My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 91 Real money exchanged for magic shield

Chapter 91 Real money exchanged for magic shield
After finishing the medicine, Wang Pingan did not teleport first, but stared at a message in a daze.

Flower Fairy: "I am as beautiful as a flower. I am twenty-three years old. I currently live in Yuanlin City. I would like to buy a copy of Magic Shield. Please send me a private message to my friends from around Yuanlin City."

There is nothing wrong with this message in itself, but with so much other information added in front of the item to be purchased, it seems very strange.

This reminded him of the rumors circulating on the Internet about the exchange of real banknotes for skill books.

It was only later when he grew up that he learned that there was such a scandal in the original Legend of Blood. At that time, he only thought it was a story made up by others.

Mainly because he was still young when he played and couldn't recognize all the characters, so naturally he didn't know what the colorful fonts on the screen meant.

But he didn't expect to see such information in the Marfa world. There was no ghost in it, and he wouldn't believe it even to death.

This is like reincarnation. What happened in the Legend of Blood will happen again in the world of Marfa.

He had no intention of trading, but it just reminded him of it, so he paid more attention.

He is not from the future. Even if he wants to trade, he cannot go to the Garden City of the future.

But in the future, virtual games will be released, and technology will be very advanced. Why would anyone think of using their bodies to exchange for a skill book in the game?

This call was only made twice, and Wang Ping'an never saw the person named "Hua Fairy" talking on the public screen again. Apparently someone had added her as a friend.

Wang Ping'an shook his head, and then clicked on the veteran to teleport to the Demon Sealing Mine.

Every time he runs this section of the road, he doesn't know how many skills he has to deal with.

This is the case in the Legendary game. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can still beat the high-level and well-equipped boss. The outstanding thing is that there is strength in numbers.

If a piece of good equipment breaks out, you can make a lot of money, and the punishment for killing is light in this game, so this game has the most fighting maniacs.

These fighting maniacs are either fighting or on the way to fight every day.

Braving the hail of bullets, Wang Ping'an spent a lot of effort to rush to the secret passage.

Going down to the secret passage, Wang Ping'an suddenly discovered that the mage in Miracle Gold No. 19 and their team had learned the magic shield.

The mage who was streaking yesterday turned out to be an eggshell today.

When encountering such a mage, it would be too strenuous for a Taoist priest to fight.

The magic shield at level 0 can reduce the damage by 15%. Each level of the skill increases the damage reduction by 15%. At level 3, the magic shield directly reduces the damage by 60%.

Therefore, mages with shields and mages without shields are completely different professions. Mages with full-level shields are more resistant than warriors.

When he played the legendary world PC game before, he played a mage whose level 38 magic shield reached level 3. He could even resist the Fire Demon and Shadow Warrior in the Iron-Blooded Demon City. As long as the shield was not broken, he could hit up to 100 enemies per attack. A blood volume of more than ten to more than twenty points.

But if the shield is broken, it only takes two or three hits.

It's just that the magic shield can't stop the warrior's assassination swordsmanship. If it's the second level of assassination swordsmanship, the damage will not be reduced. Therefore, many warriors like to practice separated assassination, specifically against wizards with shields.

The warriors in the legendary world have a skill called Shield Breaking that is specially designed to break the magic shield of the mage. It can directly break the shield with one strike, which is much more powerful than the assassination swordsmanship. This has led to the fact that few warriors in the legendary world practice isolated assassination.

After learning the magic shield, the mage must have felt confident. Now that he saw him, he raised his head twice in a provocative manner.

But he didn't take action first, so Wang Ping'an didn't take his provocation seriously. He didn't know if he learned the magic shield yesterday or today. The level of the magic shield was only level one, and it might still be level zero.

If he really fights with that little damage reduction, Wang Ping'an will still kill him.

The skill proficiency of the main magic shield is very difficult to increase. You have to wait until the shield is broken or disappears before you can cast it again. The shields at later levels last a long time, so if you want to fully master them, it will be a long process, and it will also take a lot of medicine.

When No. 19 saw him, he seemed very calm and made no move to fight. He just helped clean up the mobs around the mage.

Wang Ping'an didn't stay at the landing point and flew directly to the coordinate point.

After Wang Ping'an left, the mage looked at No. 19 and asked: "Xiaoqiang, why didn't you do anything just now? I even gave you a look. Now that I have learned the magic shield, I am definitely not afraid of him anymore. He has such good equipment." , if one thing breaks out, we can make a lot of money.”

Miracle Gold No. 19: "Forget it, he and I are even, otherwise we wouldn't be able to live in peace these days, and we wouldn't be able to get the Half-Moon Scimitar to exchange for the magic shield."

Seeing that No. 19 really didn't want to have another conflict with Wang Pingan, the three of them didn't say anything more. After all, they were not the ones who had a grudge against Wang Pingan.

When Wang Ping'an entered the Demon Sealing Path, he also worked hard to fight monsters and go to the Iron-Blooded Demon City early so that no one would bother him there in the short term.

But when he was fighting monsters, he still couldn't help but think about what happened with "Flower Fairy" just now, mainly because he wanted to know how it would develop next.

Was the transaction completed normally, with the Flower Fairy getting the coveted skill book and someone else getting her body, or was this a scam, a well-prepared fairy dance?

Anyway, there will always be people who step into the dangers created by others. After all, a magic shield in today's games costs tens of thousands of yuan, which is already worth someone else's efforts to concoct scams.

If it was really a scam, Jiahua Fairy's brother must have lost his wife and lost his troops in the end.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was time to go offline.


"Ding ~"


Wang Pingan's mood did not fluctuate when he saw the amount of cash withdrawals last night.

When he received the Shacheng member reward, he knew that today's withdrawal would definitely be huge.

Thinking that Nannan was coming over in the morning, he didn't stay in bed. He originally planned to take a nap after regaining consciousness this weekend, but that was definitely not possible now.

Mainly because he didn't sleep all the time, he still felt a little tired, but he didn't feel like he was about to die the next day like he did before when he stayed up late playing video games.

Entering the Marfa world, although it can replace sleep, it is a bit like needing eight hours of sleep, but actually only sleeping for seven hours. The world was fine for a while, but after a long time, I am still a little tired, but the fatigue is not obvious.

But he couldn't break a little girl's promise and said she could come over at half past eight, so he must take care of himself in advance.

Wang Ping'an had just turned up the air conditioner in the room a few degrees when he heard a knock on the door.

He knew from the knock on the door that Nannan should have come alone, because adults would ring the doorbell, and only she who was not tall enough would knock on the door.

"Uncle Wang, is it half past eight now? If not, I'll come back later." Nannan asked cutely when Wang Ping'an opened the door and stood in front of it.

Wang Ping'an didn't react for a moment when he heard her words. It took him a while to realize what she meant.

"Come in, it's already half past eight, why are you the only one here today?"

"I came here if I wanted some watermelon and ice cream."

Wang Ping'an had no idea what her answer was.

(End of this chapter)

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