Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 176 An unexpected windfall

Chapter 176 An unexpected windfall

Squatting directly in a corner to the east of Shuangfei Castle, that is, a corner close to Master Yun's room. Because Lin Yun has the magical ability to escape from the ground, Lin Yun can even lurk his whole body inside, and has spiritual and super-sense. If Lin Yun can sense that a patrol is approaching, he can sneak directly underground, which is convenient and simple.

The celebration was held in the middle of Shuangfei Castle. Now the Lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Jing, had arrived there. In order to welcome Li Jing's arrival, Shuangfei Castle even had a simple palace configuration in the center. I just didn't know what it was like. Is the dragon chair the chair where Master Yun sits?

Because Shi Shouxin and the others also participated in this celebration, Lin Yun was able to blend directly into the scene by making Le Caizi look like a random person, and then steadily provide Lin Yun with information.

Soon, Lin Yun saw that Master Yun had appeared in a costume, and Lin Yun quickly took advantage of this opportunity to sneak into Master Yun's room.

Subsequently. . . . . . Lin Yun saw the Yanyue Knife placed aside, full of serrations and looking extremely ferocious.

Is there such a good thing?

The name of this Yanyue Sword is the Two-pole Taiyuan Demon Sword. Its original name is Taiyuan Sword. It was originally the tyrant magic weapon of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng. The Zhanma Dao, which was given solemnly by the Qi State Salt Gang, is made of pure and freshly refined sea ore. Its name comes from Ou Yezi's two swords, Tai'a and Longyuan.

The Taiyuan Sword is a magical weapon that accompanies Ying Zheng on the battlefield. The force and Heavenly Sword that appeared in the early stage are average. When placed in the Mysterious Weapon Mystery, it is at most a second-level earthly magic weapon.

Before Ying Zheng became the emperor, he was broken into pieces by Prince Dan and it was probably recast later.

As Ying Zheng conquered and became the empress, the emperor's dragon energy, which had been contaminated by Ying Zheng for many years, underwent a great transformation. After staying in Qin Shihuang's mausoleum for hundreds of years, he was able to release the blood-colored dragon-shaped sword energy, which was later reshaped by Yang Guang into the Tai Dynasty. After the Yuan Demon Sword, he is not inferior to the Hell Thunder Sword at all.

Later, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, transformed the Taiyuan Sword with his own true essence and blood and the power of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu to become the Taiyuan Demon Sword. Since then, the Taiyuan Demon Sword has become the guardian weapon of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu.

After Yang Guang's death, he was obtained by Li Yuanji. Li Yuanji sacrificed his own life during the Xuanwu Gate Incident to inspire the power of the two tyrants Ying Zheng and Yang Guang who remained in the blade.

However, during the Xuanwu Gate Incident, this thing had actually been blown up by Li Shimin, killing everyone with the sword.

Now this one should be the Taiyuan Demon Sword that the Yin and Yang Demon Sou collected the fragments of and reforged with the magic of Yin and Yang.

That is to say, he passed the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu to Master Yun's two uncles, and finally the two elders passed the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu to Master Yun.

It's a pity for Yun Yu and Yun Zhou that although Kuou Mi Xi Jian knows how to please the Yin and Yang Demon and lets him teach him the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, due to their limited qualifications, these two guys can't practice the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, so they can only practice it. There are two poles of magic power, Yin and Yang, and each can only practice one of them.

It was also because of this that these two guys became possessed and became like evil spirits from outside the world.

As for Master Yun, in fact, regardless of the Purple Thunder Divine Art, he is more suitable for the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu. After all, this guy's evil intentions and the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu are just like a duck in water.

But because he disliked the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu as being too ugly. . . . . I didn't dare to practice forcefully, which would result in the half-full bucket of water sloshing around.

When the two elders passed on the Heavenly Demon Skill to Master Yun, they also passed on the Taiyuan Demon Sword to Master Yun.

But obviously, after all, he wanted to see Li Jing. Li Jing was the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty after all. If he brought this weapon, which could already be called a weapon of heavenly demon power to protect the Tao, he would be in big trouble.

After all, practitioners of Tianmo Kung have not been good people from ancient times to the present, and they are incompatible with the image of Yuntian who is righteous and eager for justice and justice that Master Yun has created today.

In addition, Shuangfei Castle is his home.

How could he have thought that a bold guy would get into his room like this.

Two-pole Taiyuan Demon Sword
Essence: Magical Essence

Level: B level

Basic attributes of the weapon: weapon damage 20L, armor breaking 8, magic breaking 8
Weapon special attributes: [Magic] [Netherworld] [Darkness] [Mighty] [Hands] [9 plus dice]

Restrictions: Only [Dark Creatures] can use the following characteristics.

Drain Life: Every time it hits and causes damage, the target loses the upper limit of 2 health points, and its user can turn one of his own health points into intact, regardless of impact, seriousness, or viciousness.

The loss of the maximum life limit caused by this attack can only be recovered naturally, and the difficulty is equal to the recovery from vicious damage. Even after recovery, it is still counted as receiving vicious damage and needs to be recovered from vicious damage again.

Absorb energy: Each time it hits and causes damage, the target will lose 1 additional point of will, and the user will recover 1 point of will. If the target has any universal energy, a random universal energy pool will lose 6 points. If an energy If the pool is not enough to lose, then a random second one is lost until all energy pools are emptied.

