Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 111 Locking the target

Chapter 111 Locking the target
Mu Huishida? It seems that this should be the real name of the time traveler Tan Lidou.

Sure enough, Lin Yun thought that the situation might be weird, but he didn't expect it to be so weird.

In their copy world this time, there are actually "native" time travelers.

If the other party is in the name of Tan Lidou, you can even think about some of the other party's tendencies. Admiring Tan Lidou is one aspect, and approving Tan Lidou's way of doing things is also another aspect.

And in the world of Kamen Rider Exaid, there is the crazy character shown by Dan Reito, and there is also the situation where the decent villain jumps back and forth.

Lin Yun had no doubt that in addition to being a superhero, it was also very possible for the opponent to be a villain, no, it should even be said that he was a Hydra.

In fact, Lin Yun estimated that besides not expecting "players" like Lin Yun to appear, he probably thought about all this. . . . . . . Put on a good show.

If it is leaning towards profit, then it is to use the power of Hydra to take the opportunity to rule the world.

And if it is inclined to the ideal. . . . . .

It is also possible for the twisted Masked Hero Chef to become a boss and savior in order to become a hero.

"You saw it too, right?" Ji Qi looked at Lin Yun's frown and said with a serious expression.

"Yes, I saw it too." Lin Yun nodded.

"Did you find anything?" Colson asked curiously at this time.

"Do you know this person?" Lin Yun pondered for a moment, then showed the laptop to them.

"Wait a minute, this seems to be our SHIELD information. Sir, you can't do this." Coulson looked at it carefully and thought it looked very familiar, so he said quickly.

"Don't worry about the details and answer my questions." Lin Yun said directly.

"Mr. Tan Li Dou? Is there any problem?" Colson said strangely.

"Isn't he also a superhero? Why don't we see him appearing?" Lin Yun continued to ask.

"He is missing." At this moment, Nick Fury on the side said coldly, "Strictly speaking, according to previous intelligence, he left the earth with the alien who called himself Thor."

"I see, it seems that we are in touch." Lin Yun squinted his eyes, and roughly understood that Tan Li Dou was most likely connected with Loki, and even with Thanos and the others at that time.

The situation is indeed very bad, especially since the other party knows most of the configuration on this side, and Lin Yun is not sure whether everything that happened here is known to the other party.

"What do you mean?" Colson also looked a little serious, "Do you think this attack is related to Mr. Tan Lidou? I have met him, and although he is a bit arrogant, overall he is just like Star They are all our superheroes."

"It's not time to make a conclusion yet, Coulson, don't forget the code of agents and know how to doubt everything. I have suspected that this guy is related to the appearance of a monster called BugStar some time ago, but there has never been enough information. Evidence." Nick Fury said solemnly.

"But it was Mr. Tan Li Dou who destroyed those monsters." Coulson couldn't help but say.

"No, that's propaganda, yes, it's propaganda. It's actually just like an arms display, it's also a deterrent. It seems like that." Nick Fury seemed to understand the key point at once, and then said.

Lin Yun estimated that Nick Fury probably thought of the time traveler Tan Li Dou as the kind of arms dealer who wanted to sell his arms.

This makes sense.

After all, Nick Fury is famous for being suspicious, often wanting to have everything in his hands, and often "doing bad things" as a result.

"Anyway, now, maybe we can go to this guy's company to see the situation." Lin Yun said with half-squinted eyes.

But before that. . . . . . Lin Yun and the others need to find a car first.

Because Coulson and his car were in the base just now, but there was already a missile fired by Death Whip, and a roar could be heard from time to time in the distance, probably still in the middle of a battle.

"By the way, Fury, how is Nata?" Hawkeye also asked while moving.

Nata, full name Natasha Norman Love, nicknamed Black Widow.

In the comics, he is in the same era as Captain America. He was also injected with the super soldier potion. He is a super agent who is over 90 years old but still remains young and maintains physical relationships with multiple superheroes.

In the movie world, Natasha is also said to be an agent from Su's secret organization Red Room.

But in essence, she is still an "ordinary person". She is only in her twenties and not yet thirty. It can be said that Hawkeye rescued her from the red room.

For Black Widow, Hawkeye is a lifesaver.

