Chapter 153 Come, come in
"Run!" Lin Yun frowned slightly and said to the innocent driver who was a little stunned at this time.

Lin Yun was not a kind person, but the driver had such an accident to avoid hitting him.

Regardless of whether he was worried about the traffic accident or was afraid of Lin Yun and the others, at least from this point of view, Lin Yun said he would save him if he could.

"Lin Yun... God." Xiong Daiyu was also a little startled, and then she quickly waved the broad sword in her hand and slashed at the Spartan.

The Spartan quickly waved the short knife in his other hand and blocked it in front of the broad sword. Sparks flew out for a moment, and the raging flames erupted from the short knife and fell on the road.

There was obviously no combustible material in the "normal" sense, but it was still burning, as if it would never stop.

But in terms of strength, the Spartans were at a disadvantage.

Although it is said that Spartan blood is blessed with strength, it is obvious that compared to the tempered body, this Spartan prefers various additional states, resulting in that his strength is there, but not enough.

Not to mention the difference between one-handed and two-handed.

A heavy blow hit the dagger, knocking it crooked almost instantly, and then almost flew away.

Fortunately, the chain on the dagger was connected to the Spartan's arm.

Otherwise, this will be troublesome.

After breaking through the Spartan's defense, the broadsword drove straight in and cut deeply into the Spartan's shoulder. Almost instantly, a long blood mark appeared, deep enough to see the bone, and a large amount of blood spattered. It opens up and is burned by the flames into water vapor.

It even makes the flames burn brighter.

Visible to the naked eye, the aura on this Spartan has become stronger.

Could this guy be the same as the previous Jaguar warrior? The more injuries he received, the stronger he became, right?

Or is he using Kuiye’s version of Spartan’s Wrath.

You have to click to kill it quickly.

At this time, Lin Yun used the Mysterious Universe Sky Crystal to offset most of the severe pain points, leaving only 4 severe pain points, but the burning points were 24, so at this time, Lin Yun looked as if he was burning in the fire. Feel.

In less than a few breaths, Lin Yun's health had dropped by more than half.

Fortunately, this special effect that cannot be offset is a C-level ability.

Therefore, if Lin Yun's Li Huoxuan Ice Skill is fully activated, he will receive 8 points of ice damage when attacking Lin Yun. This can be used to offset Lin Yun's burning points.

And Li Huo Xuan Bing Gong happens to be C level.

Therefore, when Lin Yun was running Li Huo Xuan Bing Gong, the burning was weakening, but even so, it was still very powerful.

At this time, Lin Yun suddenly thought of a way to play.

That is. . . . . . I saw Lin Yun move his hand, and then. . . . . The Ice Box fell from Lin Yun's hand to the ground.

A cold air that was more ferocious than Lin Yun's previous burst of green snow and ice spread out.

It's just not that aggressive.

But just like that, you can see that the flame on the dagger in the Spartan's hand begins to get smaller, and even seems to be extinguished.

"What? Box of Ice?" Obviously, this Spartan at least knew about the Box of Ice.

The Ice Box is a B-level item, and it has mythical properties. It is naturally stronger than the castrated version of the Greek divine fire in the hands of the Spartans.

Even achieve the effect of suppression.

Lin Yun does not have the bloodline and transformation ability of the ice, so he cannot use the ability of the Ice Box, but the most basic fire resistance of 20 is effective for everyone.

After throwing down the Ice Box, Lin Yun also quickly formed a seal with his hands, a single-minded seal.

"Buddha's light appears in the white clouds."

A large amount of smoke emerged from Lin Yun's body, and then spread to the surroundings. After a while, the surroundings were enveloped in smoke.

Now whether to fight or run, it's all under Lin Yun's control.

And before that. . . . . . In the mysterious and unknowable white clouds.

"Combat check: . . . ."

"The opponent's defense: natural armor 12, armor 18, force field defense 18, morale 9, offset 18 armor piercing."



"The damage limit is 54."

"Inflicts an additional 8+12 ice damage, 12 freezing points, and 9 holy damage."


It can be seen that under Lin Yun's white clouds, the Spartans' basic defense and other values ​​are almost gone.

What's more, Lin Yun still has a lot of things to destroy.

However, no matter what, this defense is really weak.

If Lin Yun's damage limit hadn't been reached, this guy would have. . . . . .

oh. . . .

"Kill the enemy camp, unlock players with gene locks, and reward C-level side plots with 2000 reward points."

It turns out I missed it.

In this regard, the Spartans were also helpless.

Each upgrade of the Spartan bloodline provides strength and physical enhancement, as well as enhanced natural defense.

It can be said that the health value is thicker than Lin Yun under normal conditions.

