Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 165 There is no ruthless Xiang Wuhen yet

Chapter 165 There is no ruthless Xiang Wuhen yet

The devil's palms came out to block Lin Yun's Tathagata palm. In less than half a second, something amazing happened. The frozen hands melted at an alarming speed.

Even the "images" of Wanhua Golden Dragon Duo and Liuli Jie Dao are beginning to become thinner.

The demon actually forcibly absorbed the energy brought by Lin Yun's attack under such circumstances? ?

I saw the golden elixir emerging from the demon's waist and abdomen again. A vortex of energy appeared there, and a large amount of energy was transformed.

Even the evil soul behind him is still growing in size. In just an instant, it has grown from a height of nearly 4 meters to about 8 meters, almost doubling in size.

In the original work, this guy just withstood Huangfu Ji's attack and then absorbed a lot of power.

It was just that at that time, Tianmo grabbed the Jiuyou Thunder Sword with his bare hands and absorbed Huangfu Ji's power through the Jiuyou Thunder Sword.

But now he was directly facing Lin Yun's two-shot Tathagata Divine Palm, which was obviously much more dangerous in terms of danger.

And this is the palm of Tathagata.

In less than 1 second, the fierce demon Yuanshen made a painful sound, and the purple body began to show traces of cracks, and wisps of golden light emanated from it.

It made the evil soul look like it was about to burst.

At this time, the scaly face of the demon was also as golden as paper, and he looked very weak. It was obvious that the evil spirit had been severely damaged, and the demon was also affected a lot.

I saw that the demon had just spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the glazed sword on the other side had already split open the demon's arm and slashed it down hard.

However, even in this case, it only caused seemingly serious injuries to the demon, but at least judging from the current appearance of the demon, it was still too early to kill him.

Under the various powerful offsets of the demon, Lin Yun's damage was only half of the damage, and this guy's resistance was too strong.

His ice damage and freezing points were actually almost offset.

He was left with only pure physical damage and the sacred damage to successfully cause damage.

At this time, Lin Yun finally felt the extremely difficult feeling when those people beat him in the past.

However, compared to the Demon's side, the situation of others is not so good.

"Piao Piao!!!" Looking at Lin Yun's hand waving the glazed sword around them, Xiang Wuhen only had time to stretch out his hand, but then he had to retract his hand to block the bombardment. The glint of the glazed sword.

Under the demon's previous absorption of energy, most of Xiang Wuhen's internal energy was consumed, and the most terrible thing was that the original third level of the Overlord Magic was downgraded to the second level.

This is equivalent to the original B-level ability suddenly dropping to C-level.

In addition, the freezing points hindered his movements, making it difficult for Xiang Wuhen to protect himself.

He held up the Overlord Divine Power with both hands and stood in front of the glazed sword to neutralize the power of the sword.

Fortunately, Lin Yun's main target is the Demon, and they are just adding to the problem.

After spending a lot of energy, the sword light was finally gone.

But even so, the knife marks deep into the bone could be seen on his hands.

On this side, although the Bronze Venerable said that he had no hatred for the "fort master" Xiang Wuhen, he was loyal to him. Seeing that the daughter of the "former fort master" Yun Piaopiao was in danger, he quickly ignored his own safety. .

He just blocked his face with an axe, and then ignored the fact that he was slashed through his armor by the Liuli Jiedao, cutting a huge wound of nearly 30 centimeters on his body, and came directly in front of Yun Piaopiao.

Is this the so-called once-in-a-lifetime teleportation?
That huge body directly blocked Yun Piaopiao's face. The body that was already seriously injured was made worse by this, and the glazed sword's light cut directly through the body of the Bronze Master.

"Fort Master, take the young lady out of here quickly." On his deathbed, Master Bronze looked at Yun Piaopiao, who was frozen in ice and had probably lost consciousness, and for the first time he truly expressed his feelings towards Xiang Wuhen. He said the title "Fort Master".

"Master Bronze!!!" Seeing Master Bronze's knees weakened and already falling to the ground, Xiang Wuhen, who looked extremely embarrassed, gritted his teeth.

This time, he was in such a sorry state.

He looked around. At this time, Sanjue looked at the situation here. It could be said that the situation was very confusing, and it could also be said that it was very clear.

Zhao Kuangyin was very slippery. After blocking Lin Yun's sword light, he retreated towards the back. Apart from Zhao Kuangyin, the two talents who came with him were actually frozen at most before. Not to death.

But now, accompanied by the flying sword light, it was directly cut into pieces.

To put it simply, there are only five of them alive now.

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared seemed to have a grudge against the demon. In other words, now the mysterious man and the demon, as well as another unknown guy, were considered enemies.

Then the two of them should be able to leave.

Thinking of this, Xiang Wuhen continued to move in the direction of Yun Piaopiao and prepared to pass.

But at this moment, "Boy Xiang, how about we turn our hostility into friendship and work together to kill this guy. Although some unpleasant things have just happened to us, in the end, we didn't have any hatred before, but this This guy has killed many of your companions." But it was the Demon who spoke. At this time, he was covering his arms, with strands of cold sweat on his forehead, looking very embarrassed.

