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Chapter 306: Ice and Snow Demon vs. Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Chapter 306: Ice and Snow Demon vs. Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

As the kaleidoscope opens.

The world in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes seemed to slow down all of a sudden.

In the sight, there was only a flash of bright sword energy, bursting out from the blade of the naginata, and then tearing through the space and air all the way, approaching the direction of the ice meteorite. From a distance, it looked like a huge mirror was shattered by an axe, and the cracks stretched out in all directions like branches, bringing out a teeth-grinding sound of tearing silk!

—— Tyranny!!

To be more precise, it is the "Bachan Plus" mixed with the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!
Take a break!

Faced with such a fierce and fierce attack, Esdeath did not go up to take it head-on, but steadied her hand first, stepped hard on the air with her toes, and retreated like the wind.

Almost at the same time she retreated.

The blade energy of the naginata had already reached his eyes, striking the ice meteorite with a diameter of nearly 100 meters!

There were continuous explosions.

Cracks even larger than before appeared on the surface of the ice meteorite.

In the blink of an eye, the ice meteorite began to break and disintegrate, while maintaining its downward momentum, it continued to scatter into large and small pieces of ice, snow and rock, and flew out in all directions. Some ice blocks fell into the sea, splashing water seven or eight meters high; some hit the side and deck of the "Modibic", leaving a lot of pits and marks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Marco mustered up his strength, passed through the gaps between the falling ice and rocks, grabbed the rope that his companion had just thrown off the boat, and jumped back to the deck of the "Modibic" in one breath.


Marco wanted to say something else.

But a hearty laugh interrupted the second half of his words: "Gulala la la la~~No need to say anything, silly son. You can't deal with an opponent of this level for the time being, so leave the rest to Dad!"

While talking.

An old man with a pair of white beards as hard as the crescent moon appeared on the deck.

Edward Newgate.

A man nicknamed "Whitebeard".

This person's body shape is not as good as Kaido and Big Mom. He is only 6.66 meters tall. There are many scars and wounds on his naked upper body, and even a needle tube that has just been pulled out. However, the oppressive force emanating from him is even better than Kaido, who is also one of the Four Emperors, and makes people who see him unconsciously feel awe.

At this moment.

He held the naginata "Kurokumo-kiri" which was several meters taller than himself, stood at the bow, protecting his "sons" behind him, and laughed more and more heartily.

"This guy……"

The half-broken ice meteorite had already fallen into the sea, splashing huge waves tens of meters high. When the waves dispersed, it was like a heavy rain.

Esdeath stood in the air.

All the water splashing around her froze into ice in an instant, creating a strange scene of half rain and half hail on the Modibic side.

"Another person who possesses the 'Hegemonic Haki'?"

As an outsider who has not read the One Piece manga, Esdeath does not know Whitebeard. But she is very familiar with "Haoshoku Haki". After all, she has seen it many times before on Kaido and Yamato, the father and daughter.

Because of this.

Esdeath could easily tell that Whitebeard's Conqueror Haki seemed to be more refined than Kaido and his daughter, and could pose a greater threat to her. This discovery made her feel excited.

"Hey, the guy with the knife, are you the 'white beard' that Xiaoguang mentioned?"

“He does look like a strong man, but if you want to be called the ‘world’s strongest’, that’s not enough… far from enough!!”

The words have not yet fallen.

An astonishing aura burst out from Esdeath, transforming into a violent cold storm that swept in all directions!
——Secret Technique: General Binglan!!

Normally, Esdeath would need to accumulate power to use this move. That is, first she would infuse the power of the "Essence of the Devil" into the Ice Riders, and after three days of accumulation, she would release all the power in one go, enough to form a super blizzard that would sweep across a thousand miles.

And now.

Esdeath skipped this step, so the scope of the blizzard was not that large, but it still covered an area of ​​dozens of miles.

In just a few seconds, a large number of ice spikes began to emerge in the air, layer upon layer, densely packed... It was as if countless swords and spears were gathering in this space. The sea below was also frozen unconsciously, turning into snow-white icebergs rising from the ground and expanding in all directions!

creak creak-

The sound of ice and snow condensing rose and fell, forming a continuous sound.

"This...how is this possible?!"

"I'm afraid that only Aokiji can control ice and snow to this extent... No, even Aokiji can't do it!!"

On board the Modibic.

Marco, who had just escaped from the battle, opened his eyes wide and looked around in amazement along with Diamond Joz and the others.

