Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 198: Diverting trouble to the east

Chapter 198: Diverting trouble to the east
This is the most useful ability of the Spiral Clan, although the Spiral Clan here in the Gods Space cannot directly expel the foreign matter inside like the original version.

But it is possible to transfer the damaged part and then discharge it as if excreting it, which is very mysterious.

Of course, if it is discharged in this way, it will lose the ability of the current super giant robot, but if the smallest part is discharged, it will not be a big problem.

Among these fused bodies, the weakest and most useless one is not the Sakurawu as a D-class vehicle, but the Phantom Tank as a C-class vehicle.

Life: 25
Armor: 11
Hardness: 5
Output: 9 Mobility: 11
During fusion, when all these values ​​are halved, it can basically be said to have little impact.

The reason for integrating this one is that in the Red Alert world they went to before, they only had time to get this tank. Originally, they wanted to get a Mitsubishi tank or an invincible Apocalypse tank, but it was a pity. The only thing is that the Apocalypse tank is too roomy and difficult to deal with, while the Mitsubishi tank is too brittle and can explode if not careful. . . . .

Moreover, the invisibility effect of this thing is relatively easy to use.

Stealth system: This vehicle has B-level technological essential anti-detection capabilities.

Although it is said to be C-level, it has B-level anti-detection invisibility effect. Their Tianyuan Breakthrough is super! The Milky Way is just too big. Without invisibility, it would be very troublesome.

However, now that the battle has begun, there is no need to be invisible for the time being, so in this case, it is better to eliminate the guys who invade the body directly.

So I saw this Tianyuan breakthrough. Super! There was a tumbling and turning on Yinhe's huge body. Xiong Daiyu inside felt that the world was spinning and the world was turned upside down.

Realizing that the opponent was moving, she quickly flew up, trying to stabilize her body and perform a reflex save. Then she swung her black iron heavy sword and slashed towards the ceiling in a direction that might have been the ceiling.

This time, it was cut open easily, which surprised Xiong Daiyu a little.

Flying out of the gap, Xiong Daiyu was a little surprised to see that at some point, she was already in a tank that was slightly larger than the normal tank. And not very far away from her, it was Tianyuan. Breakthrough. Super! The incomparably huge body of the Milky Way.

She was actually discharged like this, like excrement.

"It's here, attack, attack!" Longze Tama shouted quickly.

"Brother, this is a woman, what a pity." Long Ze Ermo said subconsciously.

"Baga Yalu, what are you thinking about? You are still thinking about these things at this time, but don't worry about that woman for now. Let's kill the guy who uses the Buddha's seal first." Longze Xiaomo roared and shouted.

Although they couldn't understand what Tathagata Palm was, they could see Lin Yun holding the Buddha's seal with one hand.

"That's right, let's hit the guy with the Buddha's seal first." Longze Ermo shouted quickly.

"No, that guy is too tough. Let's kill the other guys first. Yes, and hurry up and find that guy just now. He actually made six attack rolls at once. This will consume a lot of our spiral power. Hurry up." Longze Duoma But he shouted loudly.

After all, just like Lin Yun was able to know the defense composition of this super giant mecha through attacks, Longze Duoma and the others could also see Lin Yun's strength from the defense composition, although they couldn't tell. . . . . Most of them are inflatables.

"We found it. It's on the other side of Master Bachi's castle. What should we do?" Xiaomo Longze, who was responsible for paying attention to some small things, looked at the radar display, and then controlled the field of view of the different-dimensional cab to turn around. In fact, It is observed through the face.

"What? So far? Trouble." Long Ze's expression became tangled for a moment.

Because as long as they don't engage in any behavior such as escaping or sneak attack, they can automatically recover the spiral force of the time after starting the battle divided by 6 every 6 seconds or so.


Among them, the two abilities of driving and defense require 3 spiral powers, and are calculated for each attack and defense.

By the way, because they made a sneak attack when they came out, the calculation doesn't start until 6 seconds later.

And because there is no way to get higher, grace and determination are lower, so determination is about 30, which can have high enough willpower. In addition, the inherent bonus of grace and determination of the Spiral clan bloodline is increased.

So there is still some willpower that can be consumed for the time being.

And like the one just now, Sakuya Izayoi's six attacks were equivalent to consuming 18 points of their willpower at once.

If this continues, their willpower will soon be exhausted.

"No matter what, just bombard them." Longze Tama shouted loudly.