The user's internal energy is restored equal to the amount of energy lost by the target.

So strong, too strong.

but. . . . . I smiled.

Lin Yun directly used the space watch to scan the two extreme Taiyuan magic swords.

One minute passed quickly. This was not a [recognition of ownership] weapon. Lin Yun took it away directly, and Master Yun even took it away. . . . . Have absolutely no idea what's going on.

After taking away the two-pole Taiyuan magic knife, Lin Yun went directly to the big bed and fumbled for a while. He soon touched a mechanism on a pillar beside the bed, and with a slight twist .

With a "click", the mechanism was activated, the couch moved sideways, and a secret hole appeared on the ground that could only allow one person to enter or exit.

Lin Yun jumped lightly and jumped down to a height of more than 30 meters. With Bai Yunyan's Qinggong, he couldn't fall to his death anyway.

It was impossible to see any fingers in the cave, and with Lin Yun's beating, the mechanism above started to move again, and the couch moved to seal the passage again.

Because Lin Yun has his own dark vision, he doesn't need to light a torch on one side, and the air here is circulated, so he doesn't need to worry about oxygen.

Soon, Lin Yun followed the passage and came to a carving that recorded a flying dragon. The lines of this carving were simple, as if they had been used since ancient times. Lin Yun stretched out a hand and began to explore.

In the original work, Yun Tian got into trouble because of practicing the Demonic Art and went crazy. Then in his madness, Master Yun crashed through a wall and fell into the destination that Lin Yun wanted to find.

So this wall shouldn't be very thick and it should be nearby.

Through the solid control of Tukunlun's Gangqi, it is said that neither the spiritual sense nor the super sense can sense the hollow place in the mountain, but it can be sensed by Lin Yun.

Soon, Lin Yun noticed an empty place.

Lin Yun didn't even need to destroy it. No, it should be said that Lin Yun even thickened the wall on that side. . . . . .

Then Lin Yun floated downwards.

Below is a huge cave, filled with dead bones that are almost the size of a rhinoceros.

Lin Yun took a closer look and found that these bones seemed to be those of flying dragons, or should be said to be the bones of flying dragon cubs.

The moment Lin Yun came down, his spiritual sense and super sense had locked onto the "living body" which was not very far away from him.

After turning over some bones and rocks, Lin Yun soon came to a giant egg that was almost as tall as others.

On the translucent green egg wall, you can even vaguely see a curled-up flying dragon embryo inside.

This is Lin Yun's destination.

The cave in the mountainside of Shuangfei Castle is where the dragon's cave is located, and the flying dragon's habits are somewhat similar to that of an elephant. Whenever it gives birth and knows when it will die, it will return to its lair.

Lin Yun half-squinted his eyes, and then. . . . I saw Lin Yun taking out wooden barrels one by one from the watch space.

These wooden barrels were the explosive barrels that Lin Yun got from Shuangfei Castle. . . . . .

Although it is said that it is the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but. . . . In short, there are a lot of explosives.

In the original work, Shuangfeibao used these explosives to blast Momituo, and later used a large amount of explosives to blow up the mountain and dig out the corpse of the Immortal Sword God Ni, so as to develop a detoxification method.

Unfortunately, Lin Yun’s watch space is still not big enough.

so. . . . . Lin Yun chose to run back and forth.

As long as the specific location is known, with Lin Yun's current speed, it doesn't take much time to run back and forth.

In this way, the entire cave was soon filled with a large number of explosive barrels. . . . .

Then Lin Yun set his target on the flying dragon egg.

Without any unnecessary hesitation, Lin Yun directly grabbed the dragon egg. Almost at the moment of contact, Lin Yun felt a stream of heat flowing into Lin Yun's hands, making Lin Yun feel extremely comfortable.

But at this moment, a roar came from the distance that made Lin Yun feel deafening.

The terrifying roar even made the earth tremble, but unfortunately it had no effect on Lin Yun.

Moreover, this is all within Lin Yun's calculations.

In the original work, the reason why Master Yun was not chased by the flying dragon and was able to escape easily was mainly because the female flying dragon in a weak state after laying eggs was killed by Ma Mituo.

Now Lin Yun obviously will not be in such a situation, although in reality. . . . . Lin Yun just took the egg and escaped, and that was it. How simple.

However, as the saying goes, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

Lin Yun said today that he would swallow the flying dragon.

Lin Yun first took the flying dragon egg with him, and then escaped almost a hundred meters away. Then with extreme induction, he sensed that the flying dragon had arrived in the cave.

"Hitting cattle across mountains." Lin Yun's current cattle fighting across mountains can attack from a distance of 120 meters.

In the comics, Long Geer can hold the ground with his hands, and then emerge from the other side of the ground to wipe out hundreds of bandits with a Buddha-moving mountain and river, not to mention Lin Yun.

As Lin Yun used Li Huo Jin to ignite the explosives inside, at the same time. . . . Lin Yun quickly continued to dive downwards.

At the same time, through the artificial man, he also notified Long Geer and the others, asking them to be prepared, and even prepare for the critical moment to let the artificial man save them.

Subsequently. . . . . . "boom!!!"

There was a terrifying explosion, followed by a violent earthquake. Even Lin Yun couldn't help but feel a little staggering. However, under such circumstances, Lin Yun still held the flying dragon egg firmly.

After a period of violent shaking, it finally stopped.

Even Lin Yun couldn't help but exhale slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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