My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 84 Noble’s Memory Set

Chapter 84 Noble’s Memory Set
Entering the demon-sealing path, Wang Ping'an asked the beast to fight, and it flew over again.

He really loved seeing such a dedicated divine beast. (If you think you like tightness, go and face the wall yourself)

Now No. 19 really doesn't ask anyone to squat on him, which gives him one less thing to worry about.

Seeing that there were still three hours left, Wang Ping'an flew around. The main thing was that he had already been to this place. He wanted to find these two bosses today and save them for fighting tomorrow.

He felt that these little bosses were playing hide-and-seek with him, but the hide-and-seek would always be found one day.

For example, now, he found the evil poisonous snake. It was really easy for him to find it, and it was hidden in this place.

Wang Ping'an didn't kill it, he just memorized the coordinates and would come back to it tomorrow when the potion was empty to see if anything good would come out after not beating it for a few days.

There is only one Rainbow Scorpion Guard left. As the map is searched more and more, it will naturally have nowhere to hide, and it will only be a matter of time before it appears.

At this time, a private message was sent.

Noble and handsome brother: Taoist priest, didn't you say you had a memory bracelet some time ago? Our guild just got a memory ring. Please donate it quickly. I will lead people to the Bull Demon Temple...

When he was chatting with Brother Xiaosha some time ago, he did mention that when he killed the Corpse King, he exploded a memory bracelet. Unexpectedly, he still remembered it. Now that nobles have memory rings, they can get a set.

There are many memory helmets and memory necklaces, and the prices are very cheap now. The helmet only costs 100 yuan in treasure, and the necklace is a little more expensive, but it is only about 300 yuan in treasure.

Bracelets and rings are much rarer. Bracelets have appeared once or twice on the market, but rings seem to have never been sold. This one that the noble guild got should be the first one. It should be the one that was stolen from the Woma leader just now. of.

Now the Woma Temple is no longer the exclusive place for a few major guilds. Many guilds have people upgrading there. When the leader comes out, they fight together. Whoever grabs the exploded items gets the credit.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: Damn it, I just ran over and started fighting monsters, and now you ask me to go back, then I won’t be running away all night.

Brother Xiaosha: If you grind your hammer for an hour less, you will die. Now Niu Mo Temple is making more money. It’s not like you don’t know that as long as you capture Niu Mo Temple’s pharmaceutical market, you will earn no more than one or two billion in revenue that day. ...I beg you, come here quickly!
Wang Ping'an doesn't value an extra one to two billion gold coins, but it concerns every member of the guild, and he is still willing to contribute.

Little Taoist priest with dog: Then wait for me for a while, and I will store the medicine, otherwise the bracelet cannot be taken out.

Brother Xiaosha: Then hurry up...I finally got rid of the days of overloading people. Although it is boring to pull people, at least I have a mage with me, and I don't fight monsters. I just wait to enjoy the experience.

In fact, the level of the guild members who run maps and sell medicine has fallen a bit these days. The main reason is that entering the map will reduce the time for you to gain experience. The system does not care whether you have defeated monsters or not.

But fortunately, the original level of the guild members was high enough, and they haven't been caught up by others yet. After a while, they had gold coins with them, so they didn't have to mine every day, and leveling up wouldn't be much slower.

Wang Ping'an returned to the city and stored the potion in the warehouse. After the weight fell off, he took off the memory bracelet.

Back in Shacheng, Wang Ping'an found Brother Xiaosa: "Give me the medicine first, and then I'll give you the bracelet. I want seventeen bundles of magic medicine."

Brother Xiaosha: "I lost..."

He had to once again act as an overloaded person to refill Wang Ping'an's potion.

At this time, Wang Ping'an put the memory bracelet into the transaction column, but he saw Brother Xiaosha put 50,000 yuan treasure on it.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "What is this for?"

Brother Xiaosha: "Just think of it as a deposit. After all, you made it yourself before. Just think of it as a loan from the guild, but the deposit still has to be paid. When it is returned to you in the future, you can just return the ingot."

Hearing what he said, Wang Pingan accepted the 50,000 yuan treasure with peace of mind. Anyway, he was the second generation of rich people, so he was not short of this little yuan treasure. Brother Xiaosha: "Then I'm leaving. Don't miss me. I probably won't be back soon..."

Wang Ping'an just gave him the middle finger, delaying his leveling up.

It will take another half an hour to go back. I have already made two trips today, and I have lost hundreds of thousands of experience points.

In the past, in the Demon-Sealing Valley Super Medicine, the mythical beast didn't need to rest. When he returned to the city, it could help him get tens of thousands of experience points. Now when he returns to Sand City, the mythical beast still has to rest, which means he has no experience at all.

At the same time, Brother Xiaosha said on the guild's official screen: "Brothers, I'm going to the Bull Demon Temple on Cangyue Island, let us all make a lot of money..."

A bunch of sycophants immediately followed him, most of whom knew that he now had a set of memory equipment and that he used to recruit people to sell medicine.

When he reaches the sixth floor of the Bull Demon, the people transporting the medicine will become like commodities on the assembly line, and they will be transported there in groups.

Thinking of the prices there, everyone couldn't help but drool.

Only Wang Ping'an was still running hard. This crossroad was really too long. On the map, he had already flown to the vicinity of the next cave entrance, but it still took a few minutes to run.

This is why he uses random teleportation stones as money. No one else can fly so close like him. It is normal to run for half an hour.

He was attacked by countless people along the way. Most of them wanted to blow him up when they saw such good equipment on him.

But fortunately, his level is high enough and his magic defense is also high, otherwise he would be afraid that he would not reach his destination every time.

He is now afraid of the mage's concentrated fire, but everything else is fine. As long as he runs, the warrior will be useless, and there is no way to catch up with him. Only a warrior who has learned savage charging can catch up, but he has a lion's roar, and he can't catch up if he gets close. There is no danger at all in pushing him away.

Anyway, his level is now the highest in the server, so there is no one he can't push away.

He didn't know why the Zhongzhou skills actually left the lion's roar, but other low-level Zhongzhou skills were not seen.

But this skill is beneficial to him, so he doesn't think so much and insists on getting to the bottom of it.

Not even Taoist priests. This profession is not designed to kill people, so naturally it is not something to be afraid of.

As long as the equipment of a mage is not of the first echelon, it will not actually do much harm to him. If he stands still and takes medicine while adding healing spells, it will be difficult for one or two mages to kill him. However, he does not have the golden sore medicine on his body now, and he will not Dare to stop.

This is also the reason why he wears all the equipment on his body. The main reason is that there are too many good equipments, and one change of equipment takes up several grids, so he has to carry a lot less medicine.

Unlike in the beginning, when my level was low and I couldn't even wear a ghost suit, I was naturally afraid that others would be jealous of my equipment.

Entering the secret passage, Nineteen curiously watched Wang Ping'an land here again. Could it be that another team beat him back?

I opened my mouth several times to ask something, but in the end I didn't say anything, and then I saw him fly away.

Wang Ping'an rarely pays attention to him. As long as he doesn't bring anyone to squat on him, he will be treated as if he doesn't exist.

Fly directly to the upper right corner and start pulling monsters, and then find time to enter the Demon Sealing Path.

(End of this chapter)

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