Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 189 Prophecy, disastrous defeat, breakdown

Chapter 189 Prophecy, disastrous defeat, breakdown
"Actually, I think encounters can be used to mark them." Xiong Daiyu thought for a while and then said.

"Tell me about it?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"For example, the Hand Sanitizer God of War you mentioned is here to save his daughter. In this case, he should continue to attack those monsters. In this case, he only needs to lock on the living bodies and continue to kill them. Isn't that enough?" Xiong Daiyu tapped her chin with one hand and continued.

"Yes." Lin Yun nodded, roughly understanding what Xiong Daiyu said.

But not long after Lin Yun closed his eyes slightly and communicated with the clay figurine Yunsheng, Lin Yun frowned, "No, there are no such traces in the village. Now I am thinking, is it possible that Ethan actually They have been killed by members of the opposing team.”

"By the way, those drones are searching us now, can you directly find the guy who controls the drones?" Yunsheng said hurriedly, remembering the things he saw before.

"Not very good. I just took a look. Those are basically autonomous drones. They basically have basic AI and do not need to be controlled at all. As long as we appear, it will first alert and then delay. Our time, or kill us or something like that." Sakuya Izayoi also analyzed it very calmly.

"Then we are not wasting time." Hearing this made Yunsheng a little depressed.

"Perhaps it's time to do some metaphysics. Does Lin Yun have any suggestions?" Xiong Daiyu thought for a while and said.

"Are you going to use the formation seal to deduce it?" Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure now which parts should be deduced, or should we directly deduce our future battle scenes?" Xiong Daiyu nodded and then said.

"Just deduce this, it's best to be of the type of total war. I'm not worried about the enemies here in Resident Evil 8. After all, they all know the basics. The most important thing now is the enemy teams. This is the most troublesome for us. Things." Lin Yun pondered seriously for a moment and then said.

"Yes, then I will use it now." Xiong Daiyu nodded, and then began to close her eyes and start counting in her hands. You can see that Xiong Daiyu's brows were shaking slightly at this time, giving her the feeling of a wallpaper beauty.

After about 10 seconds, Xiong Daiyu opened her eyes and said, "Okay, I will pass on the portrait I saw to you now."

Immediately afterwards, through Ji Qi's telepathy, Lin Yun and the others also saw the portrait predicted by Xiong Daiyu.

Although Xiong Daiyu's Formation Secret has now been upgraded to Level B, and the Formation Seal that relies on the Formation Secret to calculate the level is also considered Level B, this is only useful against those who have the ability to cover up prophecies.

Apart from this, in essence, there is no improvement in the array character seal. It is still limited to seeing one picture.

"What the hell is this?" Yun Sheng could only say in confusion with his eyes wide open.

"This looks like a spaceship." Lin Yun had a subtle expression on his face.

"Lin Yun, that one next to me is Ikaruga, the one from Knights and Magic." At this time, Ji Qi said on the side.

"Probably, even though he changed the name on the front." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and said.

Knights and Magic, this is a magical world, and then use the energy core of Warcraft to transform into a power furnace, and then make a robot about 11 meters high.

Before the protagonist came to that world, these robots called Silhouette Knights could only either chop and slash, or blast magic with their staffs. Although they were basically small fireballs and small wind blades, kind of stuff.

After the protagonist arrived, the basic structure of the body, such as the muscle composition, changed, and auxiliary arms began to appear on the back, which can be used for both close combat and long-range bombardment or defense.

The protagonist's own special machine, a self-developed machine, Ikaruga is just a blue machine. Compared to Silhouette Knight, which can only run around.

Ikaruga can jet activate, fly, and even change shape.

Although, according to Lin Yun's estimation, this thing should be used to avoid those worlds where the use of high technology is prohibited.

A world like the Legend of the Emperor.

As long as there are magical factors involved, this limitation can actually be avoided. This Silhouette Knight is a robot of magical nature rather than technological nature.

If it were just the "ordinary" Silhouette Knights from the original version, Lin Yun would probably be almost a D-level, or at most a C-level robot.

But if Ikaruga is modified, it will be at least C-level, even CC-level, and even B-level is possible.

After all, this thing has been continuously upgraded in the hands of the protagonist, a robot enthusiast. "Wow, childhood memories, the light envoys have come out." Yuntian also sighed with emotion.

