Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 193: 1 knife. . Break?

Chapter 193: One knife. . Break?

So here comes the problem, now the damage to the body is not only over 50%, but it has instantly dropped below 80%.

How is this going?

You must know that his light envoy, in addition to having an armor of up to 33, also has the effect of a mage tower. The spells released here can have an additional +2 spell power value.

Not only that, the Light Envoy itself also has a magical detection range of 500 meters.

If it is in the super light user state, it can even reach +4 spell power value, and then the detection range reaches 1000 meters, because there is no "special" concealment.

This resulted in the clay figures being noticed by them when they surfaced from the ground and observed them with their eyes.

So they were ready to fight.

The moment Lin Yun and the others appeared, they directly used their own abilities to super-accelerate back to their own bodies, thereby destroying the other party's attack.

I just didn't expect that the other party's attack would come so quickly, and. . . . . Still so strong.

Although as a B-level robot, it can only reach the level of a C-level spell caster.

The light user is also a spellcaster, and the earth itself is also a spellcaster. Under such circumstances, he cast two spells in succession, both of which can strengthen the light user's defense.

After all, those on the Silver Shield Carrier above are mainly responsible for attack, while he is responsible for defense. At the critical moment, he can just cut off the Ruyi Divine Sword in two.

but now. . . . . The hardness was as high as 25 and it was directly neutralized. It was terrible.

Well, Dadi's side was so frightened that he almost peed, but Lin Yun's side was actually a little strange.

only. . . . . . What makes Lin Yun strange is that Bengjie's smashing special effects didn't take effect?
Did it resist the special effects?
Or is it that the super light user is a living object? Translation is silicon-based biology.

Well, it seems that it is not incomprehensible.

Although light users are said to need operators, there are light users similar to the grandfather of the system.

If we insist on talking about silicon-based life, it seems that it is not impossible.

Tsk, I saved a life.

"How dare two people attack us." Although he was beaten half to death, it did not prevent him from shouting. Of course, the most important thing was to fight back.

The super light user's feet clearly didn't move, but he "moved" towards Lin Yun as if on roller skates.

The three demonic kings merged to form the super light bringer. The light bringer is in charge of the power to destroy everything, the storm bringer is in charge of the power of protection, and the wave bringer is in charge of the restoration of power.

Although most of the left side was almost destroyed by Lin Yun's shot of Buddha moving mountains and rivers, under the magical power of magic, the Super Lightbringer was like a human being and began to slowly recover.

At the same time, a huge white sword appeared directly in his hand, the Super Ruyi Divine Sword! ! !
Don’t you even need to summon the Super Ruyi Divine Sword here in the Gods Space?

You must know that in the original plot, the Ruyi Divine Sword requires a lot of movement to gather energy, and then smash it to the ground to summon the Ruyi Divine Sword from the ground.

This is true for both the Ruyi Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Sword. Why did this guy take it out all at once?

Wait, this feels familiar. . . . . Change outfits with one click! ! !
Yes, that's right, the original summoning of the Ruyi Divine Sword was too troublesome. Not only did the summoning require reciting a spell, but the most troublesome thing was that it had to be on the ground.

If it's on a steel floor, you can't summon the Sun Sword like this.

So Dadi came up with an idea, which was to spend side plots and reward points to expand the space of the watch, and even specialize the space. He made the originally square space into a rectangular cube so that he could fit the Sun Sword into it. In the watch space.

In this way, one-click outfit change can be activated without the need for additional summons.

It's just that what's more troublesome is that the Sun Sword is part of the Super Light User, that is to say. . . . .

Every time he enters the dungeon world, he needs to summon the Super Light Envoy first, then summon the Sun Divine Sword, and then register the Sun Divine Sword in the space watch.

It just brings tears to my eyes.

Through the thruster on his back, the super light envoy had already arrived in front of Lin Yun. Unfortunately, because it was not due to the ground, he could not summon the Gaitian Shenlong to push and cover.

otherwise. . . . . .

The Gaitian Shenlong is a three-headed dragon that can be summoned to shape a stone on the ground. When the Super Light Envoy launches his special move, the middle head carries the Super Light Envoy and moves at a super acceleration, while the other two heads are responsible for Interfere with and intercept the opponent's attacks and defenses.

"Cut in two. Sun God Sword."

Lin Yun really wanted to say, if you don't listen to what you are doing, you are talking about cutting it in two while saying it is the Sun Sword. . . . . .

However, although Lin Yun wanted to complain, the opponent obviously would not pay attention to it.

I saw the super light user raising the Sun Sword in his hand high, and raging flames emerged from the super light user's hand.

Lin Yun could only say this. . . . . Oops, I dropped my Ice Box. . . . .

Then. . . . .

