Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 158 My adoptive father is so kind to me

Chapter 158 My adoptive father is so kind to me
"Lord!" After listening to Huangfuji's words, Chen Bo, who had been staying there before, hurriedly stepped forward.

"Don't worry about me. Just stay with Lin Yun for this period of time. The Thunder Sword Tournament was originally just used by me to disrupt the backwaters of Houhan and attract those troublesome martial arts people. The rest will go as planned." Huangfu Ji said, The whole person turned into a shadow and disappeared.

It seems that he is indeed very eager to know whether he really has a son.

And this is Lin Yun's purpose.

It was obviously impossible for the guy from the Immortal Sword God Ni to tell this story so obediently, and even if he told the story, it would probably be like in the original book, where he first lied that it was Huangfu Ji who killed him with a blow before he left. son.

Then Huangfu Jihui temporarily collapsed, and then in his pride, the Immortal Sword God Ni told the other truth.

In short, there is no need for Huangfu Ji to prepare to come back in a short time.

And because Lin Yun had found clues to the essence of the Heavenly Sword, Huangfuji also prepared the Huntian Evil Sword as previously agreed, and because of this unexpected news and the thought that he might not be able to come back in a short time, it was even more convenient. Gave him the Purple Galaxy Sky Crystal. . . . .

What a fatherly behavior.

This is probably the reason why Lin Yun started calling him "Father" with a homophonic sound like "Cheng Yi", but now he calls him "Father" sincerely.

Looking at Huangfuji who left directly, Chen Bo was a little helpless, and then looked at Lin Yun, "Then what should I call you?"

At this time, Chen Bo looked at Lin Yun's face that seemed to have become more noble and elegant, and then bent down.

As the "ancestor" of Mai Yi's appearance, Chen Bo could say that the more he looked at Lin Yun's appearance, the more mysterious it became. It was even very noble, nobler than anyone else, even nobler than the so-called emperor. a feeling.

"Just call me Lin Yun. By the way, among the people who have arrived now, how many of them need attention?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

Now. . . . . . I'll take control.

Of course, that's what it says, but it doesn't actually mean much.

Because one thing that is very helpless about Yixie Palace is that it relies entirely on Huangfuji. Without Huangfuji, Yixie Palace's combat effectiveness is basically useless.

At least as far as Lin Yun is concerned, this is indeed the case.

However, Lin Yun's purpose was to get Huangfuji to leave Daliang.

From Chen Bo, Lin Yun also learned about many of the various forces that came to Daliang at this time.

Then at this time Chen Bo also talked about Huangfuji's so-called plan.

He actually killed Li Yu, the prince of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Although he was not as good as Li Bai, he had troubled many students of Lin Yun and his generation.

In this legendary world of the Emperor, Li Yu feels like a prodigal son who likes to recite poems and compete with each other. Of course, there is no doubt that he is also a master, and he is still a barely first-class master. In the early days, he was even able to tie with Xiang Wuhen.

It wasn't until Xiang Wuhen acquired the Purple Thunder Magic that he started to let Li Yu.

In the legendary world of Emperor, Xiang Wuhen and Yun Piaopiao can be said to be childhood sweethearts who grew up with Li Yu.

It should even be said that behind Shuangfei Castle, it was actually Nan Tang who supported it, so it became the second largest force in the world.

Xiang Wuhen regarded Li Yu as a brother and always supported him, even including supporting him to become emperor, although in terms of results. . . . . .

This Thunder Sword Conference was held in the name of the Later Han Dynasty to promote national prestige, so as the prince of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Yu naturally needed to make a mission.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Xiang Wuhen was also following Li Yu as a bodyguard.

At this time, Lin Yun also thought about it. The reason why Huangfu Ji held this Thunder Sword Conference was to disrupt the Han side, provoke war, and then lead the conflict to the Khitans.

So the original plan was to kill Li Yu.

As a result, because of the appearance of Long Ge'er, he knew the identity of Tianjian Essence in Long Ge'er, which caused all subsequent plans to change.

