Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 102: One path and one Buddha protect the Dharma

Chapter 102 One Buddha protects the Dharma

The Buddha said that there is a basic technique in the Sutra of the Strong Man Moving Mountains.

This technique uses itself as a temple to worship itself, and it continues to evolve until it finally achieves an invincible golden body. It can move mountains and seas with one movement, reaching a state that is almost the same as that of a saint.

Of course that's what it said.

This spell imprints the elements of the "temple" in a way similar to a tattoo, so once it is released, the effect will always exist unless you clean it up.

After the spell is cast, the caster can completely block his own breath with the "temple". For the effect of identifying his own attributes, the caster is regarded as having all attributes 2. For the ability to identify his own energy pool and level, the caster is always regarded as having no energy pool. and grade.

In other words, in Lin Yun's energy vision, or in the eyes of most people, Ji Qi is almost like an ordinary person.

Of course, this camouflage ability has an opposed level and can only deceive effects used for discernment that are no higher than your spell level.

The problem is that this basic technique has been upgraded to C level, so Lin Yun naturally has no way to detect it.

However, this is not the point.

The most important thing is that when you learn this spell and have the above effects, if you declare that the XP gained during exercise is used to purchase attributes, the XP you can obtain every 10 days of exercise can be increased by 1 + spell power x one-third point. This effect It is effective immediately and has no upper limit.

Under normal circumstances, the power of a C-level spell is 6 points.

In the previous world where she went to the League of Legends, she got an increasing tome, which increased the spell power by 1. Then she got a Yin-Yang Jade Pendant in the Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, which can increase the power of a spell by 2 every day, which is just enough to fight against Earn 10XP every 5 days.

Unfortunately, these XP can only be used to train attributes.

However, with this, and the fact that her C-level first-generation noble can get 12XP every time she comes back from the dungeon world, Ji Qi has enough XP to upgrade attributes and learn abilities such as spells.

She even learned Bajiquan again, which she secretly learned but was not recognized by the gods' space.

In short, her attributes are like this without any equipment now.

Strength 40, Agility 28, Endurance 22, Intelligence 14, Perception 22, Determination 13, Grace 16, Manipulation 14, Composure 14.

It can be said that purely based on attributes, it is much more explosive than Lin Yun.

By the way, except for strength, agility, endurance, and perception, she has not enhanced any other attributes. These are her original attributes.

Compared to what Lin Yunzhen has to say, Ji Qi's power is too solid and cannot be inflated, and his attack bonus is very monotonous.

At least compared to Lin Yun, that's the case.

Because you can tell by feeling the eternal heat coming from the place where Killian fell.

That was Killian, still alive and looking very angry.

Moreover, Ji Qi looked at her hands. At this time, her hands were scorched black, and even part of the monk's robe was burned off.

With that figure covered in flames, even under such a close attack, it was obvious that it was still unavoidable to be attacked by flames.

However, if you look carefully you can see it.

When Ji Qi shook hands subconsciously, the charred parts had fallen off, started to shed, and slowly repaired.

Of course, it probably won't be possible to recover before this battle is over.

Just when Kilian got up with some frustration, the 12 Extremis Virus warriors on the other side turned into flaming men one after another after being stunned for a moment and headed towards Lin Yun, Xiong Daiyu, and Ji Qi. An average of 4 for each person was just right. The ground rushed over.

"I said, why don't you guys come together?" Lin Yun glanced at Killian on the other side, then pinched the light-condensing Buddha seal in his hand, and with his right hand in the shape of a knife, he saw a blue sword that seemed to be made of bones and ice. The colored blade appeared in Lin Yun's hand.

Yes, ice, not glass color.

Because at this time Lin Yun was using. . . . . . Facing the four desperate virus soldiers who rushed towards them like human bombs, Lin Yun half-squinted his eyes but showed mercy, "Innate blue snow and gold-domed Buddhist lantern!"

This is Lin Yun's further attempt to use the combination of the Huntian Treasure Mirror and the Tathagata Divine Palm. Of course, abilities such as Qi Infusion and Huntian Strengthening are naturally used normally.

It’s just that this time there are more, innate body, strength +6 practice bonus and grace +4 inner, Huntian strengthening +4 energy bonus are superimposed.

However, because Bi Xue Bing was used this time, the flames would affect the effect of B Xue Bing, so Lin Yun could only use Xuan Bing Qi to strengthen it.

"Huntian Enhanced Appraisal: Physique +16, Perception +13, Legendary Physique +3 with additional success, Legendary Perception +2 with additional success, settlement."

"W29+5=13, success."

"Metal Combat Appraisal: Strength +26, Melee Combat +12, Versatility +4 Specialty, Baji Quan +2 Moves, Infusion +22 Energy, Earth Kunlun Gangqi +8 Enhancement, Bixue Ice +8 Enhancement, Favor +12 Inner, Tathagata Divine Palm +6 Holy, Yang Jin +13 Energy, Extremely Cold Weather +4 Environment, Natural Weapon 14, Momentum +3 Additional Success, Infusion +2 Additional Success, Legendary Power +4 Additional Success, Melee Combat +4 Additional Success, Qiankun Luck +2 will add success, Yang Jin +6 will add success, and Buddha's power will be converted to gain 8 additional dice characteristics, and it will be settled."

