I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 161 Imperial Soldiers College Students and Dutiful Daughters

Chapter 161 Imperial Soldiers College Students and Dutiful Daughters

"Hey, is there a new person in the group?"

Bulma was immediately interested.

[Bulma: Welcome, welcome, this is a chat group that links different worlds. I am Bulma from the Dragon Ball world. I am 16 years old and live in Xidu...@铁头女@永大美 Tanjiro, Mr. Minato, and Miss Eri and Miko, come out and see the new couple! 】

[Tietouwa: It’s coming, it’s coming. 】

The time now is six or seven o'clock in the morning, and Eri Yi may not have woken up yet.

Namikaze Minato and Miko didn't reply immediately.

On the contrary, it was Tanjiro who showed up first. He introduced himself to the group energetically and explained to the newcomers how "typing communication can be achieved using thoughts".

——When he first joined the group, he was troubled by this issue for several days.

And Bulma noticed another detail——

Of course, this kind of fit is corrosive and not a good thing for the wearer.

Several newcomers who joined the group gradually came to their senses.

[Haunted by evil spirits: Also, let me introduce myself. My name is Brand, I am 25 years old, male. Once an imperial soldier, he is now a homeless man. 】

The Uchiha who was peeking at the screen moved his eyes and said in his heart that it was true.

[Buma: By the way, why is there another 'evil ghost' among the newcomers this time? Is it a friend of Miko's? @四谷见子】

——The so-called "Teigu" is a special equipment in the Red Cut World. It is said that it was built by the founding emperor thousands of years ago with all the efforts of the country. Among them, the "evil haunted" is made from the body material of the super dangerous Tyrande. Armor-type Teigu can give the wearer extremely powerful hand-to-hand combat capabilities. In theory, it can even evolve with the wearer...

[Anonymous: You may live in different places in Tokyo. In addition, the full name of "College of Curses" is "Tokyo Metropolitan College of Curses". It is a place that specializes in teaching students how to deal with "curses". It can be understood as a modern ghost. Kill the team. 】

As for the other two...

Brand, the Teigu envoy of the Zhan: Crimson Eye world, is a former imperial soldier with the title of "Hundred Killer". Because he could not bear the corruption of the empire, he defected to the Revolutionary Army and became a professional killer of the Revolutionary Army.

And "Haunted by Evil Ghosts" is the name of a "Teigu" held by Brand.

At this moment.

[Yoko Miko: ...It shouldn’t be that coincidental, right? Didn’t Miss Hikaru say that everyone is basically from a different world? 】

The "Tiger of the West", if not surprisingly, is a certain Su Nuo jinchūriki.

[Yotani Miko: Hey, Kozune Hisahito-san also lives in Tokyo? Where is the Magic College? Is there such a school in Tokyo? 】

[Tiger of the West: Wow, is there such a magical thing? Are you really all from different worlds? My name is Kugawei Hisahito, and I am a student at the Conjuring College. I am 15 years old. This is my first time meeting you. Please give me your advice! 】

[Miko Yotsuya: But if this evil-haunted gentleman or lady is really troubled by ghosts, you can tell them in the group. Miss Hikaru and Miss Kikyo are both good at dealing with this aspect. I just started learning recently, but if you need help, I will try my best! 】

The "evil ghost" who was noticed by Aite was the first to speak:
[Evil Ghost Haunted: ...Although I don’t quite understand what all this is about, I still thank you for your kindness. I have not seen any ghosts yet, but if I have the chance to see them in the future, I will consider asking you for advice. 】

But Brand doesn’t need to worry about this problem, because according to the normal development of the plot, he will not survive until he is integrated with the armor...


[Tietouwa: Huh? Does Miss Guang know the identity of Mr. Knotweed? 】

[Unnamed: I know a little bit. 】

exactly. Uchiha Hikari may be the only one in this group who knows the identities of Brand and Kizuna Hisuhito.

Although both of them come from the animation world, the manga of "Zhanchi" began to be serialized in 2010, and was only made into an animation for public screening in 14, and "Juju Kaisen" only began to be serialized in 2018, even though It's impossible to find their original work even from Eri's side.

Of course……

At this time in 09, the prototype of the inspiration for "Zhan Chi" has probably come out. As long as you find the cartoonist in the dragon world, you should be able to ask something, but... it is not necessary.

the other side.

Boomerai took a look at the third new group member "Ghost Girl".

[Booma@鬼吉: Still don’t know who this friend is? 】

[Onihime:...I am Kaido's son, you can call me Kozuki Oden! 】

[Unnamed: 6]

Uchiha Hikari's guess was verified.

It seems that "Onihime" is Yamato of the pirate world, one of the four emperors, and the daughter of Kaido.

And "Kozuki Oden"...

It is the name of the person she admires——

The former daimyo of Wano Country, a... person who appears to be powerful, but whose IQ is different from ordinary people.

A powerful appearance means that he has a prominent family background, is popular among the people, and possesses the top combat power in the pirate world, able to rival Kaido the Four Emperors.

Having an IQ that is different from ordinary people means that with a king bomb in hand, the enemy uses tricks that are too simple to be called a "conspiracy" to play with them, and finally jumps into the oil pan and boils oneself alive. die……

how to say……

Quite silly.

Uchiha Hikari estimated that even if the mentally retarded child Fenrir was put in his position, he might be able to do better.

As for Yamato’s mysterious admiration for Kozuki Oden…

Although it is a bit difficult to evaluate, it is understandable.

After all, Yamato's family environment is not ideal.

Born in a single-parent family, his father, Kaido, is a sinister and despicable person. He basically relies on beatings to educate his children, and he will give them a stick if they disagree with him. And Yamato himself didn't have much opportunity to go to school, and he only had a copy of "Oden Diary" to read. Growing up under such objective conditions, it would be a miracle if you could have the three views of a normal person.

[无名@鬼记: Miss Oda, can I ask how old you are this year? 】

[Bulma: Hey, miss? Don't you mean your son? 】

[Yongdaimei: ...Sorry, I was communicating with Jiuwei just now and didn't notice the news in the group. Although I don't quite understand what's going on, the label given by the system should be correct. "Ji" is indeed a title that can only be used by women. Does Miss Guang know something hidden? @nameless】

[Anonymous: Hmm...]

in reality.

Uchiha Hikaru rummaged through a few single volumes of "One Piece" from the pile of comic books on hand, handed one to Bulma across from him, and then uploaded the others to the group.

(End of this chapter)

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