Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 135 Iron Man: What’s wrong with the world?

Chapter 135 Iron Man: What’s wrong with the world?

This blow penetrates the stars, well, that's not it.

But no matter what, Ji Qi's power was perfectly transmitted to the arrow, and then hit the transport ship.

The light arrow directly penetrated the armor on the transport ship. The terrifying force tore through the armor above, and then destroyed the structure inside. It was like an airplane hitting a bird at high speed, but unlike an airplane, .

This transport ship is obviously harder, after all, compared to an airplane flying in the atmosphere.

These transport ships can fly in space, and strictly speaking, they are transport ships used as battleships.

It can be seen that although part of it was shot, the transport ship was still flying in the air. As the scale-like decks of its body were opened, a large number of Kiritans were ejected and rushed outside.

Viewed from a distance, this transport ship looks like a goddess spreading her tricks in one breath.

"Is the output still not enough?" Ji Qi frowned slightly, and was a little helpless. After all, this was already her highest output. Her output was only W93+7. When she disagreed with someone, her output increased to nearly 200. It's different.

Now this feels a little troublesome, because her output to hit a single Kirita is like using a cannon to hit mosquitoes, but if she hits these transport ships, she can't knock them down.

It's just embarrassing.

"Forget it." Although she felt helpless, Ji Qi still bent her bow and drew an arrow again.

After all, she is not a "professional" archer. Every move she makes shows a feeling of stiffness, and she relies entirely on power to output. It can only be said that the diamond bow can bring out her power, which is already a very good thing.

"Human cannon." Looking at Ji Qi, who almost blew away the head of the transport ship with that arrow, Xiong Daiyu had to admire the power at this time.

However, while she was admiring the power, her hand did not stop, because at this time, she was using the front seal to engage in aerial combat with those Kirita people.

The flight of the front seal is different from most flights. If you really want to talk about it, it should be like flying in the air, that is, the feeling of being able to fly directly into the sky by stepping on the air.

So for Xiong Daiyu, flying in the air is almost like running back and forth in a space.

Under the broad sword attached to her sword energy, the black iron sword skills were continuous and continuous, each sword was faster than the other, and those Kirita people barely had the strength to stop her.

I just want to say that the biggest problem is that there are too many. There are too many Chiruta people, and after seeing Xiong Daiyu's ferocity, they kept a distance as much as possible and shot.

This distance is not just between Xiong Daiyu and Xiong Daiyu, but also between teammates.

Because Xiong Daiyu's speed is so fast, among these Chiruta people, Xiong Daiyu is like a butterfly dancing among thousands of flowers, although it is said. . . . . . The body exudes golden light, which looks a bit too dazzling.

Faced with so many enemies and alien technology, even if Xiong Daiyu's body is now as hard as an alloy under Dou Zi Mi, it is still very limited after all.

Facing these Kirita people, Xiong Daiyu also had to use defensive Taoism to deal with them.

That is a very famous spell among Taoists.

Like the Purification Mantra, it is one of the "Eight Gods" commonly used in Taoist ritual activities. It is mainly used for morning and evening homework, Taoist rituals, and learning and practicing talisman and Taoism.

Reciting this song can use your body as a bait to attract the possession and protection of the gods of heaven and earth. This song is named after the golden light reflected by those with advanced Taoism. It helps those who practice Kung Fu to exorcise evil spirits and protect their body.

Effect: Golden light shines all over the body, making it impossible to make stealth and hiding decisions.

While the spell lasts, you gain dr/-/2 of the spell's power, full energy resistance, and full damage absorption.

Xiong Daiyu currently has nothing to enhance the power of her spells, so she only has 3 DR, 3 full energy resistance, and 3 full damage absorption, combined with the hardness of Dou Zi Mi.


Nothing more.

After all, compared to hatred, Xiong Daiyu is obviously too flexible.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there is such a powerful beauty here in New York. Hello, beauty, let's meet my famous philanthropist and pure energy expert Tony Stark. The energy in your body is very pure. I've never seen such power." A slightly gentle voice came from a distance, accompanied by two streams of light.

I saw a steel mecha that was mainly gold and supplemented by red, and looked slimmer than the mecha of the mourning whip, appeared on Xiong Daiyu's side, and was almost destroyed by Xiong Daiyu's sword. . . . . .

Finally, Xiong Daiyu remembered that this seemed to be the protagonist of the Avengers, and she had seen it before when watching his video of eating.

After taking a look at Tony Stark's red steel mecha, Xiong Daiyu didn't pay much attention to it. She had not watched Avengers 4. In her opinion, this Iron Man was just a rich playboy. , although it was said that he rushed into the wormhole with a nuclear bomb in Avengers 1, it can only be said that it was not enough to change Xiong Daiyu's view.