"Target defense: base 9, dodge 28, block 4, insight 1, practice 3, natural defense 14, morale bonus 2, intrinsic bonus 4, additional success 3."

"Armor Breaking 14, Demon Breaking 9, Energy Weapons 8 High Speed."

"Hardness 3, damage reduction 2, energy resistance 3, protection against energy weapons,"

"Hard hitting and opening ignores hardness 3, ignores damage reduction 1, Dan ignores damage reduction 1, Xuanbing Qi ignores energy resistance 3." "Hitting a cow across a mountain ignores 4 blocks."


"Inflicts an additional 8+8+8 ice damage and an additional 16 freezing points."

"Qiankun Wuliang 9 damage is transformed into vicious damage."

"The opponent's energy protects the body, and the 6 damage is reduced by 1 level."

This attack consumes 9 energy injections, 3 golden-domed Buddha lamps, 3 innate Qiankun movement skills, and 1 Qiankun boundless energy. Although it is said that the cost is reduced by the C-level innate Qiankun skill, the actual consumption is real. It is just affected by Limited to half the strength, it is a pity that Yang Jin can only stack up to 13.

At this time, looking from outside the field, it was like a shining ice flower exploded with Lin Yun as the center, and then cut those desperate virus soldiers into two halves almost instantly, then turned into ice cubes and fell to the ground. for dust.

It looks so beautiful.

This is the best that Lin Yun can barely do at present.

Things look good.

These Desperate Virus soldiers are very strong, but Lin Yun is even stronger. Taking into account the damage reduced by 1 level, the damage is almost 88. That is to say, unless these Desperate Virus soldiers have more than 40 health points, plus energy offset, So barely able to survive.

But it was obvious that even Lin Yun did not dare to face such harm easily.

But speaking of it, energy can be offset by innate Qi.

In other words, can Lin Yun's 93 innate energy be used as 41's temporary life? After this calculation, Lin Yun's health is even more terrifying.

Compared to Lin Yun's side who was able to kill almost instantaneously, Xiong Daiyu was a little behind. The black iron epee's armor-piercing ability was enough, but the high speed was a little behind.

However, facing the "sophisticated" Dark Iron Heavy Sword compared to before, even if these desperate virus soldiers evaded it, it would be very difficult.

Just by meeting each other, the four Extremis Virus soldiers were scratched and rubbed. The moment the black iron heavy sword touched it, it exploded as if it had been hit by a bomb.

No, the splattered flesh and blood really looked like bombs.

One of the Extremis Virus soldiers even had one hand completely chopped off, and the explosion of that hand was the biggest reaction.

If Xiong Daiyu hadn't released her sword energy before attacking, and the attack range was as high as more than 6 meters, she might have actually been hit.

But the situation is not very good, it is these desperate virus soldiers who are in trouble.

Those desperate virus soldiers also seemed to find Xiong Daiyu difficult to deal with, so they thought of another method.

Two of the Extremis Virus soldiers stretched out their hands and grabbed the body of the dark iron heavy sword.

And his two hands were burning with flames, ready to conduct the flames along the body of the Dark Iron Heavy Sword.

Then the two Desperate Virus soldiers behind him rushed forward. They used military grappling skills to push Xiong Daiyu to the ground and threaten Lin Yun.

Almost before the two Extremis Virus soldiers pinned down Xiong Daiyu, the ferocious flames burst out from their hands.

Almost instantly, it wrapped around Xiong Daiyu's seemingly white skin.

"Your skin is really good, it makes me a little jealous." One of the female Extremis Virus soldiers, who looked tall and thick, showed a ferocious smile.

Is this the female soldier who appeared in Iron Man 3?

It's just that they didn't realize that compared to the fact that they were surrounded by a ball of flames, Xiong Daiyu in front of them was shining slightly like jade, and it was still golden.

But yes, after all, the color of the flame is more conspicuous.

Because of Lin Yun's support, Xiong Daiyu's exchange became more relaxed, and she was even able to learn some Taoist techniques that could be used in intense and exciting battles without requiring too complicated movements.

For example, it may not be reflected in the attack just now, but it is actually powerful enough, with +12 enhancement bonus, 6 armor-piercing, and 6-demon-breaking Tiangang battle energy.

There is also the golden light magic spell on her body at this time.

During the duration, you can gain 3DR, 3 full energy resistance and full damage absorption.

Coupled with the fire-avoidance spell she secretly released when she saw Killian and the others, the fire resistance of 12 is completely enough to offset the damage caused by the flames on their bodies.

But now, just when these desperate virus soldiers want to pin down Xiong Daiyu, "all secret, shocked Baili."

I saw the golden light on Xiong Daiyu's body shook, and the two Extremis Virus soldiers who were originally holding Xiong Daiyu were shaken off. No, not just these two, the other two who grabbed Xiong Daiyu's black iron heavy sword The Extremis Virus soldiers were also shaken away.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, "soldiers, fights, all, formations, fights and seals, all seals, are invincible, no matter how clever they are."

(End of this chapter)

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