My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 79 Where in life do we not meet each other

Chapter 79 Where in life do we not meet each other

Miracle Gold No. 19 was really shocked when he saw the little Taoist priest with the dog. He came here today because the mage in the family wanted to take a look at the secret passage.

Because the mage heard that the white boar here produced a magic shield, he wanted to see if he was so lucky and get a copy.

Then the other three of them came to protect him. Unexpectedly, just after coming down for a while, they saw the little Taoist priest who had fucked him twice coming down too.

What else is there to say? - Cut him: "Brothers, help me beat this man. I have a grudge against this little Taoist priest. I was beaten by him twice before..."

His companion was very speechless when he heard this. You have been fucked by others more than once or twice, but he is a member of his own studio, so it is unreasonable not to help.

Moreover, this man is very energetic. If you have something to do, just call him and you will be right. He means it, whether it is in reality or in the game.

He's just a bit young and likes to make loud noises, but he has no other shortcomings.

When his three companions saw that No. 19 had already rushed forward, they had no choice but to attack together. It was a pity that only one of the three of them was a mage, and the other two were Taoist priests.

Especially when the two Taoist priests saw that their soul fire talismans were hitting the little Taoist priest with the dog, and only a little bit of blood was lost, they felt that they were a bad choice.

The same is true for mages. Although they can fight a little more than Taoist priests, the amount is limited.

When Wang Ping'an came down and saw the miracle player No. 19, he was really stunned. He didn't expect to see him in this place.

I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart, because this Diao Mao would really make people squat at the entrance of the cave. He came to seal the demon path in advance because he asked people to guard the entrance of the Centipede Cave, and then waited there for him to surrender. Snare.

If it was like last time, he would have to call his guild brothers to help.

Although people can be called in, there are still a lot of people working on Miracle Gold. I heard that they have expanded three rounds in reality, from more than a hundred people to more than a thousand people now.

If someone from the guild is called to help, he doesn't know if it will turn into a full-scale war between the two families. In that case, this place will become a battlefield, and he can't go to upgrade himself when his brothers are helping you fight.

But we can't think too much now, the attacks from several people have already come.

Looking at the four people attacking him, Wang Ping'an saw only one mage and was no longer afraid. He was afraid of the concentrated fire of many mages.

Ignoring the attacks of the other three, he caught the mage and beat him hard. A mage without a magic shield would bully him before he learned the magic shield, otherwise he would not be able to tell who would bully whom in the future.

The attacks from the two Taoist priests were nothing to be afraid of, just like scraping. No. 19 was a warrior, so he didn't need to pay any attention to it.

His invisibility spell just now almost made him a dumpling. He no longer dared to get too close to him. The soldier looked at him from a distance, wondering what the difference was between him and a passerby.

"Fuck, there are too many monsters here, I dare not get close to him..."

The three of them were speechless when they heard his words. His sister, we help you fight, and you are just watching the show, but you still have the nerve to say it.

Wang Ping'an cast several soul fire talismans in succession, causing the mage who had been hit with the invisibility spell to run.

He couldn't withstand the attack of the little Taoist priest with the dog. After a few soul fire talismans, his blood volume had already bottomed out, and the Taoist priest's healing skills couldn't be used at all.

Only by running could he have a chance of escaping Wang Ping'an's Soul Fire Talisman.

But as soon as he ran, the surrounding monsters immediately came to him: "Damn it, Xiaoqiang, I can't help you anymore. I really can't handle it. I'm going back to the city first..." After saying that, he quickly used the city return scroll. , teleported to the city by the city recall scroll.

There are still two Taoist priests left, so it will be faster. They will be beaten away in a few minutes.

In the end, Miracle Gold No. 19 was left. Looking at him alone, Wang Pingan laughed "hehehehe".

He was very surprised why No. 19 didn't fly. All his friends had run away now, and it was impossible for him to defeat him alone.

Looking at Wang Ping'an who was grinning strangely, Miracle Gold No. 19 felt very embarrassed, especially when he looked at the backpack full of potions, it was even more embarrassing.

This was a potion that he had managed to get together in the past two days. When the mage came to him the day before yesterday, he said he wanted to come here to fight monsters and was worried that there would be no potion.

In the past two days, he only paid the daily guarantee to the studio, and saved the rest to buy him a super magic potion today.

It's not okay if you don't pay this, otherwise your minimum salary will be deducted if you don't have full attendance.

But it would be even more impossible for him to escape. In reality, he didn't even flinch when he was beaten against five, let alone in the game.

But when he thought about the potion containing hundreds of thousands of gold coins in his backpack, he felt a little short of hero's breath. In order to explode the potion without being killed, he whispered: "I'll give you three thousand and four gold coins, please don't kill me, okay?"

He only had this little left on him, because it was not enough to buy a bundle of super magic potion, so it was left behind.

"?" Wang Ping'an, who was already preparing to throw the fire talisman, was confused by his words: "What are you talking about?"

Wang Ping'an stopped using the skill. Of course he heard clearly what he said, but he was not sure why he said that. Want to hear what he was going to say?
"I'll give you three thousand and four gold coins. I only have this much on me. I can also add a bundle of super magic potion..."

I don’t know why I want to cry at this moment in Miracle Gold No. 19, but I feel very uncomfortable. However, there is no setting for crying in the game, so it’s very uncomfortable to hold it in.

Wang Ping'an simply couldn't understand his brain circuit. You can just fly back to the city. His fire talisman is not a tracking missile, and it is impossible to chase him to the safe area: "Then if you don't want to be killed, just go back to the city. Don't tell You don't have a return ticket."

Miracle No. 19 lowered his head and whispered: "I have the return ticket, but my dad used to tell me not to flinch when encountering trouble, so I can't flinch, but my bag is full of potions. If I die, I will explode a lot... "

"What's the reason?" Wang Ping'an cursed in his heart, and he almost fainted: "Forget about the gold coins and potions... I just want to ask you if you will ask people to block me at the door in the future."

Miracle No. 19 tilted his head and thought for a long time, as if weighing the pros and cons: "If you don't kill me today and don't accept my gold coins and potions, then I won't block you."

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "Then you have to keep your word. Don't just finish what you said today and come to block me tomorrow."

Miracle Gold No. 19 raised his head sharply and retorted loudly: "I can't kill Xiaoqiang. Every spit is a nail. Who doesn't know that I will do what I say and my loyalty comes first."

Seeing his posture, Wang Ping'an pressed his hands again and again: "Okay, okay, I said something wrong. You robbed me of my territory before, and today I also robbed your territory. I killed you once before, and you also found someone." If you kill me once, we will be even, and from now on we will not offend each other, what do you think?"

"Okay." Miracle Gold No. 19 said decisively.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "Then go back quickly. Your friends may have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I will definitely not ask anyone to block you." After saying that, he used the city return scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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