My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 97: Guild Activities: Pigs 7

Chapter 97: Zhu Qi in Guild Activities

Tucheng Announcement:: Congratulations to the "Lingtian" guild for winning and acquiring the ownership of Shabak City]

[Congratulations to the "Old Alliance" guild for winning and acquiring ownership of the second city of Shabak]

[Congratulations to the "Nobles" guild for winning and acquiring ownership of the three cities of Shabak]

[Congratulations to the "Miracle" guild for winning and acquiring ownership of the four cities of Shabak]

[Congratulations to the "Eternal Dynasty of Gods" guild for winning and acquiring ownership of the five cities of Shabak]

"Damn it, we finally got it." Wang Ping'an sighed, and then he saw the people from the guild alliance below disappear instantly. He didn't know where these people were teleported to, probably Tucheng.

He was immediately bounced away from the City Lord's body and fell directly into the open space of the City Lord's Mansion.

The aristocratic handsome brother: "We won, which big brother has not been cleared out of the city lord's mansion."

Seeing what Brother Xiaosa said in the guild chat, Wang Ping'an sent him a private message with one word written on it: me.

Noble and handsome brother: I don’t believe it’s you. How did you avoid it? The attack covered the entire screen.

(Speaker) Noble Prince: Congratulations to "Nobles" and "Old Alliance" for winning the title of Lord of Sand City... "Lingtian", "Miracle" and "Eternal Dynasty" became the overlords of Sand City...

(Speaker) Hot-Blooded★ Not Cold: Congratulations to "Old Alliance" and "Nobles" for re-electing the Lord of Sand City...

(Trumpet) Mythology ‖ Wrath of Thunder: Congratulations to the Shinhwa Family [Eternal Divine Dynasty] for becoming the Lord of the Five Cities of Sabak, and congratulations to "Lingtian"...


Seeing that the public screen started to use loudspeakers again, Wang Ping'an did not reply to Brother Xiaosha's private message.

Unexpectedly, in a sand attack battle, three sand city guilds were changed at once, and only two guilds, theirs and the former alliance, were still sitting on the throne of sand city.

I won because of my own tricks. I don't know how "Old Alliance" won.

This name has a legendary existence in the history of legends. First it was Xiao Xiami, and then it was the players with the passionate prefix who created many legends.

Noble and handsome brother: Please tell me, how did you survive? I couldn't stand there for a second.

Little Taoist with a dog: When attacking a city, can't you pass through people? I was thinking about whether I could fly onto the city lord and overlap with him, but obviously it is possible. No one is throwing skills there, but you Don’t tell others. It’s easy to wear a ghost suit and fold it into the city lord’s body. It’s even easier when there are more people. It’s best to find a name with a short name, or a name with spaces and boxes that won’t be displayed. My name is too long, I may not have such good luck next time.

Wang Ping'an didn't leave him alone and told him the secret.

Noble and handsome brother: You are God, I can think of this... I will definitely not tell others, I will find someone in reality who I can trust, and see if I can take the name you said... Just wait a moment, they will give you I sent a private message.

After a while, Brother Xiaosha sent another private message, saying: When there is a guild event, everyone will go to Zhuqi to see if they can take it down. Don’t say you won’t go. You are our hero. Other Shacheng There were also activities. Some went to Centipede Cave to kill the Dragon-touching God. Shinhwa and Lingtian went to Zuma Temple to see if they could meet the old man who was the leader of the religion.

Seeing that Shinhwa and Ling Tian wanted to go to the Zuma Temple, he mourned for them in his heart. He had already obtained the leader's first explosion. The server had not been maintained yet, and the monsters summoned by the leader were still there.

Moreover, Zuma Pavilion, like the Stone Tomb Array, is also a maze. Whether they can get out is still unknown.

As for playing Pig Seven, he is already in Shacheng now. It is definitely not easy to refuse them, so he can only agree to play Pig Seven together: Go! It’s so lively with so many people.

Noble and handsome brother: That's right. You should participate in more guild activities. There is no fun in killing monsters and leveling up all the time.

"It's a lot of fun, but you can't withdraw cash, so you can't experience the fun."

Wang Pingan pointed to the city lord. Today they successfully defended the city and could receive a reward. He had already seen many people running to receive it just now.

He is in the city lord's mansion now, so he will naturally take it. He will go down to the pig cave with them later. The gold coins tonight will definitely be wasted. It is good to have these 100,000 gold coins as a base. Noble and handsome brother: Do you want to go down with me now? I will go to the sixth floor to get those mages. It’s too boring for me to run alone.

Little Taoist priest with dog: Okay, I'll put on my equipment and be here right away.

Arriving at the warehouse, Wang Pingan put on all the equipment, and then sent a city return scroll to Tucheng.

Fortunately, we didn't have to go back to the Demon Sealing Valley, otherwise we would have wasted a lot of gold coins.

Tucheng is almost overcrowded now, and most of the players in Biqi are still here at this time and have not returned to the leveling map.

"Haha, I got rich today. I picked up a handful of purgatory and a ruby ​​ring."

"Me too, I picked up a lot of equipment and sold them all to the store..."

"Hey, you guys are so lucky. I bought two sets of shop outfits and picked up a lot of potions, but I just don't have any equipment."


Tucheng was very lively, everyone was talking about tonight's siege. Some people became rich overnight after just one battle, while others were destitute.

Wang Ping'an clicked on the veteran and found that he had indeed opened teleportation in all cities, and it was all free of charge.

It's just that this opportunity only comes once. He will definitely not waste this opportunity on the option of teleporting to the Pig Cave. After all, the Pig Cave is in the city and can be reached in just two steps.

Wang Ping'an sent a private message to a medicine vendor. Now all the guilds in Shacheng have activities today and are making preparations. They have no intention of doing medicine business, so he can only find someone who specializes in business.

Now each bundle has become a bundle of four thousand gold coins. These businessmen also know what it means to take advantage of every opportunity.

It was so easy to carry weight that Wang Ping'an sent a private message to Brother Xiaosha and asked him where he was. Unexpectedly, he had already gone down and even reached the third floor.

"Depend on."

Wang Ping'an saw that he had already set off, so he could slowly fight monsters down below, and then pull him up when Brother Xiaosha reached the sixth floor. He would also have to run less and fight more monsters.

When he got to Zhuyi, Wang Ping'an saw that there were no monsters nearby, so he flew a random one, and then flew to the monster nest. His eyes were full of monsters such as red wild boars, black wild boars, and black evil maggots.

Mainly, I went to participate in the siege battle today. There were few people fighting monsters on the map, but there were a lot of monsters.

Noble and handsome brother: Where have you been? I will go down to the Stone Tomb Formation immediately.

Little Taoist with Dog: I'm still on the first floor, waiting for you to pull me up.

Noble and handsome brother: win.

Seeing his speechless look, Wang Ping'an laughed "haha" and told you not to wait for me.

Before long, Wang Ping'an received the system prompt "Heaven and Earth are united (allow/deny)"

That must be allowed, he is here just waiting for him to pull.

As the scene changed, Wang Ping'an arrived at the sixth floor of the stone tomb, and there were several mages with him.

Then he saw himself kicked out of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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