Chapter 149 There is a mole

In the past three days, Consortium X represented by Tan Lidou and Stark Industries represented by Tony Stark established a department called Damage Control through transactions with Congress and negotiations with the World Security Council Get organized.

Intended to recover the alien technology dropped by the Chiritans.

After all, the things left by the Kirita people may contain shape viruses, and it would be very troublesome for those dangerous Kirita weapons to flow into the civilian population. Rather than doing this, it would be better to let the two of them deal with it.

And because of Tan Lidou's operation, the whole of New York now regards Tan Lidou as the savior.

especially. . . . . Tan Li Douna edited it, but almost presented the scene of this invasion to the outside world.

He even specially arranged for a person who was a reporter to be photographed.

According to the reporter, this was an act of tracking and secretly photographing Tan Lidou, but he didn't expect to photograph such a big melon.

Smart people will basically be able to detect the sense of inconsistency in it, and even suspect that Tan Lidou may be one of the masterminds behind the scenes, but Loki's manipulative methods made him take the blame.

And most importantly, there is no telling the truth.

But smart people obviously do not occupy the majority among human beings.

Especially the only thing the people here in New York know is that Tan Lidou saved them, and he also saved them from those damn nuclear fusion attacks that ignored their life safety and despised cooking and freedom.

So it was very lively these days.

There were a large number of demonstrations, and there were all kinds of people who took the opportunity to cause chaos, and even some guys who were bold enough to attack important people.

In short, everything can only be described as very free.

It can be said that if Tan Lidou runs for mayor of New York City or even governor of New York State, it will probably be OK.

But it's obvious that Tan Li Dou's pride can only last until today.

The previous attack by the Angel Wings team revealed that Consortium

So obviously, the battlefield will not be here at Consortium X.

As it happened, Tan Lidou was going to inspect the "excavation site" where the fish-shaped transport ships fell.

Of course, this is the superficial purpose. In fact, Tan Lidou is preparing to acquire a company.

An item recycling company.

The owner of this item recycling company is named Adrian Toombs.

His future title will be Vulture.

He is a villain among Spider-Man.

He is an electrical and mechanical professional. In the original movie, after the Battle of New York, he saw the business opportunities, sold his family property and made a deal with Congress, obtained the right to recycle the equipment of the Chiritans, and prepared to study foreign affairs. Star Technology is making a killing.

Unexpectedly, Stark Industries intervened later, causing it to face bankruptcy.

Even the damage control department created by Stark Industries was prepared to recycle all alien waste.

The vulture hid something, and he really studied the equipment of the Kirita people and created a pair of flexible steel wings that can fight and resist, and became the "Vulture".

He was later stopped by Spider-Man and then captured.

But it cannot be denied that he has good scientific research talents, and most importantly, he has the talent to control flight.

During the battle at the Trident Building, the special emergency force manipulating the jet shooting players was destroyed.

Therefore, Tan Lidou is also planning to find Vulture to become a shooting player so that he can obtain more application data.

and. . . . . . Personally, he also admires this vulture.

Then. . . . . .

In this way, Tan Lidou sat in his bulletproof sports car and headed towards the target location.

Then I saw a water tank in the distance being thrown towards the bulletproof sports car.

Almost instantly, with "astonishing" hand speed, Tan Lidou directly hung the green malfunction driver on his waist, and inserted the double gears already in his hands into his belt, as if. . . . . . It's like being prepared.

Yes, I was indeed prepared.

The reason why Tan Lidou went out at this time was not only because he really wanted to recruit vultures, but also because he knew that someone would come and attack him on the third day.

As Tan Lidou completed his transformation, blue armor appeared on his body, and then a huge circular space spread out around him.

"Choose your playing field."


Along with the slightly exaggerated voice above the belt, all the locked people in this space have appeared in another place.

It was the Injustice Alliance team and Lin Yun.

It seems that those casual players and new players still don't dare to come over after all.

After all, anyone with some skills should know that when the Angel Wings team faced Tan Li Dou, the entire army was destroyed. Well, the whole army was destroyed.

"What? Is this a trap, Fake?" The Yellow Lantern COS was already cursing on this side.

