Chapter 100 I report it!
"Mr. Fool doesn't seem to deny Mr. Hanged Man's problem..."

"Could it be. No, Audrey, you can't think about it any more, otherwise Mr. Fool will be unhappy."

Sitting on a bronze high-backed chair, Justice Audrey watched all this and pursed her lips, discovering the hidden information in Mr. Fool's words.

However, she did not speculate too much because the atmosphere above the gray mist was so silent.

“That’s it for today’s party!”

Feeling that his spiritual energy was almost exhausted, Klein immediately announced that the gathering was over.

"Do your will."

Justice and the Hanged Man immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

Mr. Fool nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the unconscious fate, and said nothing more.

Because he was still at Sequence Nine at this time, but he couldn't defeat this kid who seemed like a nightmare.

The crimson light receded like a tide, leaving only Klein alone above the gray mist.

He didn't stop, and immediately wrapped himself with spirituality to simulate the feeling of falling, and left the mysterious space above the gray mist.

After opening his eyes and flexing his wrist, Mr. Fool pressed the flush toilet button and walked out of the restaurant's bathroom.

He didn't buy anything here, so he shamelessly walked out of the store and came to the public carriage stop.

It was not yet four o'clock in the afternoon, so he had plenty of time. He wanted to go to the professional team to act as a good citizen and make reports.

Zoetland Street.

Inside Blackthorn Security Company.

"Klein, aren't you having a day off today?"

Luo Shan, who was behind the reception desk, saw a familiar figure, put down the women's aesthetic magazine in her hand, and said hello warmly.

"Roxanne, in fact, I am not just taking a day off today."

The young Nighthawk took off his hat and saluted, and responded with a pun.

"Klein, there is always a sense of showing off in your words. Little Ron is so cute and well-behaved. If he were not an Extraordinary, I would definitely fight for the job of taking care of him."

The enthusiastic girl heard what Klein meant and spoke a lot without waiting for him to speak again.

cute! Clever! ? How clever is that guy? ?
Klein's mouth twitched slightly and he complained in his mind, but instead of chatting with Roxanne again, he smiled, nodded, and pointed to the captain's office.

The Nighthawk clerk immediately understood what he meant and made an OK gesture invented by Emperor Russell to indicate that the captain was in the office.

Klein nodded slightly to express his gratitude, then walked past the reception desk and knocked on the door of the captain's office.


Dunn Smith was holding the pipe given to him by Daley in his hand, inhaling the scent of unlit tobacco.

He raised his head slightly, and his gray eyes glanced at Klein, who had just come in. He paused while sniffing the tobacco, and a familiar premonition arose in his heart.

"What happened to you again?"

He did not wait for his team members to report the situation. Instead, he spoke first and asked his doubts with some hesitation.

Captain, don't be so direct. Klein muttered awkwardly in his heart.

"Captain, I found an extraordinary person!"


Dunn nodded slightly, already somewhat accustomed to this kind of thing. His plain appearance made Klein speechless for a moment, and he didn't know where to start.

"Ahem, it's like this. When Ron and I were buying necessities this morning, I met a woman who called herself Sharon Hoy..." Clearing his throat, Klein organized his words and told what happened that morning. , and his own divination findings, as well as his own speculations, were repeated to Dunn Smith exactly as they were. Of course, he did not delete the parts involving the gray fog.

Old God Dunn Smith was listening attentively, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong. When Klein stopped talking, he raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Klein, are you saying that there is a beautiful lady who has taken a fancy to you, and also admires you very much and wants to invite you to the ball she holds?"

"Uh, yes Captain."

"That's not the point. The point is that the lady is probably an extraordinary person!"

There was nothing wrong with Dunn's words, so Klein nodded awkwardly and emphasized an important point with a guilty conscience.

Seeing the embarrassment of his team members, the Nighthawks captain did not tease him too much. He repeated the name Sharon Hoy in a low voice, and then gently placed the pipe in his hand on the table.

"Klein, ask Leonard to go to the police station and find out who Sharon Hoy is."

"Okay, Captain!"

Seeing that Dunn Smith was so reliable, Klein breathed a sigh of relief and immediately came to the door, wanting to go and notify Leonard who was playing cards in the lounge.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing."

"Klein, you should keep the invitation letter sent to the company, because the current intelligence shows that although Mrs. Sharon has a big problem, the specific situation still needs to be investigated."

" will probably have to attend the other party's dance as usual."

Klein's footsteps paused as he left, and Dunn Smith's "Wait a minute" speech came from behind.

After listening to the captain's analysis, Mr. Seer suddenly remembered Mrs. Sharon's look that wanted to "eat him alive".

As a man, he had some small expectations in his heart, but as a cautious person, he still smiled reluctantly:
"Captain, this task is still a bit difficult for me alone."

"Actually. Actually, Leonard is a good candidate. After all, he looks so good. He can definitely get a lot of information."

"Especially for a lady and a lady like this."

Klein's mind raced, and he pulled the unaware Leonard into the water in time.

His slander made Dunn Smith feel that it made sense. He thought about it for a few seconds and nodded slightly.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"In this way, when Leonard finds out Mrs. Sharon's identity, I will find a familiar senior police officer to help him get to the dance smoothly."

The old captain gave his answer and comforted the team members in front of him.

"Captain, what about you? In fact, I feel that you should be more suitable for this kind of dance."

After getting Dunn's answer, Mr. Seer breathed a sigh of relief. Then he raised his head with a smile and teased Dunn without overestimating his abilities.

But Dunn Smith was unmoved by such ridicule. He looked at the players in front of him with eyes that were completely different from ours, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and explained briefly.

"I need to be prepared for the unexpected at the security company."

"Besides, this is just an investigation mission and does not require too many manpower. Generally speaking, only single men like you can integrate into this kind of dance better."

"It's not suitable for an old man like me."

Klein's smile suddenly froze on his face, and he rushed out of the door in a bit of embarrassment to find a fellow poet who was also single for comfort.

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(End of this chapter)

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