Chapter 169

Although Zhao Kuangyin was a little confused at this time, didn't he come to seek refuge with the demon and then take advantage of the opportunity to gain power?

How did it become like this?

But now is obviously not the time to think about this, so Zhao Kuangyin stretched out his hand and flicked it, and at this time it had condensed into a huge electric ball-like thunder that ripped apart the ground and hit the sky.

The moment he almost hit it, Zhao Kuangyin discovered that he had no way to control the lightning ball. He could only let his body lie down and minimize the traces of damage.

On one side, Xiang Wuhen looked at the flying lightning ball, and quickly rushed towards Yun Piaopiao on the other side, covering Yun Piaopiao, who was currently in a frozen state and not dead, but still alive. .

Before Yun Piaopiao made Xiang Wuhen angry, Yun Piaopiao was like Xiang Wuhen's younger sister.

The purple thunder power that had just been transformed into a large part exploded, and then spread to the surroundings. Fortunately, because Xiang Yu's ghost was not ready to kill Xiang Wuhen, in the end, the power of the thunder to tear the sky and the earth was actually weakened by him. It's a lot, but it just looks very bluffing.

However, even under such circumstances, in the eyes of the people around, a thunder erupted from Sanjue Temple, directly collapsing the dome of Sanjue Temple, and the rock walls that Lin Yun had blocked before Everything exploded almost instantly, and the entire Sanjue Temple was razed to the ground. Everyone around was shocked and didn't understand what was happening.

Seeing that the lightning had exploded, Lin Yun also ran back quickly. Through the super-wide range of spiritual and super senses, Lin Yun immediately locked the positions of these guys.

It can only be said that these guys are the main figures in the legendary world of the Emperor, and they actually escaped this big explosion.

Under the Three Jue Temple, there is an underground space. This underground space is the training room of the demon. That is where the demon refines the missing children.

Xiang Wuhen, Yun Piaopiao and the others rushed here before, hoping to expose the truth about the demon, and then defeat the demon and become famous all over the world. In fact, on the way, the second-rate masters of Sanjue Guanmen, Si Sanren, were also killed casually.

After a round of inquiries, this underground space was discovered, and then the demon discovered their traces. Then they fought and retreated along the way, and then they fought outside from the underground space.

So when Xiang Wuhen and Zhao Kuangyin hit the electric ball up just now, after thinking of this, he directly bombarded the ground on his side, and the powerful purple thunder power directly broke the ground, revealing the space inside.

Then he jumped down with Yun Piaopiao, and Zhao Kuangyin saw that Xiang Wuhen actually "escaped", so he naturally jumped in too.

After the thunderball exploded, a large number of ruins fell from above, but this was obviously not a problem for Xiang Wuhen and Zhao Kuangyin.

The problem they need to face is. . . . . . Lin Yun left and returned.

Looking at it this way, Lin really looks like a villain.

At this time, the power of the three people has been almost exhausted. Zhao Kuangyin was dragged by Xiang Yu's ghost and forcibly launched a thunderous thunder to tear the sky and the earth. Now his body is collapsing and he is half dead.

As for Xiang Wuhen, the freezing points had caused almost half of his body to freeze. The situation could be said to be very bad.

As for Yun Piaopiao, it goes without saying.

It's a pity that although Lin Yun said that he had redeemed himself for the Hong Kong comics, he was not a local after all. He was just a player. He had no hatred against these three people, it was just simplicity. . . . . Just to avoid trouble.

Lin Yun came here again, without any thought of communication, he came up directly, shocked Baili with a punch, and hit Xiang Wuhen and Zhao Kuangyin with the first light of Buddha's hand.

They were exhausted and didn't have much defense on their bodies, especially Xiang Wuhen's freezing points that almost froze his body. Basic defense, dodge defense, insight defense, blocking and other defenses were almost all reduced to zero.

"Kill Xiang Wuhen and get 2 C-level side plots and 4000 reward points."

"Kill Zhao Kuangyin and get 2 C-level side plots and 5000 reward points."

"Destroy Xiang Yu's ghost and obtain 2 C-level side plots and 3000 reward points."

"Is the reward just a little higher than that of the Heavenly Demon? But that's right. Xiang Wuhen is not at his strongest yet. He has just obtained the Purple Thunder Divine Art, and the Nine Nether Thunder Sword is not here. It cannot be just because he is the main supporting role. In the future, He is destined to be a peerless master, so he will be given too many reward points. This is probably the case for Zhao Kuangyin, but he did not expect that Xiang Yu's ghost would also calculate it separately. But yes, although Xiang Yu's ghost is said to be a hidden line, both Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyin brothers were controlled by Xiang Yu's ghost in the later period. It has a huge impact on the future of this world." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes.

After all, according to that algorithm, if Lin Yun directly killed Long Geer, who was stronger than ordinary people at the beginning of the plot, then should he directly get an A-level subplot?

After all, Long Geer still carries the destiny of the True Dragon Emperor, and it is in complete condition.

I can only say that the rewards this time are very rich, but I don’t know when they will come back.

Currently, Lin Yun basically doesn't have many people who can threaten him except Li Wuming who has mastered more than five moves of the Tathagata Palm, or the Immortal Sword God Ni, or Huangfu Ji.