To Hawkeye, Black Widow is like a younger sister.

"How do you think those superheroes were hidden? I gave the order and asked Natasha to secretly transfer those superheroes." Nick Fury said with a slightly crooked mouth.

A very strange situation is that although Natasha was once a Su agent, even if you really want to care about it, Norman Love, a surname and a "betrayer" in short, has the trust of Nick Fury, a suspicious person.

Because it's very simple. Nick Fury knows very well that the only place for Natasha to stay is here.

Finally, Nick Fury said he was prepared, but he was actually prepared.

In the parking lot of a building, I just took out two relatively new SUVs. Considering that Lin Yun and the others were not familiar with the place, and they needed someone to communicate with. So Coulson was responsible for driving Lin Yun's car.

And Nick Fury and the others are naturally another one.

It can be seen that in the relatively spacious position of this SUV, Lin sitting in the back seems a bit crowded, with two women sandwiching him in the middle, making him look a little embarrassed.

Just because Coulson, the "outsider", was also here, the two women didn't end up doing anything too prominent.

However, this wonderful atmosphere still made Coulson look in the rearview mirror frequently, coughing, coughing, coughing.

Under Coulson's driving, Lin Yun and the others traveled through New York.

It can be seen that New Yorkers are still relatively calm.

Although there were missiles bombarding the building on the other side, which was not as good as 911, it was still a very horrific terrorist attack, but the other side was as usual and looked completely the same as everyday.

Just as he moved, what made Lin Yun's expression weird was that he saw a landmark building with Stark written on it in English.

It was the same Stark Tower that Tony Stark had at the beginning of The Avengers.

Because to open a large enough portal, the Cosmic Cube itself is not enough, it also requires enough energy.

Stark Tower is now the only landmark point that uses absolutely clean energy and is self-sufficient.

Therefore, in the original work, which meets the two characteristics of sufficient energy and the ability to install X, Loki chose to open the portal here in Stark Tower.

After closing the portal, Stark Tower was severely damaged due to the battle. The Stark English label on it fell off and only the word A was left, which is the Avengers Tower in the comics.

But now, a taller building has been built on the other side, and it looks a bit light-polluted. The big X on it made Lin Yun understand it at once. . . . . .

This is definitely something a time traveler would do.

It's a shame that proud guy Tony Stark didn't smash this building down.

Lin Yun's energy vision is actually not absolute. From a certain perspective, it is like Superman's super vision if it is blocked by metal such as lead.

Then Lin Yun would not be able to see the energy behind it.

Because using momentum would be discovered by others, Lin Yun redistributed the favor in order to increase the range of spiritual and super-sense.

Increase Perception by 4 points, bringing it to 23.

The effective attribute is 13, which means 13 meters is the basis.

Then each point of legendary perception is doubled, which means legendary perception is 2, and expanded by 2 times, which is 3 times the base.

So it is an absolute sensing range with a radius of 39 meters.

One floor is almost 3 meters, which is equivalent to the perception range of about 13 floors.

So when Lin Yun almost arrived near the X Building of Consortium, Lin Yun noticed that there was a powerful energy inside that blocked the surrounding space.

That should undoubtedly be the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Obviously, they haven't completed the final debugging yet, so they haven't moved it up to open the portal yet. This is an opportunity.

But the trouble now is not just that.

It's because Lin Yun discovered that the space near Consortium

The amazing ability to turn reality into data.

It is the basic ability possessed by BugStar and those Kamen Riders.

Similar to a mirror space, it looks exactly the same, but in fact even if it is destroyed, when the game field shrinks, everything will return to its original appearance.

And in addition, the laws of physics will become a little different.

The most important thing is that Lin Yun is not sure whether the time traveler Tan Lidou will do anything in this game field.

"There's no need to keep getting closer. We need to leave here now." After realizing it, Lin Yun said directly to Coulson.

"Leave? I understand." It seemed that he had a certain amount of trust in Lin Yun. After hearing Lin Yun's words, Coulson hesitated for a moment, but drove away directly.

And watched Coulson's car suddenly leave.

Nick Fury and the others who were following behind were also a little confused, but soon, Ji Qi directly told Coulson and Nick Fury why through his telepathic ability.

(End of this chapter)

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