Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 116 The Way of the World

Chapter 116 The Way of the World

As Xiong Daiyu released the power of the nine-character mantra, her figure had turned into a phantom, approaching the Iron Soldier mecha from the side at an alarming speed.

Her top speed is 312, which is about 100 meters per second, not much worse than Lin Yun.

Although it was still not as fast as a bullet, with its own hardness and defense, not many bullets could damage her body.

"It's so fast, but this is my advantage." Looking at Xiong Daiyu who accelerated almost instantly and disappeared, Ji Qi also sighed slightly, and then she shook her body which could be said to be a 1:1 replica of Sesshōin Kiara. sphere, then clasped his hands together and prayed.


A twisted ripple appeared on Ji Qi's body, just like the ripples caused by a stone thrown onto the water.

The bullets fired by the Iron Soldier mechas hit Ji Qi's body, and then ricocheted around as if they were refracted.

The mirror can enhance the effect of defense and reflex saving throws, giving a full 18 points of insight bonus.

It's true that you can obviously hit, but you can't.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to break through Ji Qi's defense with just the machine guns of these steel soldier mechas.

"Where do so many superpowers come from?" Sangbian looked at the scene where the mecha computer was tracking him, slowing down for calculations and observations. Under the mecha, he felt like he wanted to retreat tactically.

After all, before today, he thought the world was just like this, so that his old enemy, that childish Tony Stark, could show off his mecha with the glory that should have been his.

But I didn't expect that first I was shocked by the black technology of the neon man named Tan Lidou, and now there are so many guys with inexplicable abilities.

The bullets and artillery he once believed in were unable to show much effect against these guys. They relied solely on the self-destruction function of the steel soldiers that was originally used to recycle waste to deal with these guys.

The world has really changed.

But although he was a little emotional, he couldn't help it, because his current boss asked him to kill these guys, and the most important thing was that he couldn't resist.

"Start." The face under the mecha curled his lips and then said.

Following the order of Ming Whip, the steel soldier mechas began to extend launchers one after another from their backs, and then one after another micro missiles were fired in the direction of Xiong Daiyu and Ji Qi.

"Be careful, this thing will track." Ji Qi's expression on this side changed slightly, and then he shouted to Xiong Daiyu through his mind. Then he squeezed his hand, made a gesture as if to stop traffic, and raised his hand In front of the chest, the fingers are stretched naturally and the palms are facing outward. This is the seal of fearlessness.

"The wheel enchantment. The way of the world."

A hazy light and shadow appeared in front of Ji Qi. The light and shadow were intricate, but what could be seen was that there were many figures shaking.

If you look carefully, these are everything Ji Qi has ever experienced.

And in that light and shadow, a familiar figure is also inside, and it occupies at least 20% of the space.

Wheel enchantment. Human world, showing various scenes of human world, the good and evil of people's hearts, the warmth and coldness of the world.

This is also what Ji Qi has experienced as a user.

The seemingly unified barrier is actually composed of countless different parts, and these countless different parts can be brought together into one at any time.

It's like countless people gathered into a collective, turning into an exquisite and indestructible barrier.

The numbers of one and ten thousand are perfectly integrated in the hand: this is the 'human way'.

Although for Ji Qi, this is not much different from a public execution. . . . . .

But it cannot be denied that this enchantment is very useful.

Create a boundary with a radius equal to the spell range 5X intelligence When an attack or area damage is initiated from outside the barrier and the line of effect passes through the barrier, the attack or area damage is first borne by the barrier, as if the creature was behind the full shield of the barrier.

Creatures within the enchantment have no effect on external attacks, and the enchantment moves with the caster.

With her current ability, and taking into account the +2 spell power of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant's first spell per day, the spell power is 9, which means this is a barrier with a hardness of 9 and a health value of 27.

The hardness of a full 9 points is considered very hard, but for these micro-missiles, it is a bit worse.

Because although these micro-missiles are not as good as those precision missiles manufactured by Stark Industries, they are not bad at armor-piercing effect. The armor-piercing effect is exactly 10 points. Above the barrier, there is obviously no other defense that can be broken, so Armor Break 10 will completely ignore the 9 Hardness.

So with just 3 missiles, the barrier of the human world on Ji Qi's body has been directly broken, exposing Ji Qi inside. Faced with this situation, he can only block the front with his hands to reduce the damage as much as possible. Along with a roaring sound, bursts of explosions erupted from Ji Qi's body, and a large amount of smoke exploded.

On the other side, Xiong Daiyu waved the broad sword in her hand and slashed directly at the missiles, "Dou, all."