"Okay, it's time to leave here, and then it's time to continue with the plan." After patting the outfit that was almost like a beggar's outfit, Lin Yun raised his hand and killed Yun Piaopiao as well. . . . . . There is absolutely no idea of ​​​​Xixiang Lianyu or anything like RBQ. Although Yun Piaopiao is actually quite cute when she is not aggressive and just looks like a love-minded girl.

"Kill Yun Piaopiao, get a D-level side plot, and 1000 reward points."

"Kill Shuangfei, all forces related to Shuangfei Castle will permanently enter a state of hatred towards the player."

Looking at the display on the watch, Lin Yun also raised his eyebrows slightly, how could such a good guy backlash so much.

But as for Shuangfei Castle, that is, except that the second elder and the former castle master Yunshi can pose a slight threat to him, that's it.

It's just that Lin Yun is going to Shuangfei Castle next.

Because the previous name of Shuangfei Fort was actually Hidden Dragon Fort. It was Master Yun's ancestor who discovered a strange beast flying dragon here. He wanted to gain the power of the flying dragon, or wanted to kill the flying dragon, so he built Hidden Dragon Fort. .

The result was unexpected, and he became a major force without realizing it.

Speaking of Master Yun, Lin Yun couldn't help but show a look of disdain as he was leaving.

Because this guy, Master Yun, can be said to be completely unworthy of his image of Yi Bo Yuntian in the world. He is a typical hypocrite. Compared to Master Yun, Yue Buqun can already be said to be a true gentleman.

Master Yun used this image of righteous Bo Yuntian to get close to Xiang Wuhen's father, and then became friends with Xiang Wuhen's father, and then secretly poisoned Xiang Wuhen's father.

Xiang Wuhen's father was so stupid that he didn't know about this, thinking that there was something wrong with his practice of the Purple Thunder Magic. Before he died, he hoped that Master Yun could help take care of Xiang Wuhen.

So of course Master Yun agreed, but although he said he had adopted Xiang Wuhen and took good care of him, the most important thing was that he kept the Purple Thunder Divine Skill and Purple Thunder Sword Technique that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Xiang family for himself.

Xiang Wuhen lied and claimed that he had inherited it.

After leaving the position of the castle master to Xiang Wuhen, he disappeared and ran to the underground of Shuangfei Castle to practice. Unfortunately, the Purple Thunder Divine Art was really challenging, and Master Yun's practice was not successful.

After he came out of seclusion, he faced Xiang Wuhen, who had obtained the Purple Thunder Divine Art and the Nine Nether Thunder Sword, but he was seriously injured within a few encounters, and then. . . . . . Then he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and even said that Xiang Wuhen was unfilial.

Not to mention that he wanted to kill Xiang Wuhen with his own hands before.

The reason why he wanted to kill Xiang Wuhen with his own hands was mainly because he wanted to practice the mantra passed down from generation to generation in the Xiang family, which was the realm of ruthlessness and righteousness. He wanted to achieve ruthlessness and righteousness by killing Xiang Wuhen.

In short, basically this guy would come out to cause trouble from time to time, and then be beaten and beg for mercy, and then come out to cause trouble again, and then be beaten and beg for mercy.

The last time, he even controlled Xiang Wuhen with the Heavenly Demon Technique. If it weren't for the power of the ancient thunder pool and Feng Feifei's efforts, Xiang Wuhen would have been controlled by Master Yun almost all his life.

In fact, Master Yun has controlled Xiang Wuhen for seven years, and Xiang Wuhen's children can even come out to make soy sauce.

To be honest, this is a Hong Kong comic. If this were to be replaced by some plot, Feng Feifei would probably not have to perform the wonderful plot of being extremely sexy in front of her husband and then reluctantly giving birth to a child.

From a certain perspective, Lin Yun can be regarded as ending his tragic experience ahead of schedule.

Lin Yun did not return to the annex or go to Fulai Inn, but stayed directly underground. After using Favor to give himself a state where he did not need to breathe, Lin Yun began to recover directly underground.

He just took a look at the innate energy. After this series of extremely fierce battles, especially the dual output of the left and right hands, Lin Yun now only has 13 points of innate energy left.

Moreover, Lin Yun's health value was less than half, and it was half of the vicious health bar.

It can be said that if a second-rate master comes at this time, it is even possible to kill Lin Yun.

Therefore, Lin Yun did not dare to be careless and just stayed in the ground to recover.

After about 5 hours, Lin Yun almost refilled the innate energy in his body, which was actually very fast in terms of speed.

At this time, Lin Yun's injuries had also recovered. After changing his clothes and tidying up a little, he could reappear as an "ordinary" ordinary knight.

 (After all, after killing so many "important people" at once, I was actually wondering if the resources were given too much, but then I looked at the exchanges... Well, basically a serious B-level , if we talk about shaping and other skills, without being biased towards science, there is no doubt that there are a few B-levels. I have actually put down a lot of side plots here. After all, Zhao Kuangyin and Xiang Wuhen almost occupy the legendary place of the Emperor. Two-thirds of the plot.)
  (However, you can actually see that the Legend of the Emperor is almost over, and the rest will basically focus on other places in the space of the gods.)
(End of this chapter)

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