Yes, in the corner of the screen, there is another robot that looks slightly bloated, with a red main body and a single horn on its head. It is about ten meters tall.

Light Envoy, the robot driven by the protagonist Daichi in "Magic King", the Magic King who controls the power of fire and earth. The summoning condition is to use a magic gun to draw a magic circle in a wide and flat place. The riding condition is to run 5 meters in 100 seconds, and Dadi can meet the conditions by using a jet skateboard.

A giant robot developed by the Long-eared tribe to fight against the evil god of darkness, it moves with magic power as energy.

Before summoning, it folds its arms and legs into a giant face form called "Facial Mode" to suppress energy consumption, and during battle it becomes "Battle Mode" to increase output.

You can enter the interior from the chest, and there is only a magic formation on the ground in the alien space inside. When maneuvering, the hexagram part of this magic circle emerges like a surfboard, so balance is required.

The image outside will be automatically projected as long as the driver looks in the direction he wants to look. Unlike other demon kings, it has self-awareness and can talk to the earth, but since it cannot move itself, the earth it rides on moves its body.

It can also slide on the ground by generating magical force from its feet.

Because it is based on riding a magic warrior, if you cannot use magic power, you cannot use any weapons.

Another magical robot.

"So, our main opponents this time are three robots?" Yunsheng blinked and said.

"No, take a look. There is what looks like a shooting port on the huge spaceship. I think someone should be hiding in it. Preliminarily, it is probably a sniper or a damage dealer, or even a magician. Guy." Xiong Daiyu thought for a while and said.

"It's not just that. If I remember correctly, as the light user of the Magic King, he can use magic. Although in the original plot, he only used spells such as fire, but considering that the driver Dadi himself cannot use magic, The problem is, this light user might be able to use other spells." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and then said.

"I'll go, if that's the case, isn't it a mage tower or something like that? Maybe it can also achieve the effect of strengthening spells." Yun Sheng also started to speak freely at this time.

"I think it's best to deal with him. For now, we can't see the appearance of the light messenger from the outside, which means that it needs to be summoned. Even if the magic circle required for summoning is reduced through the space of the gods, However, we can easily block it with our strength." Sakuya Izayoi said at the right time.

"Well, that's right. I'll just get an artificial man to target this when the time comes." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"It shouldn't be that simple, but you can give it a try first." Xiong Daiyu pondered for a moment. After all, she didn't know much about the light messenger and the magic king. After all, it was a bit difficult to come up with a plan.

"In short, for now, everyone outside should be a target, whether it is us or the other party." Lin Yun thought for a while and then said, "And in this case, we actually have no idea what the other party has. How many people are there?"

"A van driver from Wuling Hongguang van?" Yunsheng suddenly told a somewhat cold joke.

"Wuling Hongguang has its own problem, but this is a spaceship. A team of 20 people is not a problem at all. There may be a ship of artificial humans in it. Even if it is more arrogant, for example, when it comes to this world If it were earlier, they could even directly hire some people outside, and then come in and directly hypnotize them into puppets. They only need to hold weapons at the shooting port to attack." Lin Yun also said with a bit of laughter and tears.

"If you say that, aren't we in danger?" Yun Sheng said in a deep voice.

"Not completely. As long as we go in, we'll be fine. And I should be able to get a few artificial humans to attract attention by then." Lin Yun nodded his arm, and then continued, "However, what I'm more worried about now is, Will the other party let us in so easily? Or should we say that after entering, there will be a problem of attacks by people with specializations."

"You're thinking too far. The focus now is how to break the situation." Yun Sheng said in frustration.

"Well, wait a minute." Lin Yun thought for a while, and then said, "Anyway, once we are exposed, with the firepower we are showing now, if we act rashly, we will only be concentrated firepower, and we will be killed in one round. , um, probably.”

Lin Yun thought for a while, but he wasn't really sure.

After all, if Lin Yun could be killed in one round now.

So basically Lin Yun can be easily killed in regular combat.

"Okay." Yun Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

"Wait a minute, I'll deduce it again." At this moment, Xiong Daiyu said again, and then made another calculation, and then passed a picture into Lin Yun's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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