"That's right. Not only did you not run away, but you dared to approach me. Die." Lin Yun directly activated Ling Ren and began to bully them.

After the B-level Hong Kong comic powerhouse, even the undead can be intimidated by Lin Yun, let alone the manipulative Demon King.

"Intimidate check: . . . ."

"W48+5=23." "Causes 23 points of morale penalty."

At this moment, through the ability of the super light envoy, Dadi, who was immersed in the scene and could clearly see everything outside, seemed to see a terrifying image.

A huge phantom appeared behind Lin Yun, but it was not a phantom with a human body and a snake's tail. . . . . With three heads and six arms and an image of a bull's head, it looks like a fierce existence with a copper head and an iron brain.

Chi You, the leader of the army.

This is the image of "Martial Arts Will" that Lin Yun decided on after considering it for a long time.

After all, using the phantom of my mother, ah, no, it’s the phantom of Lady Nuwa as the image of martial arts will, there is always a subtle feeling.

It feels like a naughty child using his own mother as a shield, cough cough cough.

As for Chi You, he was the ancient god of war after all. After the Yellow Emperor defeated Chi You, he used Chi You as a banner in every fight, showing Chi You's ferocity.

And to be honest, Lin Yun was actually thinking about whether to learn the ability of three heads and six arms.

After all, there is actually a deeper level of evolution in fighting between the left and right hands. Each additional hand can release one more move.

In other words, if he had six hands, Lin Yun could even directly send out six different Tathagata Palms.

Ahem, in short, it feels weird to use your own mother to bluff people, but Chi You is more professional.

With the appearance of Boss Chi You, Dadi felt that he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood for a moment, and the shadow of the divine sword in his hand paused for a moment.

After all, it is a magic robot, so the way the Super Light Envoy is controlled is somewhat different from the way ordinary robots are controlled.

The earth is on a six-pointed star plane, just like playing a holographic image game. Whatever he does here, the super light envoy outside will do the same.

Therefore, the Sun God Sword in the hands of the super light user outside at this time also paused slightly. Lin Yun, who was already difficult to aim, suddenly became even more difficult to aim.

But even so, the sword still struck down viciously.

"The world is uncertain." Lin Yun grinned, looked at the super light user who paused for a moment, raised his hand, and a Tai Chi pattern rose up.

This sword struck the Tai Chi pattern in Lin Yun's hand. The huge Sun God Sword was already longer than Lin Yun's height just by its width. Lin Yun blocked the front with his hand, just like a mantis blocking a car. , looks very funny.

And just then. . . . . "What are you going to do to Lin Yun?!"

It was Ji Qi. After following Lin Yun out, she saw Lin Yun protecting her behind him. She smiled sweetly at first, but she soon reacted.

That means that when she comes here, she is not simply protected by Lin Yun.

It should even be said that the most unacceptable thing for her now is to be protected by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's previous experience made Lin Yun have a psychological shadow about the paralysis that was so thick to a certain extent. But on the other hand, Ji Qi was actually the same. She actually always felt very uncomfortable about Lin Yun's protection of her and being hurt. Guilt.

Therefore, she could not accept Lin Yun's protection for her even more. At this moment, she saw the super light user rushing up and slashing at Lin Yun head on.

Ji Qi just snorted coldly, and then came to Lin Yun.

It's like "teleporting".

Acacia Guard, this is a spell that Ji Qi cast on Lin Yun. Of course, Lin Yun didn't know about this spell.

Because this was a spell that Ji Qi conveniently used when using his mind.

The effect is very simple.

That is, during the duration of the effect, within the field of vision, when you "see" that the target is about to be attacked, you can use your reaction to teleport yourself to the position where the target is about to be attacked, and block it behind you.

Then because of the "directional" attack of the Ruyi Divine Sword, it was designated as Ji Qi.

so. . . . . Do not move!

But before that, Ji Qi's body was illuminated by bursts of white fluorescence, making Ji Qi look whiter than snow, like a saint above the nine heavens, and like a hazy mist.

Pure and quiet, with a beautiful heart and hair blowing in the wind, it is a beautiful scene.

Even Lin Yun felt a little confused.

At this time, Ji Qi stretched out one of his hands, and the fluorescence made Ji Qi's hand look like white jade.

The Super Ruyi Divine Sword finally cut down.

But he was caught by Ji Qi's hand, unexpectedly. . . . . blocked.

Use your hands! ! !

No, no, not just with hands. At this time, everyone around also saw that at some point, a huge golden bell appeared on Ji Qi's body and was wrapped around her body.

And when the Sun God Sword struck Ji Qi's hand, Lin Yun seemed to hear it vaguely. . . . . "Duang!!!"

Very crisp and quaint sound.

(End of this chapter)

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