Everywhere you look, it's a vast expanse of white, as if the entire world has turned into a world covered in silver.

The next moment, Esdeath stepped out.

As her figure rushed forward, a large amount of ice debris lingered around her, outlining the shape of an ice giant about 10 to 20 meters tall, rushing towards the "Modibic" opposite.

At the same time, Whitebeard jumped off the bow and ran towards them on the frozen sea!

Swinging the naginata!



"Shh! It's so cold!"

On board the Blue Planet.

Bulma and others, who had just gotten up from the ground, began to put on their down jackets.

There was no other way. "Ice Storm General" was an AOE skill. Even if Esdeath had intentionally avoided their ship when she burst out her power, the cooling effect brought by such a large amount of ice and snow was quite significant. Bulma and the others, who were relatively weak, could only solve the problem of keeping warm by wearing clothes.


To be precise, only Bulma feels it more obviously in this regard.

Uzumaki Naruto counts as half.

As for the others, Yamato and Brand need no further explanation; Kikyo is made of clay and is not afraid of the cold; even Nezuko is half human, half demon, and besides her face being slightly red from the wind, she is fine. As for the other ordinary person on the ship, Yotsuya Miko, she has already gone back to school and plans to come back next weekend.

Uchiha Guang didn't pay much attention to the movements around him. After a quick glance, he continued to stare at the battle on the field.

"By the way..."

"Xiao Guang, is the momentum that Xiao Ai just burst out a bit similar to 'Conqueror's Haki'?"

Bulma, who wrapped herself tightly, sat next to Uchiha Hikaru and spoke in a low voice.

"…They are just slightly similar, but the nature is different."

Uchiha Hikari responded casually.

She has studied the practice system of domineering for a long time.

The first time was when Yamato traveled to the world of Akagi Zangara. He demonstrated the use of the three colors of domineering in front of her, Bulma, and Esdeath who had just been captured at that time.

Later, when the group went to the Dragon Ball world to participate in the martial arts tournament, Master Roshi, Master Cat, and the gods and others also "domineeringly" expressed some constructive opinions.

From all the circumstances, "Haki" and "Chi" are two very similar training systems. Among them, Armament Haki is the simplest and most clear, while Observation Haki and Conqueror Haki are two different directions of advanced application, each with its own merits.

Theoretically, high-level observation Haki can predict the future, which is the same principle as the "Ultra Instinct" in the Dragon Ball world.

The Conqueror's Haki is a special "explosive" technique, and it also has a way of using the "energy" to highly compress and condense it to form a "dominant entanglement". In a sense, it can be seen as a higher level of Armament Haki.

Uchiha Hikaru still has some desire to explore these two powers.

At this moment.

She watched the battle between Esdeath and Whitebeard intently, secretly analyzing it in her mind.

I can tell.

Esdeath is also trying to use "Ki" and "Haki".

Although she didn't say it, Uchiha Hikaru also knew that Esdeath had been quietly improving her strength in an attempt to challenge her again. Especially in recent days, after boarding the "Blue Planet", the military princess spent six to ten hours in the gravity training room almost every day, and from time to time she would find Yamato to spar with her several times, studying how to integrate the two new training systems she had learned.

That's not a bad thing.

After all, Esdeath is no longer the battle maniac she was when she first left the Akagi world. She wants to win the challenge because she has been suppressed by her for too long and wants to take advantage of her. Even if she wins the challenge, Uchiha Hikaru estimates that she will not cancel the master-servant contract between them. Hmm... She might even ask her to be a servant instead.

In that case... maybe it would be quite interesting?

Thoughts are scattered and collected as soon as they are scattered.

Uchiha Hikaru looked at the battle in the distance, and suddenly opened the blood jade barrier to wrap the "Blue Planet" inside.

With her movements.

A series of violent shock waves came from the air, leaving a huge crack on the blood-red barrier, which gradually flattened and disappeared after a while.

But the glacier under the ship was already shaking, as if a large-scale earthquake had occurred.

"...The strongest parahuman devil fruit is indeed extraordinary."

"I don't know what form its power is stored in its body... I'll go ask Whitebeard for some body tissue samples and give them to Dr. Gero and his team to study and see if they can dig out something."

When Uchiha Guang thought of this, another idea suddenly occurred to him:

"Maybe you could consider taking some time to meet this world's mad scientist, Vegapunk, who is responsible for providing technical support to the world government?"

(End of this chapter)

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