Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 139 The oriole is behind

Chapter 139 The oriole is behind
"Despicable Misgardian." Raun noticed what was happening behind him. Only then did he remember that Lin Yun had been careless when he manipulated the ground to change his direction. He should have been beaten and thrown away just now. Open it up, or let his subordinates take the Ice Box directly instead of throwing it directly.

"You don't have time to take care of these things now." Lin Yun approached directly and leaned over.

Because Lin Yun had just "cleaned" the surroundings, there were no ice giants around at this time. Come on, let's get close.

Explodes directly at close range.

Facing the sudden Lin Yun, Lao Fei also felt a little confused. Because of his large size, it was difficult for Lao Fei to deal with Lin Yun's attack. Lin Yun nimbly dodged Lao Fei's ice axe. Lin Yun clapped out his palms and hit Lao Fei directly on the chest.

Then an earth-yellow Wanhua Golden Dragon Duo burst out from Laufei's back.

The earth-yellow Wanhua Golden Dragon Duo rushed into the sky and launched a silent roar.

"Tukunlun Lihuo Buddha's light first appears."

"Combat check: . . . ."

. . . . . .


"Inflicts an additional 9 holy damage, 8+12 fire damage, 12 burning points, and 2 severe pain points."

. . . . .

"Inflicts 54 points of severe fire damage, 2 points of burning points, 2 points of severe pain points, and 9 points of holy damage."

"Fire damage causes an additional 20 Holy damage."

"Kill Laufei, the King of Ice Giants, and get a C-level side plot and 3000 reward points."

"Is Laufei... dead?" Thor, the God of Thunder, was a little surprised when he saw the Ten Thousand Flowers Golden Dragon Duo breaking through the sky.

Under the cover of white clouds, those ice giants had no way to accurately find Lin Yun. Even if they tried to attack Lin Yun with fuzzy positioning, with Lin Yun's defense, they could easily block it even without the help of Qiankun Wuding.

If this was an ice giant in the comic book world, they could jointly release large-scale ice spells like the Ice Box to stop Lin Yun.

But now, Lin Yun directly buried the Ice Box underground.

Speaking of which, an ice giant came to the top of the Ice Box and was frantically digging with his shovel made of ice.

I want to dig out the Ice Box.

It's a pity that Lin Yun has already hidden it more than ten meters deep underground. It is not difficult to dig through it with the power of the ice giant.

The problem is, he has to have that time.

He was directly hacked to death on the spot under Lin Yun's second wave of golden-domed Buddhist lanterns.

Next, facing these ice giants, Lin Yun does not need the highest configuration of the golden-domed Buddha lamp. He only needs a flat A output. The golden-domed Buddha lamp only consumes 1 point of innate energy each time. After all, there is no need to save money. If so, then Lin Yun's innate energy would be less than half.

Just like a murderous ghost in the smoke, Thor, the God of Thunder, could only hear a lot of sounds of tearing things apart, screams, and various collisions. In short, it sounded extremely terrifying.

After frowning slightly, Thor swung the strap of Mjolnir in his hand, and then threw it upward, completely ignoring the issue of the theory of relativity.

Dragging Mjolnir, Thor flew directly into the sky.

Poor God of Hammers, here even flying is an ability that God should take for granted, but he needs to rely on the power of throwing away the hammer to fly, and use the magnetic field caused by the lightning on the hammer to fly. levitate.

From the sky, looking condescendingly at the white clouds slowly spreading below, Thor, the God of Thunder, frowned, but soon revealed a smile full of wisdom, like Erha.

Although I feel that the ability of the Misgardian is very strange, the opponent is indeed powerful, and for now, at least they are not enemies.

"It seems that I'm no longer needed here." Looking at some of the ice giant corpses that were slowly dissipating, Thor nodded slightly, and then looked in the direction of the wormhole.

He swung the Thor's Hammer in his hand and then threw it towards the wormhole. Just like before, he grabbed the strap at the back end of the Thor's Hammer and flew towards the wormhole.

On this side, after Lin Yun used the most lethal golden-domed Buddha lamp to kill all these ice giants, Lin Yun's innate energy had been consumed to only half of it.

As for the record?

You can tell by looking at the watch that there are a total of 940 reward points, plus the 320 reward points for killing the first batch of ice giants, it’s almost 1260 reward points.

"Huh." After not sensing any enemies within the range of Bai Yunyan and spiritual and super senses, Lin Yun canceled Bai Yunyan and then came to the place where he had just buried the Ice Box.

Box of Ice, A-level item.

Restricted to: owners of related bloodlines or modifications who can use ice energy. Ice World: It takes 6 seconds and consumes 16 points of energy. Centered on the Ice Box, it is released within a radius of 120 meters. At the moment of release, it causes 20 points of cold damage and freezing points within the range. Fortitude save is available. , cannot be ignored and suppressed.

