My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 69 Decoration Completed

Chapter 69 Decoration Completed
"Ding ~"


After taking a look at the bank prompt and seeing the deposited amount, he knew that Shacheng member rewards could also be withdrawn.

There's only one reward every week, which doesn't seem like a lot. It would be great if there were 100,000 gold coins to receive every day.

“Dingle bell…Dingle bell…”

"Why is he calling so early?" Wang Ping'an looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the designer from the decoration company calling.

"Good morning, Brother Wang, your office furniture arrived yesterday and can be inspected at any time. Should you invite someone to inspect it, or should we find someone?" Designer Xiao Liu said as the phone was connected.

This was his first order of such a large size, and although he had to be a few days late, he still took it to heart.

The big orders in the company belong to the company. Only if the order passes the acceptance inspection and Wang Ping'an pays the final payment, will the commission fall into his pocket.

In the past few days, he has been urging the furniture factory to hurry up and deliver the goods. Last night, he found some people and moved it to two o'clock to finish it.

Early this morning, I called the company's masters to come over for installation and cleaning, so that everything could be sorted out at this time.

Mainly, he and the company were afraid that Wang Pingan would quarrel over the balance of the payment, which was more than 100,000. After all, they breached the contract first. Even if Wang Pingan did not pay the balance, there was nothing they could do.

"Let me find someone! I'll give you a call when the acceptance person comes."

Wang Ping'an was afraid that there would be something fishy about them looking for someone, so naturally it was impossible for them to find someone.

"Okay, then give me a call when you arrive, and I can come over in a few minutes. The initial password for the combination lock in your office is 'XXXX'. I suggest you change the password as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's do this first."

Hearing that the office was ready for acceptance and knowing the password to the door, Wang Ping'an got up quickly. He was going to have a look now.

He knew that today was Sunday and the third-party acceptance agency might not be at work, so he had no intention of looking for someone today. It would not be too late to contact him during the working day tomorrow.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the aunt next door holding the hand of a little girl, obviously going out.

The little girl must be the granddaughter of her aunt. She is about six or seven years old. She is wearing a white dress and has two balls on her head. She is so cute.

"Good morning, auntie, good morning, kid."

When Wang Ping'an saw the two of them, he said hello. When he asked about the little girl, his voice changed obviously and seemed much more cordial.

"Good morning, young man." After that, he whispered to the little girl next to him who was a little shy: "Nanny, you have to be polite. I taught you how to teach you at home."

Nannan glanced at her grandma and said timidly: "Good morning, uncle!"

"You're such a good kid! Where are you going with grandma?" Wang Ping'an squatted down and asked after looking at the elevator for a while.

But she didn't give him any face, and just buried his head in his aunt's back.

Seeing her granddaughter like this, the aunt gave her a gentle slap and then said, "My daughter is a little scared of strangers. She was clamoring at home to go to Yaohan to catch the doll. If she couldn't be persuaded, she had to take her there."

Thinking that he was going there too, he asked when he was on the way: "Auntie, will you drive there? If you don't drive, I can take you there along the way. I'm going there too."

"I can't drive, but will this delay you?" She couldn't drive, and the weather was hot, so she had to wait outside for a taxi, fearing to expose her granddaughter.

"What's the point of delaying this? It's just a matter of course."

"Thank you so much!" After saying that, he pulled out his granddaughter who was hiding behind him and asked, "We will take uncle's car later, what should you say?"

The little girl's face turned red when she was pulled out, and she whispered, "Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome." Wang Ping'an said and touched her head. It was really cute.

"Don't look at her, she's still shy and blushing now. Once you get to know her, she'll go crazy by herself."

"Grandma~" The little girl was a little anxious when she heard her grandma talking about herself.

"Hahaha..." When the two of them heard her last word, they couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, I won't talk about you anymore."

"Ding ~"

Seeing the elevator coming, the three of them walked into the elevator, and Wang Pingan directly pressed the button for the first floor.

"Xiao Wang, you drive very steadily!" The car was driving on the road, and the aunt suddenly said this.

"Haha!" After hearing what his aunt said, Wang Ping'an also knew the reason: "Be steady, it's safe."

"Uncle, you drive so slowly."

The little girl didn't know what euphemism meant, so she told the truth directly.

Wang Ping'an didn't look back and looked at the road ahead with concern: "Nanny, do you think it's better to go faster or slower?"

"Everything is fine...!" She tilted her head and thought for a long time, not knowing what to say, and finally spat out a few words that even she was not sure about.

In Yaoban, Wang Ping'an put them down and said, "Nanny, please be careful when you pass the traffic light."

"Okay, thank you uncle."

"You're welcome."


After greeting the two of them, Wang Ping'an went directly to the parking lot under the office building.

After parking the car, Wang Ping'an was wondering whether he should apply for a card. If he charges by the hour every day in the future, it would be too expensive.

Parking here usually costs 10 yuan per hour. If it exceeds eight hours, it will be counted as eight hours. If it exceeds 12 hours, additional time will continue to be added.

It is much cheaper to apply for a parking card, only 800 yuan a month.

When he was renting an office, he didn't expect to buy a car, so he didn't apply for a parking pass. He didn't expect that he would still need to apply for one now.

I took the elevator to the office floor. From the outside, it looked like the interior had been tidied up. Especially some of the tools I saw that day had been taken away today.

After entering the password, I saw the glass door pop open a gap.

Wang Pingan opened the door and walked in. He found the main light switch near the door and pushed all the switches up. The room, which was originally a little dark, immediately became brighter.

The words "Legendary Technology" on the wall behind the front desk also lit up and could be seen from the outside, making it very conspicuous.

Wang Ping'an touched these words. He didn't know what kind of metal they were. They were very textured and didn't feel like aluminum alloy.

After bypassing the front desk, Wang Ping'an walked inside from the side. The inside was indeed very clean, and there was no dust at all. He touched the tabletop at the workstation and found that there was also no dust.

Looking at the separated workstations, it seems that it is indeed much more spacious and comfortable than the original picture.

I found an empty seat under the table. The half-length wall next to me just blocked my view. I had to raise my head slightly to see the next door.

But he mainly came to take a look at his office. The entire office was separated into several small rooms by the decoration company, including his office, manager's room, reception room, conference room, financial room, human resources department, tea room, etc.

Among them, the conference room and his office are the largest. The conference room should be about thirty square meters, and his office should be about twenty square meters.

Open the door and walk into your office. The first thing you see is a large boss desk and boss chair.

There is also a set of sofas and coffee tables next to it, placed semi-surrounding it. Beyond it, against the wall, is a row of bookshelves.

Wang Ping'an went to lift the desk, but it didn't move at all. He felt that it should weigh several hundred kilograms and be made of solid wood.

Now there is no one from a third-party testing agency to test, so he is not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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