Coupled with George's super support, the Spartans can almost be said to specialize in offense and then focus on bad points. This is also the reason why hitting Lin Yun was so "painful" before.

He didn't strengthen his defense too much.

Green Arrow and the others on the other side were in the same situation. Because they suddenly appeared on the road, they were almost hit.

But basically no one is as fierce as Lin Yun and the Spartans.

"The situation is not good, retreat." Looking at Lin Yun's fierce look, he remembered the figure that killed George instantly with just one move.

After Batman pondered for a moment, he finally said.

For now, they are still in the Avengers camp, which means they are in the same camp as Lin Yun and the others.

The benefits of killing the same camp are too little, and now the opponent is so strong, let’s not talk about whether they can win.

The loss of any one member of their team is a huge loss.

So instead of doing this, we should continue to retreat.

"What, it's really disappointing." Yellow Lantern was obviously not very happy.

"Retreat." Batman continued in a deep voice without any unnecessary nonsense, and as he spoke, he threw out a smoke pop-up.

Almost instantly, this smoke bomb erupted into a large amount of smoke at a speed not inferior to Lin Yun Baiyun's smoke.

The range of this smoke was more than 40 meters high, and it almost covered Lin Yun's side.

Lin Yun on this side was also surprised.

Because in his spiritual sense and super sense, the smoke created by the smoke bomb, which seemed to be purely technological, actually obscured Lin Yun's perception. Is this Batman's technology?
It's too strong.

With the help of this smoke, Batman, Green Arrow, and Aquaman all disappeared in a puff of smoke.

As for the Yellow Lantern in the sky, he felt a little aggrieved when he saw his teammates who had run away. He glared at Lin Yun and the others, rushed into the smoke, and then disappeared.

No, even if there is smoke blocking it, there is still a road or something to run to.

Shouldn't it be visible as long as it appears within the smoke range?

what happened?

Could it be that. . . . .

When the smoke dissipated, Lin Yun and the others arrived near where Batman was just now, where there was a sewer entrance. . . . . .

Well, that makes sense.

At least it's not some weird spatial ability.

But the sewer. . . . . Neptune. . . . . From a certain perspective, it is indeed a great escape channel.

At least if someone really comes down from the sewer, then Aquaman can control the water in the sewer to fight, causing a double blow.

"Okay, let's go too." Lin Yun didn't bother to chase after him.

Just like Batman's concerns, the opponent is not weak, and most importantly, the reward is too little.

No need, absolutely not necessary.

But now, it's time to leave.

because. . . . . "Killing people!!"

"Someone died!!!"

"Ah, it's Kamen Rider!!!"

"The president of Consortium X is dead!!!"

Tan Lidou's body was also found here.

It will be very troublesome if you continue to stay here.

So Lin Yun also took the others and hurriedly escaped underground to avoid the next trouble.

Of course, the Ice Box should be put away quickly. Next time you encounter a guy with such fire damage, just throw it at him.

In this way, about an hour passed quickly.

As time passed, Lin Yun and the others were notified that they should stay here for another 24 hours or leave directly.

There is no doubt, just leave.

Of course, before leaving, Ji Qi and Lin Yun exchanged IDs.

Soon, Lin Yun and the others returned to the space of the gods. After entering Ji Qi's ID, Ji Qi "swiped" and appeared directly in Lin Yun's space.

At this time, Ji Qi was seen changing clothes, with a gauze scarf on her head, and a pink outfit that looked a bit like a swimsuit with a cape.

Of course, the most important thing is that wearing pink boots looks very carnivorous.

This guy Ji Qi actually wore the clothes of Sesshōin Kiara's second stage.

"Okay, let's do something happy." Ji Qi said with a smile while holding Lin Yun's hand.

"Wait, what's going on with you? You're so... so shameless." Xiong Daiyu's face turned red, indicating that she was out of breath. What's going on with this guy? Don't you know what it means to be reserved?
"But I really like Xiao Lin. How about forget it like this? Come on, come in." With that said, Ji Qi pulled Lin Yun into her room.

It looks like a mountain king who wants to get a wife to suppress the village.

"Wait...I still..." At this time, Lin Yun was silent for a moment, and then said, "I still feel that I can't accept it." I don't know if it was because he was too familiar, or because What, Lin Yun's face was not shy at this time, but had a very serious feeling.

Seeing Lin Yun's appearance, Ji Qi was also stunned for a moment, with some disappointment on his face, but then he let go of Lin Yun's hand.

 (It’s not that the protagonist is incompetent, it’s the previous situation, which is tentatively set in depth.)
  (Oh, by the way, there are some settings in the next chapter that some people may think are pointless, and some hidden lines that I am considering whether to use. You can read it or not.)
(End of this chapter)

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