Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 155 The future battlefield

Chapter 155 The future battlefield

"I said, I don't need to borrow money, thank you." Lin Yun said helplessly.

But soon, a calm-sounding middle-aged voice came from the other side, "Hello, young man who came back from there, can we talk to you?"

"Where?" After hearing this, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes.

Could it be that some of his previous guesses were actually true?

"Can you tell me what your names are?" Lin Yun continued.

"Didn't you already choose? A member of the Dragon Group." The other side of the phone also replied directly.

It's actually a dragon group.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lin Yun was silent for a moment and then asked.

"As long as you agree, well, let's see, Lin Yun, the owner of a board game store, his parents are both policemen, oh, he can actually do Bajiquan? He has no bad record, and he is brave enough to do what is right. Well, your waist should be right now Is it cured there?" The person on the other side seemed to have just found Lin Yun for treatment, and said with a bit of "showcase".

In this regard, Lin Yun also remained silent.

If the other party is really the legendary dragon group, the official organization that manages superpowers, then it is not surprising to be able to investigate these things.

Lin Yun is now thinking more about the situation of these dragon groups. Could they be said to be able to retain the power in the gods' space?

Just when Lin Yun was thinking this, a blue light appeared on Lin Yun's side, making Lin Yun somewhat familiar with the escape. A figure looked similar to Lin Yun's previous clothes, wearing flip-flops and a T-shirt and shorts, it can be said that if this guy hadn't suddenly appeared from the ground like one of those earth lords, he would have looked like an ordinary Guangdong man.

"You are the newcomer. Hello, hello. Do you mind if I take you for a ride?" The young man said cheerfully, "By the way, I'm Li Chun. Please take good care of me in the future."

"Hello." Lin Yun nodded, and then said into the phone, "Is this person named Li Chun one of yours?"

"Quite cautious, yes, he is one of ours, codenamed Jiuli." The other side of the phone also said.

"Witch clan?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Li Chun.

After a closer look, I discovered that Li Chun's muscles didn't look like they were exploding, but in fact, they were so sharp that he felt like he could compete in a lightweight bodybuilding competition.

"That's right." Li Chun smiled proudly, and then asked naturally, "What about you?"

"I want to know more first." Lin Yun did not respond, but frowned slightly and said.

"Okay." Li Chun spread his hands, smiled, then stretched out a hand and said, "Grab my hand."

Lin Yun nodded, then brushed his hand.

Lin Yun found that he was suddenly transferred to another place.

This ability is not so much the ability to escape from the ground as it is the ability to shrink into an inch.

Lin Yun looked around and saw a place that looked like a meeting room, and in front of him was a middle-aged man in formal attire.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I am the person in charge of this so-called dragon group, Chen Xinkai, codename Qimen, please give me your advice." Chen Xinkai said with a gentle smile.

Qi Men Dun Jia?
A person who is good at formations?
Or is it like the Fenghou Qimen under one person.

"Hello." It can be seen that except for this Chen Xinkai and Li Chun just now, there is no one else. As for the camera, it is hard to say.

"It seems that you are very cautious. Okay, let me tell you something. First of all, as far as we know the identity of our dragon group, not everyone is qualified. Only those who are considered to have potential can I can qualify." Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

"Huh? So is this official, or... both sides?" Lin Yun was silent for a moment, and then said.

"You are quite smart, yes, gods, this is for both sides." Chen Xinkai also said with a meaningful look.

"Is there a foreign enemy?" Lin Yun raised his head and asked almost instantly.

After all, "big things" like the Space of the Gods, unless it is for domination of the world, would obviously have ulterior motives in bringing up so-called players like them.

Judging from Chen Xinkai's attitude, it is not mandatory yet, so it seems that there is only one answer.

"Huh?" After hearing Lin Yun's words, Chen Xinkai was stunned, but then the smile on his face became even brighter, "I have to say, although your idea is a bit whimsical, it is very direct and correct."

"What are the foreign enemies? Other countries? Or other worlds?" Lin Yun frowned slightly and then asked.

"Other worlds, according to you young people, are things like time and space rifts. Sometimes, things from other worlds invade. By the way, those so-called copy worlds are actually our third world. This layer of protection is just for you to practice." Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

This statement reminded Lin Yun of Ji Qi's way of life.

By creating a bubble-like world in front of yourself, you can block the enemy's attack. "So is there anything you need me to do?" Lin Yun blinked and then asked.

