Chapter 186 Team battle? !
Although there are still some resources left, I really want to beat Yun Sheng to the point where he will get a lot of gold coins.

Soon, nine days passed quickly.

Lin Yun and the others appeared again on the big ball of light in the space of the gods.

"Ha, is this a prophecy? I just said before that I could redeem the T-Virus antidote, and now the biochemical crisis is coming." Lin Yun looked at the display above and said with a feeling of being unable to complain.

"Resident Evil 8? It's something I don't understand again." At this time, Xiong Daiyu on the side could not help but show a speechless expression.

Because she is really not familiar with these things.

"Resident Evil 8, how should I put it, a real man, a good father, and a story about a crazy woman?" Thinking of this, Lin Yun's expression suddenly reminded him of the man who had chased him before and escaped underground 1 The crazy woman who lives thousands of miles away, the fairy sword god Ni Cheng is like a flower.

"Crazy woman?" Xiong Daiyu couldn't help but show a curious expression at this time.

"That's right, a crazy woman who was almost a hundred years old. Her daughter died due to the Spanish Flu, so she lost her purpose and didn't know how to live. Then she discovered the T virus in a cave. One of the original organisms, the so-called mycovirus. During research, she achieved immortality and also possessed very powerful power. Later, it was discovered that this fungal host virus can connect the consciousness of the infected body. It formed something like a cloud disk, so this crazy woman wanted to upload her daughter's consciousness, and finally found a carrier, and then downloaded her daughter to complete the resurrection. Generally speaking, it is close to the science fiction world, but a bit It feels mysterious." Lin Yun's expression was also a little twitchy.

Because it is indeed very mysterious.

In Resident Evil 8, it was even revealed that the original Resident Evil, the T-Virus, and Oswell Spencer, the founder of Umbrella who used the T-Virus to infect the whole world, were related.

This crazy woman calls herself the Mother Goddess Miranda. Because of the Resident Evil Eating Book series, the original origin of the Stairway to the Sun has become this fungal virus this time.

This mycovirus is an existence that inspired Spencer to create the virus earlier than the African "ancestral virus" in "Resident Evil 5". As a medical student, he was inspired by Miranda's research in a European village.

The umbrella's logo and name are also taken from the village logo. But Miranda only wants to resurrect her daughter, and Spencer wants to use infection to change the world.

The male protagonist Ethan was also the protagonist in the previous film "Resident Evil 7". "Resident Evil 7" is about Ethan's wife Mia secretly serving a terrorist organization and taking care of a girl named Evelin. Something went wrong with the mold mother.

As a result, they were trapped in a cabin in the woods. Almost all the family in the cabin were infected by the fungal virus and turned into monsters. Ethan, as an ordinary person, came here recklessly to save his wife.

Subsequently. . . . . Killed in less than a night.

Yes, he was killed off as the main character.

What people didn't expect was that he became the adapter of the mycovirus and was reborn directly.

Under the influence of the fungal virus, he was able to kill gods and Buddhas. Although he was not as strong as Alice in another movie version and only had strong enough resistance to blows and regeneration, he relied on his amazing perseverance and Luck, with the help of the only living person left in the forest cabin, finally succeeded in rescuing his wife Mia.

And until he rescued his wife Mia, he didn't know that he was no longer human.

After killing Evelyn, Ethan was rescued by Chris and other members of the Bioterrorism Defense and Assessment Alliance, or BSAA, a well-known killing teammate in Resident Evil.

After three years of pregnancy, Ethan and his wife Mia gave birth to a girl named Rose.

It should be noted that Evelin is actually Miranda who transformed into an "ordinary researcher" and used her daughter's genes and mycovirus to create gadgets in that terrorist organization.

So Ethan, who is an "adapter" himself, plus Mia, who has also been infected with a mold virus before.

This daughter's mold purity. . . . A bit high.

This girl seems to have inherited Ethan's adaptability to mycoviruses, and it should even be said that she was born with powerful abilities.

Because Miranda was Evelin's main producer, she naturally paid attention to Evelin, and this also made Miranda pay attention to Ethan, and finally discovered Rose through Ethan.

After Miranda discovered this, she wanted to use the girl's body to resurrect her daughter. In order to save his family again, the real man Ethan rushed into a European-style village, one of Miranda's experimental sites, which was infected with a mold virus and turned into something like a werewolf, or something like a vampire, or even more. There are even existences similar to sea monsters, dragons, superpowers, etc.

