Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 17 Kill another demon

Chapter 17 Kill another demon

Looking at the human demon charging over, Lin Yun smiled slightly, and then he felt a bulge in his body. A burst of fiery breath emanated from Lin Yun's body, and the purple-red Li Huo Jin even burned on Lin Yun's body.

What I have now is internal strength, directly 4 internal strength, Lihuo Jin is activated, strength and constitution are all +2, directly maxed out.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took a step forward, lunged to the left, alternated his feet quickly, and punched out.

"Ha, you are really young." Looking at Lin Yun's movements, although it seemed that Lin Yun's speed seemed to be a little too fast, the human demon still showed a cold smile, "The soul is not here." The palm gesture changed, and he prepared to hit from the side. On Lin Yun's wrist.

For a moment, Lin Yun felt confused in his brain.

But soon, Lin Yun's eyes shone brightly, his brain was in ecstasy, as if boiling, his eyes became more sensitive, and he felt as if his whole person was coming to life.

After all, in modern society, we cannot fight like this easily.

The fist that was originally charging forward was struck suddenly, and the forearm directly hit the human demon's arm, but his feet did not stop.

The legs were crossed again, and then he lunged to the left, his body was low, he stomped his feet and twisted his waist, keeping his hands to block the human demon's arm, and hit the human demon's stomach with an elbow.

There was obviously no flame, but Lin Yun's elbow was as hot as a soldering iron, and could even make people feel the burning sensation, and that huge power.

"What?" The human demon almost vomited out her intestines when she kicked her eyes. Her energy protection was almost ineffective. Lin Yun penetrated her defense with an elbow, and hit her stomach with inhuman strength. , making her whole body rise into the air toward the back.

What kind of strange power is this.

Although he was a little surprised by Lin Yun's great strength, the human demon still struggled to grab Lin Yun's right hand, just for a moment.

Li Huojin emerged from Lin Yun's body, causing the demon to let out a scream as if it had grabbed a soldering iron.

But even so, the other hand was already slapping Lin Yun's face.

However, Lin Yun had already taken another step forward, getting even closer, almost touching the human demon's body. However, he happened to avoid the attack from the other hand. He twisted his body violently, and turned his hand into a palm shape, facing the human demon. The devil's jaw was just another blow.

The chin is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body because it is connected in a straight line with the back of the head. Once it is hit hard, the back of the head will also be hit hard and the person will be knocked unconscious.

"Consciousness is blurring." The human demon tried to keep herself awake, and the internal force continued to stimulate her brain, allowing her to wake up, but then, waves of severe pain disintegrated her defense.

In addition to the pain caused by the flames, the place Lin Yun hit also had a more intense and intuitive feeling.

"Human demon?" The demon who was currently competing with Li Wuming found that the situation on this side was a little chaotic.

This caused Li Wuming to seize the opportunity and hit the demon on the shoulder, forcing him to retreat.

"Senior brother." The human demon who was in a daze said subconsciously, and then a burst of gunfire rang out. . . . . The bullet hit the human demon's body and was directly embedded in the human demon's body, but. . . . . .

"Don't think... you can use the same trick twice, bitch." I saw the human demon grabbing the place hit by the bullet with one hand, and then took out the armor-piercing bullet.

At this time, the human demon was like a crazy woman, she was just throwing it towards the heart like a hidden weapon.

Although my heart tried my best to dodge.

But he was still hit in the left thigh all at once, causing Xin to let out a cry of pain and fall to the ground, holding his thigh and bleeding. It looked like he had been injured by a pistol normally.

And right then.

"Fortitude saving throw: Constitution +9, Survival +1, Legendary Constitution +1 plus number of successes, resolved."

"W10+1=4, saving throw successful."

Poisonous, by the way, the Human Demon is best at using poison. When he first appeared, he used poison to plot against Yun Piaopiao, which forced Xiang Wuhen to run to Wanyao Mansion to request treatment.

Lin Yun couldn't help but look at Xin.

Xin's face was pale, and there was obvious black blood on the covered wound. He was poisoned. Xin's physique was not as strong as Lin Yun's now.

Seeing Xin like that, Lin Yun's expression changed slightly, and then he stepped forward and rushed in front of the human demon.

"What? My poison is useless?"

Looking at Lin Yun, who was almost unaffected, the human demon was obviously frightened.

There was a wisp of smoke at his feet, and he quickly tried to escape behind him.

However, Lin Yun punched faster.

Now Lin Yun's agility is as high as 16 after eating the blood frog, which is already beyond the limit of normal people.

Although the human demon is said to be a second-rate master, he majors in internal skills and is obviously not as good as the current Lin Yun in terms of physical fitness.

Stomping his feet, Lin Yun punched the human demon directly in the chest, and then suddenly added strength, twisting and shaking.

"Poof!" The human demon spurted out a mouthful of blood, staining Lin Yun's body all over.

Immediately afterwards, the human demon was completely knocked out and fell to the ground.

"Kill the demon, D1000."

Is it cheaper than Demo?

It's an expected thing, but it's still so strong.

Just like when I was hit by a demon. "Fortitude saving throw: Constitution +9, Survival +1, Legendary Constitution +1 plus number of successes, resolved."

"W10+1=5, get 3 coma points."

"Endurance ignores 4 points and takes effect."

