My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 76 Company Recruitment

Chapter 76 Company Recruitment
Wang Ping'an tore off the packaging film on the water dispenser, put bottled water on it, took two bottles of water and poured them out, thinking that he had cleaned the water dispenser.

Anyway, he is not a fastidious person, so he won’t be fastidious.

After plugging in the power and seeing that it was already working, Wang Ping'an pulled out the aunt's number he had saved some time ago.

"Hello. Who is this."

An aunt's voice came from the other side, and Wang Pingan said: "Hello, aunt, I am Xiao Wang, who is learning to drive at a driving school."

"It's Xiao Wang! You haven't come to dinner for several days." When she heard that it was Wang Ping'an, the aunt was very happy: "What's the matter with you calling?"

Wang Ping'an: "Auntie, I have already taken the driver's license test, and I will not go to the driving school anymore. This is what I called today. Didn't you ask me some time ago if there were any computer jobs for me? I just wanted to ask me. Do you have any thoughts on changing your job?”

Hearing Wang Ping'an's words, the aunt was a little embarrassed. Mainly when she went back to ask her son that day, she was complained so much by her son that she felt unhappy for a long time.

The aunt was silent for a long time before saying: "I'm sorry, Xiao Wang. I was rude that day. When I went back to talk to my brat at night, he said that now is the time to learn technology and it's not easy to change jobs. It's really troublesome. I didn't expect you to remember this."

"Auntie, everything is okay. I just wanted to ask. If not, I'll just hire another one from outside. It's no big deal." Hearing the apologetic tone of the auntie, Wang Ping'an didn't take it seriously.

"Xiao Wang, but I still have to thank you. You, a big boss, still remember me, an old woman."

"Auntie, look at what you said, I am not a big boss, then I will die, auntie."

"Oh, no one else is willing." After hanging up the phone, Wang Ping'an was a little disappointed that he didn't find the first person.

But according to my aunt, the boy in my aunt's family should be very pragmatic, know what he wants, and have a clear plan for life.

Like before, he only knew how to play games and watch movies, and had no life plan at all.

"Then what to do now?"

At this time, Wang Ping'an thought of a certain city called Donkey Riding, but he always felt that there was something wrong with recruiting programmers and artists there.

When he was looking for a job there, he was defrauded twice of money. Although it was not much, it was disgusting. Once he was defrauded of fifty plus medical examination, and once he was defrauded of two hundred.

He had just come to Shanghai at that time and didn't know anything. He just heard that it was easy to find a job there, so he went to see it.

There are indeed a lot of jobs, but most of them are recruiting waiters, waiters, waiters, and general workers.

The job types in hotels are okay, and they are usually true, but general workers are usually agents. They really lie to you. There is no negotiation. They pay you first when you go, and then they take you to a small station for a physical examination, and then ask you to gather after getting the physical examination report. .

Then they will drag you to the gate of a factory and ask you to line up and apply for the same job as everyone else. However, others will not recognize the physical examination report at that small site at all, and you will have to undergo a physical examination.

What the hell, why can't I apply directly for the job? Why do you need an agency?

"When in doubt, ask Du Niang..." Wang Pingan took out his mobile phone, opened Du Niang, and searched for good recruitment websites.

After looking at the recommendations, most of them said that several of the websites were pretty good.

After choosing two websites, Wang Ping'an saw that the water in the water dispenser was already boiling. He took the freshly washed cup and put some tea leaves in it, then poured some boiling water to wash the tea leaves.

After cleaning, add additional boiling water so that the tea can be brewed easily.

Returning to his office with the teacup in hand, Wang Ping'an turned on the connected computer and downloaded two recruitment websites.

After selecting the employer and adding money, Wang Ping'an filled out the requirements in a "treasury".

He has only filled a few positions now, one is finance, one is product manager, one is human resources, and the last one is reception.

When all these people are recruited, he can recruit other people, and he will have helpers. Among them, the product manager's salary is the highest, 28,000 yuan a month for more than five years of experience, and more than 30,000 yuan for additional housing and meals.

Other companies generally don't have these subsidies, but he added them anyway.

He added 2,000 yuan in room allowance and 1,500 yuan in meal allowance to all positions.

Mainly, he knows that for some positions with lower wages, in a super first-tier city like Shanghai, if you want to live more comfortably, that wage is simply not enough.

Just like him before, even though he has a salary of seven to eight thousand a month, he can still only rent a house on a daily basis.

In the Magic City, especially in the Lujiazui area, a single room costs at least 2,000 yuan.

For example, his receptionist salary is only 6,000, and he has 4,000 left after paying the rent. Plus the food and clothing expenses for a month, there is not much money left at all.

The salary he paid for personnel was considered high, 10,000 for two years of experience, but it was also possible that it was not as good as some hotel employees who had food and accommodation included.

With more than five years of finance experience and 13,000 yuan, the salary he offered was considered high, but it was equally difficult to live a good life in Shanghai.

But with the NT$3,500 he subsidized, it will be much better, at least it is high among similar industries.

Mainly in China, I don’t know where the unhealthy trends come from. People offer high wages and say this and that, which makes me angry just by looking at them.

In addition, he has suffered a lot in the past, and now that he has some strength, it is good to be able to help some people. After all, he can earn 7 to 8 million by working hard to clear monsters a month, which is much easier than going to work.

There is no problem in supporting a small company with this money.

The recruitment information had been sent out, so he didn't look at it again. There were two alarm clocks set on his phone, one at twelve o'clock to remind him to have lunch, and the other at five o'clock to remind him to reply to the submitted resume.

Mainly, he marked a unified reply at 5 p.m. under each recruitment position.

Putting his phone on the table, Wang Ping'an started typing code on another computer.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ping'an stopped what he was doing, and the code stopped at the last punctuation mark of the last line.

Although he was a little obsessed, he wasn't as involved as he was last night.

The sense of accomplishment in coding was so strong. Although he couldn't understand the logic, he did feel a strong sense of accomplishment.

When he saw that the time had come to reply to his resume, Wang Ping'an moved the computer that had been resting, and the recruitment interface suddenly appeared.

I saw a lot of comments below asking if the room and meal subsidies are really that high.

Wang Ping'an ignored these messages and focused on looking at the submitted resume.

Although his education is not high, he still knows some basic common sense. Even if he doesn't know, there is an almighty Du Niang, so he is not panic at all.

Among them, receptionist resumes accounted for the most, with eleven resumes, three each from finance and human resources, and none from product managers.

After seeing these resumes, he thought they were OK. He arranged the finance and personnel affairs for tomorrow morning, and the reception in the afternoon.

The personnel interview just happened to be over, and I could find a strong man to help with the interview and reception.

(End of this chapter)

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