Because with the expansion of the game field, a bunch of them came to the wilderness. They could see almost everyone as far as the eye could see.

Naturally included. . . . . .

On the other side, there was a birdman with wings spread out, looking like an angel, and a strong man in armor holding two swords.

That birdman is none other than the captain of Angel Wings, George.

On this side, Lin Yun also understood what was going on.

In fact, in that battle in the game field, the Angel Wings were not completely destroyed. The captain of the Angel Wings team, George, surrendered without any extra hesitation after Galahad was killed by Tan Lidou. , and most importantly, this guy directly told Tan Lidou, "You can't kill me. I can tell you the information about the people who want your life, and I can help you deal with the enemies who want your life." .”

This guy spoke really fast. It was a blessing that Tan Li Dou could hear clearly at the time.

In the blink of an eye, George had already figured out that they seemed unable to kill this guy who was probably the so-called time traveler. At the same time, George also understood something.

That is, if you don't target Tan Li Dou, then target other players, wouldn't it be nice?
Fortunately, battles between the same camp will reduce rewards.

In this case, wouldn't it be great if they simply joined Tan Lidou's camp?
Of course, easy and simple.

After hearing George's words, Tan Lidou indeed stopped attacking, and he was indeed very interested in these guys who appeared out of nowhere.

Tan Lidou was originally just an otaku, but he preferred special photography and other subjects. His knowledge of American comics was actually limited to movies and some TV series, as well as some hearsay.

So in fact, for Lin Yun and the others, are they locals, or are they just time-travelers like him?

Made him very curious.

Faced with Tan Lidou's inquiry, George naturally deceived him with information such as that an assassination organization with special abilities had come out, and that three days later would be the last time for them to assassinate Tan Lidou.

In this regard, Tan Lidou was naturally not fooled so easily, but after conducting a lie detector test with the big boss and even reading part of his surface memory, he initially confirmed that George did not lie to him.

Then Tan Lidou thought about those people with special abilities who suddenly appeared, and started to think about it.

After all, maybe these people with special abilities have someone who can target him?
All three of his "hands" Kamen Riders were given away.

He had to have some help, especially the man from Zhongzhou who actually knocked the thunder god Thor away with an energy shot.

During his previous "visit" to Asgard, Dan Lidou deliberately used another form of the double gear to knock down fighter players for testing.

Knockout Fighter is a fighting game that focuses on superior hand-to-hand combat capabilities, focusing on attack power and reflexes.

The translation is double A of force and speed.

In the perfect puzzle player state, the punching power is 58T.

In the state of knocking down a fighter player, the punch power is 64T.

In the movie universe, Thor and Hulk are basically the most powerful beings on earth.

So he naturally needs to test it out a little bit and then use it to compare with Thanos.

After all, Thanos held down the Hulk with one hand and beat him. Although Thanos already had the Power Stone at the time, there was no need to question his own power.

The result of the test is that Knockout Fighter players can only be said to be on par with Thor.

And that Zhongzhou man was able to "impress" Thor, the God of Thunder, then, does that mean that the other party could also "impress" him?

So thinking of this, Tan Li Dou could only start thinking about tactics.

The only thought after that was to make use of the game field, and that was it. . . . . Stop destroying his Consortium X's building.

The last battle with the Angel Wings team resulted in the HP of his Consortium X Building being less than one-third.

If it was really damaged to 0, then his Consortium X Building would explode and collapse directly.

Not to mention how much it costs to build this building, just the laboratories and materials inside.

That means the whole thing is destroyed directly. Even if everything inside is not affected by the destruction, if it falls from the sky like that, it will still be smashed to pieces.

So the battle venue must be changed.

So Tan Lidou simply lured the snake out of the hole and went out to seduce it himself.

Of course, his bulletproof sports car also has the same characteristics as a building.

It will not harm him inside until it is completely destroyed.

Use the game field to set up an ambush.

This is a strategy also used in Kamen Rider Exaid. The ambusher stays directly in the game field, and then only needs to find someone to open the game field and swallow other people in.

Of course, this is actually not invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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