Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 144: The wormhole is closed?

Chapter 144: The wormhole is closed?
Vienna cloak, C-level equipment.

Charismatic: Can give the bearer a +4 equipment bonus to his demeanor.

Morning Star: Immune to all physical damage that does not have [Magic] properties.

Protection from Malice: Adds a 12-point equipment bonus to all saving throws made while the spell is in effect.

It looks like. . . . . good.

At least now Lin Yun doesn't have to worry about being beaten by a group of people, just like some high-tech worlds who are basically not afraid of being beaten by a group of people.

The premise is that the opponent does not use energy weapons.

At least in a world like StarCraft, unless the opponent is a protoss or ghost agent, it is basically difficult to cause harm to Lin Yun.

Of course, these are not the most important to Lin Yun now.

the most important is. . . . . . Lin Yun raised his hand and smashed the cloak behind his back. The cloak was fluttering in the wind, looking very majestic.

Fashionable value UP! ! !

That's good. After all, it's magic equipment. It won't be like before when I put on a cloak and always get stuck on my feet.

During the high school sports meeting, a certain person stood at the front and took the lead because he was the sports committee member.

Then. . . . . .

At that time, someone who was high in middle school got the cape of the admiral in One Piece.

The word justice is written in big letters on the back, in traditional Chinese.

After that, Lin Yun took a martial arts sword and walked in front while brushing a set of Tai Chi swords.

As a result, due to the headwind, the cloak fluttered and directly covered Lin Yun's face. . . . . I can only say that the fabric I chose is too light, ah, I chose it carelessly.

High schools in that era were basically pretty well-behaved. People like Lin Yun could only be said to be unconventional to the extreme.

The whole school remembered one person. . . . . That's him.

For some people, it may be that they have cut themselves off from society, but after someone takes off the cloak from his face, he still looks carefree, as if nothing happened.

By the way, Xiong Daiyu was right behind Lin Yun at that time, but Xiong Daiyu at that time, ah, covered her face as if she was blind.

But his eyes were slightly curved, and he felt that Lin Yun was really interesting.

Well, that was also the sports meeting where Xiong Daiyu suffered from heat stroke.

"Thank you, this is a good gift." Lin Yun turned his head and thanked Master Daniel politely.

"Where." Master Daniel also smiled.

"Then if there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Lin Yun turned around and walked out directly.

There was no reaction from the spiritual sense or super sense, but Lin Yun was very sure that Master Gu Yi should be watching around.

I don't know if it was just outside Lin Yun's perception range, or if Lin Yun simply didn't sense it.

Lin Yun doesn't know this.

But at this time, Lin Yun raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had begun to disperse. I don’t know whether it was because Quetzalcoatl was gone, or because the people of Nanyan Continent were all in vain, so they began to disperse.

Unfortunately, the clear sky at this time was filled with densely packed Kirita people.

It's time to end.

Just now. . . . . Lin Yun quickly consumed his innate energy to replace his energy, and then frantically treated his injuries.

He probably won't have much time to recover next, it's time to hurry up.

After all, it has been fighting here for a long time now.

Lin Yun looked at his energy level and found that he only had 43 points of innate energy left. Lin Yun had already used Tu Kunlun's energy recovery before. If he wanted to use the energy recovery again, he would have to travel farther.

Fortunately, although his current speed is not as fast as Mach, it is still very fast.

After taking one look, Lin Yun began to run wildly. It wasn't until he had crossed almost half of New York that Lin Yun felt that he could use his breath again.

This took Lin Yun almost 2 minutes.

What was not good about the situation was that just as Lin Yun was running wildly, "Lin Yun, the situation you asked me to pay attention to before has appeared. The Security Council is launching tactical nuclear bombs here." Xin's voice came from the earphones.

Western movies often show off the mole moments of their congressional lords. In Avengers 1, the situation is not going well. Those lords chose to directly sacrifice all of New York and kill the aliens.

From a certain point of view, he was very "calm" and decisive, but the Avengers almost closed the wormhole at that time, and the nuclear bomb came. Fortunately, Iron Man flew directly into the wormhole against the nuclear bomb, and then returned Close the wormhole and let Iron Man fall from it at the last moment when the wormhole closes.

It can be said that this time, letting Ma provoke Fa Kexia barely shows that at least he is not a real idiot.

Because he was carrying an RPG with his own hands and directly bombed a fighter plane that did not obey his order to prohibit dropping nuclear bombs, but chose to go directly over him to obey the World Council's order.

Although in terms of the result, it was two fighter planes carrying nuclear bombs that flew out at that time, not one. By the way, Lin Yun has seen the nuclear bomb data in the space of the gods.