The broad sword in his hand was not small compared to Xiong Daiyu's hand, but the speed was not slow at all.

Under Xiong Daiyu's wave, she "blocked", and the broad sword she waved directly cut off the micro-missiles. Those micro-missiles were detonated directly around Xiong Daiyu in advance. The impact of the explosion made Xiong Daiyu's right hand numb, but she could barely Bear it.

And the most important thing is that Xiong Daiyu is already close to those steel soldier mechas at this time.

At the moment of approaching, the sword energy suddenly burst out from the broad sword in Xiong Daiyu's hand, and the 10-meter-long sword suddenly extended directly from the broad sword.

In one fell swoop, a Steel Soldier mecha was strung together.

The missile has enough armor-breaking effect on Xiong Daiyu and the others, and Xiong Daiyu's broad sword is not bad for the hardness of these steel mechas.

The broad sword he swung was thrown out, and the steel soldier mecha directly hit another steel mecha.

"A heavy sword has no edge, and great skill has no workmanship." The broad sword in Xiong Daiyu's hand was like a wave, and those steel soldier mechas almost shattered upon contact.

To Xiong Daiyu, the steel armor made of titanium alloy was like tofu, which made Sangbian even frown.

I almost wanted to run away.

Because although these Steel Soldier mechas are mass-produced, the metal structures used on them are very different from the mechas he currently wears. At most, his mechas are larger and look thicker.

But soon, he no longer had the mind to think about this, because at this moment, the side of Ji Qi was hit by a micro-missile, and on the side of Ji Qi filled with smoke, he could see the nun-like clothes on Ji Qi's body. It had disappeared, and what appeared instead was a set of clothes that looked fairy-like and white gauze-like, but at this time, the white gauze-like clothes were blown to tatters and covered with dust. It looks extremely shabby.

The spring scenery that was exposed was covered by dust, and it didn't look like a daydream at all.

That piece of nun's clothing was for the fate and testimony of meeting Lin Yun.

This set of clothes is Ji Qi's "battle uniform". This is the Buddhist power she brought through her own Buddhist scriptures in the Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, and she mixed into a local Buddhist nunnery, that is, A treasured garment obtained from the famous "Cihang Jingzhai".

It is made of Tianshan silk mixed with high-strength chemical fiber and finally Buddhist consecration.

It can turn a person's temperament into substance and form a defense, with a maximum of 12 points. When the demeanor is higher than 4, the [Bulletproof] characteristic is obtained. When the demeanor is higher than 8, the [Anti-Energy Weapon] characteristic is obtained. When the demeanor is higher than At 11 o'clock, armor defense changes to force field defense.

And because Fuli's key attribute is grace, she has also slightly strengthened her grace, reaching exactly 12 points of grace.

This is just right for dealing with missiles. Of course, the most important thing for Ji Qi is that he doesn't want the Fate Clothes to be damaged.

And this one?
It doesn't hurt even if it is destroyed.

White gauze clothes indicate. . . . . . Are you polite?
"You won't die even if you are hit by a missile? What a monster." The expression on the mourning whip under the mask was a little ugly, finally. . . . . . Decisively chose to run away.

He is not a fool controlled by that alien Loki. He is a person with his own consciousness. He should run away. . . . . .

But just when Sangbian was thinking this, the display screen in his mask showed a patch of red, and a locked English message appeared in front of him.

Then "You have no choice." A sentence appeared on the display.

The mourning whip is directly, "Ятебявъебунахуй (I am willing to give you XX)."

But obviously, even though he cursed, it was of no use at all, because at this time, the steel mecha he created was already under the control of the other party.

He has even guessed who controls the mecha he is wearing. After all, this mecha is strictly sponsored and improved by the other party. It is natural that there is a backdoor.

So under the gazes of Ji Qi and Xiong Daiyu, Mang Whip, who was about to run away, suddenly turned his head and rushed towards Ji Qi as if he were reversing his sword, waving the long whip that flashed with lightning and hit him.

Ji Qi naturally didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the mecha of the Sangbian. Facing the rushing Sangbian, he stamped his feet and opened the door, just like he used to do in the past. Hit it directly.

Of course, at the same time of contact, the electric current on the whip naturally spread throughout Ji Qi's body, but Ji Qi had nothing to do about it.

She didn't bother to do it, because this was the way she chose to fight, resisting damage, then grabbing others, and finally beating the enemy wildly.

"Catch you." Although the electricity caused Ji Qi's delicate arms to turn slightly black, there was a smile on Ji Qi's face.

(End of this chapter)

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