"Isn't this bad? Madam Bachi will be angry." Longze Ermo frowned slightly.

"Three against two, forget it, and the consumption problem is really troublesome, then, up, up, up." After only a moment of hesitation, Longze Xiaomo also said.

All this happened in just a few seconds, and while they were discussing, they didn't let go.

At this time, they have used willpower instead of spiral power consumption, and then repaired the damage suffered by the mecha. This is the ability of the C-level spiral clan. 3 points of spiral power can restore the body's 8 health points, and 3 people are 24 health points. Compared with the damage caused by Lin Yun just now, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, but it is still a lot.

"Izayoi, run." Lin Yun could see the huge robot looking in the other direction, and understood the other party's purpose.

"Received." Sakuya Izayoi nodded slightly, even. . . . She also bowed slightly towards Lin Yun with some grace and maid etiquette, and then. . . . It turned into a phantom and disappeared.

When it comes to escaping, she is a professional, and with her invincible time magic, she can continue to be elegant.

But almost the moment she disappeared.




Bursts of shelling sounds came, and a large number of shooting ports could be seen on the huge mecha, and then cannons poked out from inside.

Then a large number of cannonballs tilted down in the direction of the castle.

One of the cannons, which was much larger than the other cannons, directly emitted a plasma beam.

This is the main gun of the Prowler tank, the Type 31 particle cannon. The basic weapon damage is 16L due to volume adjustment, armor breaking is 8, extra dice, and super penetration.

This is a special main gun that can store energy. When it attacked Lin Yun and the others, it had already started to store energy.

Every 6 seconds of charging, you can gain an additional 4L of weapon damage, and armor penetration +4.

In addition, there is Silver Shield's city-breaking main gun. The basic weapon damage is 28L, but the activation speed is slower. After all, Silver Shield is strictly speaking, just a transport ship.

Its main ability is support.

Then these artillery are vehicle weapons. Under the ability of the Spiral family, determination or grace can be used as the key attribute. Although they are called "firearms", driving can be used instead of "firearms (artillery)."

So as long as you have high abilities, there is almost no big difference between melee and long-range combat for these mechas, that is, it is more convenient and practical to have skills in melee combat.

The blue plasma beam pierced the sky almost instantly, and then penetrated the castle, causing one side of the castle to collapse and slightly "grazing" a little of Sakuya Izayoi's clothes?
In addition to the plasma beam, a large number of artillery shells had already hit the castle, exploding bursts of holes and dust like a ground-washing bombing.

"Despicable foreigner!!!" Because of the distance, this voice could only be heard by Sakuya Izayoi, who was not very far away.

It was a mature soprano, and then accompanied by a scream, white bacteria burst out, and a huge, alien-shaped dragon stood up from the ruins of the castle.

Compared with ordinary giant dragons, this one looks like an indescribable mass, not to mention a bunch of tentacles, and there is a body that looks like a eight-foot-long man in the middle.

It feels a bit like those monsters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, such as Taotie.

"The plan was successful." Sakuya Izayoi looked at the giant dragon that emerged with a slight smile on his face.

This was also the suggestion made by Xiong Daiyu during the previous investigation. If the opponent player is not in the same camp as the villain in this Resident Evil world, then maybe they can divert the trouble to the east.

Especially things like spaceships and mechas that are very good at suppressing firepower at first glance, and have strong firepower, so. . . . . A little guidance, if possible, would be the best case scenario.

After all, Lin Yun was actually a little worried. What if he really couldn't beat him? It would be better to find the BOSS of the Resident Evil to block the sword.

As long as it can delay time, especially if it attracts Miranda's attention.

If Lin Yun really wants to complete the main mission, it is not completely impossible. If Lin Yun makes full use of hit and run, steal and so on, he can actually do it.

With Lin Yun's super speed, combined with his ground-escape flying skills, Lin Yun could collect Rose's body in a very short time.

"Huh?" Master Hachisha, who was not very sensitive, turned his white body and looked in the direction of Sakuya Izayoi, but Sakuya Izayoi had already disappeared, slipping away as he pleased.

But just in time, perhaps taking advantage of this time, Sakuya Izayoi stretched out a finger and tapped her chin, then smiled slightly.

At this time, the eight-foot-long man turned into an alien dragon, spread his somewhat broken wings, and flew in the direction of the super-large mecha.

After all, that giant mecha was obviously the culprit that destroyed her home! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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