Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 261 On how to resolve doubts

Chapter 261 On how to resolve doubts

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" At this time, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who was holding a cane and lowering his eyebrows, looking like an old man, looked at Lin Yun and the others.

Just when Lin Yun subconsciously wanted to tell the background setting mentioned before, Old Man Shan used his crutch and said, "Put away your tricks, kid, if you really just want to ask those who control the mechas, People, you shouldn’t come here like this.”

Obviously, in Old Man Shan's view, this reason seems a bit untenable, but it doesn't matter, Lin Yun has something that can stand firm.

So after hearing what Old Man Shan said, Lin Yun pondered for a moment, and then said, "Those who control the mechas are indeed our targets, there is no doubt about it." Just when Old Man Shan began to frown slightly, Lin Yun Yun Fei said quickly, "But... Captain Yamamoto, I hope there can be a barrier to isolate detection, and what follows is somewhat..."

"Lord Genryusai?" After hearing Lin Yun's words, Takuchojiro, who was standing on the side, frowned slightly and looked at Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni.

If this were a normal situation, if a "high-level person" was allowed to come into contact with a guy who was an enemy before, without letting anyone hear, he would probably be suspicious of Tu Qiongdeng.

But considering that this boss is the strongest Shinigami in the history of Soul Society, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni seems to be no problem.

"It doesn't matter, set up a barrier." Old Man Shan just said without any hesitation.

"Yes." After hearing what the boss said, what else could Chojiro say?

Lin Yun and the others couldn't help but sweat.

Except for the more "special" death of Kurosaki Masaki, in fact all Quincy who are sanctified will be chronically killed by a silver blood clot produced in the heart during the sanctification.

"Inflicts 0 fear points."

"Follow it." Old Man Shan continued.

"Phew, then I can tell you, Lord Captain of Soul Society, how do you feel about having your old enemy at your feet?" Lin Yun looked relieved at first, and then said.


"Nonsense." Old Man Shan said with a cold snort.

“Stand firm: . . . ”

To translate, this embryo killer has killed too many people and has too many enemies, so I don’t know who Lin Yun is talking about?
"The ancestor of the Quincy, Yhwach." Lin Yun said the name slowly.

"Can you say it now?" Old Man Shan opened one eye slightly and looked at Lin Yun. An invisible pressure enveloped Lin Yun and the others.

"It takes 900 years to get the heartbeat back, 90 years to get the consciousness back, 9 years to get the power back, 9 days to get the world back. This is the prophecy spread among the Quincy." Lin Yun said like a magician.

Fortunately, it's just casual intimidation, not a very powerful ability.

"Yes." Takuchojiro took action again, and this time even the underground was closed.

"If it is said that he has regained his consciousness, do you still think it is nonsense? Seven years ago, as a god of death, you may not know it, but we do know that all Quincy who are not pure blood, It should even be said that some people with special abilities died suddenly." Lin Yun said eloquently.

When there's an issue to pursue, just create a bigger issue. JPG
"Impossible, he is already dead." Old Man Shan said these words almost instantly.

"Can the ground also be sealed?" Lin Yun sensed it and then said.

7 years ago, that is, 2 years before the Millennium Blood War Chapter 9 years later, it was when Kurosaki Ichigo’s mother Kurosaki Masaki died. She was supposed to be a pure-blood Quincy because she was eroded by the power of the Hollow. Therefore, he became impure, causing Masaki Kurosaki who was originally fighting a Hollow to suddenly lose his power and be killed by a guy who was nothing more than a weak Hollow at the time.

After all, Old Man Shan was once known as the Demon of Swords. At that time, he would do whatever it took to win, and even his subordinates regarded him as dust. But now he has more things to protect, so he has become The look on his face became kind.

So as he clapped his hands, layers of barriers were formed, and feeling the fluctuations of spiritual pressure on Chojiro's side made many people pay attention to this side.

"Huh? Who?" Old Man Shan frowned. . . . . Feeling a little confused.

"According to our elders, this is called sanctification, and it is the ability used by Yhwach to forcibly absorb the power of those who have received favors from him in the past."

This kind of silver that specifically corresponds to the power of the Holy Spirit was called static silver by Ishida Uryu's father, Ishida Ryūsen. When Yhwach used the Holy Spirit, a silver arrowhead made of this silver hit him and moved the general. It will transform into silence, causing Yhwach to stop moving and become unable to move.

Speaking of which, this thing is one of the reasons why Kurosaki Ichigo was able to defeat the BUG of Yhwach.

This time, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni did not directly refute, but fell silent.

