured out the joints in one go.

This is much more convenient for the members of Sand City. There is no need to pay a teleportation fee to receive the reward. It just gives you an extra city return coupon, which everyone can afford.

But without this experience, many people would not be able to afford the teleportation fee, and would rather not have the reward than pay the teleportation fee.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that members in Shacheng seemed to have discounts on medicines. If members of Shacheng returned to Shacheng to buy medicines, it would be very cheap.

But when he returned to Shacheng just now, there could be no one inside.

He remembered that many Shacheng members in Duanyou were drug dealers, earning three bundles of 10,000 gold coins.

At that time, many Shacheng members bought medicines in Shacheng and then traveled all the way to Tucheng to sell medicines and earn some hard money.

At that time, many warriors were engaged in this business, because warrior players could carry a lot at one time without anyone to help them carry heavy loads, and naturally they earned more.

Warrior players are also forced to have no choice. It consumes too much medicine. The money from monster explosions every day is simply not enough to buy medicine.

After all, members of Shacheng had a 20% discount when buying medicine. A bundle of super gold sore medicine only cost more than 2,900 gold coins, and three bundles of 10,000 gold coins could earn a little more than 1,000 gold coins.

If you buy a backpack, you can earn more than 10,000 gold coins, which is quite fast.

Wang Ping'an yelled in the guild: "Why are all the members of Shacheng so rich? They don't even buy medicine in Shacheng. If someone helps to overload, how much will they earn?"

"Damn it, why didn't I think of it? Don't grab it from me, everyone! I will be the exclusive merchant of the noble guild from now on. If I help you exceed the load, you can buy three bundles of super potions with 10,000 gold coins."

"Get out of here, boss, please come out and arrange for a merchant. I also want to be a potion merchant."


(End of this chapter)

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