Nuclear Bomb Miss Qiu: It can be timed. After the explosion, it will cause 2 points of severe force field damage within 48 kilometers centered on the explosion point. This damage has a super penetration effect and ignores any obstacles with a hardness below 30.

After that, it decreases by 2% every 10 kilometers.
It will then cause 96 points of "malignant" fire damage and 96 points of severe physical damage. It also has a super penetration effect and ignores any obstacles with a hardness below 30.

It will then produce 48 points of mixed corrosive toxin damage. This is radiation damage. If you do not have D-level toxin immunity, this damage is inevitable. If you do not have C-level toxin immunity, this damage cannot be exempted. If you have A-level toxin immunity, you will not be affected. This hurts.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that residues are generated.

Creatures that suffer at least 1 point of radiation damage due to the nuclear explosion lose their natural recovery ability and need to pass a DC24 Fortitude check. If the number of successes is less than 6, they will die from radiation within 5 days. If the number of successes is lower, If the number is 12, a D60 will be rolled every day for 10 days. If a 1 is rolled without calculating the bonus, death will occur immediately. If the number of successes is higher than 24 but not greater than 36, one point of physical damage will be taken for each point of radiation damage. The attribute is lost. If it is higher than 36, nothing happens. This is a B-level poison effect.

And this is an additive effect.

Creatures that received at least 1 point of radiation damage due to the nuclear explosion lose their natural ability to recover and need to make a luck check every day. If the check fails, their life gauge will deteriorate by 1 level by 1 point, with priority given to the most serious injuries.

Afterwards, all creatures within 400 meters will receive 48 dazzling points and 48 tinnitus points.

The EMP force field effect will be generated within a final radius of 2 kilometers.

In short, there are many composite elements.

It can be said that if Lin Yun stays here, even if he is supported by the invincible Mysterious Universe Sky Crystal, he will still be blown to death. Although Lin Yun estimates that when he reaches the ninth level of Blood Sky, he should be Can withstand a nuclear bomb.

After all, as far as Hong Kong comics are concerned, the magnetic field next door is strong, and a mere 100,000 rotations of the magnetic field can forcibly withstand a small nuclear bomb.

Lin Yun exchanged for a strong Hong Kong comic, and he had seen the magnetic field rotate before.

At level D, it is a simple magnetic field rotation enlightenment.

Level C means the magnetic field rotates 5 times.

Level B means the magnetic field rotates 10 times.

Level A means the magnetic field rotates 25 times.

After that, S-level will cost 50.

SS level 75 horses.

SSS level 99 horsepower.

In short, only B-level and above can withstand small nuclear bombs. Although based on what Lin Yun sees now, the castrated version of 10 horses in this space of gods is absolutely unable to withstand it.

Unless you learn other corresponding skills, this B level does not mean that you are B level simply in terms of realm, but that the main skills of your whole body are B level. Only then can you withstand a nuclear bomb.

And it also requires a nuclear bomb with a small yield.

In short, what can be said is that in a short period of time, even if Lin Yun reaches B level, he will not be able to reach the level of hard resistance to nuclear bombs so quickly.

But Lin Yun wasn't too worried.

Putting aside the presence of Iron Man, there should be no problem in preventing the nuclear bomb from being detonated. If there is any problem with the Ancient One Mage who may have been watching him before, this guy has a portal directly opened in the latitude space, or It's all done on other planets, or even in the universe.

Simple, direct and crude.

So the biggest problem now is that it's time to solve the source of the "chaos", Tan Li Dou.

With this thought, Lin Yun also ran in the direction of Consortium X.

What Lin Yun didn't expect was that as he approached, the light beam in the sky had disappeared.


"Miss? Xiong? What's going on over there?" Lin Yun asked through the earphones with some confusion.

"The wormhole was closed by Tan Li Dou himself." Ji Qi responded to Lin Yun with his mind telepathy somewhat depressedly.

"Ah? Turned it off yourself?" Lin Yun blinked, and then asked, "Isn't the spiritual scepter with you?"

"Yes, the Mind Scepter is still in the space of my watch, but Tan Li Dou closed the wormhole directly. I suspect that the guy set up a backdoor from the beginning." Ji Qi continued.

"Then this will cause trouble." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and then said.

If Lin Yun and the others could list Tan Lidou as a villain before and then kill him, then they are in trouble now.

Because the wormhole was closed by Tan Lidou, who wrote, directed and acted in it.

The problem is, not many people know that with Loki, an alien who can manipulate people, taking the blame, Tan Li Dou can use Loki's name to lie and claim that he is controlled by Loki. Now he is... An Earthling and a superhero defeated the evil aliens and closed the wormhole.

This guy is going to be a hero.

The consequence of this is that even if Lin Yun and others rush to expose Tan Lidou, those superheroes will not agree. Now they are in an invincible position.

How about killing all those superheroes?

(End of this chapter)

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