He just turned around, rushed to the other side, and started killing again, "Okay, it seems that the women on the Chinese side can't understand my charm." Tony Stark slapped his mouth, and then said.

Of course, the reason why he came to chat with Xiong Daiyu was not because Xiong Daiyu was beautiful, but because he detected extremely pure energy from Xiong Daiyu's body and it circulated in its own body.

According to a more scientific statement, Xiong Daiyu at this time is like one of those nuclear fission generators, but while generating energy, it feels like it is bound up.

So Tony Stark, a genius scientist, came over and wanted to ask.

Just because of this guy's nature, when he came to Xiong Daiyu, he inevitably became a spoiled person. When he saw that Xiong Daiyu didn't want to pay attention to him at all, Tony Stark could only smack his lips like this.

Well, he also knew that now was not the time to say such things. So he activated the jets in both hands and flew into the distance. It was time for him to continue fighting.

But soon, he saw a huge cone of lightning erupting from the ground in the distance, and then bombarded a flying transport ship, then directly penetrated it, and then saw that part of it was frozen by the ice. got up and eventually knocked it down.

"What the hell, what has become of this world?" Facing the cone thing that was at least ten meters long, Tony Stark only felt that the world seemed to be a little too scary.

After all, before he became Iron Man, the world at least seemed normal.

The only so-called "superpower", that is, a super soldier, is Captain America.

And he is just an ordinary rich man.

Oh, and geniuses and philanthropists.

But since he became Iron Man, it feels like everything has changed, as if he suddenly "awakened" and many more so-called superheroes have emerged.

Especially the self-proclaimed Kamen Rider, Tan Lito, who made him feel like he was always stealing his limelight.

But soon, he felt slightly happy.

Because according to the news he has received now, the alien seems to have opened a wormhole on the roof of Tan Li Dou's consortium X. It seems that it should be almost destroyed now.

Let this guy come over and steal his thunder.

Because Nick Fury did not exchange information, Tony Stark only thought that Tan Lidou was controlled by the alien named Loki. . . . . .

It should be noted that the reason why Tony Stark felt this way was mainly because he had just seen some people with "superpowers", and those people were actually players who did not have a team.

At this time, these players are fighting on their own. If they can fight the Kiritan soldiers, they will fight. If they cannot fight, they will be ready to retreat at any time.

Compared to some people, when they fight these Chiritan soldiers, each of them gets up to 5 reward points.

Of course, the only one who could use Thunder Zen was Lin Yun. Lin Yun, who was about to support Thor, looked at the transport ship rushing towards him on the way. He was also rude and just fired a full-power earth attack Kunlun's power exploded, and Kunlun Buddha moved the mountains and rivers and blasted past.

"Combat check:..."

"Target defense: Armor 51."

"Armor Break 14."

"Hitting a cow across a mountain ignores 16 armor"


"Hardness 8."

"Hard-opening and hard-hitting ignore hardness 4, and worry ignores hardness 2."

"Causes 79 damage, additionally causes 8+12 ice damage, and causes 12 freezing points."

"The size is larger than the range attack, causing an additional 39 damage."

"Destroy the Kiritan transport ship, 1 D-level side plot, 2000 reward points."

"Kill 1253 Kiritan sentinels and get 1253 reward points."

Good guy, this depreciation is really scary, but it is really rare to see such a pure defense, with only a pure armor bonus.

But yes, after all, unless you use an energy shield, it's no different than hitting a wall.

However, the problem of having a larger body size than a ranged attack is probably because most of the HP of a large being relies on body size adjustment.

So correspondingly, the part that range attacks can destroy is naturally more.

This makes sense.

Another way to understand it is that the transport ship is essentially divided into multiple areas, such as the cockpit, the delivery bay, the shooting bay, etc. Lin Yunfeng has just temporarily adjusted it with his son Enze, and it is 12, so it is The emerald water splash with a radius of 12 meters, no, it is the Buddha moving the mountains and rivers.

It has a diameter of 24 meters, which is about the height of an 8-storey building. If it were to hit 8 floors horizontally or vertically, it would not be a problem for most of the school's teaching buildings to be hit by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's range attack blasted these places together. Although not all of them were blasted, in terms of destructive power, it was obviously stronger than a single attack.

After knocking down the transport ship, Lin Yun converted the innate Qi into Gang Qi to replenish the Kunlun Gang Qi, and then embarked on the journey again, finally arriving at the battlefield on the side of Thor and the Ice Giants. .

I have to say that as soon as I got nearby, I was already freezing, and I could see some people freezing to death on the ground around me.

Like a statue, it looks very scary.

 (Well, this number is the number of high school graduates in the author’s year...)
(End of this chapter)

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