Mystery: Two or three things between me and Tianzun God

Chapter 167 You are as wicked as your father

Chapter 167 You are as wicked as your father

"The leader didn't say anything. He just suggested that you talk less if you have nothing to do. This may be good for your health."

The master of mysticism lowered his eyes, stroked his goatee, and expressed his most sincere suggestion in the name of the leader.

He tried to pretend that everything was as expected, so as to avoid being noticed by the King of Angels in front of him. Otherwise, given this guy's character, he might say some beautiful words that would raise the blood pressure.

"Haha, this doesn't seem to be the style of the bearded man. He should only arrange for you, or give you tasks, and then smile and say nothing."

"Actually, what I mean is that I hate Him too. No, I hate the audience. Why can't I just talk openly about something? Why do you have to be so secretive?"

Ron chuckled softly, pushed up his monocle, and looked at the old gentleman opposite him playfully.

The words of the blond boy undoubtedly touched the heart of the high-end wage earner. Hermes was actually a little touched at this moment, feeling that he had met a soulmate who was once in a lifetime.

He opened his mouth slightly, intending to follow Mr. Timing in front of him to complain about the leader and say something bad about him.

But at this moment, Hermes, who had been persecuted many times and was also an "audience", suddenly realized something was wrong. He immediately turned his head and glanced at the top of the ancient stone table with the corner of his eye.

So, if you don’t leave now, wait until later!

At this moment, the master of occultism only felt the distrust between people, and he had some unique insights into the existing human society and the mysterious world.

Straightening his back, the "Master of Time and Space" turned his gaze to the leader of the Twilight Hermits who was wearing a simple robe and a light golden beard.

The leader did not fully believe in being this so-called "outsider" and simply rejected the hidden meaning in the other party's words.

The King of Angels has a dirty heart!
Thoughts flashed through his mind, and after gaining an essential understanding of a certain kind of filthy creature, Hermes stopped trying to chat and directly gave the blond boy an address and asked him to pick it up himself, and then quickly left the place. His sad church.

Seeing the old man in the occult robe rushing out of the church door at a speed that was definitely not suitable for his age, Ron snorted with unknown meaning, seeming to regret the happiness that he had not had time to harvest.

"That's why the current situation has been achieved."

After all, he doesn't think that his thoughts in the collective subconscious sea can be hidden from the leader who doesn't know when he will appear.

"Hey, the eldest son of the ancient sun god, the change in the abyss that the "giant" mentioned last time was not caused by you secretly, right?"

"Actually, I don't think you need to be so wary of me. After all, I'm from outside, and I'm different from the local weirdos."

Pushing up the crystal-carved monocle, Ron looked straight into the bearded man's child-like clear eyes and said analytically.

This sweep didn't matter, he happened to see his leader appearing there at some unknown time, looking at them with a smile without saying a word.

Because in front of the King of Angels in the audience's path, there is no essential difference between complaining in your mind and shouting out loud.

Go fuck yourself and laugh without saying a word!

"Otherwise, it's hard for me to imagine that the group of guys outside the barrier have learned to unite as one and compromise with each other!"

Regarding the strange behavior of the younger brothers outside the barrier, Ron didn't understand why they were crazy at first, but it wasn't until just now that he realized that there might be some human influence behind this matter.

Not much else to say, as long as the substantive evidence that he still has the death trick and the original will activated and integrated into one body is sent to the starry sky, the group of outer gods waiting to "pick up rags" will definitely react violently .

"Oh, I didn't do anything. I just sent the two pieces of face you left behind in the Southern Continent outside the barrier. As for those outer gods uniting, it is their own business." Adam said in a calm voice, without any trace of confusion. He didn't care about the blond boy who had already come to Him and looked at Him with wide golden eyes.

"Damn it, you bitch!!! It was you who did it, you are such a fucking bitch!"

"You are just like that damn daddy of yours. You look like a human being, but you just don't do human things!!!"

"How could you be so conscienceless? How could you bear to do such a thing!?"

Upon hearing this, Ron's expression instantly distorted, and he cursed regardless of his appearance.

He jumped on the ancient stone table with his calves, grabbed the bearded man by the collar and shook him wildly, so fast that countless afterimages of the priest with a light golden beard appeared.

Suddenly, with a "pop" sound, the figure of the priest disappeared immediately, as if he was just an illusion or a figment of someone's imagination.

"You should be able to predict this situation. It's just the difference between sooner and later. However, I hope to achieve this faster to block another possibility."

The voice of the "eldest son" of the ancient sun god came from the dome, walls, and windows of the church. It sounded layered and indifferent, and it was so annoying to the ball.

"Okay, you can leave. In fact, you don't really care about my behavior. Everything you just did was to blackmail me and blackmail me. As an audience, I can understand your behavior."

As soon as he heard that his evil intentions were exposed, the blond boy blushed and immediately screamed like he was holding his neck.

"Bitch, if you have the guts, don't hide from me. Come out and let's challenge each other. What's the point of being someone who is behind the scenes!"


"Smile, sister, just wait for me! When we get together next month, I will kick your ass in front of all the members!!!"

"Bah, any god will give birth to a son, no, any god with extraordinary characteristics will give birth to a god!!!"

Ron cursed loudly in the gorgeous and elegant church with a strong religious atmosphere. He didn't care about his own image. In the end, he spat rudely and spit.

"I hate the audience!!!"

"Well I hate minded viewers!"

Feeling the empty church and the wicked bearded man who didn't reply, Ron took a deep breath and recorded this account in his heart.

Regarding the other party's behavior, Ron said that he didn't care, that was all bullshit. After all, there were a lot of foreign gods who wanted to fuck him out of thin air, and no matter who they were, they would be dissatisfied with this matter.

However, Emperor Russell said it well, as the saying goes, it is better to enjoy alone than to enjoy everyone.

The group of guys outside the barrier are not all here to target him. The Heavenly Will and Original Will in his body are also their targets.

"It's time to bring those two bitches down!"

The blond boy pushed up his monocle, thought for a moment, and decided to share the good news with his two "siblings."

(End of this chapter)

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