Seeing that Old Man Shan seemed a little convinced, Lin Yun continued, "Because of that holy ceremony, we found a lot of things. After all, during the holy ceremony, some of our relatives and friends died. "Guess where is the Quincy headquarters we found?" Lin Yun laughed as he spoke. "You don't want to say that it's underground in Jinglingting. It's really ridiculous." At this time, Chojiro, who was on the side, couldn't help but think of Lin Yun's request just now, and then said.

"Almost, but to be more specific, it is the existence in the shadow, which is called the invisible empire." Lin Yun said with a somewhat sarcastic smile, "Who would have thought that after the defeat a thousand years ago, the gods of death would sing and dance to welcome the victory. , but those Quincy took the opportunity to escape to the Jinglingting, and created a spirit space in the shadow.

A dull explosion sounded.

I saw the old man forcefully smashing the camouflage of the cane in his hand, revealing the Zanpakutō inside, and the strongest fire-type Zanpakutō in Soul Society came out.

From the bulging blue veins, we can see the mood of Old Man Shan at this moment. . . . . . Very unbeautiful.

"Call Nirvana over." With a somewhat low tone, Old Man Shan muttered. Suddenly he seemed to remember something, "And call that bastard Chun Shui over."

"Yes." At this time, Chojiro also realized that what Lin Yun said seemed to be true, and left in a hurry.

But after Takuchojiro left, the barrier suddenly became dull.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni didn't ask any more questions, and Lin Yun also stayed silent to avoid making too many mistakes.

Soon, because Jingraku Shunsui was already nearby, he wandered in at this time, "Oh, why are you so serious?" Looking at the expressions of Lin Yun and Old Man Shan, Jingraku Shunsui blinked.

Lin Yun on the side almost thought that a clown was out.

"Stand aside." Old Man Shan's breathing seemed to become heavier for a moment, and then he said.

"Okay." Seeing that the situation seemed serious, Jingraku Shunsui scratched his head, then came to Lin Yun's side and said with a familiar look, "What's going on?"

In response, Lin Yun shook his head slightly.

After about ten minutes, Jingraku Shunsui on one side was almost scratching his head. He wore a black and white mask on his face and a death-defying suit with an everted dark purple collar. He looked weird and had an avant-garde artistic style. The captain of the twelfth division and the current director of the Technology Development Bureau, Niryuri came to the barrier.

"So, what's the matter? Captain?" Nirvana said angrily with a sense of impatience.

"You...say what you just said again." Old Man Shan looked at Lin Yun and said directly.

So Lin Yun naturally started explaining again.

"Yeah." After listening to Lin Yun's words, Nie Shuli's eyes began to move around in a mess, which seemed to show that the brain was moving at a high speed, although it seemed a little bit. . . . . Feeling retarded.

"It's actually a shadow?" Jingraku Shunsui on this side couldn't help but frowned.

Because it just so happens that Kyōraku Shunsui's Zanpakutō, Katen Kuangko, has the ability to regularize some traditional games, so that those around him can only fight according to the rules of the game.

Among them is an ability called Shadow Ghost.

It is an ability transformed from the game of stepping on shadows. The rule is that the person whose shadow is stepped on loses, and the transformed ability is to be able to hide in the opponent's shadow and attack, and even the attacked party will be affected by the shadow. When hurt, it will also be reflected on the body, and you can also hide yourself in the shadow to avoid attacks.

Generally speaking, the ability of the Zanpakutō is considered a relatively secretive thing, and Mr. Shan has been Kyoraku Shunsui's teacher for such a long time, so he naturally has a certain understanding of it.

So when Lin Yun said this shadow statement, Old Man Shan subconsciously looked for technicians first, and then looked for Jingle Chunshui.

"Oh? It sounds like you know something about Kyōraku Captain?" Nirvana's eyes stopped and he looked directly at Kyōraku Shunsui.

"You guys wait a minute, I'll try to communicate with the Zanpakutō." At this time, Kyoraku Shunsui no longer had the playful smile on his face before, but became serious.

He finally looks like a slightly more reliable uncle, well, that's if you don't look at the pink mantle behind him that is supposed to be worn by women.

As he said this, Jingraku Shunsui closed his eyes and became silent.

Old Man Shan didn't say much, he just waited.

After a few minutes or so, Kyoraku Shunsui opened his eyes and said directly, "Brother, do you mind if I treat you as the target of my Zanpakutō?"

"Can you tell me?" Although he already knew the capabilities of the Kyōraku Shunsui Zanpakutō, Lin Yun still asked in order to avoid making Old Man Shan and the others think too much.

(End of this chapter)

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