Hearing Tianmo's words, Xiang Wuhen's heart moved. He glanced at the Bronze Master and felt a little moved.

Although the Bronze Master said he didn't have much respect for him, he was still one of his own, and the Sword Talent and the Music Talent could almost be said to have grown up with him and Yun Piaopiao.

As far as this is concerned, if it is "just" a little bit of skill absorbed by the demon, the most it will be is the tuition fee paid by them for coming to meddle in other people's business.

In other words, he and the demon don't necessarily feel like they are really going to fight to the death.

"Oh, I seem to have become a villain now." Looking at Xiang Wuhen who seemed a little moved, Lin Yun was also a little happy. After all, the person who originally enjoyed this treatment was Huangfu Ji.

He just looked at the bar for attacking Xiang Wuhen, and he caused nearly 40 points of damage to Xiang Wuhen. This was the damage after the damage had been offset and reduced.

Now that Xiang Wuhen is still standing, it’s probably not easy.

"Hmph, since you killed my subordinates, you must be prepared for me to kill you. Demon, you are right. I will join forces with you." He gritted his teeth and said, and then he saw him Stretch out your hand.

When the Overlord Magic was activated, those indefinite flying rings flew up from every corner here and landed in his hands.

However, if you look carefully, you can actually see that many of the indefinite flying rings have deformed, and some have been stuck in the surrounding buildings or ruins.

At this time, there were no more than ten Wuding Flying Rings left in Xiang Wuhen's hands.

The fighting method of Wuding Flying Ring mainly relies on quantity, but now it is. . . . .

Lin Yun almost applauded.

Just now.

"Observation Motive check:..."


Lin Yun noticed Xiang Wuhen's eyes. Although he looked full of determination and hatred, he seemed to be trying to tear a layer of flesh from Lin Yun's body even if he tried his best.

But in fact, his feet have moved slightly, and he is closer to Yun Piaopiao. It is obvious that Xiang Wuhen, who seems to be upright and uncompromising, actually understands what it means to keep the green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

He was preparing to sell Tianmo and Zhao Kuangyin, and then he took the opportunity to take Yun Piaopiao away, as it should be.

It's just that he didn't look at who his two teammates were. The demon was cunning, cunning, acted according to the wind, bullied the weak, and other negative representative characters.

Although Zhao Kuangyin has not shown the tendency to do whatever it takes to pursue his goals, he now has the consciousness of the World Lord of All Evils, and. . . . . .

In short, these two guys are not good people.

Sure enough, the person who made the first move was not Xiang Wuhen or Lin Yun, but Zhao Kuangyin. This was somewhat expected by Lin Yun, but not what others expected.

Facing a "strong enemy" like Lin Yun, Zhao Kuangyin did not attack Lin Yun, but rushed towards Xiang Wuhen, "Anyway, this hero, you have a grudge against the devil, and it has nothing to do with me. In this case , let’s just figure it out.”

"Zhao Kuangyin, you guy?" The demon did not expect that Zhao Kuangyin would say such words at this time.

Speaking of which, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly came to his door, saying that he wanted to take refuge with him and was willing to work as an undercover agent for Guo Wei.

Although the Heavenly Demon doesn't think highly of Guo Wei as a "martial arts master", there are really too few people who can use him among the Three Jue Guan, especially when both the Earth Demon and the Human Demon are gone.

So the Demon took Zhao Kuangyin in, and later discovered that Zhao Kuangyin was as strong as a first-class master, and he seemed to be in tune with him, so the Demon was actually ready to take Zhao Kuangyin as his confidant, but. . . . . .

But yes, this world is about betrayal and being betrayed.

Speaking of Zhao Kuangyin, just as Lin Yun expected, Zhao Kuangyin said it was Zhao Kuangyin at this time, but it was not completely Zhao Kuangyin. Because of the lack of Long Geer, Zhao Kuangyin himself was slightly influenced by the Lord of All Evils. As for The World Lord of All Evils was naturally beaten back to Jiuyou by Huangfu Ji.

Of course, the most important thing is because of someone. . . . .

In short, from a certain perspective, Zhao Kuangyin at this time is equivalent to a living dead who has borrowed his corpse to bring back his soul.

After getting the Nine Nether Thunder Sword, Huangfu Ji and Chen Bo didn't care about Zhao Kuangyin's life or death at all.

After all, without Long Geer's exchange of blood, in Chen Bo's heart, Zhao Kuangyin had no one worth paying attention to, except that he was the tool man who wielded the Nine Nether Thunder Sword, and he died young.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by Yan Jun. He was not dead yet. After Zhao Kuangyin woke up, he also worshiped Yan Jun as his teacher. Because of his miraculous physique and experience, he could practice Yan Jun's nine-death reincarnation method with twice the result with half the effort.

And to be honest, Yan Jun is not very smart. . . . . . . After Zhao Kuangyin gave up some words, Yan Jun also realized that if he wanted to dominate the world, he couldn't just do it behind closed doors, and he needed to further expand his power.

So under Zhao Kuangyin's deception and with the help of Yan Jun, Zhao Kuangyin came to the Hou Han Dynasty and prepared to cause trouble. Of course, this is what Zhao Kuangyin thought.

(End of this chapter)

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