"For the time being, there is nothing you need to do. I just want to tell you a little bit to give you some hope. As I said before, only those who are considered to have potential will see the redemption of the dragon group. "Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

"Then why can you use the power inside? Can I too?" Lin Yun said quickly.

"Yes, but the price is relatively high. That is, the person who quits permanently. As long as he is recognized by us and then quits permanently, his memory will not be deleted and his power will be deprived. Unfortunately, I thought I was strong enough at the time, and the difficulty of the copy was too much. , so I quit permanently." Chen Xinkai shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Excuse me..." Lin Yun was also a little curious.

"One S-level bloodline, one S-level skill, and three A-level skills." Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

"Wow." Lin Yun looked up and down in surprise.

After all, Chen Xinkai now looks like an ordinary uncle in the system.

"In short, I have said everything that needs to be said. Try your best to grow up. By the way, we will make arrangements for your family. After all, this is for our world." Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Lin Yun smiled, and then asked, "By the way, how many people are there in our dragon group, and how powerful are they?" Lin Yun was also a little curious.

"Less than 30. If we include candidates like you, there are more. By the way, do you have a team?" Chen Xinkai thought for a while and then said.

"I guess so." Lin Yun said subconsciously.

"What do you mean, forget it, if you want to form a team, I can provide some of our people who are also candidates like you to form a team. This will also allow you to take better care of each other." Chen Xinkai said Then he took out a small notebook.

"Let's take a look. These are some of the candidates who have been reported to me. By the way, how much offense and defense do you have now? What system? No need to go into too much detail, just talk briefly." Chen Xinkai waved his hand, as if he was worried about Lin Yun. Looks like a misunderstanding.

"The strong man in Hong Kong comics." Lin Yun was silent for a while and finally said. "And I just came back from the plot world and haven't redeemed anything yet."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You can probably just register. He's another Hong Kong comic strongman. Speaking of which, there was a swordsman who was also a Hong Kong comic strongman. He seemed to use electromagnetic force." Chen Xinkai picked a pick. Mei said.

"Li Shunsheng?" Lin Yun, who felt very familiar with this description, asked subconsciously.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's the name, and you actually know each other? It's fate." Chen Xinkai also laughed.

"We have cooperated on previous missions." Lin Yun nodded, and then opened the small notebook.

Sure enough, in the newly registered name, there is Li Shunsheng's name, and Li Shunsheng's ID number is written on the right, and then some basic things, attack 169, defense 49, Hong Kong comic The Strong Sword Fairy.

This is how it was originally recorded.

Lin Yun flipped the page a little, and found that Xiong Daiyu and Ji Qi were not on it, and they didn't know whether they were qualified, but they didn't come to register, so they were really not qualified.

What surprised Lin Yun was that in addition to Li Shunsheng, the Taoist Yuntian from before was also on it, and the Shangqing Thunder Method was registered on it.

It’s so aboveboard.

Lin Yun turned to the back, thought about it, and finally filled in his own information.

Although it is said that the current information is used, and. . . . . Reserved.

Attack 126, defense 58, auxiliary staff of the strong Hong Kong comics (only for oriental people).

Ahem, auxiliary staff.

"You can actually be recognized as having potential just by relying on support? That's great. You are the talent we need most." Seeing Lin Yun's registered information, Chen Xinkai was so excited that he shook Lin Yun's hand. . . . .

"Well, it's just a little auxiliary ability." Lin Yun showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, and then gestured with his fingers.

"Oh, you have to know that most of us here are guys who work alone. People like me who can assist others are rare resources. It can be said that because I can assist, I can become the person in charge here. ." Chen Xinkai said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's right." Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he also thought of George, whom he had killed before.

"Since you are the support, then you are welcome and choose a few more teammates. You are very important. You know, you are very important, you know?" Chen Xinkai kept saying.

"Uh." Lin Yun was helpless about this, but he nodded, and then started to look at what looked like a recording by a classmate.

"By the way, what will happen if someone here and I have a conflict in the dungeon world?" After thinking about it, Lin Yun finally said.

"Not so good? Although I want you to live in peace, but after all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and we have no way to control it. It's best if we can reach an agreement. If we can't reach an agreement... I can only say that I hope you can take care of yourself. ." Chen Xinkai said, shaking his head slightly.

 (Well, in short, this is actually mainly used to set up some old cards of my friends. It does not actually affect the essence. The exchange will start in the next chapter, and then it will be the third time to enter the legendary world of the Emperor.)
(End of this chapter)

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