Create an extreme cold environment and blizzard at the same time, lasting for 1 day.

In this environment, all Physiology checks take a 1DP environmental penalty. And a Fortitude check is required every 6 seconds, the DC is 6, and the DC of each check is +1. If it fails, you will suffer 12 points of cold shock damage.

The DC and damage will increase by 1 point each time regardless of success or failure, up to a maximum of 30.

It can be used continuously. Every time it takes 6 seconds and consumes 16 energy points, the range will be doubled. Every time the range is doubled, the consumption will be doubled.

Hundred Miles of Ice: It takes 3 seconds, consumes 10 points of energy, blasts cold magic energy in a 120-degree fan shape in front of you, all targets within the range suffer 40% cold damage, Fortitude save, each point failed takes 1 points of damage. If actual damage is caused, each point of actual damage will cause 1 freezing point. This freezing point cannot be suppressed or ignored.

Fire Suppression: Within 120 meters around the Ice Box, all entities gain 20 fire resistance, which cannot be ignored unless the resistance is ignored at the same level.

What a powerful thing, this thing can be used as a small missile, but it's a pity that this ice energy-related bloodline can only be used.

Probably only races like snow maidens, ice giants, and even those ice elemental creatures can use it?


Lin Yun shook his head slightly, and then prepared to put the Ice Box into the watch space.

Suddenly a figure rushed over from a distance.

It was a person who looked like a ball of blue, as if he were made of ice.

"Huh?" Lin Yun suddenly realized that he had not noticed any trace of this person just now?
No, no, it should be said that this guy was within his range of perception just now, but before he acted, Lin Yun didn't even notice this guy.

what happened?

Although the brain is full of doubts,... . . . . Lin Yun also acted quickly and started running in the opposite direction.

It's not that Lin Yun is timid. This is called strategic movement. Who knows what happened to this thing that suddenly appeared.

"Fake, you actually reacted." The Iceman on this side looked at Lin Yun who was running quickly and couldn't help but clenched his fist.

What he exchanged was the transformation of Iceman, the so-called Omega-level mutant among the X-Men.

Of course, if you want to reach the Omega level, you don't have to be S-level or above. Now he is just a B-level iceman.

According to the classification among the X-Men, they are considered level 3 mutants at most.

Of course it’s Level 3 in the comic version, not Level 3 in the movie.

Because mutant genes are not blood, but "transformation", although mutants are said to be humans transformed by genetic mutations.

But in the Marvel world, the X gene among mutant genes is actually a kind of existence called the Celestial Group, which is almost as big as a planet. The special genes buried in the human body only begin to awaken after millions of years. , and become a thing with super powers.

So the classification belongs to transformation.

Of course, although he is said to be a B-level Iceman, in fact he is only a B-level Iceman transformation, and because Iceman is an "individual", he does not have systematic abilities.

He can only choose to strengthen his own freezing effect, or directly upgrade and transform, which is why he became B-level so "quickly".

Unfortunately, this does not allow Iceman to gain the ability to cast spells. From a certain perspective, he is the same as Lin Yun who possesses the aura of blue snow and ice.

That is, after transforming into the current iceman form, he can lower the surrounding temperature around himself, and then in the low temperature, all checks and defenses will receive environmental bonuses.

Environmental bonus based on cryogenic level x modification level.

The low temperature level is now 6, which means a full 18 environment bonus.

Then his natural weapon attacks and breath attacks can add ice damage and freeze points.

Finally, after becoming an iceman, he has a skill, that is, as long as there is ice that is similar to his size, he can blend in. As long as he blends in, even investigators like Lin Yun will not be able to blend in. There is no way to discover it, unless someone can discover it through the soul type, or the detection level ability of the same level as his iceman called special traits.

Due to the influence of the ice world of the Ice Box, the ground here is almost covered with frost, so he just disappeared into the frost. In fact, he had already arrived, and he just kept watching.

On the one hand, he really wanted to get the Ice Box, and on the other hand. . . . . That was because he knew very well that the cold damage he was so proud of was of little use to these ice giants.

So he kept lurking, waiting for Thor to kill Laufey, and then he took the opportunity to snatch the Ice Box.

Although he has not seen the properties of the Ice Box, the power of the Ice Box is definitely suitable for him, especially when it comes to creating a low-temperature space.

 (A little explanation here, that is, although Lin Yun said that he did not redeem the B-level to improve his evaluation, he received too many reward points, so the evaluation itself is very high, and this iceman only has one B-level, Others basically buy cold damage and ice, and the reward points used themselves are actually not many.)
(End of this chapter)

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