Huangfu Ji's attention was all on Long Ge'er, but Li Yu was fine.

At the same time, because Huangfuji focused all his attention on Long Geer, Duotianggong and others on the other side of the annex were all killed. Later, at Luomapo, Huangfuji's Turks were all burned down.

But now, because of Lin Yun's reminder, those Turkic people should not be burned in the camp, but because Huangfu Ji went to find the Immortal Sword God Ni.

Then the Immortal Sword God Ni should not have time to come over and kill Lord Duo Tiangong and the others.

No, not quite either.

"Be prepared, Yelu Langwu will probably take advantage of the chaos to look for you tomorrow. People with low combat effectiveness should leave here when they should." Lin Yun stood aside and said casually.

Although Yelu Langwu's combat effectiveness is not strong, the problem is. . . . . it works.

"My lord has already said this." Chen Bo said with his hands bowed.

"Really? Then it seems that there is nothing that I need to do. Don't worry, I will take action on the Southern Tang Prince's side." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Then I wish you good luck." Chen Bo hid his hands in his sleeves and said shakingly.

"Okay, I'm leaving here first." After saying that, Lin Yun walked out directly.

While walking around, Lin Yun took a look at the Purple Galaxy Sky Crystal and the Huntian Evil Sword.

Huntian Baojian-Purple Galaxy Sky Crystal

This Tianjing contains the Purple Galaxy Kung Fu of the fifth level of the Huntian Baojian. Hold this crystal to practice, and you can get 5xp every ten days, up to 130xp. This xp can only be used to strengthen intelligence, hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand, sports, science, mysticism and purple galaxy abilities.

Holding this crystal to practice Purple Galaxy will reduce the score by 700 points under the self-study rules, and can be paid in a mixed manner.

When holding this Heaven Crystal and transforming it into Purple Galaxy Gang Qi, it can hold 1 times more Gang Qi.

Huntian Baojian-Purple Galaxy B2400
You can spend 1 second to move your energy and consume 3 points of internal energy to obtain [Purple Galaxy Gang Qi] equal to the number of [Huntian Baojian acquisition layers], which lasts for 10 minutes, up to the maximum number of [Huntian Baojian] acquisition layers. 2 times.

You can use a reaction to transform [White Cloud Smoke Gang Qi], [Rose Xia Dang Gang Qi], [Tukunlun Gang Qi], [Bishue Ice Gang Qi] and [Purple Galaxy Gang Qi] to each other.

When [Purple Galaxy Gang Qi] exists in the body, each point of Gang Qi provides 1 armor bonus.

When there is [Purple Galaxy Gang Qi] in the body and you use internal energy to attack, each point of [Purple Galaxy Gang Qi] can make the attack ignore 1 point of damage reduction, absorption, offset, degradation, and hardness from any source.

"Purple Galaxy" can transfer physical or energy damage. You can transfer the damage you receive to the void or the ground under your feet - or even the enemy! .

When receiving physical damage or energy damage, the Purple Galaxy Gang Qi can be consumed to offset the damage. Each point of Purple Galaxy Gang Qi is treated as 2 temporary health points. If the damage absorbed by the Purple Galaxy Gang Qi is melee damage, it can be reflected to If the damage from adjacent units is long-range, it can be reflected to the target within the original range. The reflected damage type and characteristics are the same as the attack type. Defense is no longer calculated, but damage reduction is performed normally.

The world has shifted greatly! ! !
Repay the other person with his own way! ! !

This made Lin Yun a little surprised. It was just a question why Wen Cheng, who met Zi Xinghe, was blown away by Li Wuming's palm instead of turning the attack back.

Then came the Huntian Evil Sword. Seeing the effect of the Huntian Evil Sword, to be honest, Lin Yun was a little moved.

Because the Huntian Evil Sword and the Huntian Treasure Mirror complement each other, it is indeed a very strong cumulative skill.