That's why Lin Yuncai said that "Resident Evil 8" has an indescribable and mysterious color, because it feels like it has transcended the scope of science fiction and turned into a fantasy painting style covered in science fiction.

"In other words, the main enemies this time should be the so-called four major families and the mother goddess Miranda, right?" After listening to Lin Yun's story, Xiong Daiyu thought for a while and then said.

"That's right." Lin Yun nodded, and then told Xiong Daiyu what he knew about the bosses of the so-called four major families, so that Xiong Daiyu could exchange and learn according to the situation.

"Wow, it's just a game, is that all?" Yunsheng on this side couldn't help but complain when he remembered the time he spent in StarCraft.

Because he even learned a lot from Lin Yun's mouth, at least things he didn't know when he played this game.

"Indeed, this is Nibo's game, but I, a player who has played Resident Evil 8, don't know these things." Sakuya Izayoi on the side also nodded seriously.

"Speaking of which, we don't seem to be sure that the main enemy is the mother goddess Miranda. There is a team battle behind it. We might be on Miranda's side." At this moment, Ji Qi said.

Yes, here in the dungeon world, except for "Resident Evil: Village", there is a suffix at the end, which is similar to the previous Avengers, except that the previous Avengers had the suffix Chaos, and this suffix is ​​team battle.

"Yes, after all, the number of people in our team now has made a qualitative leap." Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then said, "We only had two here before, but now there are five, which can be said to have doubled. Well, Wait, have you unlocked your genes?"

Only then did Lin Yun remember another condition for starting a team battle amidst infinite terror.

That is, if there are three people in the team who have activated the gene lock, and there is not even a captain, there is a high chance that it will be activated. I just don’t know what the rules are in the space of the gods.

"As for the gene lock, I have the second-level gene lock." At this moment, what surprised Lin Yun was that Yunsheng had already achieved the second-level gene lock.

"I am the first level." Sakuya Izayoi said briefly.

"I am also at the second level." Ji Qi said with a smile.

"First level." Xiong Daiyu was silent for a moment and then said.

"Okay, then this is a gene lock for all of us. I am also a second-level gene lock." Lin Yun twitched the corner of his mouth. The concentration of this gene lock is a bit high.

This directly locks the genes of all members. The intensity of Resident Evil 8 will not explode in an instant. I suddenly feel a little regretful about adding so many people.

"But in this case, we don't seem to have to worry about being infected. If I remember correctly, unless you are bitten by this mold virus, there is almost no infection, but only low-level werewolves can bite people, and high-level ones, such as I think nothing will happen to the four major lords." Sakuya Izayoi thought for a while and then said.

"No, you have overlooked one issue, that is, although there is only one old man showing symptoms of infection in the plot, if you really want to say it, don't forget that we are controlling Ethan, who is essentially a person who thinks he is Ethan's bacterial monster, so there is no reinfection. We cannot be sure of possible infections in high-concentration environments, such as castles, Donna's garden, and the fish-headed monster's bubbles. These are all The high concentration of viruses, and the metals used in military examinations, are certain to cause tetanus, but the viruses inside are hard to say. And don’t forget that the three daughters of Master Hachisha are essentially virus flies, although they are said to be afraid of the cold. This shortcoming, but there is no guarantee that it will bite us at any time, well, the premise is that it can break through the defense." Lin Yun rubbed his temples and narrowed his eyes.

In Resident Evil 8, the four major lords are Mama's Boy and the ugliest one, Salvatore Moreau, a fish-headed monster with a head full of eyes that can become the nemesis of trypophobia.

There is also the otaku, Donna Benevento, who can use pollen to make even Ethan, a "fungus monster", fall into hallucinations.

The Eight-foot Lady is literally as tall as eight feet, and is very big in all aspects. She has even become the player's favorite lady. She is essentially a vampire-like existence because her regeneration ability is too strong and she needs to suck human blood. She maintained her human form, and in order to study Miranda's gift, she also created three "daughters" of Aqina, Mrs. Dimitrescu.

Finally, he has disheveled hair, wears small sunglasses, and can manipulate metal to attack like Magneto. Because his image is very similar to the appearance of the last martial artist of the Qing Dynasty in "Let the Bullets Fly", he is affectionately called by players. Carl Heisenberg, the martial arts master.

In short, the four major lords also have their own characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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