"Metal Combat Check: Strength +8, Melee (Fist) +3, Versatility +4 Specialty, Baji Fist +1 Move, Legendary Strength +1 Perfect, Legendary Strength +1 Additional Success, Natural Weapons 2L, Settlement."

"Opponent's defense: basic 2, dodge 4, settlement."


"The opponent's internal energy offsets 2 damage."

"The opponent's attack hits, and Lihuojin defense is activated, causing 3 fire damage to the opponent and an additional 2 points of severe pain."

"The opponent's saving throw was successful with 1 point of severe pain."

"Combat check: . . . . . . "

"Defender's defense: base +1, dodge +2, settlement."


"The opponent's internal energy offsets 2 damage."

"Combat check:..."

"Defender's defense: dodge 1, resolve."


Although the human demon's internal strength offset part of the damage, Lin Yun's few punches alone, including the Lihuo Jin defensive counterattack that the human demon directly placed on Lin Yun, caused a total of 22 points of damage and 3 points of severe pain.

In addition, he was affected by the explosion of the demon at close range, and he was still alive after being shot like this. Unfortunately, if Lin Yun's initial damage could be as high as the last punch, then his heart would not have to be hurt. .

It has to be said that the effect brought by the blood frog's special power is too strong, and it only costs 2 points of severe pain.

You must know that severe pain points, even if they are mild, will affect basic defense, block bonus, dodge bonus and other defenses. It can be said that from a certain perspective, they are specifically designed to restrain these martial arts masters.

"Human demon!!! Damn it, the descendant of the divine palm, the demon is missing the moon." Looking at the human demon who was knocked to the ground, the demon immediately became angry. At this time, he was furious, and he clasped his hands together, Then a moon wheel formed by ice appeared in front of him and rushed towards Li Wuming.

"Since you brothers and sisters are united, let me reunite you." Li Wuming snorted coldly. He could tell at a glance that they were not good people. He tied his hands inside, put his two index fingers together, and pressed the nails of his ring fingers with his two thumbs.

Although Li Wuming believes in Buddhism, he is not afraid of the precept of killing. For him, killing is also to protect lives.

The two index fingers are swords, the two thumbs and the two ring fingers are the ropes, or the two ring fingers and the middle fingers are the four demons, and the two thumbs are tilted to subdue the four demons.

Don't move at all.

"The third form of the Tathagata Palm, the Buddha moves the mountains and rivers." Following Li Wuming's loud shout, bursts of lightning flashed with Li Wuming in the center.

Then a golden, hand-held weapon with a spiral pattern that looked like a drill was shot out from Li Wuming's hands, with lightning wrapped around it, and then blasted towards the demon.

The demon's sky-breaking moon collided with Li Wuming's Buddha's moving mountains and rivers. For a moment, coldness and lightning spread to the surroundings. Lin Yun quickly protected his heart and used his inner strength to block the front.

It's a pity that it takes time for him to convert Li Huo Jin into Xuan Bing Qi. Otherwise, Xuan Bing Qi is the most suitable for defense.

There was a fierce collision between the two, but soon, everyone discovered that cracks began to appear on the ice formed by the incomplete moon that day the demon created it.

The Buddha's Thunderbolt Zen, represented by the moving mountains and rivers, seems to be piercing through the Heavenly Demon's Heavenly Cripple Moon, and even keeps pushing the Heavenly Demon back.

King Parana in ancient India was ignorant and immoral, and his people were addicted to wine, sex, and wealth.

The land was hit by a severe drought. Sandstorms buried the entire kingdom underground. Heavy rains caused floods. Plagues spread across the country, killing people and animals thousands of miles away. It was like purgatory!

When the Buddha came to preach, he couldn't bear to see all living beings in ruins, and was willing to sacrifice his body to suffer calamity on behalf of all sentient beings.

The God of Thunder was violent by nature, so he shot down a magic weapon and penetrated the Buddha's head.

But the psychic artifact was inspired by the compassion of the Buddha and turned into a powerful Buddha's weapon, which split the ground into ditches, channeled floods into the sea, and resolved the catastrophe. Jing Lei Zen distinguishes right from wrong, achieves "immeasurable merits", and becomes a Buddhist soldier who protects the Buddha from disasters and solves problems, representing the "compassion" of the heart.

It is the guardian weapon of the third form of Tathagata Palm [Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers].

Although it is said to represent compassion.

But not much.

If the First Appearance of Buddha's Light is the most explosive palm technique, then the Buddha Moving Mountains and Rivers is the most penetrating palm technique, which is specially used to break all kinds of hard objects and energy.

"Damn it..." Seeing that the crack was slowly getting bigger, the demon was filled with unwillingness, but at this moment, a golden elixir appeared from the demon's body.

Then the moon formed by the ice in his hand suddenly disappeared, and then something amazing happened.

"Hahaha, you fell into the trap." However, the demon suddenly burst into laughter, and then grabbed the thunderous Zen formed by Li Wuming's internal power with both hands.

Then the crimson inner force was suddenly released, and with a squeeze, the Jinglei Zen was decomposed with visible effort to the naked eye. Just when the Jinglei Zen was about to pierce the demon's throat, the Jinglei Zen stopped. , and then completely turned into red light, which was then absorbed by the demon.

(End of this chapter)

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