Like Tathagata Divine Palm, every time you learn a sword move, the power of the sword will increase.

First of all, it is the general outline of the Huntian Evil Sword, which can be understood as the basis for summoning the Qi Sword.

Consume 3 points of oriental general energy to turn one finger into a Qi sword corresponding to the Huntian Treasure Mirror. The effect lasts for 10 minutes. At the same time, only the number of swords mastered by the Huntian Evil Sword can exist.

This air sword is regarded as a natural weapon with a weapon damage of 10, armor breaking 8, magic breaking 8, and an additional die of 8. It has the characteristics of magic and normal attacks against spirits, and can cause slashing and piercing damage.

Attack rolls can be made with either hand-to-hand (sword) or hand-to-hand (finger) combat.

Condensation: Every time you learn a move of the Hun Tian Xie Sword, the damage of the air sword increases by 4L, the armor breaking increases by 4, and the magic breaking increases by 4. At most, all 7 types can be learned to reach a weapon damage of 38L, armor breaking 36, and magic breaking 36.

Sword Control: Consume 3 points of energy to allow the air sword to move freely and attack within a range of perception

This is just a basic attribute.

Although just this basic outline costs the price of C2000.

Basically, each sword style of the remaining Huntian Evil Sword has its own enhancement and its own special effects.

Basically, each has its advantages.

Like the White Cloud Sword.

Baiyun sword

After consuming 3 points of [White Cloud Smoke Qi], this attack will gain the unpreparedness characteristic of the [Highest level of Huntian Baojian Acquisition] level.

If this move is used in the area covered by white cloud smoke, the consumption of [White Cloud Smoke Gangqi] can be reduced by 2 points. If the original consumption is maintained, then when attacking a specific part, the penalty of the specific part will be reduced by [Huntian Baojian Acquisition Level] 】quantity.

Xia Dang Sword

Consume 3 points of [Meixia Dang Gang Qi], center on the attacked target, produce a radius of up to perception , all selected targets within range, including targets hit, need to make a reflex save, and suffer a penalty equal to the number of successes of this attack on this save.

If the target takes actual damage as a result, it also receives an equal number of burn points and a Fortitude save.

Kunlun Sword

It consumes 3 points of [Tukunlun Gangqi] and needs to be down-to-earth to exert its full power, otherwise the data brought by the move will be halved.

Centered on itself, all selected targets within a radius of 15 meters will gain 30 points of shared temporary life.

Every time damage is absorbed by this effect, it will be counterattacked in the form of sword energy, causing serious damage of pure energy equal to the absorbed damage to the attacker, and cannot save.

Research and Development (10XP): Shared temporary life increases by 15 points, effective twice for every three purchases.

Bishue Sword

Consumes 3 points of [Bishue Ice Gang Qi]. If the target is damaged by this attack, it will suffer additional [Huntian Baojian Acquisition Layers] severe cold damage, and will receive this again every 18 seconds for the next 6 seconds. harm.

The continuous damage effect caused by this move can be superimposed. As long as you use this move uninterruptedly to hit the opponent, then the cold damage the opponent receives every 6 seconds and the additional cold damage triggered when hitting will be increased each time [Huntian] [Baojian acquisition layers], and the duration will be refreshed with each hit.

In a low-temperature environment of blue snow and ice, cold damage will be converted into freezing points, which cannot be saved, and ignores offset and suppression. It is regarded as the [highest level of Huntian Baojian] level.

Galaxy Sword

After consuming 3 points of [Purple Galaxy Gangqi], you can block with a white blade after attacking. The blocking bonus in this block and the number of [Huntian Baojian Layers] are converted into physical damage absorption, which lasts for 6 seconds.

Used when stars can be seen at night, it will be converted into full damage absorption.

 (Ah, I’m confused as to whether I should learn the Huntian Evil Sword. On the one hand, the Huntian Evil Sword feels pretty crappy, but on the other hand, it’s very handsome.)
(End of this chapter)

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